Contents of N5/2011

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Using hierarchical structures for justification  of marketing decisions
Golubkov, HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economy and Public Serviceat the RF President,
Considers formulation and estimation tasks of marketing objectives, strategy choice on the base of hierarchical structures building and priority estimation of its separate elements.
Keywords: hierarchical structure. pare wise comparison, structurization,  relevance tree, priorities, coefficients of relative importance.

1. Ackoff, R., Sasieni M. Fundamentals of operations research. - Springer-Verlag, 1971.
2. Golubkov, EP The use of structuring in management decisions. / / Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. A series of economic. - 1975. - N 5.
3. Golubkov, EP The use of systems analysis in making planning decisions .- Moscow: Economics, 1982.
4. Golubkov, EP Technology decision-making. - M.: Business and Services, 2005.
5. Do Yakkoka. Manager career. - Moscow: Progress, 1990.
6. Lopukhin MM "Pattern" - a method of planning and forecasting of scientific papers. - Moscow: Sov. Radio, 1971.
7. Saaty, TL Mathematical Methods of Operations Research .- Moscow, Military Publishing, 1963.
8. Saaty, TL Finite Graphs and Networks. - Moscow: Nauka, 1974.
9. Saaty T. Mathematical models of conflict situations .- Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1977.
10.Saati T. Decision-making method of hierarchy analysis - M.: Radio and Communication, 1993.
11.Saati, Elements of queuing theory and its applications. Izd.3. - M.: Radio and Communication, 2010.
12.Holl AD Experience methodology for systems engineering. - M.: Radio Sovetstkoe, 1975.

Method for evaluation of high-technology market niches.
Tokarev B.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing,Department of Marketing, State University of Management,
The article is offered an original method for high-technology market niches evaluation. Criterions for evaluation are determined. The procedure is based on evaluation of market segments with features of market niches. The sequence of steps is described.
Keywords: high-technology market, high-technology market niches, criteria of evaluation

1. Tokarev BE Search Method niche high-tech products / / Marketing in Russia and abroad, ¹ 3, 2011. -
With. 3-20.
2. Lambe J.-Zh.Strategichesky marketing / Trans. with Fr. - M.: - The World, 1996.
3. M. McDonald, J. Dunbar Market segmentation: a practical guide. / Per. from English. - M.: Publishing house "Business and Service", 2002.
4 N. Kapon, Kolchanov, V., J. Makhalbert Marketing Management / Trans. from English. ed. VB Kolchanova. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2010. - 832s.
5. Kotler Marketing F. menedzhment. / Trans. from English. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2003. - 800S.
6. Golubkov, EP Marketing: Strategies, plans and structures. - Moscow: Delo, 1995. - 379s.
7. Tokarev BE Method of estimating the high-tech niche products / / Industrial and B2B marketing, ¹ 2, 2011. - P.106-116.
8. Tokarev BE Marketing research of market niches / / Marketing. Spets.vyp. ¹ 3, 2010 (49) - Moscow: Center for Marketing Research and Management, 2010. - 112s.


Marketing researches conducted by GfK Group
Stetsenko YV, manager of PR and Communications, GFK Rus,
The results of the study of Russia"s investment climate and the needs of European business. Consumer sentiment index is calculated Muscovites, as well as determine the dynamics of recovery poskrizisnogo outbound tourism. The dynamics of consumer sentiment in the world, depending on economic conditions and the problem of "brain drain".
Keywords: investment climate, the needs of European business, consumer sentiment index, the tourist market, labor market, the "brain drain".

1. Òâèòòåð: @GfK_Rus.


The trends of advertising market development in Russia and abroad
Gorlenko O. V. Candidate of science in economics, assistant professor of chair “Economics and management” of Bryansk state technical university
The results of survey and market researches and other information are analysed and the main trends of modern advertising market development are pointed out in the article.
Keywords: Advertising, market communications, mediainflation, globalization, self-regulation.

1.Antipov KV Present and future of advertising. Post-crisis dystopia / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2010. - ¹ 1. - S. 2-13.
2. More than half of Russians are in the field of television advertising during its broadcasts. - Http://www.
3. Most Russians for tasting and against advertising on the phone. - Http:// 319.html.
4. Vasiliev SA, Veselov, S., M. Nazarov media advertising space in Russia: Status, Trends and Prospects. By the adoption of the new edition of the RF Law "On Advertising" / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2006. -
¹ 05 (17). - S. 302-316.
5. Two out of three listeners are on the same wavelength with advertising. - Http:// 459.html.
6. The global advertising. Spring, 2011. - Http://
7. The global advertising. Winter 2011. - Http://
8. Music VA World advertising market / / Russian advertising Yearbook 2009. - M.: Analytical Center "Video International", 2010. - S. 39-53.
9. Nazarov, MM Kovalev, PA Comparative media advertising: a comparative analysis of foreign and domestic markets / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2008. - ¹ 4. - S. 206-222.
10. Naumov VN Marketing trust: theory, principles, and practical application / / Marketing and market research. - 2010. - ¹ 02 (86). - S. 98-108.
11. Pirogov YK look at the ads from the positions of the various entities of the advertising market / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2008. - ¹ 3. - S. 134-142.
12. Polyakov, AM Mikulyak concept of the advertising market in the globalization model / / Marketing. - 2008. -
¹ 4. - S. 53-60.
13. Ponyavin AV vectors increased competition and its impact on promotional activities / / Advertising. Theory and practice. - 2009. - ¹ 06. - S. 346-355.
14. Romat EV Advertising: a textbook for high schools. - 7th ed. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2008. - 512.
15. Fedorov, William F. Arens: Interview / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2004. - ¹ 4. - S. 136-138.
16. Feofanov OA Advertisement: New Technologies in Russia. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2003. - 384.
17.U Internet is a great chance to save the position. - Http://
18. Characteristics of the global advertising market. - Http://

Planning cycle: shooting by fighting cartridges:or working out of communicative strategy
Artemyevà  J., deputy chairman of the board of directors of the "ROSTAKTIV"
If you do not have overall picture, nothing can be known for certain. The advertising message should reflect three points of view: the customer, the agency and not in the last instance, the audiences at which this message is aimed, - people who have point of view and the belief. The best advertising is the result of the successful cooperation of all three parties, and it considers all three points of view. But if one of them starts to dominate at the expense of others, the quality and the efficiency of an advertising campaign necessarily falls.
Keywords: The Advertising campaign, advertising, the advertising strategy, the working of  advertising campaign, the planning, the planning cycle, the planning stages.

1. The cost of advertising.
2. Jim Davis. It"s Not What You Do, It"s the Place That You Do It: You Can Run
But You Can"t Hide From Advertising "Terrorists" / J. Davis. Independent. - 1996. March 5. Media sec. - C.20.
3. Jon Steel. Truth, Lies, and Advertising / J. Steel. - M., 2006. 320.


The instruments of forming territory’s brand
Groshev I.V. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Pro-rector, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Stepanicheva E.V. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Associate professor of Marketing Communications Department, Candidate of Economics
The problems of formation of regional brand summarizes the tools of branding, and proposed areas of branding guidelines territory in terms of meeting the needs of consumers.
Key words: territory, brand, resources, territory, utility area, human needs.

1. Vazhenina IS Image and reputation of the territory as a basis for promotion in a competitive environment / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2006. - ¹ 6. - S. 17-23.
2. Vazhenina IS Image, brand and reputation as a competitive advantage in the region / / manager. - 2010. - ¹ 5-6. - S. 37-46.
3. Kiryanko A. The use of marketing tools for improving the competitiveness of the territory / / The power and control in Eastern Russia. - 2009. - ¹ 2. - S. 34-41.
4. Starinschikov NM City image as a virtual factor of competitiveness / / Economics. - 2009. - ¹ 5. - S. 41-49.


The formation of an effective marketing strategy of a construction company.
Shabanova M.M. , doctor of economic sciences, professor, head. Department of State and Municipal Management DGTU,
Kunnieva Z.A., Art. Lecturer of Management DGINH
Ramazanova Z.A., Candidate of EconomicSciences, assistant professor of marketing REU them. GV Plekhanov,
During the recent years in Dagestan especially in its capital city a consistent tendency is observed towards an increase of the share of the frame-and-panel and brick construction in the total volume of the finished housing.
The article considers the opportunities for the formation of an effective marketing strategy at a construction company in Dagestan on the basis of the analysis of its inner and outer environment.
Key words: building branch, large-panel and brick housing construction, the strategic analysis, marketing strategy, the optimistic scenario of development of branch, the pessimistic scenario of development, the probable scenario of development of branch.

1.Vasilev VM , Panibratov JP, Resnick SD, Shcheglov VA Office of Construction .- Moscow, St. Petersburg.: Publishing Association of building schools, 2001., S.348 
2.Liberman Cost management in the construction industry: Training and Practical Guide - Rostov-on-Don. Publisher in March, 2001.
.Marketing: Tutorial, workshop and a training set of marketing / R.B. Nozdryov, GD Krylova, MI Sokolov,
VY Grechko. - M.: Ekonomist, 2003-5668s.
4.Marketing in construction / Ed. IS Stepanov, VY Shaytanova. - M.: Yurait-Izdat, 2002. - 344.
5.Panov AI , Korobeinikov IO Strategic Management. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2004.


Marketing policy in educational entity
MansurovRE,Candidate of EconomicSciences.DirectorZelenodolskbranchChowVPO "Institute of Economics, Management and Law" (Kazan)
In the present article the analysis of strategic versions of development of marketing in educational entity in composite external environment is submitted. The analysis is conducted on an example of conditional educational entity. The description of organization and marketing planning in a context of mutable environment is given, the estimation of relationships of organization with its customers is conducted, the prognostic analysis of development of external environment with allowance for of processes of an internationalization and globalization is submitted. On the basis of it the adequacy of sold marketing policies is critically estimated and the guidelines on a set of strategic versions of development of marketing are justified.
Keywords: marketing policy, educational entity, increase of efficiency of activity.

1. Tony Stapleton. Marketing in complexity: Textbook. allowance. - Zhukovsky: IIM LINK, 2010.
2. Vincent Calvin. Relationship marketing: Textbook. allowance. - Zhukovsky: IIM LINK, 2010.
3. De Chernatoni Leslie Harris, Fiona. The formation and maintenance of brands: Textbook. allowance. - Zhukovsky: IIM LINK, 2010.

About some aspects of educational service marketing
Chamonîv PA, specialist of monitoring the quality of education and RG them. GV Plekhanov
 The modern education is characterized by the wide choice of services, which contributes to the high level of competition. The consequence of this is the need to find new ways to improve the competitiveness of universities. The article described the relevance of education service marketing, its structure and specificity. Particular attention is given to the marketing subjects in higher education and creation of unique competitive advantage, which is based on popular service for consumers.
Keywords: Education, competitiveness, personality, educational services, consumer, subjects of educational service marketing, employer, government,  Bologna process,  creation of joint values, practical skills.

1) Kaybiyaynen AA, LR Salakhutdinov Advertising in private universities / /
2) of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"
3) Pashchenko N. competitiveness of universities and strategies for their work in a regional competition: Thesis of Candidate of Economic Sciences. - Ufa, 1999 - s. 89
4) RA Fatkhutdinov Management of competitive high school / / Higher Education in Russia - 2006 - ¹ 9 - p.37-38
5) F. Kotler Marketing Management. 11th ed. - St. Peter, 2005. - 475 s.
6) Dihtl, E., H. Hershgen Practical marketing. - Moscow, 1996,
7) Musarsky MM Economics and finance Education. - M.: MGOU, 2003
8) Zaichikova Svetlana Arkadyevna. Marketing strategy of higher education institution in the system of open education: Dis. ... Candidate. Econ. Science: 08.00.05 Moscow, 2005 125 s.
9) Modern marketing techniques in the field of education: dynamics and prospects / / www. marketing.
10) IK Shahrimanyan Marketing of educational services and educational institutions in the field of vocational education / / Institute Professor. Education - M. 1992 - 100 s.
11) Encyclopedia of professional education in the 3 Vols / / ed. S. Ya Batishev - Moscow, APO, 1999 - 440 s.
vol.2 - M-P - 1999
12) VN Zotov Development of strategy and tactics of marketing activities of universities in the education market and scientific-technical products: summary dis. Ph.D. / CEA them. GV, Plekhanov, the M.1997 - 18 s.
13) IK Shahrimanyan Marketing of educational services - the requirement of time / / Marketing. 1992 ¹ 4 -
S. 44-53
14) T. Song Formation of the education market / / www. marketing.
15) NA Barannik Marketing of education services / / www. marketing.
16) Pankruhin AP Education Price / / Alma Mater. 1997. Number 5. - S. 24 - 29
17) Pankruhin AP Marketing Educational Services / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. 1997. ¹ 6 - S. 79-85
18) IK Shahrimanyan Marketing of educational services - the requirement of time / / Marketing. 1992 ¹ 4 -
P. 44-53
19) Pankruhin AP Marketing of educational services in higher and further education: the manual. - M.: Interpraks, 1995. - 239 s.
20) SN Andreev Marketing in the nonprofit sector: a theoretical aspect / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2000
¹ 4 - P.18-23
21) O. Saginova Marketing of education services / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. 1999. ¹ 3 - p.48-59
22) Pankruhin AP Price formation / / Alma Mater. 1997. Number 5. - P.24-29
23) Pankruhin AP Marketing of educational services in higher and further education: the manual. - M.: Interpraks, 1995. - 239 s.
24) YK Pirogov USP: Unique Selling Proposition / / Copyright 2005 © Elitarium - Center for Distance Education (


Whether it is necessary to pay bonuses to employees of marketing department?
Tyurin, DV, Candidate of EconomicSciences, assistant professor of marketing firm National Research University "Higher School of Economics", a member of the Guild of marketers
Article is devoted the analysis of possible methods of increase motivation employees in service of marketing. The author tries to answer on a key question – whether experts in marketing of additional bonuses and as them to pay deserve.
Keywords: motivation, bonus, Key Performance Indicators, marketing service

1. Verhoglazenko V.The system of motivation of the personnel//Consultant-executive director. -2002. - ¹ 4.
2. Danilova E. Common mistakes when creating a system of motivation//Finance director. - 2005. - ¹ 6.
3. Deineka AV, Zhukov, BM Current trends in personnel management. - Moscow: The Academy of Natural Sciences, 2009.
4. Klochkov A.K.KPIS and motivation of the personnel. - M.: Eksmo, 2009.
5. Mazmanova BG Encourage personnel employed sales / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 1999. - ¹ 4.
6. Dictionary of foreign words / ed. IV Lehina and prof. FN Petrov. -M.: YUNVES, 1995.
7. Yasheva GA Marketing effectiveness: methodology, evaluation, and results / / Practical Marketing. - 2003. - ¹ 8.
8. Twyla Dell. Honest Days Work (honest working days). - 1988.
9. Website Business Navigation (


Basic approaches to the implementation of purchasing activities and assessment of their applicability for industrial enterprises
PleschenkoVI,Candidate of Economics,Federal State Unitary Enterprise"Goznak", Head of Department,
The organization of the procurement process in the enterprise is based on three main approaches to pricing for consumed resources, namely: purchases based on costs (“costs plus” principle), market-based purchases and competitive bidding (regulated procurement). This article describes the differences, advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, evaluate their applicability to industrial enterprises, with examples from the practice of modern Russian companies.
Keywords: purchasing process, purchases based on costs, market-based purchases, procurement, formalization of purchasing procedures, the number of suppliers, efficiency, competition.

1. Chapman, Timothy L., Dempsey, Jack J., Ramsdell, Glenn, and Reopel, Michael R. “Purchasing: no time for lone rangers,” The McKinsey Quarterly, 1997, No. 2, pp. 31-40.
2. Husted, Christian, Reinecke, Nicolas, and Spiller, Piter, “Improving public sector purchasing,” The McKinsey on Government, Summer 2009, No. 4, pp. 18-25.
3. Belyaeva Î.À. Auctions and tenders: comment judicial arbitration practice. – M.: CONTRACT, 2010. – 304 p.
4. Borodin E.V. Optimization of supplier choice [Electronic resourse]. Access mode: URL: (accessed 08.05.2011).
5. The trucks departed from career// Vedomosti, 19.04.2011.
6. Korol A.N. Methodology of market communications in the procurement activities of industrial enterprises: avtoref. Diss. … Dr. Eco. Sciences. – Khabarovsk, 2009. – 40 p.
7. Korol A.N. Trade and industrial exhibitions and sponsorship in the procurement of industrial enterprises in the context of technical reequipment// Jounal of TOGU. – 2009. – No. 1 (12). –   pp. 79-84
8. Kuznetsov K. Competitive procurement: tenders. – Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 2005. –  368 p.
9. Mindich D. Under the wheels squeak// The energy of industrial growth. – 2009. – No. 6-7 (33).
10. Not made in Japan // Kommersant, 10.05.2011, No. 81.
11. Regulations on the procedure for the regulated procurement of products for the needs of the JSC "Rushydro" [Electronic resourse]. Access mode: URL: (accessed 17.01.2011).
12. A record number of participants in the tender – 24 companies [Electronic resourse]. Access mode: URL: (accessed 15.08.2011).
13. RZD: one third of the wagons, triggered accidents on railway in 2011 were released by «Altaivagon» [Electronic resourse]. Access mode: URL: (accessed  05.08.2011).
14. The UNCITRAL Guide. Basic facts about the United Nations Commission on international trade law. – Wien.: UN Publication, 2007. – 60 p.
15. UNCITRAL Model Law on procurement of goods (works, services) with Guide to enactment. – New York.: UN Publication, 1995. – 112 p.
16. Webster F. Industrial Marketing Strategy. – M.: Publishing house of Grebennikov, 2005. – 416 p.
17. Chalabyan A. Logistics revolution// McKinsey Journal. – 2003. – No. 2 (4).

The concept, characteristics and classification of retail chains
Nikulina T.A. Lecturer in Marketing and Commerce Department of  Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Objective law of development of the consumer market is the increase in the percentage of network of trading companies in the retail trade. Retail network acquired great significance.  The article presents the basic views on the concept of "retailer", an analysis of classifications of retail companies and retail chains. Clarified the definition of 'corporate retailer'. The author proposed a classification of corporate retail chains, which can be used for various purposes of research and management purposes.
Keywords: retail network, the corporate retailer, signs of a corporate retail outlets, the classification of retail chains

1. Alexandrov, VB Organizational and economic support for the development of retail networks: the thesis. Candidate. Econ. of Sciences. - M., 2007. - 153 c.
2. Alfimova VS Express course for beginners to work with retail chains / / Sales Management. - 2010. - ¹ 01 (50). - S. 50-62.
3. Berman, B., Evans, JR Retail: A Strategic Approach, 8th ed. / Lane. from English. - Moscow: Publishing House "Williams", 2003. - 1184 sec.
4. Varley, R., M. Rafiq Basics Retail Management. - Moscow: Publishing House of Grebennikov, 2005. - 41.
5. Gorodnov AG The development of retail chains on the basis of business process reengineering: diss. ... Dr. Econ. of Sciences. - Nizhni Novgorod, 2006. - 276 c.
6. GOST 51303-99. "Trade. Terms and definitions ". - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards, 1999.
7. Zykov, O. Retail sales network and its importance for the development of the consumer market of Khabarovsk Territory / / Herald HGAEP. - 2005. - ¹ 3-4.
8. Ivanov, GG The development of trade organizations: the monograph. - Moscow: Sputnik + Company, 2005. - 159.
9. Ivashkin M. Managing sales networks in the consumer market: Abstract. diss. ... Dr. Econ. of Sciences. - Khabarovsk, 2006. - 34 c.
10. Kovalev, K., S. Uvarov, Shcheglov PE Logistics in the retail trade: how to build an effective network. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2007. - 272.
11. Kotelnikov ZV Features of development of retail chains and retail formats in the food sector of the Russian trade in the 2000s (regional aspect) / / World of Russia. - 2009. - ¹ 3. - S. 151-172.
12. Litvinova OV Regional features of network forms of commercial enterprise / Management / economic systems: electronic scholarly journal. - 2011. - ¹ 1.
13. Radaev V. Classification of modern forms of retailing / / Economic policy. - 2006. - ¹ 4. - S. 123-138.
14. Romanenkova ON Development of marketing in corporate retail chains (for example, retail trade in Moscow): Abstract. diss. ... Candidate. Econ. of Sciences. - M., 2009. - 23 sec.
15. Fenkin AA Methods of marketing strategic management of development of retail networks: Abstract. diss. ... Candidate. Econ. of Sciences. SPb., 2008. - 15 c.
16. FL - ¹ 381 "On the basis of state regulation of commercial activities in the Russian Federation."
17. Khasis, LA System changes the trade sector of the economy on the basis of network structures: organizational and economic aspects: diss. ... Dr. Econ. of Sciences. - M., 2006. - 242


Ñommercialization marketing of the innovations: the justification of the new direction of marketing
MatkovskayaYS,Candidate of Economic Sciences., Assistant professor of "Management, marketing and organization of production", Volgograd State Technical University,
e-mail: matkovskaya@
The author raises the question of the relevance of the formation of a new direction of marketing – Commercialization Marketing. This direction of the marketing is based on the market approach to commercialization is not only work on the conclusion of innovation to the market, but also allows us to develop new approaches to marketing management in modern companies and enrich the theory and methodology of marketing.
Keywords: commercialization marketing; innovations; commercialization; the market approach to commercialization; life cycle management.

1.Antonets, VA, Nechaev NV, Khomkin, KA, Shvedova, V. Innovative Business: building models of commercialization of promising developments. –. M.: Publishing house "Delo" ANÕ, 2009. – 320 ð.
2.English-Russian dictionary of financial terms. //
3.The English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. //
4.Kim, W. Chan How to recognize a business idea that will bring success / Kim, W. Chan, Moborn, R. // Innovation Management: trans. from English. – Moscow: Alpina Business Books. – 237 ð.
5.Matkovskaya, Ya.S. Innovative technology product image formation based on consumer preferences // Brand-Management. – ¹ 5. – 2010. – P. 320-327.
6.Matkovskaya, Ya.S. Commercialization of market innovation – Innovation Marketing paradigm // Marketing. – 2010. – ¹ 4. – P. 39-46.
7.Matkovskaya, Ya.S. G2B Market: genesis and perspectives // Marketing. – 2011. – ¹ 4. – Ð. 101-107.
8.Matkovskaya, Ya.S. Features information flows and the problem of marketing communications for the commercialization of innovative technologies //RISK: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition .– ¹ 1. – 2009, January-March. – P. 76-82.
9.Matkovskaya, Ya.S. Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing investments in the commercialization of innovative technologies // Finances and Credit – ¹ 24 – 2010, P. 45-51.
10.Russian-English English-Russian dictionary of borrowed words. – M.: "Examination", 2000.
11.Dictionary of Business Terms //
12.Hicks, J. The theory of economic history. – M.: NP Journal Economic Issues, 2003, P. 134.


List of dissertation on marketing and advertising defended in the first half-a-year 2011
Limarev PV, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov

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