Contents of N3/2012

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Contents of N3/2012



Problems and prospects of development of hotel services market in Nizhniy Novgorod
Efremova M.V., Ph.D in economics, professor, Federal Government-funded, Higher School of Vocational Training, chief of the management chair, e-mail:
Melnichkina NV, graduate FGBOU VPO "Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute"

The article gives some results of market research that was carried out to identify problems, weak points and possible prospects concerning hotel service market development in Nizhniy Novgorod. The target group is guests who came to Nizhniy Novgorod either from the Nizhniy Novgorod region or from other Russian cities and towns.The number of those guests was 193.
The article focuses on the clients' preferencies regarding the choice of hotels to stay. Besides, the author formulates several problems which are making theNizhniy Novgorod tourism industry development slower.
Keywords: hotel, hotel services, market research, Nizhny Novgorod market, the survey respondents

1.Hotel business in Nizhniy Novgorod [The Electronic resource]. An access mode: http:// http://www.xn;
2.Site of Territorial body of federal service of the state statistics across the Nizhniy Novgorod region [The Electronic resource]. An access mode: http://



Using marketing communications on electrotechnical market
Borovkova O.N.,Head of Marketing Group of Companies "Elcom", St. Petersburg,

Before starting manufacturing and product’s realization, every company (factory) defines which marketing communication system is more effective for promotion company at the market.
Object of an article - share experience of promotion electrotechnical company at Russian market.
Keywords: Saving of electrical energy, new brands, advertising, a corporative magazine, sponsorship, seminar, social network


      1.  ñorporate website of the company
      2. www.  Internet shop of the calorifics Hintek
      3. website of electric motors
      4. The exhibition ITFM
      5. Bashkir exhibition a company

Rebranding – as a medicine for brand’s health
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, Pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, å-mail:
Krasnoslobodstev A.A., Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin,Director of the Research Centre on the problems of industrial brand management, promotion and management of brand capital at the goods markets, å-mail

In the article the reasons for rebranding are discussed, its types are highlighted and the aims of its implementation are defined. The model of effective rebranding is given. The algorithm of its implementation, shortcomings and mistakes while utilizing rebranding are presented. The criteria of implementation and the efficiency of rebranding are defined. The measurement procedure of emotional perception of brands, by which the activities of rebranding are assessed, is analyzed.
Keywords: algorithm, brand, concept, platform, reasons, rebranding, brand name, type, aim, value, efficiency.

1. D. Aaker Brand Personality and its characteristics / / Brand-me nedzhment. - 2001. - ¹ 2. -
S. 12-25.
2. Averyushkina T. Popov, E. Conceptuality tools branding / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2001. - ¹ 2. - S. 111-121.
3. Barancheev B. Management of branding as part of an innovative organization development / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2003. - ¹ 1. - S. 46-63.
4. Golubkov, EP Principles of Marketing. - M.: Finpress, 2003. - 656 p.
5. Groshev IV, Krasnoslobodtsev AA Individual-personal implication of mental processes in the "scenarios" of forming brand image in the consumer / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2012. - ¹ 1. - S. 35-40.
6. Domnin VN Branding: the new technology in Russia. - St. Peter, 2004. - 381 p.
7. Karpov SV Branding: a tutorial. - M.: KnoRus, 2008. - 224.
8. Marketing and brand management / lane. from English. - Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2007. - 174 p.
9. Payne, D. BAV - method of measuring the value of brands / / New Marketing. - 2003. - ¹ 4. - S. 18-21.
10. Arnold D.The Handbook of Brand Management. – London: FT/Pitman Publishing, 1993. – 376 ð.

Love marketing as a new paradigm of organizational marketing
Minina T.B., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing and International Management,
Ural State Economic University,

The problem of low efficiency of intra-marketing at Russian enterprises is that many managers underestimate the role of such personnel competence as the ability and desire to love their customers, their company and the job that they do. A fundamental factor in selecting the contact personnel of the enterprise is to identify a candidate's ability and willingness to love his customers. In the education system, the main principle should be: "Treat your customers as you would like them to treat you." At the heart of corporate culture it should be the love of the work, the company and the clients.
Keywords: Love-marketing, organizational marketing, love, happiness, paradigm.

1. The sayings of Confucius, its pupils and other persons. Saint-Petersburg, 1910.
2. Kevin Roberts Lovemarcs. – Moscow: Ripol Classic, 2005.
3. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan. Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit – to a human soul. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2011. – 240 with. – (The Guru of management).
4. Kun T. The structure of scientific revolutions, Moscow, 1975.
5. Lebedintseva E.S. Introduction of organizational marketing at the consumers' cooperative society enterprises. Kirov, 2010.
 6. Minina T.B. Love-marketing in system of the higher formation / Scientifically-analytical magazine "Manager" of the Ural state economic university ¹ 7-8 (11-12), 2010.
7. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The selected compositions, volume 3, Moscow, 1961.
8. Strategic marketing: the manual / I. V. Kotljarevskaya, Ural State University, 2006.
9. Fromm E., The art of loving, N. Y., 1962.
10. The Economics of Happiness
sachs181/English… a-schastja.html


Intellectual property of company as a competitive advantage
Zhukova E.V., the senior lecturer of chair of financial management NRU – HSE Nizhniy  Novgorod, e-mail:

This article discusses the use of intellectual property of the company as a competitive advantage. In this connection it is necessary to evaluate these sites. This problem can be solved by the methods considered in the article.
Keywords: intellectual property, intangible assets, trademark, brand, valuation methods, the purpose of evaluation, the evaluation stage, the problems evaluation.

1. Civil Code, Part IV (adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation November 24, 2006)
¹ 230 - FZ
2. Regulations on accounting, "Accounting for Intangible Assets" (PBU 14/2007) / / Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2007, ¹ 153n.
3.Aaker, D.(1996), Building Strong Brands, The Free Press, New York,NY
4.Chaplinsky, S. (2002), Methods of intellectual property valuation, University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville,VA.
5.Keller, K.L.(1998), Strategic Brand Management: Building: Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
6.Lagrost, C., Martin, D., Dubois, C. and Quazzotti, S. (2010), Intellectual property valuation: how to approach the selection of an appropriate valuation method, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp.481-503.
7.Smith, G.V. and Parr, R.L. (2000), Valuation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
8. Karpenko, S., Recognition and measurement of intangible assets under IFRS and RAS [electronic resource] / S. Karpenko / / GAAP.RU: Information about the business journal of theory and practice of financial and managerial accounting, international and national standards, 2008 Mode of access:
http / / /. – screen
9. Kozyrev, A.N., Evaluation of intellectual property and intangible assets [electronic resource] / A. Kozyrev / / Site "Corporate Management", 2002 -. Mode of access: - screen.
10.Flignor, P. and Orozco, D. (2006), Intangible asset and intellectual property valuation: a multidisciplinary perspective, World Intellectual Property SMEs Newsletter,July


Bank marketing: improvement of customer service
Shtein O.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Sevastopol National Technical University, e-mail:

In the article the problem of improving the organization of the customer service of bank. The problem worsened due to increased competition in the Ukrainian banking market, which banks wishing to survive, must fight for customers. It is now one of the main tools for better ways to provide services may be the use of bank marketing.
Keywords: bank marketing, banking services, market improving customer service organization.

1. Cherkasov V., Plotitsyna L. Banking: Marketing, analysis, calculations. Teaching and practical guide. - M.: Metainform. - 1995. -208 p.
2. Zhukov E. Management and Marketing in Banks: Training. manual for high schools. M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITY. - 1997. – 191 p.
3. Lopatinsky I. The management of the company's marketing-based CRM technology // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2002. - ¹ 2. - P. 20-31.
4. Zubchenko L. New trends in bank marketing (for a review of materials French journals) // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2000. - ¹ 1 .- P.125-134
5. Derig H.-U. Universal bank - the bank of the future. - M: International Relations, 1999. –383p.
6. Volobuev V. ISDN technology in information networks // Network. - 1997. - ¹ 4. - P. 14-24.
7. Mintz V. Model of mortgage lending and prospects of their application in Russia // Banking. - 2002. - ¹ 6 .- P. 30-34.
8. Kogan U. Lending in the sources system in finance of housing / Banking services. - 2002 .- ¹ 3.- P. 13-19.
9. Loginov M. State management and mortgage lending in today's economy // Marketing, 2002. - ¹ 1. –


Marketing interpretation of the territory
Gabidinova G.S., associate professor of chair « Marketing and  management»
Kama State Academy of Engineering-Economic, e-mail:

In global economic space territories act as independent economic agents. They compete with each other to attract necessary resources with a view of achievement a high population standard of living. All this defines need of use of marketing tools in the social and economic activities of the territory. So in this article some features of the marketing-mix elements of territory are opened. These features should be consider, when the competitive strategy of the region is developing.
Keywords: territory marketing, demand, product, price, place, promotion.


  1. Andreev S.N., Mel'nichenko L.N. Bases of noncommercial marketing. – Ì.: Progress - Tradition, 2000. – 256 p.
  2. Vjalkin A.G. Agency on development of territories – key link of investment marketing of the region // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2010. – ¹1. – pp. 80-84.
  3. Zherdeva O.V. Marketing role in identification of territories // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2006. – ¹2. – pp.120-126.
  4. Kaljuzhnova N.Ja. Competitiveness of the Russian regions in the conditions of globalization. – Ì.: TEIS, 2004. – 526 p.
  5. Marketing places Europe / Ph. Kotler, Ch. Asplund, I. Rein, D. Haider. – Stockholm School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, 2005. – 381 p.
  6. Kotler Ph., Nancy Lee. Marketing in the Public Sector. – St.-Petersburg: Piter, 2008. – 384 p.
  7. Pankruhin A.P. Marketing of territories. – St.-Petersburg: Piter, 2006. – 416 p.
  8. The territorial competition in economic space / S.G. Vazhenin, V.L. Bersenev, I.S. Vazhenina, A. I. Tatarkin. – Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. – 540 p.



Reforming a system of sales in non-state educational entity
Mansyrov R.E.,

In the given article the practical experience of reforming of a system of sales in non-state educational entity is esteemed. Îñìûñëÿþòñÿ existing problems practical pathes of their solution also are given.
Keywords: a system of sales, efficiency of educational entity.

1. Vincent Calvin. Relationship marketing: studies. allowance. book. 2 / Per. from English. - Zhukovsky: IIM LINK, 2010.

 Essence, structure and features of the market of educational services
Romanova I.M., professor of chair of marketing and commerce Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:
Shevchenko O.M., graduate student of chair of marketing and commerce Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:
Polupanova V.A., trainee of the centre of marketing researches Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:

In article approaches to definition of concept the market of educational services are considered. The essence of the market of educational services is defined. The structure is opened and the characteristic of features of the market of educational services is given.
Keywords: the market of educational services, concept, essence, structure of the market of educational services, features of the market of educational services.

1.Berezin I.S. Middle class in the market of educational services: [the Electronic resource] // Seminar materials «Marketing of educational services». – URL:
2.Burdenko E.V. Market of educational services in transformed economy: the author's abstract of the dissertation of Cand. Econ. Sci. – Ì., 2004. – 22 p.
3.Kuznetsova I.V., Sakiev E.E. Marketing the situation analysis in the market of educational services // Methods and estimations in management of social and economic processes. – Rostov n/D, 2003. – P. 79–85.
4.Ostapchenko V.D. The concept of commodity educational manufacture in higher education system // Youth, formation, the market. – Ì., 1992. – P. 83–92.
5.Polyanskih T.A. Development of the local market of educational services of a small city: the author's abstract of the dissertation of Cand. Econ. Sci. – Volgograd, 2007. – 26 p.
6.The Russian statistical year-book 2010 / Federal Agency Statisticans. – Ì., 2011. – 795 p.
7.Starovojtova T.A. Formation and development of the market of educational services in Russia // Scientific notes. – 2009. – ¹ 2. – P. 519–522.
8.Stepanova I.E. The Analysis of problems of pricing in the market of educational services // The Russian business. – 2004. – ¹ 8. – P. 85–90.
9.Ushakova M.V. Russian market of educational services and its specificity // Socially-humanitarian knowledge. – 2003. – ¹ 5. – P. 254–265.
10.Fokina O.I. Formation and functioning of the market of educational services: the dissertation of Cand. Econ. Sci. – Ì., 1998. – 148 p.
11.Hashirov O.A. Business in sphere of services. – SPb., 1993. – 113 p.
12.Chubarova O.I. Research of the market of educational services // Management and marketing in system of market relations. – Barnaul, 2002. – V. 2. – P. 17–19.
13.Shumov U.A., Kedrovsky L.G. Market: structure and the characteristic. – Ì., 2002. – 60 p.

Problems and prospects of services quality improvement in hotel business
Tuvatova V.E., Ph.D., the senior lecturer of chair "Management" of branch of the Sochi state university of tourism and resort business in Nizhni Novgorod,

Article is devoted a problem of quality of services in hotel business. In article the basic aspects of quality of services of hospitality are considered and ways of improvement of quality of services at the enterprises of Nizhni Novgorod are offered.
Keywords: Quality, the hospitality enterprises, hotel services, the managing director on quality.

1. Berestova L. Qualitative services: as to provide them / L.Berestova//Public service. –
2009. - ¹ 6. - with. 23-27.
2. Bulahov V. A. The professional approach to creation of systems of quality
management//Management today. - 2008. - ¹ 5. - With. 278-289.
3. Lanskov D.P. Analys of quality of services as a necessary condition of increase of
competitiveness of the organizations of service //Economic sciences. - 2011. - ¹ 1 (74). –
with. 138-140.
4. Smirnov S.A. Modern approaches to quality management in sphere of services.//the
Bulletin of the St.-Petersburg university. A series 5: Economy. - 2008. - Ñ.5.-âûï.4. - With.
5. Taver E.I. Qualit as object of management.//Management today. - 2008. - ¹ 5. - WITH.


The specificity of the «principal-agent» problem for the collegiate bodies
of procurement management in industry
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department,

Collegial bodies of the procurement and selection of contractors on an alternative basis is a usually practice for Russian companies. However, for the subjects of any organizational system is characterized by the desire to reduce their man hours without change of compensation, as reflected in the principal-agent problem, as part of the new institutional theory. In the case of procurement conducted by the industrial enterprises, has added to the problem and subjective features of this type of buyers as the market behavior, the breadth and diversity of needs, attachment to traditional suppliers. This article examines the complex issues, makes recommendations to improve the effectiveness of purchasing commissions.
Keywords: industrial enterprise, competitive procurement, tender committee, the principal-agent problem, agent’s shirking.

1.Oleinik A.N. Institutional economy: Tutorial. – M.: INFRA-M, 2010. – 416 p.
2.Procurement maturity model [Electronic resourse]. Access mode: URL: (accessed 02.04.2012).
3.Litvinceva G.P. Glossary of institutional economics. - Novosibirsk: NGTU Publishing House, 2003. –
336 p.


The Russian car market: what to wait after Russia's accession
to the world trade organization?
Faskhiev Kh.A., Doctor of science technical, professor, The Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:

Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization conditions are considered. It is noticed that at decrease in the customs duties on lorries growth of sales volume of import trucks in the Russian market of 12-23 % is expected, and in the market of cars tendencies established in last years will remain. The basic share of the market will belong to import cars of the Russian assemblage, and the share of import of new cars will decrease.
Keywords: the lorry, the car, the market, the World Trade Organization, the price, import, the duty.

1. Gurdin K. The new motor of economy //Arguments of week. - 2012. - ¹2.
2. Vladimircki I. Reabilitatsija // Autorevue. – 2011. - ¹3.
3. WTO: the Average tariff for import to the Russian Federation will decrease to   
    7,8 % from 10 % in 2011 http: //

Review of smartphone market in 2010–2011
Katsegorov V.V., head of research and market analysis department, Svyaznoy,

It is impossible to comply with the modern customer’s needs and his changing demands without timely and accurate information about market development. Market research enables to analyze the key development trends, to build an effective strategy for the company, proper assortment and pricing policy, etc. Marketing research is especially pressing for Russian digital products retailers, working in a fast-growing telecommunications market. As an example of such research, we can take “Smartphone market review 2011” prepared by the analysts of Russian largest mobile retailer Svyaznoy.
Keywords: smart phones, research, telephones, market survey, Apple, HTC, Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Android, Whindows Phone, Symbian, the operating system.


Revealing of new marketing policy – policy of possibilities
Smirnoff K.A., International Slavonic Institute, Rector, International Cyril & Metodii Academy of Slavonic Enlightenment, President, Dr. Economics, Professor
Nikitina T.E., International Slavonic Institute, Dean of Economic Depatment, Dr. Economics, Professor, e-mail:

Revealed new policy named as 5P - policy of possibilities – has been elaborated by the authors. In the article classical 4 policies are anew considered and evaluated as well as it has been shown their insufficiency from the point of view of production due to their market and consumer orientation.
 Keywords: Marketing instruments, marketing structure, policy of possibilities, ensuring of competitiveness, reduction of expenditures, control of material resources optimization of organizational structure of a company



Federal system «Gorod»: 2011 year results
Mazanov P.V., director of Federal System "Gorod", e-mail:

The federal system, "City" (FSH) provides a full range of services to accrual, collection and processing of payments from the public. In 2011 the total network of fee collection system increased by one third and is now above 30,000 points in 79 regions of Russia.

QIWI found the answer to the question: «What women want?»
Vysochkina A., Head of PR Department QIWI Group, e-mail:

Residents of apartment houses spend billions of dollars for nothing
Kurtova N.V., press secretary, Danfoss, e-mail:

Confectionery production in Russia is being increased
Yevangelyeyeva A.S.,  Market Analitic"Inline", e-mail:

From the car wing to the global change. How to change the whole world starting from small?
Bulanova N.N., Marketing Director ZEPTER International Russia,


List of dissertation on marketing defended in the second half of 2011 year
Limarev P.V., senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov, e-mail:

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