Matrix «General Electric – McKinsy» application for the choice enterprise directions
Araslanov T.N., candidate of economics, assistant professor (dotzent) of the economics of business chair, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ufa State Aviation Technical University»,
Vasilchenko I.V., elder instructor in humanities, social and economic disciplines branch of Cumertau, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ufa State Aviation Technical University»
In article the approach based on working out of a matrix «General Electric – McKinsy» with reference to the agroservice enterprise is considered both allowing to analyse profitableness and prospects of various kinds of industrial activity carried out by it. Recommendations about application of various marketing strategy for each of considered strategic business units of the enterprise depending on their market appeal and profitableness are developed and offered.
Keywords: diversification, agroservice enterprise, strategic business unit, marketing strategy.
1. Beljaev V. I. Marketing: theory and practice bases: the textbook / – 4 edit. – Ì: ÊNÎRUS, 2010. – 680 p.
2. Zhulina E.G., Mjagkova T.L., Katsuba O.B. Diversifikatsija of activity of the enterprise / Special issue of magazine the Master of sales. 2006. – 116 p.
3. Kotler F. Marketing-management / the Lane with English Under the editorship of O.Tretjak, L.A.Volkovoj, JU.N. Kapturevsky. – SPb: Publishing house Peter , 1999. – 896 p.
4. A matrix «General Electric – McKinsy» / Strategic management and Planning. –
5. Republic Bashkortostan agriculture: the statistical collection `– Ufa, 2010 – 94 p.
The economic efficiency of risk management: indexes and criteria
Tsakaev A.H., Professor in Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, PhD, Professor,
Article is devoted to a problem to a quantitative assessment of economic efficiency of management by risks in activity of the organizations, including and the marketing companies. In article marketing is considered as a type of the entrepreneurial business which is carried out by the special-purpose company and in which all complex of risks is inherent. The author focused on the necessity of considering the risk management process as a business process with all its consequences. Furthermore, the author assumes that the effect of integral risk factors underlies the basis of risks correlation. The more the last risks are in detected generation of risk-forming factors, the higher the correlation between risks is. The need for differentiation of risk-forming factors into manageable (subjective) and unmanaged (objective) is noted, which significantly increases the effectiveness of risk management process. A profitability assessment of risk management allows to implement a comparative assessment of profitability of all business lines of the organizations, including risk management.
Keywords: the economic efficiency of risk management, the economic effect of risk management, the costs for risk management, the profitability of assets of risk management system, the risk correlation ratio, marketing and the marketing company.
1. Golubkov, HE Principles of Marketing: a tutorial. - 2nd ed. Rev. and add. - M.: Finpress, 2003.
2. Romanov, V., A. Butukhanov Riskoobrazuyuschie factors: characteristics and impact on the risk / / Modeling and analysis of safety, risk and quality in complex systems: Sat. of articles. - St. Petersburg. : Omega, 2001.
3. Protsenko, OD, Tsakaev AK, Ivanov, AB Diversification and Integrated Risk Management / / Insurance. - 2009. - ¹ 8.
4. Statistics: textbook / ed. AE Surinov. - Moscow: RAGS. 2005.
5. Dembo Ron S., Aziz Andrew R., Rosen D., Zerbs M. Mark. To Future. A Framework for Measuring Risk and Reward / / Algorithmics Publications. - 2000. - May.
6. McCarthy E.J. Basic Marketing. - Homewood, Il., 1964.
7. Borden N.H. The Concept of the Marketing Mix. - N. Y. : John Wiley Sons, 1965.
Development of system business-inkubator in interests of small industrial business: conditions and marketing approaches
Kuzmina S.N., VPO SPbAME, the senior lecturer, ñand.econ.sci.,
Silantyevà Î.À., VPO SPbAME, competitor,
In article the basic conditions and marketing approaches for development business-inkubator in interests of small industrial business are presented, the system steady a determinant of formation and development business-incubator is resulted.
Keywords: Economy, business, management, business-inkubirovanie, business, small-scale business, innovative management, efficiency, consumer goods, market capacity, distribution, demand.
1. Alimova T.A. Social and economic conditions and the state support of small-scale business//Statistics questions. – 2007. – ¹ 7.
2. Site:
3. Site of National commonwealth of business incubators:
4. Site:
5. The Russian review of the small and average enterprises. – Ì: TASIS, SMERUS, 2002.
6. Site cars of Russia:
7. The Russian statistical year-book: 2007 – Stat. collection / Rosstat. – Ì, 2008.
8. Belkov O.A. That the person and work disturbs to development of domestic small business//. – 2007. – ¹ 9.
9. Positive experience of development of small business in Russia / the Analytical collection Academy management and market, Institute of business and investments. – Ì, 2008.
10. Bases of construction of business incubators / O.V.Ajgistova, V.L.Gorbunov, V.Sh.Kaganov, etc. – Ì: Logos, 1999.
The main lines of project management in the marketing
Vechkanova E.S. undergraduate master's degree PSEU,
Noskova E.V. candidate of economic science, reader of marketing chair PSEU
The article presents the benefits of the project business and the application of this approach in marketing. The author attempts to classify the marketing projects based on the functional structure of marketing, with further of detail of its functions.
Keywords: a project, project management, a marketing project, a project business, marketing, a functional structure, a marketing mix.
1. Anfilatov V.S. Systems analysis in management. - M: Finance and Statistics, 2003.
2. Belyaevsky I.K. Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.
3. Biryukov V. The project approach in modern business. - Access mode:
4. Gaydayenko T.A. Marketing management. Full course MBA. Principles of management decisions and Russian practice. - M.: Eksmo, 2006.
5. Geyzler P.S., Zavialova O.V. Project Management. - Mn. : Belarusian State Economic University, 2005.
6. Zarenkov V.A. Project management. - M: Publishing house ÀÂÑ, St. Petersburg.: SPbGACU, 2006.
7. Klochkov A. How to improve and evaluate the efficiency of projects / Securities Market. - 2008. - ¹ 5.
8. Korotkov A.V. Marketing management. - M: UNITY-DANA, 2005.
9. Krevens D.V. Strategic Marketing - M.: Publishing house Williams , 2003.
10. Lambin J.J. Strategic Marketing. The European perspective: translated from the French. - St. : Science, 2000.
11. Mazur I.I. Project management. - M.: Omega-L, 2006.
12. Principles of Marketing/ Ed. F. Kotler. - M.: LLC P.H. Williams, 2007.
13. Popov V.I., Yakovenko O. V. Project Management. M: Infra-M, 2008.
14. Romanova M.V. Project Management .- M: Publishing House FORUM : INFRA-M, 2007.
15. Project management. Fundamentals of project management. / Ed. by M.L. Razy - M.: KNORUS, 2007.
16. Utkin E.A. Project Management .- M.: TEIS, 2002.
17. Churchill A.G. Marketing research. - St. : Piter, 2002.
18. Encyclopedia «Wikipedia» [electronic resource]. - Access mode:
Investigation of some marketing development problems and marketing instruments
Golubkov E.P. Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economy and Public Serviceat the RF President
On the base of Internet publication it considers the results of marketing activities of Russian business companies during economic crisis of 2008 – 2010 years. Besides, it lists trust rating, creativity rating and media-activities rating for PR and advertising agencies.
Keywords: marketing activities, trust rating, creativity rating, media-activities rating, PR-agency, advertising agency.
1. Mode of access: ting/2010/08/13/2620.
2. Surovtsev T. In a PR crisis of confidence: the rating agencies, PR-2010 [Electronic version]. Mode of access:
3. Mode of access: id=15640.
4. Mode of access:
International marketing research and statistical analysis
Artyushina E.V., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the chair of international management, The Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
In this article the main questions about the international marketing research are considered. The main problems, the company may face, conducting international marketing research, are analyzed. It is considered with examples basic types of statistical analysis that can be used in marketing research.
Keywords: international marketing research, statistical analysis in marketing research
1. Burns, A.C. Marketing research / A.C.Burns, R.F. Bush. – 4th ed.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2000. – 699 p. : ill + 1 CD ROM.
2. Kotler P. Principles of Marketing/ P. Kotler, G. Armstrong. - 12th ed.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. – 599 p.
Marketing research of mobile devices, Chekhov District, Moscow Region
Nikolaeva M.E., 4-year student
Fedorova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences Department Commerce and Marketing Research , Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics,
The article presents the results of marketing research users in the regional market of mobile phones in the Chekhov district, Moscow region, conducted in the period from October to November 2010.
Keywords: market research, questionnaire, survey, sample, general population, nonrepetitive selected, representative sample of consumer preferences.
1. Kotler, F., Armstrong G., Saunders J., Wong V. Principles of Marketing: Trans. from English. - 2 nd Europ. ed. - Moscow, St. Petersburg., K.: Publishing house Williams , 1999.
2. Muhamatulin T., Woe from Wit , Jour. However , # 30 (46), 2010.
3. (site of the Technology and Communication).
4. (site of The publication of high-tech CNEWS»).
5. (Site of the Federal State Statistics Service).
6. (Official site of the municipal Chekhov district, Moscow region).
Premium products: essence and main characteristics
Gorokhov M.A., REUpostgraduateto them.Plekhanov,
The article gives a definition to the term “premium”, describes characteristics of this product category and its consumers.
Keywords: marketing, premiumproducts, premium definition, premium consumers.
1. Arseniev, A. Peculiarities of the Russian premium segment [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
2. Veblen, T. Theory of the Leisure Class: an economic study of institutions. - Moscow: Progress, 1984.
3. Prokina M. E. Sarygina Features product promotion premium class / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2005. - ¹ 2.
4. N. Obukhov Buy because it is expensive / / The secret of the firm. - 2004. - ¹ 5.
5. Silverstein M, Fisk N. Why pay more? or new luxury for the middle class. - Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2004.
6. Silverstein M.J. Treasure Hunt: Inside the Mind of the New Consumer. - Portfolio Hardcover, 2006.
7. Heywood T. Functional and emotional benefits of brands. - Http://
The goals, principles and strategic approaches in pricing
Nifaeva O.V., Candidate of science in economics, assistant professor of chair “Economics and management” of Bryansk state technical university,
Gornostaeva A.N., Candidate of science in economics, professor of chair “Economics and management” of Bryansk state technical university,
The article deals with the classification of goals in pricing, describes the principles of pricing, the active and passive approaches to price policy, and also contains the classification of price strategies.
Keywords: Price, pricing, price policy, price strategy, active approach, passive approach.
1. Bagiev GL Marketing: a textbook for high schools / GL Bagiev, V. Tarasevich, J. Ann, under gen. Ed. GL Bagieva. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2007.
2. Belyaev IY Pricing: Textbook. book / And Yu Belyaeva, OV Panin, VV Golovin, OB Avdiyenko. - 2nd ed., Ext. - M.: KnoRus, 2005.
3. F. Kotler Principles of Marketing: Lane. from English. / Kotler, G. Armstrong, J. Saunders, V. Wong. - 2nd ed. - Moscow, St. Petersburg., K: Williams, 2000.
4. JJ Lambe Management, market-oriented: the first. from English. / Ed. VB Kolchanova. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2006.
5. Lipsits IV Pricing (pricing control in the organization): a tutorial. - 3rd ed. Rev. and add. - Moscow: The Economist, 2005.
6. Meskon MH Fundamentals of Management: Lane. from English. / MH Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri. - Moscow: Delo, 2006.
7. Khrutsky VE Modern marketing: a reference book on market research: Textbook. Manual / VE Khrutsky, IV Korneev. - 3rd ed. Rev. and add. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2005.
8. Pricing: Textbook. Manual / GA Taktarov and others, ed. GA Taktarov. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2007.
9. Prices and pricing: a textbook for high schools / ed. VE Yesipova. - 5th ed. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2008.
10. Nagle T.T., Holden R.K. The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing. - 2-nd ed. - Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Marketing communications in the Russian market of mushroom production
Tretyakovà, TS, postgraduate Department of Market, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don,
The paper analyzes marketing communications of subjects of the Russian market of mushroom production. Classification of the participants in the Russian market of mushroom production is presented and the main target audiences of each category of market participants is identified to which these companies are oriented in the development of marketing communications. Existing marketing communications of mushroom production market subjects are systematized and characterized. Particular attention is paid to the technology of public relations, used by companies operating in the Russian market of mushroom production. Recommendations are offered to improve the marketing and communications activities of the participants in the Russian market of mushroom production.
Keywords: marketing communications, market of mushroom production, public relations, target audience.
1. Fucking A. Mushroom cruise - 2010: Course on efficiency! / / School of mushroom. - 2010. - ¹ 3.
2. Mushroom production growth in Russia was 12% [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 27, 2011).
3. Fucking A. Editor / / School of mushroom. - 2010. - ¹ 5.
4. Mushroom season in Moscow restaurants / / School of mushroom. - 2009. - ¹ 6.
5. In Lipetsk, will launch a new plant for manufacturing substrate for mushroom [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 25, 2011).
6. Capital company to build the complex in the Lipetsk region for the production of mushrooms [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: IBLOCK_ID=1 SECTION_ID=3194 (date accessed: January 24, 2011).
7. S. Antonov Belgorod authorities promise to make mushroom one of the most promising sectors of the economy of the region [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 25, 2011).
8. Packaging and labeling of mushroom production as factors of marketing activity / / School of mushroom. - 2008. - ¹ 4.
9. Pankruhin AP Marketing: a tutorial. - 3rd ed. - M.: Omega-L, 2005.
10. Solntsev SA, Gen T. Evolution models of marketing communications / / Biznesinform: Economics. Management and Marketing. - 2009. - ¹ 4.
11. Fucking A. World Food - 2010 / / School of mushroom. - 2010. - ¹ 5.
12. F. Kotler Marketing. Management. Rapid rate. : Lane. from English. / Ed. SG Bozhuk. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2006.
13. South fungus [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 28, 2011).
14. Mushroom cruise IV [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 11, 2011).
15. Mushroom Industry - 2008 [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 26, 2011).
16. Mushroom hunting season [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: # (date accessed: January 10, 2011).
17. Sluggish E. Practical Marketing in mushroom production [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 25, 2011).
18. The position of the international competition of the Association Ukrainian Union of mushroom producers, The World of Mushrooms [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: id=94 (date accessed: January 25, 2011).
19. Recipes [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 25, 2011).
20. Annual Mushroom Festival Cep [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: id=12844008 02 archive start_from ucat (date accessed: January 27, 2011).
21. Mushroom Festival in South Africa / / School of mushroom. - 2009. - ¹ 5.
22. News of Century [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date accessed: January 26, 2011).
23. Bilay B. Mushroom business in Australia [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: (date of-
increments: January 25, 2011).
Product placement as global strategy of the goods and services promotion: problems and ways of their decision
Khokhlova T.P., cand.econ.sci., professor, head of the subdepartment of management and world economy Russian State Trade Economic University, Krasnodar department
Nazaretyan P.V., post-graduate student, Russian State Trade Economic University, Krasnodar department
Article describes intrinsic characteristics of product placement as global highly effective strategy of promotion of the goods and the services, based on the latent forms of influence. The basic problems of the given kind of the activity, having economic, legal, organizational-methodological, social-psychological contexts are stated. Necessity of adequate decisions with a substantiation of author's vision of a problem is staticized.
Keywords: product placement, strategy promotion of the goods/services, an embedded influence, media budget, film franchising, inadequate advertising, manipulations with consumer behavior.
1. The Federal Law «About advertizing» // from 20.03. 2006, ¹12 items 1232
2. Demidova L. Globalisation of the markets of services: dynamics and the basic tendentions // Problems of the theory and management practice. – 2007. - ¹5. – with. 36-40.
3. Kazakov I. The foreign market: forces and strategy // Marketing. – 2007. - ¹6. - with. 21 – 25.
4. Product Placement under a signature stamp confidentially // «PR in Russia», under the editorship of P.Fadeev. - Ì: «the third printing house», ¹5 (69)/06.
5. Harret G. Marketing: Connecting with Customers. 2-nd ed. Prentice Hall College Div.: 2006.
6. Morgan R.M., Hunt S.D. The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing // Journal of Marketing. - 1994, 58(3).
7. Mowen J.C. Consumer Behavior. 4-th ed. Macmillan Publishing Co.: 2006.
9. www.
Vailed marketing or intruing replacement. Retrospective analysis
Pashutin S.B., Doctor of Biological Sciences,
The ban on advertising umbrella brands, which entered into force in early 2006, did not leave any chances alcohol companies to legally use substitutional patterns or subtle ways to promote brands, mainly alcohol and tobacco, the law in the affected rights. However, some developments particularly talented advertisers can serve as examples of strikingly elegant creative solutions in the field of communications intriguing. In this respect, it seemed appropriate to analyze the sunk into oblivion, trends that have recently been used to advertise products, whose names were similar to the names of vodka brands. According to the legislation of any advertising of alcoholic beverages fortress more than 15% is permitted only where they are sold. But how to put up with this state of things - competition in the market is very high, and manufacturers need to promote your product.
Keywords: indirect advertising, umbrella brands.
1. Gorelik O. Journalists said the FAS about beer. However, the officials felt that after 22 hours, you can show not only beer, but love / / RBC daily. - 2004. - December 3.
2. Popov vodka is more expensive, Soyuz-Victan in Russia? [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
3. Koltunova O. Drunk cucumbers. A thousand and one ways to circumvent the ban on advertising hard liquor / / Company. - 2006. - ¹ 2.
4. Smovzh M. vodka companies have found new ways to advertise / / Advertising Industry. - 2005. - ¹ 12.
5. Stupachenko I., B. Gorlin Advertising beyond the foul gives its customers a good effect / / Kommersant - St. Petersburg. - 2005. - 9 November.
6. The magazine touted vodka in prohibited areas [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
7. FAS considered advertising story without the advertiser's [Electronic version]. - Mode of access: www.
8. SibBereg: First bypass censorship on the advertising of beer [Electronic version]. - Mode of access: http://www.
9. Hodorych A. Kosogorov moonshine - a good example Parthi zanskogo Marketing / / Advertiser: Theory and Practice. - 2005. - ¹ 11.
10. A. Ryabov Icy Imperia «Russian Standard. Export vodka advertise with bars made of ice [Electronic version]. - Mode of access: http://www.
11. In the United States entered into a public sale of coca drink [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
12. Chocolate Cocaine - wrong title [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
13. LLC Tadpole lost in ASGM dispute over power engineer «Cocaine» [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
14. FAS: advertising in the magazine «Esquire» violated the law [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
15. FAS fined for advertising in Kommersant cognac «Martell» [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
16. In print advertisements embedded probe beer Goat [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
17. Russians go to the surrogate alcohol [Electronic version]. - Mode of access:
Improving investment strategy as a factor to increase the competitiveness of the country
Butenko Y.A., Dean of the Faculty training and retraining of the Omsk regional institute
In the condition of the global financial crisis the creation an effective investment strategy, which should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the investment climate for all taxonomic units, is very important. The article shows the methodology RICT, which allows to evaluate investment potential, risks and climate, classify the territory in terms of development. Based on the author's methodology, it’s proposed to change the investment strategy of the country, which will increase the competitiveness of the territory.
Keywords: competitiveness, investment strategy, investment climate, investment potential, investment risk.
1. Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service:
2. Official website of the Regional Department of Federal State Statistics Service of the Omsk region:
3. The official website of the State of the channel Russia»:
4. Official site of the National Rating Agency:
5. Official site rating agency «Expert RA»:
6. Official site of Fitch Investor Service:
7. Official website of Standard and Poor's Corporation:
Transform step by step corporate website into an effective sales tool
Hristosenko M.S., Director General of Web Studios Michael Hristosenko ,
If your company has its own website and you want to dramatically improve - with the help of this column, you can make your site more efficiently. If you do not have my own site - you'll know what to consider when building a website and you can avoid the hugenumber of standard errors.
Keywords: Internet, business, website, corporate website.
1. Medvedev promised cheap Internet [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
2. Statistics in IT [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
List of dissertation on marketing defended in 2010 (2nd half-a-year). Part I