Contents of N1/2011

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Economic nature and essence of competitiveness
Taranuha Ju.V., Doctor of Economics., professor of Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov
Definition “competition” is used too often and too widely at the time being that lost its subject destination and used for describing of different forms of interactions in various areas. Moreover it is used for interactions both in society and nature. That is why it is logically to start research of competition by definition of the term “competition”.
Êeywords: competition, rivalry, competetiveness, contest, the nature of selection, economic competition.

1. Berg D.B., Goldstein S.L. A Set of Conceptual Models of Competition in Physical and Economical Systems // Intellectica, logistics, systemology. – 2001. – Issues. 4–5.
2. Galperin V.M., Ignatiev S.M., Morgunov V.I. Microeconomics – St.Petersburg : School of Economics, 2002. – Volume. 2.
3. History of economical theories (modern times) // Edited by A.G. Hoodokormov . – Ì. : Infra-Ì, 2002.
4. Kirtsner I. Competition and business activity. – Ì. : Unity, 2001.
5. Klepatch A.N. Òheory of capitalist competition: Marxist and bourgeois approach // Moscow University Vestnik. Series. 6. Economics. – 1991. – ¹ 1.
6. Corsini R., Auerbach A. Encyclopedia of Psychology. – 2nd edition. – St.Petersburg : Peter, 2003.
7. Kropotkin P. Mutual help among animals and people as engine of progress.– Petrograd, Ìîscow, 1919.
8. Marx K., Engels F. Essays. – 2nd edition. – Volume. 20, page. 622; v. 34, p. 134.
9. Marshall A Principles of Political Economics : in 3 volumes. – Ì. : Progress, 1983. – Ò. I.
10. L. fon  Mizes. Human action. Òractat on theory of Economics. – Ì. : Economics, 2000.
11. Odum Yu.  Ecology : in 2 volumes. – Ì. : Ìir, 1986.
12. Radaev V.V. Sociology of Markets: heading for a new direction – Ì. : State University-Higher School of Economics, 2004.
13. Svetunkov S.G., Kindeeva V.N., Salihova Ya.Yu. Segment approach to retargeting of theory of competition. – St.Petersburg : SPbGUEF, 2006.
14. Stigler J. Perfect competition, historical review // Milestones of economic thought. –St.Petersburg, 1995. – V. 2.
15. Hayek F.A. Individualizm and economic order. – Ì. : Èzograph, 2000.
16. Shmelev A.G. Efficient competition. Experience of construction of congregative concept– Ì. : Ìagistr, 1997.
17. Deutch M. A theory of cooperation and competition // Hum. Relat. – 1949. – Vol. 2.
18. Deutch M. An experimental study of the effects of cooperation and competition upon group performance // Hum. Relat. – 1949. – Vol. 2.
19. Dickson P.R. The static and dynamic mechanisms of competition: a comment on Hunt and Morgan’s comparative advantage theory // Journal of Marketing. – 1996. – Vol. 60, ¹ 4.
20. Knight F.H. Immutable Law in Economics: Its Reality and Limitations. // American Economic Review. – 1946. – May.
21. McNulty P.J. A note on the history of perfect competition // Journal of Political Economy. – 1967. – Vol. 75, ¹ 4.
22. McNulty P.J. Economic Theory and the Meaning of Competition // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. – 1968. – Vol. 82, ¹ 4.
23. Perroux F. Pouvoir et economie. – Paris, 1979.
24. Stigler G.J. Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated // Journal of Political Economy. – 1957. – Feb.
25. Weber M. Basic Sociological Terms // Economy and society. – 1978. – Vol. I.


The evaluation of customer satisfaction of catering services in Arkhangelsk by N. Kano’s method
Shadrina S.V., Ph.D. in Economics, senior teacher of International Marketing chair of Lomonosov Pomorsky State University
The article is devoted to the one of the methods of evaluation of consumer satisfaction which is known as Kano method. The usage of this method is illustrated by Arkhangelsk public catering services sector. The research conducted in May, 2010 established the factors leading to increase in consumer satisfaction. The author also makes conclusions regarding how to use the results of this research for development of marketing policy.
Êeywords: consumer satisfaction, Kano method.

1. Akselrod D. Is it difficult to assess loyalty? Àêñåëüðîä Ä. Ñëîæíî ëè îöåíèòü ëîÿëüíîñòü // Ìàrketing communications. – 2005. – ¹ 5.
2. Arenkov I., Bitchun Yu. Evaluation of customer base of a company in the framework of relationship marketing concept. // Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Series. 8. – 2005. – Issue. 1.
3. Best R. Ìarket-based Management/– Ì. : Ìann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2008.
4. Gricef D. A Dozen problems of application-oriented evaluations of consumer satisfaction.Äþæèíà ïðîáëåì ïðèêëàäíûõ èçìåðåíèé ïîòðåáèòåëüñêîé óäîâëåòâîðåííîñòè // Marketing. Òheory and practice. – 2007. – ¹ 1.
5. Duffy R. Strategies of customer loyalty // Ìàrketing communications. – 2005. – ¹ 4.
6. Kan B. This elusive customer loyalty // Ìàðêåting digest. – 2004. – ¹ 3.
7. Komkova E. Defining the picture of buyer and shop visitor to increase sales of distribution network. // Ìàrketing and marketing research. – 2006. – ¹ 1.
8. Kulikova Z. The useless methods to research satisfaction // Ìàrketing communications. – 2005. – ¹
9. Semeva T. Does a consumer feel good? // Ìàrketing and marketing research. – 2005. – ¹ 4.
10. Hill N. How to evaluate satisfaction of consumers / N. Hill, G. Brierly, R. Ìac-Dugol. – Ì. : Infra-Ì, 2005.
11. Chaldini R. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion . – St.Petersburg : Peter, 2008.
12. Seiders Ê., Voss G., Grewal D., Godfrey A. Do Satisfied Customers Buy More & Examining Moderating Influences in a Retailing Context // Journal of Marketing. – 2005. – Vol. 69.

Tourist activity research
Baranov A.E., cofounder and director of Newmann Bauer Marketing Group,
This study resulted from hard work of Newmann Bauer Marketing Group, headed by the author Andrey Baranov. They studied the tourist activity of the population during the last few years. In the first part the focus is on the unique formation of Russian tourism associated with the Iron Curtain collapse and Russian integration into the international economic space and on general overview of the tourism business associated with the entry of foreign citizens in Russia and the departure of the Russians abroad. In the second part the author monitored 4,254 sites of a tourist destination, including reviews of holiday supply agencies, websites of travel agencies, transportation services (carriers, airports), the sites of individual cities and resorts, tour guides and hotel websites. After analyzing the traffic of sites of tourist categories, its daily changes, traffic distribution within a single category, the traffic of international and domestic sites, the ratings categories, Newmann Bauer made a rating of 15 most popular among Russians countries and resorts, seasonal fluctuation in demanding for tourism resources and themes which are popular among visitors of Tourist Internet projects. In the final part of the research Andrey Baranov studied a segment of business tourism (MICE).
Keywords: tourism, tourist rest, business tourism, MICE, popular resorts, countries, tourist activities, tourist traffic.

1. National Business Association website
2. Russian Business Consulting(RBC) website
3. Federal Boarder Guard Service website
4. World Trade Organisation website
5. UNWTO — World Tourism Organisation website

Dynamics of expenditures on small and large household appliance per annum
Markova K.P., The head of marketing research department of  MAR Consult,
MAR Consult1 engaged in research of trends in consumer spending on different categories of goods for the last year completed marketing research of spendings on small and big household appliances in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekateringburg, Kazan, Omsk, Samara, Krasnodar. This research included 1350 respondents at the age of 25–55.
Êeywords: household appliances, satisfaction with quality, durable goods, chain stores.


Managing customer retention
Golubkova E.N., Ph.D. in Economics, professor of Chair of Marketing of Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov
The author examines the notion «holding the consumers» and the myths associated with it; he defines connection between holding the consumers and their satisfaction and loyalty. The factors of holding the consumers are described. The author takes as example and demonstrates strategic and tactical techniques to hold the consumers.
Êeywords: holding, loyalty, loyalty mechanism, to manage holding, alternative model of holding, holding factors, value, basic needs.

1. Golubkova E.N. Marketing communications. – 3rd edition. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2011.
2. Robert C. Blattberg, Gery Getz, Jacquelin S. Thomas. Customer Equity. Building and Managing Relationship as Valuable Assets. – Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2001.
3. Managing relationship with consumers : ïåð. ñ àíãë. – Ì. : Àlpina Business Books, 2007.

Structure of politician’s public image: V. Putin and D. Medvedev
Gorchakova V.G., Senior staff scientist, Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University,
Public image for a politician is like a good advertising for a product. But in contrast to direct and annoying advertisement the image of a statesman can be discussed for long time. More than that, absence of information or poor reaction of population to speeches and actions of the persons number 1 in the state or to their image in general (especially facing direct electing campaign when electing program is launched) is dangerous.
Êeywords: image, àrchetype, projection, prototype, stereotype, social role, programming of mind.

1. Ananiev B.G. Selected works on Psychology: in 2 volumes. V. 1 / Edited by. À.À. Bodalev, B.F. Lomov. – Ì. : Pedagogika, 1980.
2. Arutyunova N.D. Metaphor and Discourse // Òheory and Metaphor : collected volume / Edited by. N.D. Arutyunova and Ì.À. Jurinskaya. – Ì., 1990.
3. Galumov E.A. International image of modern Russia : Political analysis : dissertation of Ph.D. in Politics . – Ì., 2004.
4. Losev A.F.  Dialectics of Myth – Ì., 1990
5. Ericson E. Identity : youth and crisis. – Ì., 1996.
6. Yung K.G. Soul and Myth. Six archetypes. – Kiev : State library of executive secretary, 1996.
7. Yung K.G., Noiman E. Psychological Analysis and Art. – Êiev : Vokler, 1996.
8. Yung K.G. Psychological Types. – St. Petersburg, 2001.

Some methods of promoting journals to the market of the professional publications
Solomahin M.S., Deputy Head of Marketing «Business and Services»,
The article lists the most popular magazines in the market of professional publications.
Keywords: promotion of the magazine, methods of promotion in the professional publications.

1. Gurevich S.M. Business Media. — M., 2001. — C.7.
2. Tufanov V. Theory of online marketing. The history of creating the site of the journal “New Marketing”. / / New Marketing . — 2002. — ¹ 6.
3. Russian scientific journals: from print to online (results of the research readiness of Russian editions of the transition from traditional print journals to electronic versions of issues) — Http://
4. News magazine
5. That reading researchers? The results of the annual survey of OMI (Online Market Intelligence) —
6. Shimanov D. Blogosphere: hidden marketing or marketing research? -


About definitions «banking product» and «banking service»
Shved D.E. Post graduate student of Chair of Marketing of REU named after G.V. Plekchanov
Such notions as “banking product”, “banking service” are analysed. The meaning of these notions, as it is shown in the article, is not defined clearly. The author pays attention to the necessity to differ notions “option that a customer can get from the bank” and “service provided by the bank”. Commenting upon banking services the aurthor focuses on such features as intangibility, volatility of quality (nonuniformity) of services, disability of services to be separated from the producer and to be stored. 
Êeywords: banking marketing, banking product, banking service, main services, additional services.

1. Barrel T. Banking industry : strategic guidance / Edited by V. Platonov, Ì. Higgins. – Ì. : Consultbankir, 1998.
2. Burmenko T.D., Danilenko N.N., Turenko T.A. Service sector : economics / Edited by T.D. Burmenko. – Ì. : Ênorus, 2007.
3. Golubkov E.P. Òheory and methodology of marketing. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2008.
4. Doyl P.  Ìanagement: strategy and tactics. – St.Petersburg : Peter, 1999.
5. ISO 9004.2:1991 «General guidance by the quality and the elements of the quality system. Guidelines on services»; GOST R 50646-94 «Services for population, terms and definitions».
6. Korobov Yu.I. Banking marketing. – Saratov : Saratov Economical Academy, 1997.
7. Kotler F. Marketing. – St. Petersburg : Peter, 2001.
8. Economics: study course / Edited. by B.À. Rizeberg. – 3rd edition, suppl. – Ì. : Infra-Ì, 2001.
9. Lavlok K. Marketing of services : personnel, òåchnology, strategy : translated from English. – 4th edition. – Ì. : Williams, 2005.
10. Lavlok K., Gammelson E. Ìàrketing of services – what comes next? Looking for new paradigm and fresh trends// Ìàrketing and marketing research. – 2006. – ¹ 2, 3.
11. Markova V.D. Marketing of services. – Ì. : Finances and statistics, 1996.
12. Nikolaeva A.M. Ìàrketing of products and services. – Ì. : Business literature, 2001.
13. Simonov K.V.  Exhibitional marketing : economical contents of special definitions and terms // Marketing in Russia and abroad . – 2010. – ¹ 6.
14. Stakhanov V.N., Stakhanov D.V. Ìàrketing of service sector. – Ì.: Expert buro, 2001.
15. Usoskin V.M. Modern commercial bank : îperations and management. – Ì. : Vazar-Ferro, 1994.


Cluster creating as a tool for increasing competitiveness
Somova K.Y., post-graduate student of The Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
The author focuses on international experience of successful operation, early-stage development, degradation and renaissance of economic clusters. Experience of functioning of clusters is shown in terms of Israel biotechnological cluster, processes of early-stage development of clusters are described in terms of cluster of testing cars in Winter (City of Archeplog, Sweden) and cluster of medical equipment (state of Ìinnesota, USA). Processes of cluster degradation are analysed in terms of experience of Western Europe including experience of German textile cluster, Bulgarian wool cluster and through comperative analysis of Swedish and American cellulose and paper industry. The processes of renaissance of clusters are shown by the author separately with relation to wine cluster of California, cinema industry of Hollywood and other foreign clusters.
Êeywords: clusters, competitive power.

1. Vaan Der Linde, C. Cluster Meta-Study: Clusters and Bibliography. – HBS, 2006.
2. Bell, A. Microeconomics of Competitiveness – Israeli Biotechnology Sector. – HBS, 2006.
3. Solvell, O. Clusters: Balancing evolutionary and constructive forces. – Second edition. – Odeshog, 2009.
4. Porter M. Competition : – Ì. : Williams, 2005.
5. Orsenigo, G. The (failed) development of a biotechnology cluster: The case of Lombardy // Small Business Economics. – 2001. – 17.
6. Grabher, G. The Weakness of Strong Ties. The Lock-in of Regional Development in the Ruhr Area // The Embedded Firm / ed. G. Grabher. – L. : Routledge, 1993.
7. Tichy, G. Regionale Kompetenzzyklen – Zur Bedeutung Von Produktlebenszyklus – Und Clusteransatzen Im Regionalen Kontext // Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie. – 2001. – 45.
8. Jacobs, J. The Economy of Cities. – N. Y. : Vintage Books, 1969.
9. Kohler, S., Otto, A. The role of new firms for the development of clusters in Germany. – Institute of Employment Research. Germany, 2006.
10. Ganev, G. A case study of a Bulgarian woolen textile firm «Wooltex AD» // The Institute for Market Economics (IME). – 2006. – Vol. 20.
11. Tappi, D. Clusters, adaptation and extroversion – A cognitive and entrepreneurial analysis of the Marche music cluster // European Urban and Regional Studies. – 2005. – 12.
12. Todtling, F., Òrippl, M. Like Phoenix from the Ashes? The Renewal of Clusters in Old Industrial Areas // Urban Studies. – 2004. – Vol. 41.

Improvement in competitive position of machine-building enterprises due to achievement of specified competitive technical–and–economic indices
Samochkin V.N., Doctor of Economics, Chief Operating Officer of Production Association «Òulamashzavod»
System of competitive technical and economical indicators of machine-building industry is analysed. The author gives formulas for calculation of these indicators as well as their criterion values.
Keywords: competitive power, machine-building company, competitive technical and economical indicators, criterion values.

1. Samochkin V.N. Flexible development of a company: analysis and planning. – Ì. : Business, 2000.

Enhancement of competitive ability of higher education institutå
Shamonov P.A., Post graduate student of Chair of Marketing of REU named after G.V. Plekchanov
The noticeable feature of modern education appear to be a wide range of educational services, which contributes to the intensity of competition. This fact encourages universities to develop new competitive advantages.
The article describes the importance of educational services in terms of their dynamics within the development of the university, considered its role in the creation of a fundamentally new way of cooperation between the stakeholders involved directly or indirectly in the chain of production and consumption of education services. This is possible through the establishment of mutual values that will allow the combined competitive advantage for all stakeholders.
The article proposes to develop the core of this common on the basis of the educational process, with emphasis on the implementation of the database as an important component of this process.
Êeywords: higher school, educational services, competitive power, study course, data base.

1. Kaibiyainen A.A., Salakhutdinova L.R. Marketing activity in non-state higher schools//
2. Decision of Buro meeting UrO RAS ¹3  24.10.01 ã. // Education and Science. – 2001. – ¹ 6 (12). – Ñ. 5–7.
3. Philosofova T.G., Bykov V.A. Competition and competitive power : text book. – Ì.: UNITY-DANA, 2007. – Ñ. 8.
4. Sulpovar L.B. Ìàrketing of household products and services. – Ì. : UNITY, 2002. – P. 62.
5. Lamben J.J. Strategical marketing. – St.Petersburg : Nauka, 2002. – P. 82.
6. Pankruhin A.P. Ìàrketing of educational services // Ìàrketing in Russia and abroad. – 1997. – ¹ 6 – pp. 79–85.
7. Kuyarova L.Ya., Ponomarev I.P. Research on marketing services demanded by medium-sized business. // Ìàrketing in Russia and abroad. – 2004. – ¹ 1. – p. 19.
8. Gordon Ya.Kh. Ìàrketing of partner relationship:  – St.Petersburg : Peter, 2001. – P. 35
9. LavlockK. E Gammesson. Ìàrketing of Services – what comes next? Looking for new paradigm and fresh trends – 2006. – ¹ 2 è 3.
10. Dodolev E., Lesko M. Business and intuition or fair of men of genius //


Management of contractual relations in the process of suppliers’ selection as a factor in the development of competition
Pleshchenko V.I., PhD, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department,
In this article the relations between suppliers and consumers at the stage of selection are studied from the position of new institutional theory. The author makes a comparative analysis of contracts – procedures of suppliers’ selection and evaluates the transaction costs. Provides recommendations for choosing contract models, process optimization and increasing competition on the market.
Keywords: contract, new institutional theory, procedure of supplier selection, transaction costs, competition, efficiency.

1. Akulin G.A. To the question of optimal selection of supplier [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Ozol S. Choice of strategy of work with supplier // Management of company. – 2008. - No.3.
3. Bykova G.N., Sokolova E.A. Choice of optimal form of business organization with supplier of components on the base of marketing interaction conception // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2006. – No.5.
4. Urazova N. Selection and evaluation of supplier // ElectroInfo. – 2009. – No.1.
5. Business strategy / under the general redaction of academician RAEN, Dr. Econ. Science G.B. Kleiner. – M.: «KONESKO», 1998.
6. Tambovczev V.L. Introduction into the economic theory of contracts: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 144 p.
7. Institutional Economy: Textbook / under the direction of Academician D.S. Lvov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001. – 318 p.
8. Williamson Oliver I. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: firms, markets, relational contracting / Translated from English. - Saint-Petersburg: Lenizdat, 1996. - 702 p.


Strategies of international companies
Sadchenko K.V., Consultant of International business institute of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»),
Modern applied marketing strategies are key components of commercial, business success of the international companies. Not only socio-economic factors influence at evolution of the companies but also real evolutionary laws which to be taken into account at a choice of strategies. In the article the basic modern strategies of marketing for the international companies are developed.
Keywords: marketing, marketing strategy, international companies.

1. Bonhem A., Lengdon K. Finances. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2010.
2. Golubkov E.P. Planning of marketing // Ìàrketing in Russia and abroad. – 2002. – ¹ 5.
3. Kretov I.I., Sadchenko K.V. Business of foreign trade. – 2nd edition, revised and supplemented. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2010.
4. Kretov I.I., Sadchenko K.V. Logistics in foregn trade. – 3rd edition., revised and supplemented. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2011.
5. Sadchenko K.V. Laws of economical evolution. – Ì. : Business and Service, 2007.
6. Sadchenko K.V., Tuganov V.F. Power-series distribution in income, regular theoretical method of calculation of income and simple model of market// Ìaterials of General Russian conference [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
7. Sadchenko K.V. Life cycles of economic structures // Collected works of 5th International Symposium on evolutionary economics (Evolutionary Economics Center, Institute of Economics, RAS, 2003, September) [Electronic resoursce]. – Access mode:
8. Sadtchenko K.V. The Pyramidal Life Cycle of Economic Structures // PHYSICA A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier Science Publishers. – 2005. – Vol. 350.


Understanding of how brain functions will change marketing
Page G., Chief Operation vice-President of Millward Brown
Effectiveness of methods based upon neurotechnologies is still actively discussed by specialists. New works and articles persuade us that a deeper understanding of functioning of human brain will change the marketing itself and the approaches to evaluation of its effectiveness.

1. Lindstrom M. Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy. – Paco Underhill, 2008.


Competition between print and e-book markets: by Peter Collingridge
Solomovich T.V., Correspondent of magazine «Ìàrketing in Russia and abroad»,
In this interview Peter Collingridge voices his opinion regarding situation on the market of electronic books, competition between it and the market of printed books; he compares some aspects of promotion and distribution of electronic and printed publications and forecasts future situation.
Êey words: digital innovations, electronic books, printed books, publishing business, competition, strategies focused on the consumer.


Calculation methodology of consumer good prices on wholesale market
Abrutina M.S., Ph.D. in Economics.
Extract from the book: M.S. Abryutina. Economical analysis of product market and trading activities. – Ì.: Business and Service, 2010.

New books on marketing

List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Aboard» in 2010

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