Contents of N5/2012

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Contents of N5/2012



Theoretical aspects of the concepts and indicators of market conditions
Romanova I.M., professor of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:
Trotsenko A.N., specialist of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:

Approaches to the definition of «market conditions» are discussed in the article. The essence of the concept of «market conditions» is defined. Classification of market conditions performance are presented and their characteristics are given.
Keywords: general economic market conditions, market conditions, trade conditions, indicators of market conditions.

1. Belyaevsky, I. K. Marketing research: a manual / I. K. Belyaevsky. - M., 2002. - 175 p.
2. Belyaevsky, I. K. Statistics of the market: a textbook / ed. I. K. Belyaevsky. – Ì.: Finance and Statistics,1995. – 432 ð.
3. Great Dictionary of Economics / Ed. A.N. Azriliyan. – M.: Foundation «Legal Culture», 1994. – 528 ð.
4. Borisov, A.B. Great Dictionary of Economics / A.B. Borisov. – M.: Book World, 1999. – 895 ð.
5. Burov, A. S. International marketing: a manual / A. S. Burov. - M.: Publishing and Trading Corporation «Dashkov K °», 2004. – 284 ð.
6. Golubkov, E.P. Marketing Research: theory, methodology and practice / E.P. Golubkov. – Ì.: Finpress, 2003. – 339 p.
7. Grachev, Y.N. Foreign economic activity. The organization and equipment of foreign trade / Y. N. Grachev. - M.: CJSC «Business School Intel-Synthesis», 2000. – 544 ð.
8.  Kostyukhin, D. I. The conjuncture of world capitalist economy / D.I. Kostyukhin. – Ì.: international relations, 1973. – 312 p
9. Lebedev, OA, Lygina, N. I. Marketing research: a tutorial. – M.: Publishing House «FORUM»: INFRA-M, 2009. – 192 p.
10. Levshin, F.M., Mukhin, B. S., Soloviev, V.N. World markets: market conditions and prices. - M.: Int. relations, 1987. – 120 p.
11. Nozdryov, R.B. International marketing: a textbook / R.B. Nozdryov. - M.: Ekonomist, 2005. – 990 p.
12. Petrishchev, Y.V. Development of methodology for conjunctural analysis of commodity markets in the enterprise: the diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / Petrishchev Y/ V. - Moscow, 2004. – 185 p.
13. Polyakov, V.V. World Market: Forecasting issues: a manual / V. V. Polyakov. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. – 264 p.
14. Raizberg, B.A., Modern Dictionary of Economics / B.A. Raizberg, L.S. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtsev. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. — 495 p.
15. Saprykin, E.V. Conjuncture of world market of fishery products as a factor in the development of the fishing industry of Primorsky Territory: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / E. V. Saprykin. - Vladivostok, 2003. – 159 p.
16.  Svetunkov, S.G. Methods of marketing research: a tutorial / S.G. Svetunkov. - St. Petersburg.: Publisher «DNK», 2003. – 352 p.
17. Semenov, E.Y. Commodity market in energy: assessment and prediction: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / Semyonov E.Y. - Irkutsk, 2001. – 154 p.
18. Smitienko, B.M. International Economic Relations: a textbook for high schools / B.M. Smitienko. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 512 p.

Formation of the concept of «Economic situation (conjuncture)»
Moissyeenko I. V., assistant of the chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail: gold4232
Noskova E. V., Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of the chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:

The article reveals the ideological preconditions of the concept of economic situation, deals with the experience of using the term economic situation abroad and national economic science, described the Russian and foreign organizations that specialize in the research of the market situation
Keywords: economic conditions, market, market institutions, scientific direction, the ideological preconditions

1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia [Ålectronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL: http://www.bse. id_39892, URL: bse/id_37428
2. Zhigun L. A. Ñonditions and competition in the Far East in the 90s. - Vladivostok: Izd FESUE, 1999.
3. Kozyrev V. M. Principles of the modern economy. - Moscow: Finance and statistics, 1998.
4. Kudina M.V. Basic economics. - M.: FORUM: INFRA - M, 2008.
5. The course of economic theory. / ådited by M. Carpenter. - Mn.: Interpresservis, Misanta, 2003.
6. McConnell C. R., Brue S. L. Economics: ðrinciples, ðroblems and ðolicies. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2003.
7. Nozdryovà R. B. International ìarketing. - Moscow: The åconomist, 2005.
8. Svetunkov S. G. Methods of marketing research [Ålectronic resource] - Mode of access: study/marketing/files/8.pdf
9. Dictionary of russian language S. Ozhegov [Ålectronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL: 13116.shtml
10. Explanatory dictionary of great russian language (V.I. Dal) [Ålectronic resource]. - Mode of access:  URL: letter. php?charkod=202
11. Explanatory dictionary of russian language D. N. Ushakov [Ålectronic resource]. - Mode of access:  URL: all/kon1yunktura.htm
12. Fisher S., Dornbusch R., Schmalensee R. Economics. - Moscow: Case Ltd , 1995.
13. Economic Theory: a textbook for universities / ådited by V. I. Vidyapin, A. Dobrynin, G. P. Zhuravleva, etc. - Moscow: INFRA. - M, 2003.
14. Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron [Ålectronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:

Theoretical foundations of innovation governance of the university: concept and types of innovation and innovation activities of high school
Romanova I.M., professor of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:
Efremova P.V.graduate student of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:

Approaches to definition of concepts of innovation and innovation activity are considered and identified the major deficiencies of the existing definitions in this article. The basic features of the concepts of innovation and innovation activity are identified. Author’s definitions of innovation and innovation activity are formulated. The structure and characteristics of innovation activities of the university are revealed.
Keywords: innovation; innovation process; innovation activity; concept and essence of innovation; innovation activity of the university.

1.Azgaldov, G.G. To a question about the term 'innovation' / G.G. Azgaldov, A. Costin, - [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:
2.Barancheev, V.P. Marketing innovation (radical and disruptive innovations - high-tech marketing): Textbook - M.: LLC Blagovest-In in 2007 - 232.
3.Bezdudny, F.F. The essence of the concept of innovation and its classification / F.F. Bezdudny, G.A. Smirnov, O. Nechayev / / Innovations. - 1998. - ¹ 2-3
4.Blaug, M. Economic thought in retrospect / M. Blaug, trans. from English. - M.: Case Co., Ltd., 1994. - 720.
5.Hamidov, G.S. Fundamentals of Innovation and Innovation activity / G.S. Hamidov, V.G. Kolosov, N..O Ottomans. - St. Petersburg.: Polytechnics, 2000.-300 p.
6.Zavlin, P.N. Innovation management: a handbook / P.N. Zavlin, A.K. Kazantsev, L..E Mindeli.-Petersburg.: Nauka.1997.-559 p.
7.The concept of the innovation policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000: approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.07.1998, ¹ 832 / / Russian gazeta.-1998.-August 19
8.Mahovikova G.A. Innovation management: a manual / G.A. Mahovikova, N.F. Efimova.-2011
9.Medynsky V.G. Innovation management: a textbook / VG. Medynsky. - M.: INFA-M, 2004.-293 p. Ill. - (Higher Education)
10.Molchanova O.P. Innovation Management / O. Molchanova.-M.: Wit Press, 2001.-270 p.
11.Nepomniachtchi, A. Innovative education: achievements and prospects / A. Nepomniachtchi, VI Pisarenko / / Vyssh.obrazovanie segodnya.-2007. - ¹ 7.-S. 14-19.
12.Nixon, F. Innovation Management / F.Nikson. - M.: Economy, 1997.-216 p.
13.Noskova, E.V. Innovation activity of the classical university: the basic elements of modern experience, and / E.V. Noskova, E.A. Tyurina, M.M. Tretyakov / / Bulletin of TSU. - 2009. - ¹ 4.-S. 103-111.
14.Fundamentals of Innovation Management. Theory and Practice: Textbook / L.S. Baryutin and others, edited by A.K. Kazantsev, L.E. Mindeli. - Moscow: ZAO Publisher Economics , 2004. - 518 p.
15.Prigogine, A. Innovation: Incentives and barriers (social problems of innovation) / A. Prigozhin.-M. Politizdat, 1989. - 271 p.
16.The draft federal law On the state of innovation and innovation policy
17.Fathudinov, R.A. Innovation management: a textbook for high schools / R. A. Fathudinov. - Moscow: JSC Business School Intel-Synthesis , 1998. - 600.
18.Kharin, A.A Managing the development of resource support research and innovation activities of the university: Dis .... Cand. Econ. Science / A.A Kharin. - M., 2006. - 180 p.
19.Hotyasheva, O.M. Innovatsionny management: a manual / O. M. Hotyasheva. - St. Peter, 2005. - 157 p.
20.Schumpeter, J.A. Theory of Economic Development / J.A. Schumpeter. - Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982. - 455.
21.Jantsch, E. Forecasting scientific and technical progress/ E. Jantsch. - Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974.
22.Dodgson, M. The manegment of technological innovation: an international and strategic approach / M. Dodgson.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.-248 p
23.Mensch, G. Stalemate in technology: innovations overcome the depression/ Gerhard Mensch. - Publisher Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger Pub. Co.,1979.
24.OECD. Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys of Research and Experimental Development: “Frascati Manual 1993”. The Measurement of Scientific and Technical Activities Series.- 5 edition.- Paris, 1993
25. Oslo maanuel OECD. – 2 edition 1997.- Ýëåêòðîí. Äàí. – Ðåæèì äîñòóïà
26.Rothwell, R. The changing nature the innovation process / R. Rothwell// Technovation.-1993. – V.13 Iss.1. Jan.


Brand as a «growth point» of territory innovative development
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, Pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, å-mail:
Shapkina Yu.V., Post-graduate student of Stuff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, å-mail:
The article describes the role of innovations for territory development and formation of innovative development territories. The concept of brand of innovative development territory is specified. A territory brand is seen as its «growth pole».
Keywords: territory brand, growth pole, innovations, territory.

1.Results Analysis of International Scientific Research of Humanitarian Technologies Centre // URL: http
2.Beketov N.V. Branding: to the socio-cultural analysis of the notion // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2007. – ¹ 5. – PP. 39-43.
3.Vizgalov D.V. City Marketing: practice in search of theory // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2008. – ¹ 3. – PP. 78-85.
4.Golubkov E.P. Once More about the Notion of ‘Brand’ // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2006. – ¹ 2. – PP. 4-15.
5.Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. System Brand-Management – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 655 p.
6.Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Emotional Branding and consumer’s behavior // Issues on Theory and Practice of Management. International Journal. – 2012. – ¹ 7-8. – PP. 119-126.
7.Groshev I.V., Stepanycheva E.V. Brand as an Element of Organizational Culture: (general characteristics) // Economics and Management. – 2006. – ¹ 1. – PP. 83-86.
8.Groshev I.V., Stepanycheva E.V. Instruments of Forming Brand Territory // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2011. – ¹ 5. – PP. 54-64.
9.Kapferer Jean-N. New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity. – M.-SPb.: Vershina, 2007. – 448 p.
10.Clifton R., Simmons J., Ahmad S. Brands and Branding. – M.: Olymp-Business, 2008. – 328 p.
11.Kulman A.N. NEObranding: from emotions to feelings! // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2010. – ¹ 5. – PP.88-97.
12.Pavlov K. Economic Core: Essence, Criteria of Formation and Elemental Composition // Society and Economics. – 2004. – ¹ 11/12. – PP. 158-170.
13.Chernatony L., McDonald M. Branding. Creating Powerful Brands. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006. – 559 p.
14.Perroux F. Note on Concept of «Growth Poles» // Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. – New-York – London, 1970. – PP. 93-103.


Data of authorities, local governments and nonprofit organizations as sources of marketing information
Petryashov D.V.,Deputy Director on marketing of the company «Pauer Control Dzhenereyshn», e-mail:

This article focuses on the use of information, government, local governments and nonprofit organizations in the practice of marketing. Describes the legal regulation of the provision of such information, a classification of publication channels, as well as consider the specifics of individual sources of marketing information
Keywords: external environment firms, sources of information, market research

1. The Federal law from February 9, 2009. no. 8-FZ «On ensuring access to information about activity of state bodies and bodies of local self-government» / / the Russian newspaper. - 2009. - ¹25.
2. Federal law of 12 January 1996. ¹ 7-FZ «On non-commercial organizations» (with changes and amendments) / / Russian newspaper. - 2012. - ¹172.
3. Federal law dated 1 December 2007. ¹ 315-F3 «On self-regulating organizations» (with amendments and additions) / / Russian newspaper. - 2012. - ¹144.
8. Medvedev P.M.. Organization of marketing service from scratch. - SPb. : Peter, 2006. - PP. 77-79.
9. Medvedev P.M.. Op. CIT. - P. 90.
10. [The electronic resource]. URL:
11. [The electronic resource]. URL:
12. The Russian newspaper. - 2008. - on December 26.
13. [The electronic resource]. URL:
14. [The electronic resource]. URL:
15. [The electronic resource]. URL:
16. [The electronic resource]. URL:
17. [The electronic resource]. URL:
18. The civil procedural code of the Russian Federation of 14 November 2002. ¹ 138-FZ.

Researching into the price aspects of supply and sales activities of milk subcomplex enterprises of Saratov region
Gritchina M.N., Candidate of the economic sciences, Assistant professor of the chair Management of agrarian production , Saratov state agrarian university in honor of N.I.Vavilov, Russia, e-mail:
On the market environment success of supply and sales activity of enterprises first of all depends from their capacity for fast adopting to the price competition factors. Researching into the price aspects of supply and sales activity of enterprises permits to determine the look-ahead capacity of sales and to develop the priority course of milk sub complex Saratov region.
Keywords: supply and sales activity, price aspects, dairy production market, inter-branch relations, competition, development strategy, milk sub complex, profitability, efficiency

1. This MCX Saratov region: The shorthand report of meeting of the Interdepartmental SO working group MCX concerning development of dairy cattle breeding in the Saratov region. – Saratov, 06.07.2012. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://
2. Larionov M. A. Results of monitoring of consumer expenses of house farms of the Saratov region in crisis//the Messenger ÑÃÑÝÓ. – 2012. – No. 1 (35).
3. Gritchina M. N. Dynamics and structure of consumer expenses of house farms of the Saratov region in Crises/materials NPK PPS. – SGAU publishing house to them N.I.Vavilov. – 2011.
4. Gritchina M. N. Dynamics and structure of consumer expenses of house farms of the Saratov region in Crises/materials NPK PPS. – SGAU publishing house to them N.I.Vavilov. – 2011


Concepts, functions and meaning of exhibition activities
Kudryashova Î., the graduate student of chair of marketing of REU of G. V. Plekhanov, e-mail:

In this paper we consider the main definitions and concepts of such the forms of exhibition activities as an exhibition and a trade fair. We give the exhibition and trade fair classification, formulate the objectives of taking part in the exhibition, build up the relevance tree of exhibition marketing. Also we formulate the functions for exhibition exponents.
Keywords: exhibition, trade fair, exhibition activities, exponent, exhibition classification, objection of exhibition activities, relevance tree, marketing

1. Albert M., Meskon M. H., Hedouri F. Management bases. – 3rd prod. – M: Williams, 2009.
2. Belyavsky A. Exhibition as instrument of marketing//Food business. – 2002. – No. 9. – Page 21.
3. E.P.Marketing's pigeons. Dictionary of terms. – M: Business and Service, 2012.
4. Gusev E.B., Prokudin V.A., Salashchenko A.G. Bases of exhibition activity: an educational and methodical grant / under the editorship of N. P. Laverov. – M: Dashkov and Co, 2000.
5. Zakharenko G. Exhibition. Equipment and technology of success. – M: Top, 2006.
6. The concept of development of exhibition and fair activity in the Russian Federation. It is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation at meeting on March 29, 2001//the Magazine directory about exhibitions and business meetings Expomir . – 2001. – No. 3-4. – Ñá. «Exhibitions in Russia and abroad 2001/2002». – Vyp. 2.
7. Musician V.L.Reklama and PR technologies in business, commerce, policy: manual. – M, 2001.
8. Nazarenko L.F. Exhibition as instrument of marketing. – M: Filin information publishing house, 1997.
9. Pasmurov A. How effectively to prepare and hold conference, a seminar, an exhibition. – SPb.: ST. PETERSBURG, 2006.
10. Tsitsilina I., Nikolaev A. Technology of the market: To any housing the exhibition//Sheets. – 2004. – No. 225 (1025). – Page 4.
11. Sharkov F.I. Exhibition communication management. Management of exhibition communications. – M: Alpha Press, 2006.
12. [Electronic resource]. URL:
13. [Electronic resource]. URL:
14. [Electronic resource]. URL:
15. [Electronic resource]. URL:


Marketing of information technology: features and tools
Parhimenko V.A, Candidate of the economic sciences, Assistant professor, head of the department of economy of UO BGUIR , e-mail:
Strezh V.M., master of economic sciences, teacher of chair of management of UO BGUIR , marketing expert of JSC Dzhenereyshn-Pi Consulting, e-mail:
Bondarenko M.N., director for GP Solutions GmbH product,  e-mail:

IT products and services concerning their features in comparison to traditional goods and services are being examined. Marketing tools in IT business are being described in the framework of 4P-approach. Thus product decisions, pricing, distribution (place) and promotion activities in marketing of IT are being analyzed.
Keywords: marketing, IT, software, marketing-mix.

1.Offshore Software Development Rates Comparison // Appulse Technologies Ltd. Mode of access:
2.Online distribution // Wikipedia. Mode of access:
3.Generation-P Consulting Ltd. // High Tech Park. Mode of access:
4.Knowledge and Expertise // SamSolutions’s Corporate Web-site. Mode of access:
5.Innovative Society of the Republic of Belarus: Statistical Digest. – Minsk: National committee of Statistics, 2011.
6.CactusSoft // High Tech Park. Mode of access:
7.Viaden Media’s Corporate Web-site. Mode of access:
8.Platforms and tools // EPAM Systems’ Corporate Web-site. Mode of access:
9.Search through companies-residents // High Tech Park. Mode of access:
10.Registration Statement on Form S-1 for IPO of EPAM Systems // NASDAQ. Mode of access:
11.Booms, B.H., Bitner, J. Marketing Strategies and Organization Structure for Service // Marketing of Services. – 1981. – pp. 47-51.
12.Chai Lee Goi. A review of marketing mix: 4P or more? // International Journal of Marketing Studies. – 2009. – ¹1.


The forming of competitive strategy of sea transport junction in the context of institutional approach and relationship marketing
Botnaryuk M. V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of “Economy and management” Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail: mia –

The article is devoted to the researching the question of low home sea ports competitiveness. The main factors which exert negative influence on sea ports competitiveness are considered in the article. The algorithm of forming of investigated object competitive strategy based on new approaches that will rise it’s competitiveness is offered.
Keywords: competitive strategy, institutional approach, relationship marketing, sea port, sea transport junction

1.Vetrenko L.D. The port’s activity management: textbook. 2-å publ., add. – SPb.: CSC «Stroka», 2000 – 264 ñ.
2.Vessels do not call to our harbor.– Conditions of access:   www. URL : v_nashu_gavan_ne_zahodyat_korabli2/.– 15.07.2012.
3.How will do the sea weather? – Conditions of access:  www. URL :–15.07.2012.
4.Kusch S.P. Marketing relationship on the industrial markets: monograph.– Ñ. – Peter. State university, management department, SPb.: S. – Peterb. Satae  university, 2006 . – 272 ñ.
5.Russian’s ports. The points of crossing (review) .– Conditions of access:   www. URL :–15.07.2012.
6.Oleynik A.N. Institutional  economics : textbook. – Ì.: Infra–M, 2004. – 416 c.
7.Russian’s ports.: yesterday,  today, tomorrow.– Conditions of access:   www. URL :–15.07.2012.
8.Dues or extortions? – Conditions of access:  www. URL :–15.07.2012.

Taking into account consumers’ opinions at a choice of a new product parameters
Faskhiev Kh.A., Doctor of science technical, professor, The Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:
Krakhmaleva A.V., ñand. of åconomic sciences, Ufa state academy of economy and service, e-mail:

The technique of determination of rational technical and economic parameters of the lorry and its units is given at design by integrated criterion net current value. Practical application of a technique is shown on an example of a choice of the engine for the designed the all-transport car by loading capacity of  5,5 tons.
Keywords: lorry, development, technical and economic indicators, competitor, net current value.

1. Faskhiyev Kh.A. Whether accession to WTO will affect automotive industry of Russia? - EKO. – 2012. - ¹4. – P. 135-151.
2. Technologies and development tools of creative abilities of experts / Under the editorship of V.A.Grachev. - M: EDKD, 2002. - 221 p.
3. Lynn, Reylli R. Blockbusters. Sensational products – a way to success. - M: Nuclear heating plant: Transit book, 2005. - 235 p.
4. Faskhiyev Kh.A., Shaykhutdinov I.F. Development of the specification on the competitive car. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house  INIKA, 2009. - 165 p.
5. Gissin V.I. Product quality control. - Rostov on Don: Fenikc, 2000. - 256 p.
6. Faskhiyev Kh.A., Kostin I.M. A technical and economic assessment of lorries when developing. – Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house Kamsky polytechnical institute, 2002. - 479 p.
7. Grishkevich A.I. Cars: the textbook for higher education institutions. – Ìn.: Higher school, 1986. – 208 p.

Analysis of Kanc-Eksmo‘s competitiveness
Golubkova E.N., the professor of chair of marketing of REU of G. V. Plekhanov; e-mail:
Shchelak À., the student of chair of marketing of REU of G. V. Plekhanov, e-mail:

In article  Kanc-Eksmo company was characterized as operator on  stationery  market. Russian stationery and office goods market was being analyzedfor different its segments. Competitiveness of Kanc-Eksmo company was estimated. It was considered the competitive strategies for  Kanc-Eksmo company.
Keywords: stationery, market, market segment, competitiveness, strategy, marketing.

1. Azoyev G. P., Chelenkov A.P. Competitive advantages of firm. – M: Novosti printing house, 2010.
2. E.P.Market's pigeons researches: theory, methodology and practice. – M: Financial press, 2007.
3. Golubkova E.N., Sidorchuk R. R. Marketing management of the goods: manual. – M: Business and Service, 2012.
4. Lifshits I.M. Theory and practice of an assessment of competitiveness of the goods and services. – 2nd prod. – M: Þðàéò, 2008.
5. Official site of JSC Kants-Eksmo. [Electronic resource]. URL:
6. Yudanov A.Yu. Competition of the goods and practician: educational and practical grant. – M: GNOME and Ä, 2011.
7. [Electronic resource]. URL: http:/www./
8. [Electronic resource]. URL:
9. [Electronic resource]. URL:
10. [Electronic resource]. URL:
11. [Electronic resource]. URL:
12. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.


The application of the product approach to the selection of suppliers in the procurement process
Pleshchenko V.I., candidate of economic sciences, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:

One of the key aspects of the procurement activity of the enterprise is the selection of suppliers. How well prepared and carried out the procurement procedure, as selected by the contracting parties shall carry out their obligations and the extent to which the subject of the contract conforms to internal customers depends largely on the stability of the production process and the dynamics of financial and economic performance of the company. This article discusses the main issues of interaction with suppliers at the present stage and is invited to look at the result of the selection as a product that has specific requirements in terms of quality and production costs.
Keywords: the selection of suppliers, procurement procedures, process approach, product approach, assessment of the effectiveness of the selection of suppliers.

1.Webster F. Industrial Marketing Strategy. – M.: Publishing house of Grebennikov, 2005. – 416 p.
2.Institutional Economy: Tutorial / under the direction of Academician D.S. Lvov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001.
3.Corporate Logistics: 300 replies to the questions of the professionals. /Under the general and science editorship of Dr., Prof. V.I. Sergeev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. – 976 p.
4.«How many «C»s in partner?» [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 22.05.2011).
5.Carter, R. “The seven Cs of effective supplier evaluation,” Purchasing and Supply Management, April 1995, pp. 44-45.
6.Stepanov V.I. Logistics: Textbook. – M: TK Velbi, Publishing house “Prospect”, 2006.
7.Afanasenko I.D., Borisova V.V. Supply logistics. – Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 2010.
8.Cheraghi, S. Hossein, Dadashzadeh, M., and M. Subramanian, “Critical Success Factors for Supplier Selection: An Update,” Journal of Applied Business Research, 2004, vol 20, No. 2, pp. 91-108.
9.Severstal Resources is to use tires from leading world producers [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 05.08.2011).
10. Evdokimova E.N. The evolution of the process approach in the management and prospects for its development [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 05.01.2012).
11. Hammer M., Champy J. Reengineering the corporation: a manifesto for business revolution. – M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2011.
12. Kirisov S.V. Theory and practice of process approach to quality management of organization: Monograph. – Tambov: TGTU publishing house, 2009.
13. Dvornikov A. Process approach to the management of the organization [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: sid=71 (accessed 05.01.2012).
14.Garnov A.P., Khlevnaya E.A. Economy of the enterprise: modern business planning: a tutorial.– Ì.: Delo i servis, 2011.


Personal information can be sold or be protected
Wagner K.R.,
Zherebenkova N.V.,

Since the beginning of the questionable performance audits of the law - On Personal Data (152-FZ), the first in the field of attention Roskonadzor got coupon services. Further testing will affect companies that hold even greater customer information. How to meet the auditors armed with painstaking preparation and wrap in its favor? - See this article.
Keywords: post mailing, e-mail-marketing, address mailing, Internet SMS mailing, increase of sales, loyalty increase, increase of recognition of a brand, client database, Federal law on personal information, coupon services, subscription, protection of a client database, loyalty program, marketing of relationship.

[Electronic resource].URL:
.cgi?req=doc;base=law; n=117587?utm_campaign=pop_base utm_source
=google.adwords utm_medium=cpc utm_content=pop_base utm_term=pop_base gclid=CKGYhuzrr7ICFcwtmAoduSIAuQ


Svyaznoy announced sales results for the one half of 2012
Katsegorov V.V., head of research and market analysis department, Svyaznoy, e-mail:

TUI tour operator summed up the results of summer season 2012
Novikova N.P.,Head of PR Department, TUI Russia CIS

Western analogue TV-viewers fail to keep pace with changes connected with digital TV
Stetsenko Y.V., GfK Rus PR Communications Director, e-mail:


Theory and methodology of modern international marketing
Sadchenko K.V., manager of multinational corporation, e-mail:

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