Contents of N4/2011
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Adaptive models forecast of sales
Bulgakov Yu. V., docent department management of the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university
e-mail: yurii –
In article the approach based on working out of a matrix «General Electric – McKinsy» with reference to the agroservice enterprise is considered both allowing to analyse profitableness and prospects of various kinds of industrial activity carried out by it. Recommendations about application of various marketing strategy for each of considered strategic business units of the enterprise depending on their market appeal and profitableness are developed and offered.
Keywords: diversification, agroservice enterprise, strategic business unit, marketing strategy.
1.Hank DE, Uichern JW, AJ Rights. Business Forecasting. - 7th ed. Hardcover. from English. - Moscow: Publishing House "Williams", 2003.
2.Chernyh IV SIMULINK: creation environment engineering applications. Moscow: Dialog-Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 2003.
3.Veroyatnost and mathematical statistics: Encyclopedia / Ed. Prokhorov. - M.: The Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2003.
Whether sale success depends on using Olympic marks on goods
Shashkin Alexander, PhD. In Sociology, Chief Executive Officer, Online Market Intelligence (OMI).
Felonina Julia, Executive Marketing Officer Online Market Intelligence (OMI).
On the eve of the Olympics Company Online Market Intelligence (OMI) investigated the question of consumer confidence and the impact on sales success of Olympic symbols for different products.
Respondents were asked two questions. One product of trust, which shows the Olympic symbols, the other - about whether the purchased product obscure brands if you use the same symbols. In an online survey polled 1128 people in major Russian cities.
1. Online Research in Russia 2.0 / Edited by A. Shashkin, I. Devyatko, S. Davydov. Published by RITZ “Severo-Vostok” (2010).
Four Steps For Advertizing To Increase A Sales
Alena Shefina - marketing director RA"MediaNextreklama"
In most companies there is the issue of advertising effectiveness - budgets are spent effectively, the number of responses for any advertising is extremely small, the advertising message unoriginal and gets lost in the background of the information environment.
The author explains how to build an advertising message to the psychological impact on the consumer, what elements of an advertising model should be used to increase the number of calls from the advertising, how to measure advertising and publicity as coded format for the understanding of exactly how many people turned to a particular advertising
Keywords: Advertising, marketing communications, marketing headlines, hype, unique selling proposition, testing, advertising, advertising effectiveness, advertising budget.
Rowdy elents on a commercial basis
Pashutin S.B.
The meaning of "commercial scandal" is to bring a lively and controversial public without being clearly obscene - not shocking visuals, but by a frank and challenging ideas. Sophisticated communications shocking, in contrast to the usual fresh ads are a guaranteed way to become recognized among its competitors and to focus on his person or company from potential customers.
Development of the United Conception for Expo-Services Marketing
Simonov K.V.,
Sereda O.V.
The conception for expo-services marketing uniting different promo actions of expo-management, exhibitors and expo-visitors in connection with creation and consumption of expo-services in general algorithm which consists of complementary consecutive marketing activities and coordinated joint marketing programs was developed.
Keywords: marketing, exhibition services, expo-activities
1. Simonov KV Exhibition marketing: the economic content of the special terms and concepts / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2010. - ¹ 6. - With. 70-79.
2. Innovators, EV International model of marketing services / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2000. - ¹ 3. - With. 91-98.
3.Kireev I. Contents of individual components of the marketing mix of companies working in the service / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2002. - ¹ 3.
Approaches to selection of the indicator and evaluation of competitiveness (by example of travel services)
Baumgarten L.V., candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, associate professor, professor of the department of tourism ÔÃÁÎÓ VPO moscow state linguistic university
The most simple for practical application of system of indicators and assessment methods competitiveness of the services for the tourist services, including methods based on the well-known shares of the market of services; on the use of expert, heuristic methods together with the graphics methods.
Keywords: indicators, methods, evaluation, competitiveness, services, tourism.
1. Fleischer C., Bensoussan B. Strategic and competitive analysis. Methods and means of analysis of competition in the business. - M.: BIN. Laboratory of knowledge, 2005.
2. Christopher Lovelock Marketing services: personnel, technology, strategy. 4 - e izd.: Per. s ang. - M.: Publishing house "Williams", 2005.
3. Kotler F., Bowen J.., Ìåéêåíç J. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism: the Textbook for high schools.- 2-e izd., pererab. I dop. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005.
4. Ôàòõóòäèíîâ R.A. Strategic management.- M.: ZAO "Business-school"Intel-Synthesis", 1999.
5. Fomin V.N. Qualimetry Of. Quality management. Certification. - M.:, "ÝÊÌÎÑ", 2000.
6. Êðåâåíñ David In. Strategic m, 6 - edition. : Per. s angl.. - M. : Publishing house "Williams", 2003.
7. The organization and management of hotel business: the Textbook / edited By A.L. The Forester, Chernyshev A.V.- M.: The publishing house "Alpina", 2001.
Estimation of competitiveness of a product on the basis of the analysis of the competitive auctions
Volovikov B.P. candidate of technic sciensces, docent Omsk institute (branch) Russian state trading-economic University
In article results of researches of competitiveness of group of industrial products with application of a technique of a choice of weight factors with application of statistics of the competitive auctions are presented. Offered actions allow to raise competitiveness of a product of the enterprise and are the basis for working out of competitive strategy of the enterprise.
Keywords: competitiveness, complex criterion, the system approach, the weight factors, competitive strategy, the competitive auctions.
1. Porter M.E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. N.Y: The Free Press, 1980
2. Fathutdinov R. A. Strategic management of M.:Delo, 2001
3. Mc donald M. Strategic planning of marketing S-pb., 2000.
4. Classical models of the strategic analysis and planning: model Shell/DPM//Management in Russia and abroad, N3 1998.
5. Anikin O.The strategis of development of the telecommunication companies: Marketing, s86-93, N3 (100)/2008.
Forming partnerships between members of sea transport junction: relationships marketing
Botnaryuk M. V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of “Economy and management” Admiral Ushakov maritime state academy
e-mail: mia–
Modern conceptions of relationship between members of sea transport junction are considered in the article. Analyses of traditional and relationships marketing are done. Based on investigations done, author comes to the conclusion, that the only relationship marketing gives to the companies new ways for taking additional competitive advantages.
Keywords: sea transport junction, relationships, relationships marketing, additional competitive advantages
1.Afanasev A.A., Kusch S.P. Marketing approaches of the company on the different levels of inter – companies net management. - Conditions of access: www. URL:
2.Bagiev G.L., Asaul A.N. Organization of business undertakings activity. - Conditions of access: www. URL:
3.Gordon I.H. Relation ship Marketing. – trans. from engl. edited by Tretayk O.A. – SPb.^ Prtre, 2001. – 384 p.
4. Kusch S.P. Relation ship Marketing on the industry markets. – SPb.- Publish. House of S-Peter. University, 2006 . – 272 p.
5. Kusch S.P., Afanasev A.A. Marketing aspects of inter – companies nets development: Russian experiment.// Russian journal of management. – 2004. - ¹1. – p. 33-52.
6.Smirnova M.M. Management of relationships on industrial markets as an source of competitive advantages of the company. // Russian journal of management. – 2006. - ¹3. T.4. – p. 27-54.
Review of the money transfers market from Russia to CIS
Nogotkova E.Yu., Head of Public Relations Group of Companies«Svyaznoy»
This analytical review reflects the status of the money transfer market, carried out from Russia abroad through money transfer systems (Anelik, BLIZKO, CoinstarMoneyTransfer, Contact, InterExpress, Migom, MoneyGram, PrivatMoney, UNIStream, WesternUnion, «AziyaEkspress", "GAIT", "Blitz" "Fast Mail", "Golden Crown", "Leader") and the Russian Post.
Keywords: money transfers, money transfer systems.
How to attract many new customers to the corporate website
Hristosenko M.S. Director General of "Web Studios Michael Hristosenko", author of "Business Builder" - the center of business development,
In this article we will discuss the answers to the above question. Answers from my experience in creating and promoting an effective, profitable Internet sites with dozens of companies that I advised
Keywords: Internet, business, website, corporate website, customers, sales
1. Germogenova L. Effective advertising in Russia. Practice and recommendations. M. RusPartner Ltd.., 1994. –
S. 121.
2. "Statistics in IT"
Formalization of economic concepts
Manochin A.V.,Professor, Russian State University for Tourism and Service, a branch of Moscow,
The present article is devoted disclosing of a problematics of economy and some adjacent sciences with it. The basic conclusions become on the basis of modeling of economic processes in three-dimensional space and their mathematical formalization.
Keywords: an economic triad, an industrial triad, a business cycle, micro, mezo and macro management levels.
1.Manohin A. Rakish VP Monitoring of market processes, m.: AMBAPK, 2000
2.Manohin A. Genesis and classification services / / Marketing Services - 2007 .- ¹ 2 (10) - p.82-87.
3.Manohin A. Systematic marketing and economics / / Marketing in Russia and abroad,
2010 .- ¹ 3.-p.3-11.
4.Soros J. The Alchemy of Finance. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999.
5.Shal C. Wave processes in the biosphere. - Moscow: Moscow State University, "The Academy" in 2010.
Presenting normative theory of marketing
Konovalov Y.V.,Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Marketing and International Business Academy of Marketing - IMSIT (Krasnodar)
The article presents the author’s theory of marketing that was developed by means of combining a number of the independent sources that follow: fundamental marketing treatises and textbooks, automatic control theory, cybernetics, general control theory (V.P. Ovchinnikov’s version), mathematical programming, decision theory, the author’s marketing technologization conception as well as his original theory of compound objects system synthesis.
Key words: manufacture-sale, purchase-sale, a product, a commodity, a service, innovation, a specific company, an abstract company, company terminal control, control action, control loop (CL), CL strategic setting, CL operational setting, corporative marketing technology (CMT), corporative marketing technology for a specific company (CMT-S), corporative marketing technology for an abstract company (CMT-A), working schedules for a specific company.
1. Spitsnadel V.N. Osnovy sistemnogo analiza:Ucheb.pos. –Spb.: “Biznes-pressa”, 2000. – 326 s.
2. Boyett D., Boyett D., Guru marketinga. – M.: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2004. – 320 c.
3. Teoriya marketinga/ Pod. Red. M. Beikera. – SPb.:Piter, 2002. 464 ñ.
4. Konovalov Y.V. Osnovy marketinga: Bazoviy kurs: Uchebnoyó posîbiye dlya
vuzov po spetsial’nosti 080111.65 – Marketing. – Krasnodar: IMSIT, 2006. – 236 s.
5. Cheverton P. Teoriya i praktika sovremennogo marketinga: Polnyi nabor strategiy, instrumentov i tehnik. Per. s angl. V. N. Yegorova.. – Ì.:FAIR-PRESS, 2002. – 608 s.
6. Henshgen H. Marketing: osnovy professional’nogo uspeha: Uchebnik dlya vuzov: Per. s nem. – Ì.: INFRA-Ì, 2000. – 334 s.
About the meaning and functions of marketing
Shubladze G.Sh., The Doctor of Economics, the professor of the Tbilisi Chernomorskogo university Of P.Mogilja,
Kirvalidze N.O.,Ph.D. in Economics. Associate Professor College of Georgia Tourism
In the article questions regarding the meaning and functions of marketing have been considered. Marketing – examination and forecasting demand for the goods (services and etc.) and it satisfaction through exchange for the purpose of receiving the profit. Basic functions are: integrated market research, determination of assortment, pricing policy, sales promotion
Key words: need, demand, good, exchange, market, business, marketing, management
1.Bun L., Kurtz D. Modern marketing. Per.s English. 11th ed. M. Unit-Dana, 2005.
2.Golubkov EP Marketing Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice: A Textbook. 3rd ed. M. Univ "Finpress," 2003.
3.Kotler F. Principles of Marketing. Per.s English. M. "Progress", 1995.
4.Kotler F., Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. 12th ed. Per.s English. M. Company "I. D. Williams," 2009.
5.Osnovy marketing. Textbook ed. prof.G.Shubladze. Univ "Universal", Tbilisi, 2009
(at gruz.yazyke).
6.Prikladnaya economy (Shapiro N.T, etc.). Per.s English. on gruz.yazyk. Tbilisi, 1997.
7.Shapovalov GM Product Marketing. M. Univ Moscow State University. 2000.
Menu de Cannes – the project of Electrolux
Efimenkova O.A.
In March 2011 the company announced the launch of Electrolux Project Menu de Cannes. The company was the confidence to organize a dinner for the jury at the Cannes Film Festival.
The essence of the project was that the team is composed of chefs, stylists, decorators, from Russia and France, had to fight in Cannes to host the dinner for the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. Pre-team had to win the contest in the country competing in the team.
Marketing dictionary
Golubkov E.P., HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economy and Public Serviceat the RF President,
Train your brains to win the game
(extract from the book «How to double your sales» by Bruce King)