Contents of N4/2012
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Trust of consumers as important factors of competitive fight of banks
Fyodorova Y.A., student of the Volgograd state technical university, e-mail:
Dryablova E.A., student of the Volgograd state technical university, e-mail:
Årbert E.E., senior tutor of «Economics and Management» of the Volgograd state technical university, e-mail:
The future introduction of Russia to the World Trade Organization puts domestic banks in conditions of serious toughening of competitive fight. In the circumstances there is especially actual a studying of trust of consumers, as one of factors of increase of competitiveness of banks. During studying of the matter the banks presented in the city of Volgograd and their main services were considered. By results of sociological poll the five of banks – leaders on trust of consumers was revealed and the reasons, allowed to reach such situation are studied.
Keywords: trust of consumers, banks, competitive fight, leadership, sociological poll
1.Volgograd.Kov.Rf: [site]. URL: http://xn--80addag2buct.xn--b1apm.xn--p1ai/bankslist.php?kod=3401(reference date: 03.02.2012).
2.Civil code of Russian Federation, article 26, point 2
3.Ermasova N.B. "Money, credit, bank"// - Ì.: Examination, 2005, 142pp., 67pp.
4.Jukov E.F. Jars and bank transactions. Textbook. - Ì.: "Jars and exchanges" 2009.
5.National agency of financial researches: [site]. URL: date: 20.01.2012).
6.The Savings Bank – the first Russian bank: [site]. URL: reference date 15.03.2012)
7.Federal law from December, 6, 2011 N 409-FÇ
More positive
Stetsenko Y.V., GfK Rus PR & Director of Communications, e-mail:
A joint study of the Association of European Businesses (AEB) and the International Institute for Marketing Research "GfK-Rus" studies the attractiveness of doing business in Russia for foreign companies, the comfort of doing business, the prospects of the Russian market, employment of foreigners and demand for their services.
Keywords: company, European, expectations, study, perspective.
Study of the Association of European Businesses (AEB) in collaboration with the Inter-
International Institute of marketing and social research "GfK-Rus", April-May 2012.
Emotional forces of motivation in choosing brand in the light of consumer behavior
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, Pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, e-mail:
Krasnoslobodstev A.A., candidate of economic sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin,Director of the Research Centre on the problems of industrial brand management, promotion and management of brand capital at the goods markets, e-mail:
The article scrutinizes motivational components which define consumer behavior. Consumer needs and motives are analyzed on the basis of which the models of consumer behavior are examined. The main criteria of choosing brand are given categorizing consumers.
Keywords: brand, choice, motive, model, consumer behavior, need, purchase, consumer, type, value.
1.Alyeshina I.V. Behavior of Consumers. Textbook. – M.: Economist, 2006. – 528 p.
2.Andreeva G.M. Psychology of Social Cognition. Tutorial. – M.: Aspect-Press, 2004. – 288 p.
3.Andreeva M.V. Psychological Principles of Brand Forming and Functioning: Diss. … Candidate of Psychology – M., 2003. – 214 p.
4.Gamble P., Stone M., Woodcock N. Customer Relationship Marketing at Work. – M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2002. – 378 p.
5.Khomutov A.E. Physiology of Central Nervous System: tutorial. – Rostov-on Don: Phoenix, 2006. – 384 p.
6.Golubkov E.P. Basics of Marketing. – M.: Finpress, 2003. – 656 p.
7.Groshev I.V. Management of Organizational Culture. – Moscow: Publishing House MPSI; Voronezh: Publishing House «MODEK», 2010. – 760 p.
8.Guseva O.V. Branding as a System of Consumer Communication // Some Aspects of Communication Politics. – SPt.: Publishing House SPtSUE&F, 1998. – PP. 34-57.
9.Domnin V.N. Branding: New Technologies in Russia. – SPt.: Piter, 2004. – 381 p.
10.Dymshits M.N. Consumer Manipulation. - M.: Omega L, 2004. – 252 p.
11.Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Brand as a Modern Regulating Device of Consumer Behavior of the Slavs // Psychology of Slavic Virtue: Materials of International Scientific and Practical Conference – Tambov: Publishing House TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, 2009. – PP. 148-150.
12.Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Psychological Patterns of Behavior in the Context of Brand Forming // International Journal. Social and Economic Phenomena and Processes. – 2010. – ¹ 1. – PP. 60-66.
13.Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Psychological Preconditions of Effective Branding in Russia // Psychological Innovations in Economics and Finance: Materials of International Scientific and Practical Conference Moscow, 19-20 March 2009 – M.: FA, «Lark Ltd», 2009. – PP. 426-429.
14.Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. The Role of Brand While Choosing Goods // Scientific Notes of Tambov Regional Department of the Free Economic Society of Russia. – Tambov: Publishing House TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, 2009. – Volume 12. – Issue 1. – PP. 225-226.
15.Lebedev-Lyubimov A.N. Psychology of Advertising. 2nd edition – SPt.: Piter, 2008. – 384 p.
16.Maslow A. The Psychology of Science. – M.: Book Vakler, 1992. – 117 p.
17.Pashutin S.B. Biological Preconditions for Branding and Phenomena of Consumers’ Behavior // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2006. – ¹ 5. – PP. 38-47.
18.Consumer Behavior / Edited by N.I. Lygina, G.A. Vasilyeva. – 2nd edition – M. UNITY-DANA, 2007. – 239 p.
19.Statt D. Understanding the Consumer. – SPt.: Piter, 2003. – 448 p.
As by means of simple actions to turn potential clients into the real clients
Kovalev Ì.N., Business consultant, coach, candidate of sociology sciences, professor of Moscow State University of Management, e-mail:
The article contains some tips on lead conversion for sales departments. The aim is to convert the people applying for your goods and services into your clients because 1-2% lead conversion increasing gives you extra 20% profit. Some important issues on your very first communication with your potential clients are given. Very useful and low-cost tips on business telephoning process for your managers will help them to save up to 30% of their working time. Your managers can use this time for selling and getting extra profit to you and themselves as well.
Keywords: lead generation, lead conversion, profit, sales department, clients, potential clients, business telephoning process.
1. Dan Kennedy. How to Success in Business by Breaking all the Rules. - Minsk: Poppuri, 2006 2. À. Parabellum, N. Mrochkovsky. Business without rules. How to break stereotypes and get super profit. – SPb.: Piter, 2011
3. À. Parabellum, N. Mrochkovsky. Get all from your business! 200 ways to rise your sales & profit. –
SPb.: Piter, 2011
4. Dan Kennedy. No B.S. Ruthless Management of People & Profits: No Holds Barred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners Guide to Really Getting Rich -Ì, Alpina Pablisher, 2012
5. Stephen R. Covey. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers - Ì, Alpina Pablisher, 2012
Advertizing and media planning
Shmatov G.À., Senior Researcher, Ural State University, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, e-mail:
In work the methodology and technology of planning of an advertising campaign is stated. The author considers problems of strategic, tactical and practical planning of advertising. Innovative methods of increase in advertising effectiveness and optimization of the advertising budget are presented.
Keywords: advertizing, media, planning, effectiveness
1.Sissors J. Z., Baron R.B. Advertising media planning.- SPb., 2004.- 412 p.
2.Hopkins C. Scientific Advertising.- Ì.: Alfa-Press, 2000.- 96 p.
3. Sendidg C. Advertising: Theory and Practice.-Ì., 2001.- 620 p.
4. Wells W., Burnet J., Moriarty S. Advertising: Principles and Practice.- SPb.,1999.-736 p.
5. Russell J. Ò., Lane W.R. Kleppners Advertising Procedure.- SPb., 2003.- 928 p.
6. Batra R., Myers J. G., Aaker D. À. Advertising management.- SPb.: Williams, 2004.- 784 p.
7. Rossiter J.R., Perci L. Advertising Communication and Promotion Management.- SPb., 2000.- 656 p.
8. Bove Ê.L., Arens W.F. Modern advertising.- Ì.: Izdatelsky Dom Dovgan, 1995.- 704 p.
9. Dayan À. La Publicite.- SPb.: Neva, 2003.- 128 p.
10. Aksha R. Creation the Effectual Advertising.- Ì., 2003.- 272 p.
11. Schonert W. Werbung, die ankommt.- Ì., 2001.- 311 p.
12. Kotler F. Marketing. Management.- SPb., 1999.- 896 p.
13. Du Plessis E. The Advertised Mind.- SPb., 2007.- 272 p.
14. Shmatov G.À. Media planning bases.- Ekaterinburg: UrGU-2007.- 372 p.
15. Shmatov G.À. Media planning.- Ekaterinburg: GU.-2012.- 442 p.
16. Popov E.V., Shmatov G.À. Quantitative methods of media planning // Ìeíåäæìåíò â Ðîññèè è çà ðóáåæîì. 2009, ¹5, p. 36-44.
17. Popov E.V., Shmatov G.À. Advertising efficiency calculation // Management in Russia and Abroad. 2010, ¹4, p. 11-17.
18. Shmatov G.À. To a problem of search of laws in sphere of media influences //Vestnik UGTU-UPI. 2010, ¹6, p. 102-111.
19.Shmatov G.À. Quantitative aspects of planning of multimedia advertising // Advertising: Theory and Practice. 2011, ¹ 1, p. 26-34.
20 Shmatov G.À. Quantitative methods of media planning // p. 248-322 in: “ Influence of advertising on acceptance of consumer decisions ”, Ekaterinburg: GU, 2011, 388 p.
21. Kutlaliev À., Popov À. Advertising efficiency.- Ì.: EKSMO, 2005.- 416 p.
22. Matantsev À.Í.Advertising efficiency.- Ì., 2007.- 416 p.
Characteristics of emotional consumer behavior Dimova N.I., candidate of economic sciences, Ch. ass. Dr., New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria, e-mail:,
In the rational model of consumer behavior is clear that consumers are not affected emotionally by the products being marketed and there is no emotional context of shopping. The study of the emotions of consumers helps marketers interpret the confusing aspects of consumer behavior by understanding the emotional influences.
Keywords: users, emotions, advertisements, relations
1.Stoycheva, M.Kehayova, Consumer behavior, Publishing House "Science and Economy", University of Varna, Part II, 2009.
2.Aizan,I. and M.Fishbein.Attitude – behavior relations: A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psychological Bulletin,1977.Vol.84.
3.Ålster,Jon,Emotions and Economic Theory,Journal of Economic Literature, March,1998,36 /1/,p.47-74/, Ålster,Jon,Rationality and Emotions, The Economic Journal,106,1996.
4.Frank,R.H.,Passions Within Reason, New York:Norton, 1988, Elster.J.,Alchemies of the Mind:Rationality and the Emotions, Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press,1999.
5.Lowenstein,G., The Creative Destruction of Decision Research,Journal of Consumer Resrarch,, /December 2001/.
6.Robinette,S.,Claire Brand, Emotion Marketing: The Hallmark Way of Winning Customer for Life,New York, McGraw Hill,2001.
Sensory brending as communication instrument
Golubkova E.N., professor of Russian University of Economy named after
G.V. Plechanov, e-mail:
Consider the instruments of marketing communicating which are new for Russian market. Traditional instruments of marketing communication are becoming ineffective because distinctive advantages of products are becoming not sufficiently distinguishable that why new instruments of influence on consumers are demanded. Sensory communication gives opportunities to identify of brends with help of sound, color, smell. The examples of practical implementation of sensory brending are considered in the article.
Keywords: sensory communication, sensory brending, brend identification, communication elements, color semantics, ethic preferences, sonic effects.
1. Vuyma AJ The use of music in advertising
2. Carmine A. Psychology of Advertising. - St. DNA, 2004.
3. Kivva MP Atmospheric effects on retailers and economic indicators of its communication activities / / Proc. scientific papers "Problems of modern marketing" / under. Society. Ed. VA Solovyov. - Moscow: Publishing House of Russia. Econ. Acad., 2007.
4. World of odors and control human behavior
5. Sagdiyev, R., E. Vinogradov, Musatov A desire to buy produce with images, music, and odor / / Vedomosti. - 2006. - 2 February.
6. Ulyanovsk AV Marketing Communications: 28 tools millennium. - New York: Penguin Books, 2008.
7. Fedotov LM Sociology of advertising. - Moscow: Gardariki, 2002.
Concept of boom demand
Pàshytin S.B., Doctor of biol., e-mail:
The questions of the biological basis of formation of an excessive consumer demand. It is shown that in the case of excessive demand triggered a psychological reaction, characteristic of the average man in the street, and not based on a desire to be different. One of the communication tools to influence consumers have a greater impact on public opinion, are the rumors. The characteristic of the rumors as a marketing tool for creating excessive demand.
Keywords: boom demand, rumor, social group, opinion leader, psychological posture, rumor distribution channels, clannish marketing.
1. Bekhterev VM Objective Psychology. - Moscow: Nauka, 1991.
2. Fyodor Dostoevsky Demons. - Collected works in 15 volumes, -, 7. - Leningrad: Nauka, 1990.
3. Rosnow R.L. Rumor as Communication // Journal of Communication. – 1988. No. 38. – Pp. 12–28.
4. Sapolsky H.M. Consuming Fears. – New York : Basic Books, 1986.
5. Rosnow R.L., Yost J.H., Esposito T.L. Belief in Rumor and Likelihood of Rumor Transmission // Language and Communication. 1986. No. 6. – Pp. 189–194.
Marketing of science-intense industries (per example of pharmaceutics)
Simanovskaya Ì.L., candidate of economic sciences,assistant professor of public administrationMoscow State University. MV Lomonosov, e-mail:
Groubman Ì.À., (LLC “Raifarm”)
Pharmaceutics is used as an example to describe specific characteristics of science-intense industries. Micromarketing approaches are described as methods that decrease the risks on all phases of drug life cycles and some aspects of governmental regulations of pharmaceutics.
Keywords: science-intense industries, competitive advantages, risks on all phases of drug life cycle, micromarketing in pharmaceutics, macromarketing in pharmaceutics
1. National Science Board 2012. Arlington, VA: Science and Engineering Indicators, 2012.
2. Galbraith, J. The New Industrial State. - M., 1969.
3. Williamson, O. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. - St. : Lenizdat, 1996.
4. AM Best New Competition. Institutions for industrial development. - Moscow: TEIS, 2002.
5. Analysis of the system of state regulation of the scientific sphere, see Simanovskaja ML,
Kusov IS State regulation of health research / / State regulation of the economy: the manual / Ed. IN Myslyaevoy, NP Kononkova. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2010.
6. Theoretical foundation of objective necessity regulatory actions of large firms to mitigate the problems of implementation, and disclosure of the marketing regulation see Simanovskaja ML Effect of monopoly regulation on the implementation / / Impact of state-monopoly capitalism in reproductive processes in today / ed. MI Suvorova, LA Cherkasova. - Moscow: Publishing House
Moscow University, 1981. - S. 46-81.
7. See also: ML Simanovskaja Monopoly in the STR and internationalization of economic life in capitalist countries. (Special course). - Moscow: Moscow State University Press, 1989.
8. Tretyakov OA Marketing: new targets management model: a tutorial. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2005.
9. Pharmaceuticals in Russia. Strategy development and innovation opportunities. (10.06.2012).
10. The strategy of the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.
11. Site of Russian Technologies - Biotechprom. Interview with Minister of Health Vladimir Skvortsova of 7 June 2012.–
12. Gary Pisano: Science business. The promise the reality and future of the biotech/
Harward business school press. 2007.
13. Federal Law of 12.04.2010 ¹ 61-FZ "On Circulation of Medicines."
On the interaction of marketing department with other departments at Russian enterprises
Saburova Ì.Ì., candidate of economic sciences, lecturer of cathedra "Economics and Management» of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, e-mail:
This article describes the possible schemes of effective cooperation marketing department with other departments at Russian enterprises, reveals the key problems and solutions within the framework of the interaction.
Keywords: marketing, marketing department, production department, R & D, Legal, Personnel Service, Financial services, purchasing, workflow, lateral marketing, interaction.
1.The interaction of marketing and sales
2.Mantras and mortal sins of marketing. Interview with Philip www.
3.Medvedev, P. Organization of marketing services from scratch. - St. Peter, 2005. - 224.
4.Bad organization of the company to interfere with effective marketing
5.Solov'ev B. Marketing: The textbook, Moscow: INFRA-M, 2006. – 386
6.Universal collection of job descriptions / ed. A.V. Kasyanova. - M.: Cost: ROSBUH, 2008. - 632
World leading experts about licensing in Russia: perspectives and international practice. Based on materials of press-conference at LICENSING@RUSSIA
Evseenkova Å.À.,CEO, Vita Nova Agency (licensing agency, e-mail:
Licensing market in Russia is relatively new, but it the most attractive and highly increasing market in the world. World’s biggest licensors and agents are interested in this market, as well as international licensees looking forward to new Russian brands. The world leading experts were sharing their ideas about specific and perspectives during first international licensing expo in Russia.
Key words: license, licensor, licensee, intellectual property, expert.
Transcript of the speeches of experts at the conference
Diversification of the product portfolio of industrial enterprises:
associated costs and risks
Pleshchenko V.I., candidate of economic sciences, FSUE «Goznak», e-mail:
Desire enterprises of industry to reduce uncertainty and risks involved in doing business, and dependent on external factors, is reflected in the expansion of product line, orientation to a larger number of consumers with different preferences. However, this approach causes generally an increase in the number of suppliers and contractors of the company and the appropriate of increase transaction costs. Solution to the problem lies in finding the optimal correlation of risks and costs for concrete enterprise.
Keywords: industrial enterprise, external environment, risks, uncertainty, diversification of product line, transaction costs.
1.Garnov A.P., Khlevnaya E.A. Economy of the enterprise: modern business planning: a tutorial.– Ì.: Delo i servis, 2011.
2.Meshalkin V., Belozerskii A., Dli M., Ivanova I. The development of economic-mathematical models for risk management in metallurgical industry // RISC: resources, information, supply, competition. – 2011. – No. 3.
3.Mikhailov L.M. Crisis management in industry: scientific-practical edition. – Ì.: Publishing house «Ekzamen», 2004.
4.Zhivkovich S., Ivanova T. Synergy management paradigm and international standard ISO 14000 // Problems of the theory and practice of management. – 2011. – No. 5.
5.Bagiev E.G. Methodology adaptation mechanisms and forms of interaction between business actors in corporate entities of industry: avtoref. Diss. … Dr. Eco. Sciences. – Saint-Petersburg, 2009.
6.Market discipline and contracts: theory, empirical analysis, right/Radygin A. D. [etc.]. – M.: IEPP, 2008.
7.Panasenko E. Supply management in contract production process // Loginfo. – 2011. – No. 3.
8.Popular economic encyclopedia. /Ch. Ed. A.D. Nekipelov; Ed. count: V.S. Avtonomov, O.T. Bogomolov, S.P. Glinkina, etc. - M.: The Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2001.
9.Hoyer Wolfgang. How to do business in Europe: opening remarks by Y.V. Piskulov. -M.: Foundation “For economic literacy”, 1991.
10.Golubkov E.P. Anti-Crisis Marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2009. – No. 1.
Formation of the prices for not fuel goods in shops at refueling complexes
Lenkova O. V., candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of management in the branches of the fuel and energy complex of Tyumen State oil and gas University, Advisor to the Russian Academy of natural sciences, Tyumen, e-mail:
Deberdieva E.M., candidate of economic sciences, docent, Director of the Institute of management and business of Tyumen State oil and gas University, Advisor to the Russian Academy of natural sciences, Tyumen, e-mail:
Osinovskaya I.V., candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of management in the branches of the fuel and energy complex of Tyumen State oil and gas University, Advisor to the Russian Academy of natural sciences, Tyumen, e-mail:
In article the algorithm the program formation of development not fuel goods of retails and services is given in shops at refueling complexes. Within this algorithm features of prices establishment for not fuel goods are considered and concrete recommendations about the account are made when pricing such factors, as refueling complexes site, number of cars arrivals on studied à refueling complexes, formats of shops at refueling complexes, demand of buyers and influence of competitors. Given approbation calculations are given they showed that establishment of the differentiated prices on geographical segments of the market within implementation of the program of development will allow studied branch to increase volumes of realization of not fuel production and to get additional profit.
Keywords: prices for not fuel goods, oil products supply, marketing program, refueling complexes
1.Abryutina M.S. Pricing in a market economy: Textbook. - Moscow.: Publishing house "Business and Service", 2002. - 256 p.
2.Danchenko, L.A. Competitive pricing: issues of analysis. / / Marketing and marketing research. - 2003. –
¹ 4 (46). - p. 28-34
3.Plyonkina V.V., Andronova I.V., E.M. Deberdieva and other Organization and management of commercial activities of an industrial enterprise: the manual. - Tyumen: TSOGU, 2003. - 200s.
4.Plyonkina V.V. Lenkova O.V., Chistyakova G.A. Strategic Management (in diagrams and tables): a tutorial with the stamp "Approved EMA on education in the field of management as a textbook in" Management "." - Tyumen: TSOGU, 2010. - 192 p.
5.The price policy of the enterprise / V.M. Tarasevich. - St. Petersburg. Peter, 2003. – 288p.
The organization of internet coupon sales as a direction of development of multichannel integration in a service sector
Panyukova V.V., candidate of economic sciences, docent (senior lecturer) Chair of the organization and technology of commerce Russian state university of trade and economic, e-mail:
The application of multi - channel integration strategy is one of the key tendencies of the development of commercial activity of retailers and enterprises of service sector. At the same time trade companies carry out commercial activity in a physical stores and in the Internet. During the last three years we see the growth of market capacity of coupon sales and also the steady rise of the number of subjects of the market involved in collective sales of coupons in the Internet. In the article the author gives the characteristics of the main features of development of the market of coupon sales in Russia and makes a forecast about the perspective directions of development of the market of coupon sales.
Keywords: multi-channel integration, coupon sales, site of collective sales, organizer of collective sales, promotion of goods and services
1.Panyukova V. V. Mass sales of coupons in the Internet as the direction of evolution of special price offers of the organizations of a service sector// Marketing communications, 2011, ¹ 6.
2.The Internet in Russia. Status, trends and prospects of development: Sectoral report. - M.: The analytical service of RAEK, editorial staff of the magazine «The Internet in Figures», 2011.
3.Official website Forbes. -[electronic resource]:
4.Official website «Biglion» – [electronic resource]:
5.Official website «Groupon» -[electronic resource]:
6.Official website «» -[electronic resource]:
7.Official website «» – -[electronic resource]:
Managing new product development: a case study comparing Canon, Inc. and Apple Computer, Inc
Gîlubkîv Å.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economy and Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:
In this paper we compare the new product development process in two companies that have reputations for innovation. We will show how the information creation process operated and how that assisted in the self-renewal of the companies. The Japanese case study is the development of the Mini Copier by Canon. The U.S. case study is the development of the Macintosh computer by Apple Computers. For each company these were crucial product developments. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Canon and Apple methods of organizing and encouraging the creation process.
Keywords: new product, case study, information creation process, organization of new product development process, motivation of new product development process.
1. Aoki M. Information, incentives and bargaining in the Japanese economy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989.
2. Daft R., Weick K. Toward a model of organizations as interpretation systems //
Acad. Manage. Rev. – 1984. – 9 (2).
3. Florida R., Kenney M. The breakthrough illusion: corporate America’s inability to link production and innovation. – New York: Basic, 1990.
4. Quinn W. Managing innovation: controlled chaos // Harv. Bus. Rev. – 1985. – May–June.
5. Walton M. Mind behind the Mac // Bay Area Computer Currents. – 1985. May 7.
6. Young J. Steven Jobs: the journey is the reward. – Glenview: Scott Foresman, 1988.
The first Russian online cashback mall intends to occupy 10% of e-commerce market by 2015
Voitsekhovich-Kazantsev Ê., Company Promoter and Chief Development Officer,
Runet today: numbers, facts, events
Vorobyeva Å., Head of PR and Press Services Russian Association for Electronic Communications, e-mail:
SAS: Target marketing tools for greater profitability
Isaev S.S., Head of customer analytics department SAS Russia/CIS, Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (PhD), e-mail:
«Competition»: main definitions and its interpretation
Taranuxa U.V.
List of dissertation on marketing defended in the fist half of 2012 year
Limarev P.V., candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,