Contents of N2/2012

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Essay of the Russian marketing development
Karpova N.S., Ph.D.,Director of the Institute for International Business, National Research University- Higher School of Economics., e-mail:

The article gives a sound picture of the Russian marketing development, its academic origins, problems of today and challenges of the future. Marketing in Russia has more than 40 years’ history, however, one can hear that marketing in Russia appeared in 1990-s, still not enough developed and more over has quite unclear perspectives. But the author debates this approach, meaning that alongside with fundamental reforms in Russia marketing, generally based on international knowledge, had experienced a number of transformations, generated a unique traditions and experiences, opening the ways to acquire and meet the challenges of the future.
Keywords: the Russian marketing, history, market reforms, ethics, business culture, crisis, challenges of information epoch, the future.

1. Proceedings of the conference "25 years of marketing in Russia." - M.: MEDT, ETTA, 2001.
2. Saginova OV Skorobogatykh II, Fox K. The evolution of marketing in the USSR 1961-1991 years: from the "Marxism" to "Marketing" / / Marketing Research. - 2005. - ¹ 4.
3. Isdell Neville, Chairman & CEO, The Coca-Cola Company «Quo Vadis Russia: A Business Perspective» // Atlanta, Georgia: Southern Center for International Studies, (SCIS) – March, 2008.
4. Marketing in the foreign trade enterprises. - M.: External torgizdat, 1989.
5. Behind the Factory Wall. Decision making in Soviet and US Enterprises. – Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 1990.
6. World Investment Report for 2011: non-equity forms of international production and development,
7. The rise of state capitalism // The Economist – January 21st-27th, 2012. – P. 11–12.
8. Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I.Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to Human Spirit. – John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2010. – P. 3.



Quantitative analysis of buyers’ benefits from using web services for price comparison
Antipov E.A., National Research University “Higher School of Economics” – Saint-Petersburg, senior lecturer and “The Center for Business Analysis”, President, e-mail:
Pokryshevskaya E.B., National Research University “Higher School of Economics” – Saint-Petersburg, senior lecturer and “The Center for Business Analysis”, lead project manager,

In this study online price dispersion is analyzed based on 2008 and 2011 data. Theoretical background on price dispersion’s nature is given. The meaningful measure of price dispersion – the value of information, which measures informed customers’ benefits, is introduced. The influence of the number of retailers and the number of informed buyers on price dispersion is empirically tested.
Keywords: Price dispersion, internet economics, economics of information.

1. Baye M.R., Morgan J. and Scholten P. (2003). The Value of Information in an Online Consumer Electronics Market. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 22 (1): 17–25.
2. Burdett K. and Judd K.L. (1983). Equilibrium Price Dispersion. Econometrica, 51: 955–969.
3. Litan R.E. and Rivlin A.M. (2001). Projecting the economic impact of the Internet. American Economic Review, 91 (2): 851–858.
4. Reinganum, J.F. (1979). A Simple Model of Equilibrium Price Dispersion. The Journal of Political Economy, 87 (4): 851–858.
5. Varian H.R. (1980). A Model of Sales. The American Economic Review, 70: 651–659.


Estimation of conformity of the goods price to level of its consumer properties
Faskhiev Kh.A., Doctor of science technical, professor, The Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:
Krakhmaleva A.B., candidate economic science,The Ufa state aviation technical university,

The technique of revealing of conformity of the declared price of the goods to level of its consumer properties is resulted. The given estimation is made for the goods of consumer character on the basis of revealing of dependence of their price from a degree of quality of the goods-analogs. For the goods of investment appointment dependences of pure current cost on the price on which the analysis of conformity of the prices of the compared goods to level of their economic efficiency is made are under construction.
Keywords: the goods, the price, consumer properties, quality, economic efficiency, pure current cost.

1. Faskhiev Kh.A.  Acceptance of marketing decisions on the basis of a quantitative estimation of objects // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2010. - ¹5. - P. 6 - 14.
2. Test of winter tyres //At the wheel. - 1999. - ¹9. - P. 68-74.
3. Faskhiev Kh.A., Krakhmaleva A.V., Valeev I.D. Dynamic a method of an estimation of economic efficiency of lorries // The Truck. - 2007. - ¹6. – P.12 - 18.
4. Faskhiev Kh.A., Kostin I.M. Technical and economic an estimation of lorries by working out. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house KamPI, 2002. - 480 p.


The PIMS project: looking for the lessons
Magdanov P.V., Candidate of economic sciences, Assistant Professor, Management Department, Perm State University, e-mail:

The article considers the PIMS project which has been applied during the 1970-1980th. The author brings to light the most important works which are treated the factors that facilitate the profit of a company. The central problem is relationship between the relative market share and the return on investments.
Keywords: PIMS Project; Marketing Strategy; Strategic Planning; Strategic Planning Institute.

1. Allessio H. Market-Share Madness//Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 3, 1982–1983. – Pp. 76–79.
2. Allio R.J. and Patten J. The Market Share/Excellence Equation//Planning Review.Vol. 19, September-October, 1991.
3. Bourantas D. and Mandes Y. Does Market Share Lead to Profitability?//Long Range Planning. Vol. 20,
¹ 5, 1987. – Pp. 102–108.
4. Chussil M.J. Does Market Share Really Matter?//Planning Review, Vol. 19, September-October, 1991. –
Pp. 31–37.
5. Day G. Gaining Insights through Strategy Analysis//Journal of Business Strategy. Vol. 4, 1983–1984. –
Pp. 51–58.
6. Delombre J. and Bruzelius, B. Importance of Relative Market Share in Strategic Planning –A Case Study//Long Range Planning, Vol. 10, August, 1977. – Pp. 2–7.
7. Gale B. Cross-Sectional Analysis: The New Frontier in Planning//Planning Review, Vol. 6, March, 1978. – Pp. 38–43.
8. Gale B. Planning for Profit//Planning Review, Vol. 6, January, 1978.
9. Hamermesh R.G., Anderson M.J.,Jr. and Harris J.E. Strategies for Low Market Share Business//Harvard Business Review, ¹ 56 (3), 1978. – Pp. 95–105.
10. Leontiades J. Market Share and Corporate Strategy in International Industries // Journal of Business Strategy. Vol. 5, 1984–1985. – Pp. 30–37.
11. Lubatkin M. and Pitts M. PIMS: Fact or Folklore?//Journal of Business Strategy. Vol. 3, 1982–1983. –
Pp. 38–43.
12. McLagan D.L. Market Share: Key to Profitability?//Planning Review, Vol. 9, March, 1981. – Pp. 26–29.
13. Naylor Th.H. PIMS: Through a Different Looking Glass//Planning Review.Vol. 6, 1978. – Pp. 15–32.
14. Newton J.K. Market Share – Key to Higher Profitability?//Long Range Planning. Vol. 16, ¹ 1, 1983. –
Pp. 37–41.
15. Simon H.A. Spurious Correlation: a Causal Interpretation//Causal Models in Social Sciences. Ed. Blalock, H.M. Aldine Atherton, Chicago. 1971. – P. 5.
16. Wakerly R.G. PIMS: A Tool for Developing Competitive Strategy//Long Range Planning. Vol. 17, ¹ 3, 1984. – Pp. 92–97.
17. Wernerfelt B. The Relation between Market Share and Profitability//Journal of Business Strategy. Vol. 6, 1985–1986. – Pp. 67–74.


The selection of software for sales forecasting
Bylina V.Y., Master of Marketing Department BSEU, e-mail:

There a lot of programs for forecasting sales în the market, provides a fairly accurate forecasts. The choice of software depends on many factors, which makes it difficult. The article reviews the main programs for forecasting sales, and made their comparison with matrix method.
Keywords: forecasting sales, Microsoft Excel, Statistica, ForexSal, matrix method, software for forecasting sales.

1.V. Golik. Using matrix method in marketing decision making. – Marketing in Russia and abroad – 2009. – No. 1. – p. 37-47.
2.M. Grigoriev. Software products in marketing. – M.: Gardariki, 2004.
3.C. Carlberg. Excel Sales Forecasting for Dummies. – M.: Williams, 2006.
4.Statsoft: [Electronic resource] – Mode of access:
5.Forexsal:[Electronic resource] – Mode of access:
6.Matrix Method: [Electronic resource] / V. Golik. – Mode of access:



Management of marketing of the Russian nanoindustry
Frolov D.P., doctor of economics, head of chair «Marketing and advertising», Volgograd state university, e-mail:

In article key problems and perspective directions of marketing of Russian nanoindustry are presented. Discrepancy of estimations and forecasts of volumes of the nanotechnologyical production market is revealed. Necessity of working out of Marketing strategy of development of nanoindustry in the Russian Federation is given reason, its problems and priorities are defined.
Keywords: marketing of innovations; nanoindustry; nanotechnologies; market of nanoproduction; public loyalty; marketing strategy.

1.Aleshina I.V., Alyoshin E.B. Globalization of the markets, nanoindustry and strategy of Internet-promotion of nanoproducts in Russian Federation // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2010. ¹ 3.
2.Åzepova E.V. Nanotechnologies in creation of a new product // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2006. ¹ 5.
3.The concept of nanotechnological centers by ROSNANO. Ì, 2009. 21 pp.
4.Petrov I. Researches as semifinished products // Marketolog. 2011. ¹ 1.
5.The Presidential message to Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation by Vladimir Putin // Rossiyskaya gazeta. Federal release ¹ 4353. April, 27th, 2007. URL:
6.Tretjakov J.D., Gudilin E.A. Lessons of foreign nanoboom // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009. Vol. 79. ¹ 1.
7.Frolov D. Theory of crises after the crisis: technologies versus institutions // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2011. ¹ 7.
8.Shlabitz V.V. Nanotechnologies: an exhibition aspect // Marketing. 2009. ¹ 5.
9.Batude-Thibierge M. Technological Marketing for Early Nanotechnologies // The Nano-Micro Interface: bridging the micro and nano worlds / H.-J. Fecht, M. Werner (eds.). Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co, 2004. P. 11-34.
10.Europeans and Nanotechnology in 2010. Winds of change? / European Comission; European Research Area. URL:
11.Hodge G A , Bowman D M and Ludlow K (eds) New global frontiers in regulation: the age of nanotechnology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007.
12.Lux Research. Nanotechnology Corporate Strategies. 2008. URL:
13.Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector: Implications for the Future / L.J. Frewer, W. Norde, A. Fischer, F. Campers. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co, 2011.
14.OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2010. URL:
15.Palmberg C., Dernis H., Miguet C. Nanotechnology: an Overview Based on Indicators and Statistics / STI Working Paper 2009/7.
16.Prasad S.K. Modern Concepts in Nanotechnology. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House PVT Ltd., 2008.
17.Shelley T. Nanotechnology: New Promises, New Dangers. Fernwood Publishing Ltd., 2006.
18.Srinivasan R. Book review: Technology and Marketing Strategy / A. Ghose (ed.). The Icfai University Press, 2007. 261 pp. // Current Science. 2009. Vol. 97. ¹ 1.
19.2010 Nanotechnology Research Review. URL:


Success factors of innovations in FMCG: consumers do not always «vote» for new product offers from love brands
Mazina O.V., Senior Brand Manager, Danone Baby Nutrition, e-mail:

Brand extension is key source of growth in consumer markets. It seems that nothing can go wrong with launching an innovation under an existing well-established brand. However, reality-check tells us that consumer do not always “vote” for new product offers from their love brand! A structured look at success factors of innovations under a strong, well-known brand will help us see the drivers and inhibitors of success of brand extensions.
Keywords:innovation, brand, brand stretch, launch, brand extension, brand equity, fmcg

1. Beiersdorf Untermehmensbrochure 2010, îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò Beiersdorf AG,
2. Doehle P. Pflegefall, Brand Eins, 13.Jahrgang, ¹ 6, Juni 2011, S.28–29.
3. Gunther S. Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung von Markentransfers. – Wiesbaden, 2002. – S.51.
4. Hupp O. Sind starke Marken stark genug fur Neuprodukt-Einfuhrungen?, in: Markenartikel, 2001, Nr.3. – Wiesbaden. – S.16, 62.
5. Jansen S., Gedenk K. Markentransfer am Beispiel Nivea Beaute, â: Albers S. (Èçä.), Handbuch Produktmanagement, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden, 2002 – S.1045–1046.
6. Muller S. Bildkommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor bei Markenerweiterungen, Wiesbaden, 2002– S.50, 62.
7. Ries A., Ries L. Die 22 unumsto.lichen Gebote des Branding. – Muenchen, 1999– S.91.
8. Schonen T. Erlebnismarketing: Wie Nivea Teilziegruppen fur die Marke begeistert, â: Absatzwirtschaft, 46, 2003, Nr. 2 – S.40.
9. Volckner F. Markentransfer, â: Zerres C., Zerres M., Markenforschung. Analyse aktueller Ansatze in Wissenschaft und Praxis.– Muenchen, 2004. – S.83.



Problems and prospects of river cruises for youth
Efremova M.V., Ph.D in economics, professor, Federal Government-funded, Higher School of Vocational Training, chief of the management chair, e-mail:

The results of a marketing survey are considered in the article. Its goal was to explain the low popularity of river cruises among young people 142 respondents from Nizhniy Novgorod city aged from 18 to 29 were questioned. Optimal characteristics of river cruises for young people were defined, among them a route, length of a trip, range of services, and price.
Keywords: River cruise, marketing survey, tour market, demand, route, length of a trip, range of services.

1.N.L. Bezrukova. Cruise market: the current state and development: Teaching manual/ N.L. Bezrukova – M. Finance and Statistics; IFRA–M., 2010 –160 p.p.
2.N.K. Malkhotra. Marketing research. Practical Guide, 4 copy: Translated from English. – M. Corporation of Public Limited, «G. D. Vilyams». 2007 – 1200 p.p.


Whom do the Russians trust?
Stetsenko Y.V., GfK Rus PR & Communications Director, e-mail:

International studies report the level of trust held GfK Verein fall of 2011, based on responses from about 28 thousand respondents from 25 countries (including Russia, USA, France, Turkey, India, South Africa, Australia, Japan, etc.). The survey assessed the level of trust in other people, 11 public institutions and 11 branches of the economy based on the following scale replies: "full confidence", "trust for the most part," "not very much trust" and "do not trust."



Justification of the profitability normatives to expenses at pricing of industrial
services of the agroservice enterprises
Araslanov T.N., candidate of  economics, assistant professor (dotzent) of the economics of business chair, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ufa State Aviation Technical University», e-mail:
Vasilchenko I.V., elder instructor in humanities, social and economic disciplines branch of Cumertau, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ufa State Aviation Technical University», e-mail: capitan80@bk.r

In article the approach based on a substantiation at formation of the prices for industrial services, rendered by the agroservice enterprise for rural commodity producers, the profitability specification to expenses is considered at realization cost-based pricing models. It is revealed that profitability of actives essentially below the average expenses for the enterprise capital that dictates necessity of working out of administrative actions for increase of efficiency of use of all actives of the enterprise and revision of a price policy as throughout last years there is a decrease in an indicator of profitableness of sales.
Keywords: cost-based pricing, the agroservice enterprise, the average cost of the capital of the enterprise, profitability of actives.

1. Lipsic I.V. Pricing: the textbook. – 4 edition, the reslave – Ì: the Master, 2008. – 527 with.
2. Copeland Ò, Koller Ò, Murrin J. The Value of companies: measuring and managing. - 3 edition / the lane with English - Ì: Joint-Stock Company "Olympus-business", 2008. - 576 with.
3. Simionova N.E. Methods of a property estimation: business, real estate, the earth, cars, the equipment and vehicles. - 2 edition, the reslave. And äîï. - Rostov on/D: the Phoenix, 2010. - 362 with.



How to undermine sales of competitors
Artemeva J.V., The deputy the chairman of Board of directors of group of companies "GrowthActive ", the manager communications of brands, the founder of system of marketing safety, diploma ÌÂÀ «Strategic management», e-mail:

The summary: that you are is already a headache at your competitor. Because you can be unpredictable. And here they, competitors, as a rule, operate on templates. Look attentively at advancement of the competitor - he can be foreseen.
Keywords: competitors, sales, advertising, advertising strategy, advertising actions, promoters, advancement, strategy.


Transition to relationship marketing in the company
Mansurov R.E.,The director Zelenodolskovo of branch of Institute of economics, control and right (Kazan), candidate of economical sciences, senior lecturer, e-mail:

The summary. In the given article the practical experience of transition of the company from marketing «founded on one bargain», to marketing relationships is rotined.  
Keywords: marketing of relationships, effective marketing

1. Calvin B. Relationship marketing: studies. allowance. Book. 2 / Per. from English. - Zhukovsky: IIM LINK, 2010. - 90.


Territory brand: essence and formation problems
Vazhenina I.S., Institute of economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The leading research assistant, the Doctor of Economics, the senior lecturer,

In article the essence of concept «a territory brand» is investigated. The various views on this point in question are critically analyzed. Author's definition of a brand of territory is formulated. The dialectics of image, a brand and reputation of territory is shown. Differences of image and a territory brand are opened. Some aspects of formation of brands of territories are considered.
Keywords: image of territory, a territory brand, reputation of territory, branding of territories

1. Batueva T. If you want to involve the investor - underline the difference! url: (date of the reference of 18.04.2011).
2. Vazhenina I.S. Image and reputation of territory as an advancement basis in competitive environment //Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2006. ¹ 6. - Pp. 82-98.
3. Vazhenina I.S. Image and reputation of territory//Regional economy: the theory and practice. 2010. ¹ 23. – Pp. 2-12.
4. Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. Image and reputation as strategic components of non-material actives of territory//Region Economy. 2010. ¹ 3. Pp.95-103.
5. Vizgalov D. Branding of a city. – Ì: City economy Institute, 2011.
6. Gerdt T. Urgency of the city’s branding. url: (date of the reference of 01.04.2011).
7. The City-brand. url: (date of the reference of 10.04.2011).
8. Malkova V. K, Tishkov V. A. Anthropology of historical and cultural brands of territories, regions and places. Ñ - 14. - url: html (date of the reference of 20.04.2011).
9. Rusakova O. F, Hares of Century Ì a PR-discourse: the teoretiko-methodological analysis / an image and brand General characteristic: similarities and differences. url: (date of reference of  19.04.2011).
10. Council about national competitiveness. url: (date of the reference of 18.04.2011).
11. Tarnavsky V. Country  as a brand. url: (date of the reference of 4/15/2011).
12. Khanov B. Kirov as the brand is unrecognizable. url: (date of the reference of 10.04.2011).
13. Yandiev M. Brand: the tool of depreciation of loans?//the Securities market. 2007. ¹ 20. - Pp. 37-41.
14. url: (date of the reference of 25.11.2011)
15. url: of the reference of 25.11.2011)
16. url: (date of the reference of 18.11.2011).
17. url: (date of the reference of 18.09.2011)
18. url: (date of the reference of 18.11.2011)
19. url: (date of the reference of 24.11.2011)


Particularities of economic integration of South Ural's printed mass¬ media in information community
Limarev P.V., senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov, e-mail:

Feature of the condition global information society is given In article on modern stage, analyzed reasons to integrations regional printed media in global information society, valued possibilities of the printed matters in changed condition.
Keywords: printed media, information society, integration, function of marketing

1. Bell D. The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties. — N.Y.: Free Press, 1965.
2. The Analytical report on result of the study "Formation SMI in Russia as instrument to democracies. The Policy state and quotient corporation". – Moscow, International Press Club, 2002.
3. S. Gurevich. Economy of the mass media. – Moscow, RIP holding, 2001.
4. Doctrine to information safety RF, 2000. [Electronic resource] / Mode of the access:
5. V. Kiverin. Economy editorial staff of the newspaper. – Moscow, Aspect Press, 2002.
6. V. Kulev. Peculiarities of financing of mass-MEDIA in the formation of the information market // Journalism in transition. – Moscow, 1998.
7. F. Machlup. The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States. – Moscow, Progress, 1966
8. A. Toffler. Future Shock. – Moscow, ÀÑÒ, 2008.



Residential real estate market research of regional real estate
after economic crisis
Serikov D.A., Deputy of General Director «Ìàêîí Êîíñàëòèíã», LTD, e-mail:

In connection with the crisis in the global economy and the Russian real estate market the role of marketing research in this segment and the value of information about consumer preferences have significantly increased. In the present work we analyze various aspects of current and pre-crisis state of the real estate market, its main determinants. According to the results of the work, the marketing situation in the regional real estate markets has changed cardinally since 2008, making a transition from the "seller's market" to a "buyer's market". This compels construction companies to establish and use marketing information systems, to increase the value of marketing research.
Keywords: resident real estate, Krasnodar, market trends, price of real estate, improvement, housing facilities, supply, demand, market research.

1.Krasnodarstat data as of January 1, 2010
2.Russian demographic barometer. HSE.
3.Official data of Krasnodarstat of the collection “Construction and investment in the Krasnodar Territory”
4.Own data of the analyst company MACON Realty Group


Features of regional strategies of tour products Promotion (on an example of Southern Federal District regions)
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. of Economy, associate professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

In article features of regional strategies of advancement of tourproducts are investigated. The analysis of features of marketing advancement is spent on the basis of the analysis of strategy of advancement of Southern Federal District’s regions tour product. Each marketing tool of promotion of region is analyzed in details. The conclusion about uncertainty of the target market, absence of strategy of positioning and low level of use of creative methods of promotion of region as tourism destination becomes.
Keywords: promotion of a regional tourproduct, marketing tools, positioning, target market, region

1.The basic forms and methods of advancement of tourism territories [the Electronic resource]. – Access Mode. – URL:
2.Bases of marketing [Text]. – Ì: the publishing house "Williams", 2006.
3.Kovalev A.I., Isaeva E.V. Value of positioning in achievement of strategic targets of the company on an exit on the market // Problems of modern economy. – ¹ 2 (30). [the Electronic resource]. – Access Mode. – URL: http:// artid=25962
4.Ries, E. Blooming of public relations and advertizing decline: how better to present firm / E. Ries, L. Ries. – Ì: AST: AST Moscow, 2006.
5.Trout, Jack. Positioning: fight for minds. 20 anniversary edition. / J.Trout., E.Ries. – SPb.: Peter, 2009.
6.Forming of the theory and practice of public relations of business: foreign experience and lessons for Russia: the monography / L.S. Shahovskaya, I.E. Belskih / VolgGTU. – Volgograd, 2008.
7.Holloway, J. C. Marketing for tourism / J.C. Holloway. – K.: Znaniya, 2008. – 575 p.
8.McCabe, S. Marketing communication in tourism and hospitality / S. McCabe. – Amsterdam ; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009.– 300 p.
9.Marketing in Travel and Tourism / V. Middleton, A. Fyall, M. Morgan, A. Ranchhod. – Amsterdam; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009.– 502 p.



Questions asked frequently about licensing. Outcome of the conference «Licensing in Russia»
Evseenkova E.A., Director of Licensing, MVG Licensing, e-mail:

Terms "licensing", "brand licensing", "intellectual property rights" in recent years increasingly heard in the business community. These terms also can be heard in December, at the first professional conference "Licensing in Russia." International experience of licensing, specifics of the local market, legal aspects of licensing processes, 2012 trends, the role of licensing agent: professional opinions from  local and foreign participants of the conference, experts like William Krnjak, Elena Evseenkova, Svetlana Protsyuk in the article "Frequently asked questions about licensing".
Keywords: license,licensee,licensor
Transcript of the guests discourse.



Marketing department: introduction and positioning problems
Saburova M.M., PhD in Economics, lecturer of cathedra "Economics and Management» of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, e-mail:

The main problem of the article is marketing implementation at Russian enterprises, possible resistance levels of integration of marketing department in organizational structure are considered. In addition, ways to overcome such resistance by the top management company are suggested.
Keywords: Marketing, marketing department, change management, resistance to change, overcoming of resistance, crisis.

1.Vikhansky O.  Management: the textbook. - 4th ed. rev. and add. - M.: Ekonomist, 2005. – 669.
2.Ivanov L. Aspects of the formation of marketing activities in enterprises change
3.Kevorkov V. Reform in marketing at Russian enterprises //
4.Levykov O. Overcoming resistance of six layers // www.
5.Industrial marketing - it's just a "cut" mass marketing. Proceedings of the workshop "Evaluating the effectiveness of a campaign to promote. Before, during, after" - Moscow, Academy of Marketing, 2009
Solov'ev B. Marketing: the textbook - M.: INFRA- M, 2006. - 386.
Starikova À. Marketing - is not auxiliary process! //



Marketing as a tool for leadership in the IT industry
Vilensky M.V., General Director of LLC "IT Capital Consulting"
Ruslanov D.V., General Director of LLC "Perfect Raise"

This article considers the marketing tools necessary for successful development of IT-company. High-tech industry is very unique and requires a special approach for the preparation of marketing plans. The authors present their vision of the IT-company in the example of one of the most successful organizations of the industry - "IT Capital", in cooperation with the baggage of a major Russian and foreign brands.

TUI: Results of sales during New Year celebration
Novikova N.P., Head of PR Department, TUI Russia & CIS

Tour operator TUI has analyzed the preferences of Russian tourists during the past Christmas holidays.


Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».