Contents of N6/2011

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Topology of market relations and the location of marketing in the system of business management
Artases Gazarian  - Doctor of Social Sciences (Economics),international expert on managerial capacity building, founder of the School of Democracy and Administration (Lithuania),
No one producer is producing everything he could produce, and no one potential consumer is demanding everything that could meet his actual needs. That is why we may expect existence of the certain zone in the space of product’s features, which could be characterized, on the one hand, by the absence of both supply and demand, and on the other hand – be the presence of corresponding actual needs and possibilities to meet them. He proposed topological model of producer-consumer relations may be used to define the most promising directions for the development of products and the most rational investments in the development of the production capacity of the enterprise.
Keywords: Topology of market relations, zones of product sales, market segment, competitive advantages of the product, competitive advantages of the company, investments, development, marketing.


  1. Managing in Times of Disorder: Hipercompetitive Organizational Responses, Ed.: Anne Y. Ilinitch, Arie Y.Lewin, Richard D’Aveni, SAGE, 1998, p.548)

On the issue of Enterprise’s Marketing Policy (marketing policy – theory and practice)
Bancheva A.A , Ph.D. in Economics, the professor assistant of Dmitrov branch of Russian State University for the Humanities,

The term “Marketing policy” is using farther in practice then in theory today. The meaning of this notion, as it is shown in the article, is not defined clearly. That is why it is necessary to discuss this problem so as to achieve unity of views theorists and practitioners, administrative managers and executing officers.
Keywords: marketing policy, marketing


  1. Golubkov E.P. About some basic conceptions in marketing
  2.  English-Russian Dictionary.
  3. English-Russian Financial Dictionary
  4. English-Russian on-line Dictionary “”:
  5. Campbel D. Business strategy/ D. Campbel, G.Stonehouse, B.Houston – M: OOO “Publishing house “Prospect”, 2003
  6. Lambin J.-J. Market-driven management. Strategic and operational marketing. / J.-J. Lambin. – SPb.: “Piter”, 2004
  7. Kotler Ph.,Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. – Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 076332, 1991
  8. Kotler Ph. Marketing Management.- SPb.: Piter, 2002.
  9. Tax Code of Russian Federation
  10. Collected on-line Dictionaries.
  11. Sociological Dictionary.
  12. Big Encyclopaeda.
  13. Glossary commander. Idioglossary.
  14. Yandex.  Dictionaries.
  15. Marketing policy as tax planning instrument// Chief financial officer. – 2006.  - ¹11.
  16. Tsib À., Neverova À. Marketing policy is guarding of tax economy// Practice tax planning. - ¹7. – 2008.
  17. Alternative. Tax consultation bureau.
  18. Verhovtseva À. Confirm discount  // Practical bookkeeping. - ¹4.- 2008.
  19. Sustainable development strategy.


Classification of methods of the market capacity estimation based on the applied market information
Moissyeenko I. V.,assistant of the chair of marketing and commerce Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok,
e-mail: gold4232

Noskova E. V.,Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of the chair of marketing and commerce Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok,

The main methods of definition the market capacity are being grouped in two approach based on the application of primary and secondary marketing information in the article, and given their comparative characteristics.
Keywords: market capacity, real market capacity, potential market capacity, methods of definition of market capacity, approaches to the definition of the market capacity.


  1. Azoev G.L. Methods of estimation of the market capacity // Marketing and marketing research in Russia. - 1999. - ¹6.
  2. Analysis of the economy: the country, the market, the firm/ under ed. Rybalkin E.V. - 2 ed. - M.: International relations, 2006.
  3. Golubkov E.P. Determination of the market capacity and share of the market // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2007. - ¹3.
  4. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of marketing. - 3- e ed., revised and expanded. - M.: Finpress, 2008.
  5. How by own strength to estimate the market capacity [The electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL:
  6. Kameneva N.G., Polyakova V.A. Marketing research. - M.: Academic textbook, 2008.
  7. Kotler F. [and others.] Fundamentals of marketing. - 4- th european edition . - M.: Williams, 2009.
  8. Matantsev A.N. The art of conquering the market. - M.: Economist, 2006.
  9. Moiseenko I.V., Noskova E.V. Approaches to definition of concept of the market capacity
  10. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2010. - ¹4.
  11. Moiseenko I.V., Noskova E.V. Definition of market capacity of inhabited real estate as a basis for acceptances of administrative decisions // Practical marketing. - 2011. - ¹ 8.
  12. Svetynkov S.G. Methods of marketing research: the textbook for high schools [The electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: /marketing_research.phtml
  13. Smolnikova O.L. Methods of determination of the volume of the market. The market share of the company /Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2005. - ¹5.
  14. Ushakova N.A. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [The electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL:, URL: html, URL: html, URL:http://, URL: podhod.html
  15. Sharoshenko I.V. Economics of organizations (enterprises): Training manual for the training with the use of remote sensing technologies. - Vladivostok: FSAEM, 2003.
  16. Iarnih E.A. Information infrastructure and statistical analysis of the market goods and services - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004.


The marketing safety? The work’s principle
Artemeva Ju.V. - the  deputy  the  chairman of Board of directors of group of companies "Growthactive" (Russia), the general director of Open Company "RSB",
How the market conditions develop and methods of struggle of players on any segment of the Russian market become aggravated, the larceny of the marketing approach becomes the habitual business. Therefore today it is expedient to speak about safety in a highly specialised segment of business process of the company, namely marketing safety.
Keywords: marketing safety, marketing complex, sale forecasting, strategic, the employee, business investigation, business strategy.


  1. Ashes Armstrong, Filip Kotler. Introduction in marketing / G.Armstrong, F.Kotler. Ì, 2000.

Marketing research of the market of medical products for cardiovascular surgery and assessment of their import substitution efficiency
Sinyaeva I.M., All-Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics, chief of the Chair of  Marketing,,  professor
Salokhedinova R.R., The Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery  of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

Article is devoted to the studying of the market of medical products for cardiovascular surgery, particularly vascular prostheses. The social and economic importance of products reveals, an analysis of the competitive environment is carried out, the forecast estimation of demand for products is given, consumers, channels of distribution of products, tools of their promotion on the market are studied. Authors propose an algorithm and estimate the effectiveness of import substitution of vascular prostheses in the domestic market of medical goods and services that will reduce currency expenses for the purchase of analogs and reduce the cost of treatment of patients a minimum in 1,5 times.
Keywords: marketing research, medical products, cardiovascular surgery, vascular prostheses, the market of medical products, the market of vascular prostheses, import substitution.


  1. Bockeria L.A. Vascular prostheses and cardiovascular patches with tromboresistance, antimicrobic properties and zero surgical porosity / L.A.  Bockeria, S.P. Novikova //The Bulletin of Bakoulev CCVS for Cardiovascular Surgery».-2008.- Vol 9.- ¹4.- Ñ.5-20.
  2. Bockeria L.A. Cardiovascular Surgery - 2009. Disease and congenital anomalies of the cardiocirculatory system / L.A.  Bockeria, R.G. Gudkova. - Moscow: Bakoulev CCVS  RAMS, 2010. - 180 p.
  3. Romanova S. Medical products: state of production, forecasts, prospects ... / S. Romanova // Remedium. - 2009.- ¹ 5. - P. 50-56.
  4. Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine / Buddy D. [et al.]; Edition 2. -  Elsevier academic press, 2004.- 879 ð.

IBM study: digital era transforming CMO’s agenda, revealing gap in readiness
Larin, I.S.,  Marketing, Communications and Citizenship Leader IBM R/CIS. The Chartered Institute of Marketing, MBA BLTC Columbia University,

The article reveals the first CMO IBM global study results. The  marketing officers core tasks and challenges, marketing performance measurement and management, customer relations trends - within the social media sphere as well - are analyzed.
Key words: CMO's study, marketing performance measurement and management, social media, brand marketing, product marketing.

Results of rating of outsourcing services’ popularity among foreign companies
Kuznetsova N.A., marketinganalyst,BDOUniconBusiness Service,
The article reviews the outcome of the joint with "RBC. Rating "project to study the demand for outsourcing certain internal functions of foreign companies operating in the territory of Russia, who summed up the outsourcing division of BDO.
Keywords: outsourcing, ratings, research, BDO, RBC, foreign companies, business processes.


  1. «Expert» ¹ 23 (757) on 13-19 June (pp. 115-123)


The formation mechanism of low-budget marketing communications complex in terms of scarcity of financial resources
Tretyakova T.S.,post-graduate student of the department ofmarkettheory Southern Federal University,

The article is devoted to the management of marketing communications complex in the shortage of financial resources of the company. The relevance of the presence of low-budget technology in the marketing mix is grounded, the classification of low-budget technologies is offered and the characteristic of features of the management of marketing communications activities in a situation of budget deficit is presented. The formation mechanism of the low-budget marketing communications complex, which can be used by the modern companies in low financial resources, is designed.
Keywords: low-budget marketing, marketing communications complex, management system, low-budget marketing communications technology


  1. Morgan R., Hunt S. The Commitment-Tryst Theory of Relationship Marketing // Journal of Marketing. 1994. Vol. 58. N 3. P. 20.38.
  2. Zontanos, G. & Anderson, A. R. (2004). Relationships, marketing and small business: An exploration of links in theory and practice. Qualitative Market Research (7) 3, 228-236. 
  3. Kotler P. 300 key marketing issues: Philip Kotler answers / Trans. from English. – M. Olympus-Business, 2006. – 224 p. p.30
  4. Arnold V.I. The Catastrophe Theory. M., 1990. - p. 38.
  5. Association of communication agencies of Russia // News of humanitarian technologies. URL: ws/media-advertizing-marketing/2010/03/31/2541 (reference date: 6/9/2010).
  6. Balakirev S. Award «Communication 4 Future – Communications for the future». You see the future – the world sees you! // Marketer ` s Digest. – 2011. - ¹1. – p. 7.
  7. Barejev K.V. An Actual of the problems of Russian PR in the light of crisis of communication branch // PR-technologies in an information society: materials of V International scientifically-practical conference. SPb.: Politehn. Un. - 2010. - p.10.
  8. Danko T.P. Management of marketing. – Ì, 2001.
  9. Danko T.P., Kitova O.V. Vectors of innovative development of concepts and management methods marketing // Marketing. - ¹ 1. – 2008. pp. 1 – 17.
  10. Doljatovsky V. À., Doljatovsky V.N. The Study of control systems. – Moscow: "March", Rostov on Don: Publishing center "March", 2003 – 256 p.
  11. Nedyak I.L. The urgency of application of a metaphor of political marketing for studying and forecasting of political process//Electronic library of the Russian association of a political science. URL: http:// (reference date: 16.12. 2010).
  12. Pankruhin A.P. Marketing: Studies. for the students trained on a speciality 061500 Marketing / by A.P. Pankruhin; guild of experts in marketing. — Ì: the Omega-l, 2005, p. 307.
  13. The Prospects of development of marketing in the conditions of crisis / / On the basis of results of the expert interview spent by company «Profi Online Research». URL: (date of the reference of 10/9/2010).
  14. Sekerin V. D, Kazitsky E. U. The Strategy of management of the integrated marketing communications//Marketing. - ¹ 4 – 2009. – pp. 72 – 84.
  15. Sidorchuk R.R. Marketing in small-scale business//Marketing. 2007. ¹ 5. With. 80 – 86.
  16. The management theory. Terminology: the Collection of recommended terms. Ì: the Science, 1988.
  17. Tretyakova T.S. Foreign experience of application of low budget technologies of marketing communications in the activity of the Russian companies // Modern problems of market economy and marketing: the collection of proceedings of teachers, doctoral candidates, post-graduate students and students of chair of the theory of the market. Ed.15 / Under the editorship of Ketova N.P. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house the Everest, 2011. – pp. 81 – 85.
  18. Tretyakova T.S. Development of the complex of marketing communications of subjects of small business on the basis of low-budget technologies of marketing//Problems of modern economy. – 2011. - ¹1. - pp. 153-156.

Payment terminals as an online channel of advertising communications
Shevchenko D., Commercial director  QIWI Advertising.
Lutsenko E., PR-manager QIWI Advertising,
Online communications are gaining more influence on the effective marketing. Among the leading interactive media in our country there are payment terminals, Russian know-how, which don’t have analogues in the world. The publication is devoted to the present situation and analysis of development prospects for this communication channel.
Keywords: digital communications, interactive communication channels, new media, instant payment systems, payment terminals


  1. (ñàéò Íàöèîíàëüíîé àññîöèàöèè ó÷àñòíèêîâ ýëåêòðîííîé òîðãîâëè).
  2. (ñàéò êîìïàíèè Synovate Comcon).
  3. (ñàéò êîìïàíèè QIWI).
  4. http:// (ñàéò ïëàòåæíîé ñèñòåìû «Ýëåêñíåò»).
  5. (ñàéò ïëàòåæíîé ñèñòåìû «Êàìïýé»).
  6. http:// (ñàéò ïëàòåæíîé ñèñòåìû «Íîâîïëàò»).

Experience of formation brand of the company
Mansurov R.E. The director Zelenodolskovo of branch of Institute of economics, control and right (Kazan), candidate of economical sciences, senior lecturer,
The problems of creation effective áðåíäà of the company gain now special urgency. It is connected first of all that the customer becomes more and more exacting, and also sharply competition in all lines of business strengthens. In such conditions it is necessary to the companies to take up a position itself, to afford a customer except for directly production, service also incorporeal profits. Also is dedicated to the solution of this problem the given article.
Keywords: brand of the company, formation and maintenance brand, branding


  1. L. De Chernatony, F. Haris Formation and maintenance brand: the manual. The book 3 / translation from English - Joukovski: ÌIÌ LINK, 2010. - 82 s.

Actual creative trends in advertizing
Zakharova M.K. Creative Director, Matrix Video Group,

The article provides a brief analysis of the creative trends on the Russian advertising market. First, trends are analyzed in relation to modern communications canals of advertising messages. In the past few years has broadened the spectrum of channels due to the active introduction of new technologies, gadgets, and the growing popularity of social networking, which absolutely harmonic entered into the traditional range of advertising media. This article analyzes the dependence of advertising creative method of delivery and assessment of the ponderability of advertising messages different distribution channels (2011).
Keywords:advertising market, creative trends, gadgets, advertising messages.


  1.– Cíîñêó –
  2. ÂÖÈÎÌ,  ïðåññ-âûïóñê 25.05.2011 Ðåéòèíã ïîïóëÿðíîñòè ñîöèàëüíûõ èíòåðíåò-ñåòåé (
  3. iPad ïðîòèâ ÏÊ. Ðèòåéëåð,  âûïóñê 19.05.2011

EFES promotes its beer brands using unorthodox methods
Rodionova N.A, PR Executive EFES in Russia, e-mail:
Beer brewing companies have found themselves in challenging circumstances lately: economic troubles coupled with the Russian market regulation initiatives. The above-mentioned factors contributed into a considerable decline in beer consumption, so manufacturers had to find some unorthodox methods to promote their products. EFES Group of Companies came up with a compelling offer for consumers – play a real game machine while staying at home! The unique technology that EFES is so proud of has been developed by the local company and implemented quite successfully: 37,437 people have already become participants of the promo action.
Keywords: Beer, Brand/TM EFES, Promotion action, Mechanics, Prize, Manipulator.


  1. E. Bodyagina “Beer Market to Lose Consumers’, RBC Daily, 27.07.2011,
  2. Pivnoye delo magazine, online version,
  3. Beer Land web portal,
  4. Website of the Centre for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CIFRRA)
  5. ‘Ochakovo’s Beer Marketing’, Pivnaya web portal, 02.12.10,


Consumers deduction and attraction of new consumers in tourism in the presence of service defects and consumers complaints
Baumgarten L.V., Ph.D., Senior Researcher, associate professor, professor of tourism MGLU
Considered the issues of retention consumers firms, the use of complaints as a strategic tool business development; installed possible defects of consumer service; proposed measures aimed at neutralization of the shortcomings of the service consumers; the approach to the assessment of the quality and reliability of service system of the firm.
Keywords: consumers, hold, defects of the service, complaint, settlement, feedback, measures, improvement, activities, evaluation, quality, reliability, service system, tourism, firm.


  1. F. Kotler, Bowen J.., Ìåéêåíç J. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism: the Textbook for high schools.- 2- e izd., pererab. I dop. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005.
  2. Christopher Lovelock Marketing services: personnel, technology, strategy. 4 - e izd.: Per. s ang. - M.: Publishing house "Williams", 2005.
  3. S. zavyalov. The management of claims in the system of quality management of tourist activity // Eurasian international research and analytical journal "Problems of modern economy". - 2007. - ¹ 2 (22).
  4. Äæàíåëë Barlow, m?ller Klaus Complaint as a gift. Feedback with the client is a tool of marketing strategies // Per. s angl. - M.: ZAO "Olimp" -" Business" , 2006.
  5. Êâàðòàëüíîâ V.A.Tourism. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002.
  6. Øåíäðèêîâà A.I. The conflict between travel agencies and the consumer:
  7. Tourism: the right and the economy . - 2003.- ¹ 3.
  8. Baumgarten, L.V.. Standardization and certification in the tourism industry: Textbook / L.V.Baumgarten.- M.: "Dashkov and TO*", 2009.
  9. Âàæäàåâà N. Rest with "adventures" // "Novye izvestia", on November 30, Thursday, 2006.
  10. Borisova WELCOME. Tourists vs travel companies pitfalls vacation-2010 (
  11. Zvorykina T.I.On some peculiarities of the services // the Bulletin of the technical regulation. - 2006. - ¹ 1 (26).
  12. Baumgarten, L.V.. Quality management in tourism. Workshop: textbook //L.V.Baumgarten. - M.: ÊÍÎÐÓÑ, 2008.
  13. The phenomenon of TUI Russia // Daily electronic newspaper of the Russian union of tour operators, RATA-news from 03.08.2004(
  14. Belov A., Áàëëîä B. Yelizarova N. Probability theory and mathematical statistics: the textbook. - M.: Phoenix, 2008

Administrative technologies of foreign trade state regulation
Petrosyan A.D., Ministry of the industry and trade of Russian Federation, the chief specialist –expert of Department of foreign trade activity state regulation, Cand.Econ.Sci.,
e-mail: ðåt_dav@
The role of administrative technologies application in increase of efficiency of foreign trade state regulation is shown; administrative technologies of foreign trade state regulation are systematized; technologies of export and import marketing are described; the characteristic of management technologies by the foreign trade conflicts as important tool of formation of country positive image in the world market is given.
Keywords: Foreign trade, state regulation, administrative technologies, export and import marketing, the foreign trade conflicts


  1. G.L. Bagiev, N.K. Moiseeva, V.I. Cherenkov. The international marketing. – SPb.: Peter, 2009. 
  2. V.N. Burmistrov. Foreign trade of the Russian Federation: the manual. Ì: News, 2006. 
  3. Market economy state regulation. / generally edited by. V.I. Kushlina. - Ì: Publishing house  RASS, 2005.   
  4. A.P. Dzhabiev. State regulation of foreign trade of Russia: the manual. Ì: the International relations, 2006
  5. I.I. Kozulya. State without marketing. Why Russia is noncompetitive? … marketinga. html 
  6. A.A.  Malishev. Preventive maintenance of conflicts as the factor of psychological safety of the foreign trade organization //the Russian external economic bulletin. - 2008. - ¹ 4. 
  7. A.V. Manoilo. National-state model of psychological management of conflicts// Obozrevatel-Observer. - 2008. - ¹2.
  8. O.V. Mata. Arbitration agreement and resolution of disputes in the international commercial arbitration courts. Ì: Human rights, 2004.
  9. About the Ministry of the industry and trade of the Russian Federation. The governmental order of the Russian Federation from June, 05th, 2008 ¹ 438.
  10. A.D. Petrosyan. Import marketing as a method of foreign trade state regulation // Economy and management pressing questions: Materials international correspondence scientific conference. (Moscow, April, 2011). Ò. 2. – Ì: the Young scientist, 2011.  
  11. V. Ya. Pozdnyakov, S.V. Kazakov. Economy's branch: the manual. - Ì: INFRA -M, 2010.
  12. D.E. Stoletova. Conflicts in the international commercial transactions and their alternative permissions to judicial ways. Abstract of  the thesis … Cand. Of Law - Ì: RASS, 2007


Formation of tourist services competitiveness
Shayekina Zh.M., full prof. of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov,
Tleuberdinova A.T. PhD, ass. prof. of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov,
The tourist sector is defined as a priority sector for development in order to increase competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy, moving away from traditional resource orientation. Among the most significant problems of development of Kazakhstan's tourism industry is the lack of competitiveness of  Kazakhstan tourist services. In this connection, the theory and practice of the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's tourism products, choosing the right marketing strategies are vital in the context of the current stage of development of Kazakhstan's tourism and its integration into the global economy.
Keywords: competitiveness, tourism services, competitive advantage, marketing strategies


  1. Araslanov T.N. Marketing services: the clarification of some concepts from the economic point of view // Marketing in  Russia and abroad. - 2004. - ¹2. - P. 105-108.
  2. Barinov V.À., Harchenko V.L. Strategic Management. – Ì.: INFRA-Ì, 2005. – 237 p.
  3. Vasileva Z.À. The hierarchy of the concepts of competitiveness of market entities // Marketing in  Russia and abroad. – 2006. - ¹ 2. - P.83-90.
  4. Durovich À.,  Ànastasova L. Marketing research in tourism: tutorial.– Ì.: New knowledge, 2002. – 347 p.
  5. Lesnik  À.L., Smirnova M.L. Competitive strategy in the hospitality industry. – Ì.: Taler, 2001. - 320 p.
  6. Lozovskij L.S., Raisberk B.A., Ratkovskij À.À. Universal Business Dictionary. – Ì.: INFRA-Ì, 1997. - 631 p.
  7. Mansurov R.Å. The economic essence of the concepts of "competitive enterprise" and "management company's competitiveness" // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2006. – ¹2 (52). – P. 91- 94.
  8. Marketing without a hitch: practical course based on Russian examples: Textbook / edited by prof. L.À. Danchenok. - Ì.: publishing house « Marketing DS Corporation», 2004. – 758 p.
  9. Mankiu N.G. Principles of Macroeconomics: textbook. – SPb.: Piter, 2003. – 573 p.
  10. 10. Porter Ì. International Competition: The competitive advantages of countries: Trans. from ehgl. - Ì.: international relations, 1993. - 897 p.
  11. 11. Samodurov D.Î. Strategic management competitiveness of businesses based on a comprehensive assessment of its potential: synopsis …PhD – SPb., 2000. – 18 p.
  12. 12. Soloviev B.À. Marketing: textbook for MBA program – Ì.: INFRA-Ì, 2005. – 383 p.
  13. 13. Fljaisher Ê., Bensussan B. Strategic and competitive analysis. Methods and tools for competitive analysis in the business.– Ì.: BINOM, knowledge Lab, 2005. - 541 p.
  14. 14. Shaekina Z.Ì., Nabiev Å.N., Bazarova S.Ê. Principles of Marketing: tutorial. – Astana:  publishing house Foliant, 2007. – 244 p.
  15. 15. Jankevich V.S., Bezrukova N.L. Marketing in the hospitality industry and tourism: the Russian and international experience. – Ì.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. – 416 p.


Presenting normative theory of marketing
Konovalov Y.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Marketing and International Business Academy of Marketing - IMSIT (Krasnodar),

The article outlines the basics, integrated use of which necessarily leads to the construction of NTM. Here are the details: 1) basic concepts, and 2) the hypothesis of the overall marketing pressure, and 3) marketing mix 4P and its development up to the author's complex 7PM-WAS; 4) a summary of the author's technology system synthesis of complex objects (TSSSO), 5) methods of application TSSSO the construction of NTM.
Keywords: basic concepts, marketing pressure, the marketing mix 4P, synthesis of the marketing mix 7PM-WAS, concept technologizing, Corporate Marketing Technology (CST), the terminal system of enterprise management, the control action, control circuit (CC), the strategic adjustment of KU, the operational setting KU, retro-promising nature of the analysis, system synthesis of complex objects.


  1. F. Kotler, Armstrong G., Saunders J., Wong V. Principles of Marketing / per.s English. - 2nd Europ. ed. - Moscow-St Petersburg., K.: Izdat. house "Williams", 2003.
  2. JJ Lambe Strategic Marketing. The European perspective / per.s fr. - St. Petersburg.: Nauka, 1996.
  3. Konovalov EV "The normative theory of marketing / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2011. - ¹ 4.
  4. Konovalov EV Fundamentals of Marketing. Basic course: a training manual for schools in the specialty 080111.65 - Marketing. - Krasnodar IMSIT, 2006.
  5. Marketing theory / ed. M. Baker. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2002.
  6. Classic Marketing / comp.: BM Enis, KT Cox, MP WIOC - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2001.


Products and product models in marketing (fragment from the manual: Golubkova E.N., Sidorchuk R.R. «Marketing management of products»)


Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».