Contents of N1/2012
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Marketing theory and methodology
The e-marketing mix: retrospective and evaluation of the modern state
Ospanova K., Master's Degree Student of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, ChinaWritten under supervision of Associate Professor Tang D.,
The marketing mix paradigm, in its famous version of the 4 Ps, went all the way through the evolution of marketing theory being object of discussion both in academic literature and managerial practice. Though it is the fact that the 4 Ps marketing mix is a milestone of marketing theory, it is also true that the evolution of business contexts has created the need to review the elements which form the marketing mix. The digital business represents the more recent of the business contexts and the one with the greater need for a differentiation of the mix. Throughout this evolutionary process, researchers have always been divided between the "conservatives", who think the 4 Ps paradigm is able to adapt to the environmental changes by including new elements inside each "P", and the "revisionists", who affirm that the 4 Ps paradigm is obsolete and propose new models. This paper focuses on these two approaches to marketing mix evolution through a review of the literature regarding e-marketing mix, and in particular, science articles on the development of marketing mix theory.
Keywords: Internet Marketing, E-marketing Mix, Marketing Mix, Digital Business.
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- Allen, E. & Fjermestad, J. (2001). E-Commerce Marketing Strategies: An Integrated Framework and Case Analysis.Logistics Information Management, 14(1/2), 14-23.
- Bhatt G. & Emdad, A. F. (2001). An Analysis of the Virtual Chain in Electronic Commerce.Logistics Information Management, 14(1/2), 78-85.
- Bitner M., Booms B., and M.Stanfield Tetrault, 1990. The Service Encounter: Diagnosing favourable and unfavourable incidents. Journal of Marketing.
- Borden N.H. (1964). The Concept of the Marketing Mix. Journal of Advertising Research, 24 (4): 7-12.
- Chaffey D., Mayer R., Johnston K., Ellis-Chadwick F. (2000). Internet Marketing, Strategy, Implementation and Practice, FT/Prentice Hall.
- Chen C-Y. (2006). The comparison of structure differences between internet marketing and traditional marketing. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 3 (4): 397-417.
- Constantinides E. (2006). The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 22 (3): 407-438.
- Constantinides E. (2002a). The 4S Web-Marketing Mix model. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1: 57-76.
- Constantinides E. (2002b). From Physical Marketing to Web Marketing: The Web-Marketing Mix. atti della 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Dominici G. (2009). From Marketing Mix to E-Marketing Mix: a Literature Overview and Classification. International Journal -of Business and Management, pp.17-24.
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- Grönroos C. (2005). On defining marketing: finding a new roadmap for marketing.Marketing Theory, 6 (4): 395-417.
- Jobber D. (2001). Principles and Practices of Marketing 3 rd. edition, McGraw Hill.
- Kalyanam K., & McIntyre S. (2002). The E-marketing Mix: a Contribution of the E-Tailing Wars. Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 30 (4): 487-499.
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- Pastore A., & Vernuccio M. (2004). Marketing, Innovazione e Tecnologie Digitali. Una lettura in ottica sistemica, Padua (IT): Cedam.
- Peattie, K. (1997). The Marketing Mix in the Third Age of Computing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15(3), 142-150.
- Popovic D. (2006). Modelling the marketing of high-tech start-ups. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14 (3): 260-276.
- Porter M.E. (1980) Competitive Strategy, Free Press, New York, 1980.
- Prandelli E., & Verona G. (2006). Marketing in Rete, Milan: McGraw-Hill.
- Schultz D. E. (2001). Marketers: Bid Farewell to Strategy Based on Old 4Ps. Marketing News, 35 (2): 7.
- Tcarev V.V., Kantarovich A.A. (2002) Electronic Commerce, Piter, Russia
- Wang K.L., Wang Y., & Yao J.T. (2005). A Comparative Study on Marketing Mix Models for Digital Products. Internet and Network Economics Proceedings of First International Workshop, WINE 2005, Hong Kong, China, 15-17 December, pp.660-669, Springer.
- Yudelson J. (1999). Adapting McCarthy's Four P's for the Twenty-First Century.Journal of Marketing Education, 21(1): 60-67.
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- Ïîÿñíåíèå ê «Rules Based System»:
«Emotional marketing»: myth or a new concept?
Mazur E.Ye, candidate of economical sciences, associate professor of the chair of economy and management ofOdessa National University named after I.I.Mechnikov, Ukraine,
This article presents a critical analysis of a current trend in marketing - "emotional marketing." We give the analysis of new notions arising from this concept. Using the theory of cycles of science by Thomas Kuhn pointed out the unfoundedless of consideration "emotional marketing" as a new paradigm.
Keywords: development of marketing, emotional and rational benefits of the goods, the market of emotions, paradigm, emotional intelligence, needs.
- Aaker D. Creating a strong brand / Trans. from English. - M.: Publishing house of Grebennikov, 2003.
- Akulich M. Emotioning of Brands / /
- Grant J. 12 topics. Marketing of the 21st century. St Petersburg.: PH "Kommersant", "Peter." -2007. –
285 p.
- Doyle P. Marketing, focused on costing / Trans. from English. ed. N. Kapturevskogo. - St. Peter, 2001. – 480 p.
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Ratsionalizm. Mind. Emotion. Emotional Intelligence. Paradigm. Shift of paradigms. The need, want. Pyramid of needs by Maslow) / /
- Kotler F. Marketing Management / Trans. from English. Ed. O. Tretiak, L.A. Volkova, N. Kapturevskogo. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2000. - 896 p.
- Lamben J.J. Marketing, focused on costing / Trans. from English. ed. N. Kapturevskogo. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2001. - 480 p.
- Lipsits I. Marketing for top managers. 70 best ideas for your business. M.: Eksmo, 2007 - 448 p.
- Makashev M.O. Brand proposal: four emotional dimensions. / /
- Maltsev A., Kobernik J. Customer Experience Management / /
- Marketing and marketing ideas - a view of a known brand-manager / /
- Marketing: Study Guide / ed. A.M. Nemchinov, D.V. Minaev. St. Petersburg. Ed. house "Business press", 2001.
- Pankruhin A.P. Marketing and Challenges of the XXI century in Russia / /
- Plastic surgery for the company / /
- President Mildberry: Classic marketing works any more. February 5, 2010 / /
- Psychographic segmentation of the " emotion market " / /
- Rice E., Trout J. Marketing Warfare. - St. Petersburg: Publishing Company, "Peter", 2000. - 256 p..
- Rice E., Trout J. 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. Moscow: AST, 2007. – 160 p.
- Repyev A.P. Marketing thinking, or klientomaniya. - M.: "Eksmo", 2006 - 384 pages / /
- Robert K. Lovemarks. Brands of the future. Moscow: AST, 2005. – 224 p.
- Setiavan A., Kotler Ph., Kartadzhayya H. Marketing 3.0: From products to consumers and further - to the human soul. M.: Penguin Books, 2001. – 240 p.
- Simonov P.V., Ershov P.M. Temperament. Nature. Personality. Moscow: Nauka, 1984.
- Starov S.A. The multidimensional analysis of the concept of "brand" / / Actual problems of Economics and Management: theory, Innovation and current practice. Monograph. Ed. E.A. Kuznetsov; Team of authors: E.A. Kuznetsov, V.I . Zakharchenko and others. - Kharkov: Book breaker. 2011. – 512 p.
- Tamberg, V., A. Badin. Brand: fighting vehicle business. - M.: "Olympus-Business", 2005. – 240 p.
- Tereshchenko V.M. Marketing: new technologies in Russia. 2nd ed. - St. Petersbourg, 2004. – 416 p.
- Trout, J., Rice, E. Positioning. The battle for the minds. - Publishing House "Peter", 2007.
- Khrutsky V.E., I.V. Korneeva. Modern Marketing: Handbook of Market Research: A Study Guide. - 3rd ed. rev. and add. - Moscow: Finances and Statistics, 2003. – 560 p.
- Schmitt B. Experiential Marketing. How to make the customer feel, think and act. - Fair-Press, 2001.
- Emotional marketing and marketing of emotions / /
- Gobe Ì. Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People. – New York: Allworth Press, 2001.
Marketing tools
Cluster model of regional sensory preferences formation of consumers in introduction to the market of an innovative product
Zavorokhina N.V., Docent to chair « Merchandizing and examination» the Ural state economic university, the taster-expert, e-mail:
In article it is considered cluster model of formation of sensory preferences of the consumers, based on influence of environmental conditions of residing, national and religious priorities of consumers, influence of associative memory and marketing actions on sensory perception of the consumer the data of experimental researches of sensory sensitivity and sensory possibilities of consumers in various cities of the Russian Federation Are analysed.
Keywords: touch, the factor, cluster, the consumer, marketing, the tasting analysis.
- Beregnoy N.G. Role of modern methods of the sensory analysis by working out and promotion of new products in the market /The dairy industry . - 2005. - ¹ 4. – P. 34-36.
- The basic religious faiths on territories of Russia and their role in spiritual education of defenders of Fatherland / the Military bulletin of the South Russia (Rostov-on-Don). 2006. ¹ 36. – P. 6–7
- Lindstrom M. Brand in system of marketing communications/ Lindstrom Martin.
//Economic strategy. -2007. ¹ 2. -P. 188-189.
- / the Report on features of a climate in territory of the Russian
Federation for 2009.
- The report of the state committee on statistics of Russia "About results of the All-Russia census of 2002" at session of the Government of the Russian Federation on February, 12th, 2004
Marketing communications
Individual and personal implication of psychic processes in «the scenario» of forming a brand image by a consumer
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, Pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, å-mail:
Krasnoslobodstev A.A., Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department
of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin,Director of the Research Centre on the problems of industrial brand management, promotion and management of brand capital at the goods markets, å-mail
The process of forming a brand image with a consumer is examined in the article. The instruments of forming the mechanism of creating the brand image in the consumer’s mind are suggested.
Keywords: brand, image, psychic processes, product, consumer, offer, information, values.
- Aaker J. Dimensions of Brand Personality//Brand management. – 2001. - #2. – PP. 12-25.
- Andreeva G.M. Psychology of Social Cognition. – M.: Aspect-Press, 2004. – 321 p.
- Andreeva M.V. Psychological principles of brand forming and functioning: Diss. … Candidate of Psychology – M., 2003. – 187 p.
- Groshev I.V., Stepanycheva E.V. Psychological principles of effective brand forming//Psychology – the science of future: Materials of International Conference of Young Scientists. – M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2007. – PP. 407-413.
- Groshev I.V., Stepanycheva E.V., Smolyakova E.V. Brand communications as an instrument of sales techniques//Bulletin of MSUCA. – 2005. - #4 (12). – PP 105-112.
- Ilyin E.P. Emotions and feelings. – SPt.: Piter, 2010. – 457 p.
- Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Psychological patterns of behavior in the context of brand forming//International journal. Social and economic phenomena and processes.- 2010. - #1. – PP. 60-66.
- Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Psychological measurement of the efficiency of ‘brand’ phenomenon//International journal. Social and economic phenomena and processes.- 2009. - #4. – PP. 84-88.
- Nosulenko B.N. Psychophysics of natural environment perception: the problem of perceived quality. – M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 2007. – 387 p.
- Patushin S.B. Biological preconditions for branding and phenomena of consumers’ behavior//Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2006. - # 5. – PP. 38-47.
- Ries A., Trout J. Positioning: The Battle for your mind. – SPt.: Piter, 2003. – 289 p.
- Statt D. Understanding the Consumer. – SPt.: Piter, 2003. – 265 p.
The analysis of unsuccessful implementation of measures on event-marketing
Mansurov R.E.,The director Zelenodolskovo of branch of Institute of economics, control and right (Kazan), candidate of economical sciences, senior lecturer, e-mail:
The summary. In the given article the experience of an implementation on Event - marketing in the educational company is esteemed. The accent on the most widespread errors is done(made) at planning(glide) and implementation of similar measures.
Keywords: marketing of events.
Improvement of industrial systems names
Chajkov M.Ju., D.Tech.Sc., Assoc. Prof., of the Ural federal university of the first President of the Russian Federation B.N.Eltsina, e-mail:
In article technologies of a choice of the name in leading firms of the world are considered. Necessity of bright names, including, for industrial systems which will allow to increase an involvement of the personnel into the processes is proved, allowing to increase efficiency and competitiveness of manufacture.
Keywords: Choice of the name, industrial system, competitiveness, a trade mark.
- Chaikov MY, Chaikova AM An innovative approach to improving the legal framework with copyright / / Innovations. - 2008. - ¹ 11.
- Lee Iacocca. Manager career. - Minsk: Paradox, 1996.
- Akio Morita. Made in Japan. -M. : Progress, 1990.
- Part IV of the Civil Code.
- Shestimirov AA Trademarks. - Moscow Institute of Fire Prevention, 1996.
- Biryulin VI, Dudushkin S. and other trademarks in the Russian Federation. - Moscow: Arbat-Inform, 2004.
- Volkov, SI, RS Voskanyan Trademarks in a market economy. - M.: The Way, 1991.
- Chaikov MY, Chaikova OM The use of "magic numbers" in the marketing / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2006. - ¹ 4.
- Belousov KI, Zelyanskaya NL The name for dumplings (Monitoring associative words smy consumer expectations) / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2007. - ¹ 1
Advertising atrategies
Artemeva Ju.V. - the deputy the chairman of Board of directors of group of companies "Growthactive" (Russia), e-mail:
There are 13 marketing strategy at John Von Achen, the expert-practice who in practice applies every day all possible methods and offers not simply ideas, and the working information . Workers much of them, and here about some it is better to forget forever. Let try to apply them in advertising practice.
Keywords: Advertising strategy, advertising, tactics, the purpose, the brand, competitive position, the client, differences from others, marketing, sell.
- John Von Achen.Forbidden marketing. Ì.2005.
- Harry Beckwitt. Selling the invisible. M.,2009.-224 p.
- Sydney Finkelstein. Why Smart Executives Fail. M., 2006.-394 p.
Innovative marketing
Analysis of competitive environment of the technology parks: methodology basis
Maltseva A.A., Ph.D., Chief of Scientific and Technical Information and Organization of Scientific Work of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional “Southwest State University”, e-mail:
Summary: In article questions of the theory and methodology of the analysis of the modern technology parks competitive environment of which are formed on the basis of updating of fundamental marketing bases taking into account specificity of the technology parks activity are considered. An author's sight at a problem of carrying out of the competitive analysis in technopark the estimation of the competitive forces operating on technology park, its competitive positions and key factors of success includes key aspects, such as definition of dominating economic characteristics and the motive forces, causing changes in sphere of rendering of business services to the innovative companies.
Keywords: technology park, innovative company, competitive analysis, business services
- Armstrong G., Kotler F. Marketing: An Introduction. M: ”Williams”, 2007 – 832 p.
- Maltseva A.A. The conceptual framework of organization and functioning of the science and technology parks management company. – Kursk: Southwest State University, 2011. – 226 p.
- Maltseva A.A., Frolov S.N., Bobkov E.A. Conceptual bases of the organization of infrastructural support of small high technology business//the Economic analysis: the theory and practice.- M., Open Company “Financial press”, 2011. - ¹ 12. – Ð. 8-16.
Company’s website as a marketing communication tool
Shurchkova J.V., Ph.D. Economics, Associated Professor of World Economy and Foreign Economic Activity of Voronezh State University, e-mail:
Abstract. Using a commercial company's own web site allows it to generate the full range of marketing communications on the Internet, to realize the goal of improving sales, branding, informational purposes. The main characteristics of the sites of commercial companies identified: information, attractiveness, ease of navigation, features, feedback.
Keywords: website, marketing communications complex, the characteristics of the web site
- Uiller A. Brand identity. Guidelines for creation, promotion and support of strong brands / Moscow: Alpina Business Books, – 2004. – 235 ñ.
- Fill Ch. Marketing communications: engagements, strategies and practice / Chris Fill. – Pearson Education, 2005. – 920 p.
- Berthon P. The World Wide Web as an advertising medium: Toward an Understanding of Conversion Efficiency/ P. Berthon, L.F. Pitt, R. T. Watson // Journal of Advertising Research. – 1999. – ¹ l. – pp. 43-54.
- Uspenskyi I. V. Internet marketing / SPb : SPbGUEF, 2003. – 197 p.
- Hanson W. Principles of Internet Marketing / Ward Hanson. – South-Western College Pub., 2000. – 469 p.
- Usunier J.-C. B2B Web Sites: Advertising or Relationship Development? / Jean-Claude Usunier , BjÖrn S. Ivens, Nicolas Roulin. – INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT, 2008. – 37 p.
Internet forums as marketing tool
Deinekin T.V.,PhD in Economics, assistant professor of marketing and commerce MESI,
Forums are one of the oldest means of communication on the Internet. However, the market-logs are not so often use this tool to communicate with consumers. This is partly due to the complexity of predicting the effectiveness of this tool, in part - poor theoretical basis of its application. The author, who has ten years experience creating and managing online forums, sharing his practical and theoretical Kimi developments.
Keywords: internet marketing, online forums.
- Forum Marketing Secrets by Ming-Chieh Su // DSM Publishing Limited, 2010, Kindle eBook
Distribution channels
The problem of corporate and public procurement in the transitional economy of Russia
Pleschenko V.I., PhD in Economics, Head of Division, Goznak, e-mail:
The evolution of the purchasing process in Russia, moving from a centralized distribution system in the USSR to a free market interaction is described as well as the problems connected with it. The author evaluates the impact of different factors on improving the efficiency and transparency of purchasing process, development of competitive environment and business culture.
Keywords: procurement process, transitional economy, efficiency, transparency, competion.
- Kleiner G.B. Reforming enterprises: opportunities and prospects // Social Sciences and Modernity. – 1997. – No. 3. - pp. 15-29.
- Stepanov V.I. Evolution and current state of public procurement in Russia // Risk: Resources, Information, Supplies, Competition. – 2007. – No. 4. - pp. 14-19.
- Golubkov E.P. Theory and methodology of marketing: present and future. – M.: Delo i Servis, 2008. – 208 p.
- Great Soviet encyclopedia: In 30 books. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978.
- Arkhangelskiy V.N. Market transformation in Russia (socio-economic dimensions of development): a training manual. – M.: Publishing house of RAGS, 2004. – 276 p.
- Alekseev A.A. Technology and organization of country-side construction. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1983. – 440 p.
- Berbner J., Ermolov A. Procurement reform: first steps // McKinsey newsletter. – 2011. – No. 23. - pp. 33-41.
- Khorzov S.E., Chalov V.I. The institutionalization of the dynamics of Russia: a tutorial. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 26.08.2011).
- Cheremisina T.P. From Soviet enterprise to legal market company [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 12.10.2011).
- Exchange business: Tutorial / Under editorship of D.A. Galanov, A.I.Basov – M.: Finance & statistics, 1998. – 173 p.
- Korol A.N., Eliseev A.E. Major trends in the development of procurement // IGEA newsletter. – 2008. – No. 2. – pp. 13-15.
- Petrakov N.Ya. Russian roulette: economic experiment at 150 million lives. / Edition.: D.S. Lvov (chairman.) and others. – Ì.: JSC “Publishing House Economics”, 1998. – 286 p.
- Kleiner G.B. Institutional aspects of the reform of the industrial enterprises // Problems of Theory and Practice of Management. – 2002. – No. 4. - pp. 24-30.
- Barinov V.A., Sinelnikov A.V. Development of the organization in a competitive environment // Management in Russia and Abroad. – 2000. – No. 6. - pp. 3-13.
- Russian industry at a crossroads: What impedes our companies be competitive // Questions of Economics. – 2007. – No. 3. - pp. 4-34.
- Tsuklo S. Competition in the Russian industry in 2003-2009. – M.: Publishing house of Gaidar’ institute, 2011. – 136 p.
- Heather Ken. The Economics of Industries and Firms / a tutorial. – M.: Finance & statistics, 2004. – 480 p.
- “United motor building Corporation" navigates to electronic tendering [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 24.10.2011).
Dropshipping - the revolutionary form of the goods sale
Kaluzhsky M.L., Ph. D., Associate Professor of Marketing; Department of Economy, Management and Marketing; All-Russian State Distance Learning Institute of Finance and Economics; Associate Professor of Marketing; Department “The Organization and Management of the High Technology Manufactures; Omsk State Technical University
In the article social and economic consequences of development dropshipping are analyzed. Dropshipping consider as a new form of the organization of sales, prompt winning the Russian market. Proved, that development of dropshipping radically changes an infrastructure of promotion of the goods, leads to toughening of a competition to traditional forms of trade, does accessible the Internet-trade for any person possessing access to the Internet and the having seed capital. Revealed, that It opens huge prospects not only for simple people, but also for the Russian manufacturers who at correct use of opportunities dropshipping can get with the minimal expenses direct access to the world market.
Keywords:Internet-marketing, dropshipping, world economic crisis, globalization, internet-auction, electronic trading platform, payment systems
- Hollensen Sv. Global Marketing. – Ì.: New knowledge, 2004. – 832 p.
Discussion club
Presenting normative theory of marketing
Konovalov Y.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Marketing and International Business Academy of Marketing - IMSIT (Krasnodar), e-mail:
This is the third article, representing the NTM. It sets out basic information about the structure of NTM, the content of the base module, comprising functional blocks and their interconnections. Here are the details: 1. The concept of technologizing marketing. 2. The concept of governance of the terminal company. 3. The original scheme of corporate marketing technology company abstract (KMT-A). 4. The strategic adjustment of the system of marketing management.
5. Online configuration of individual control loops.
Keywords: basic concepts, marketing pressure, the marketing mix 4P, synthesis of the marketing mix 7PM-WAS, concept technologizing, Corporate Marketing Technology (CST), the terminal system of enterprise management, the control action, control circuit (CC), the strategic adjustment of KU, the operational setting CG, retrospective-tion management, system synthesis of complex objects.
- Konovalov EV The normative theory of marketing. Announcement / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2011. -
Number 4.
- Konovalov EV The normative theory of marketing. Basis / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2011. - ¹ 5.
- Konovalov EV Fundamentals of Marketing. Basic Course: Textbook. allowance for higher education in the specialty 080111.65 - Marketing. - Krasnodar IMSIT, 2006.
- Boyett, Joseph, Jimmie Boyett. A marketing guru. - M.: Publishing house Penguin Books, 2004.
- F. Kotler, Armstrong G., Saunders J., Wong V. Principles of Marketing: per.s English. - 2nd Europ. ed. - Moscow, St. Petersburg.: K.: Izdat. house "Williams", 2003.
- JJ Lambe Strategic Marketing. The European perspective / per.s French. - St. Petersburg.: Nauka, 1996.
Short messages
Using telecommunicative services and Internet
Stetcsenko U.V.,
Russians are conservative in their love to brands
Shashkin A.V., PhD. In Sociology, Chief Executive Officer, Online Market Intelligence (OMI),
Felonina Ju.V., Executive Marketing Officer Online Market Intelligence (OMI),
List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Aboard» in 2011