Address of Editor in Chief
SWOT-analysis: existing techniques and approaches for their improvements
Gîlubkîv Å.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economyand Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:
Critical considers methodical approaches to implementing SWOT-analysis. Analyzing different levels of its realization. Technique of SWOT-analysis is proposed developing existing approaches. The technique is based on more elaborated SWOT-factors and strategies estimations.
Keywords: SWOT-analysis, environment, microenvironment, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, strategy, situational analysis, situational plan.
1. Gvozdenko A.N . The use of multivariate techniques SWOT-analysis to develop strategic directions for the enterprises / / Marketing and market research. - 2006. - ¹ 4.
2. Golubkov E.P. Marketing Basics: A tutorial. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Finpress, 2008.
3GolubkovE.P. Technology decision-making. - M.: Business and Services, 2005.
4. Goldstein G. JA. Strategic management: studies. The grant. - Taganrog: Publishing house TRTU, 2003.
5. Efremov V. S. Classical models of the strategic analysis and planning: model GE/McKensey//Management in Russia and abroad. - 1997. - ¹ 2.
6. Popov S.A. Strategic management. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 1999.
7. Craig Fleischer, Babette Bensoussan. Strategic and competitive analysis. Methods and tools for competitive analysis in the business. - M.: - BINOM, 2005.
8. SWOT Analysis for Management Consulting by Albert S. Humphrey // SRI Alumni Association Newsletter. December. 2005
Comparative analysis of research methods of market situation
Trotsenko A.N., assistant of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
The typology of the main methods of research of market condition is offered in the article. The comparative characteristic of the main methods of research of market condition is given. The scope of each group of methods is allocated, their merits and demerits are defined.
Keywords: market situation, methods of research of market condition, methods of the analysis of documents, poll, supervision, experiment, expert methods, mathematical methods, methods of the system analysis
1.Belyaevsky, I. K. Marketing research: a manual / I. K. Belyaevsky. - M., 2002. - 175 p.
2.Belyaevsky, I. K. Statistics of the market: a textbook / I. K. Belyaevsky, G.D. Kulagina, A.V. Korotkov, etc.; ed. I. K. Belyaevsky. – Ì.: Finance and Statistics,1995.
3.Golubkov, E.P. Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice / E.P. Golubkov. – Ì.: Finpress, 2003.
4.Malhotra, N.K. Marketing research. Practical guide / N.K. Malhotra/ - M.: Publishing house «Williams», 2002.
5.Noskova, Å.V. Methodical support for of research and predict the real estate market situation: a monograph / Å.V. Noskova. – Vladivostok: Publisher PSUE, 2011.
6.Petrishchev, Y.V. Development of methodology for conjunctural analysis of commodity markets in the enterprise: the diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: - Moscow, 2004.
7.Romanova, I.M., Trotsenko, A.N. Theoretical aspects of the concepts and indicators of market conditions / I.M. Romanova, A.N. Trotsenko // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. - ¹5. – P.3-10
8.Saprykina, E.V. Conjuncture of world market of fishery products as a factor in the development of the fishing industry of Primorsky Territory: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / E. V. Saprykina. - Vladivostok, 2003.
9.Svetunkov, S.G. Methods of marketing research: a tutorial / S.G. Svetunkov. - St. Petersburg.: Publisher «DNK», 2003.
10.Semenov, E.Y. Commodity market in energy: assessment and prediction: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / Semyonov E.Y. - Irkutsk, 2001.
11.Yarnykh, E.A. Information infrastructure, and statistical analysis of the market of goods and services: a textbook / E.A. Yarnykh. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2004.
Using the methods of cognitive modeling at an assessment of consumer preferences concerning soft drinks
Zavorokhina N.V., PhD., docent to chair « Merchandizing and examination» The Ural state economic university, the taster-expert, e-mail:
In article possibilities of cognitive modeling are considered at identification of preferences of consumers in system «preferences - motivation to purchase». The model of subjective indicators of quality of the soft drinks considering degree of satisfaction of buyers which can be used at an assessment of competitiveness of drinks is offered.
Keywords: cognitive, modeling, preferences, sensory, satisfaction, motivation, consumer, purchase, quality
1. Gulakov V.K. Decision support system based on cognitive modeling "IGLA" / VK Gulak, DG The camp, AG Podvesovsky / / Software products and systems. - 2007. - ¹ 3. - S. 103-104.
2. Korostelev D.A. Decision support system "IGLA" / DA Korostelev, DG The camp, AG Podvesovsky. - Moscow: VNTIC, 2007. - ¹ 50200701348.
3. Lindstrom M. Brand in system of marketing communications / Lindstrom Martin //Economic strategy. – 2007. – ¹ 2. – Pp. 188–189.
Consumer estimation of cumulative value of an innovative product in conditions accelerating market changes
Tjan E.G., applicantdegreeCandidateof SciencesEconomy, Lecturer of department marketing and trading business, Kuban State University, e-mail:
Article is devoted a problem of a consumer choice of an innovative product. Marketing models of a consumer choice of an innovative product, and also the valuable consumer effects defining consumer cumulative value of a new product which estimation, in turn, defines a consumer choice of a new product among other similar products presented in the market are considered.
Keywords: consumer value effects, the assessment of perceived the total value product, innovation product, consumer choice of innovation product.
1. J. Galbraith. Life in our time. / Per. from English. Ed. SM Menshikov. -. M., 2009;
2. Knish V.A. Marketing in consumer demand theory / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. ¹ 6, 2002;
3. Kotler F., F. de triazenes No. Lateral marketing. - Spb.:, 2009;
4. Tyan E.G. Customer Satisfaction Survey of innovative products in order to formulate policies marketing innovations / / Scientific Explorer. ¹ 9, 2012;
5. Tyan E.G. Research value of the innovative features of the product as perceived by the consumer / / Marketing and market research. 2011. ¹ 5 (95);
6. Yudina. N.A. Model of consumer choice / / creative economy, ¹ 8, 2009.
Promotion analysis of business consulting services on Russia market
Shaykhlislamov V.À., postgraduate of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), e-mail:
Annotation: In this article key types of promotion on the business consulting market are described. Key peculiarities and difficulties of promotion on the competitive consulting market are highlighted. Special attention is paid to development of relationship between consulting company and its client.
Keywords: consulting services, promotion, marketing relationship, integration
1.Keys semifinal/final Russian intellectual traditions- ChangellengeCupMoscow 2011
2.Official site of rating agency «Expert RA»- URL: http://www.
3.Information portal Business Consulting Buzz: URL: http://www.
4.Noncommercial partnership «Gildia Marketologov». URL:
Nine myths about the Russian branding
Belyanskaya O.Y., News Factory pr-agency, general director, e-mail:
The article narrates about a current state of branding in Russia and about typical prejudices of customers about work with the branding companies. Branding communications in Russia is often understood only as visual images of brands. Serious researches in the field of branding are conducted only by a few companies. Experts of the Freedomart branding company tell about branding problems in Russia.
Keywords: branding, brending agency, the brending company, branding development in Russia, Freedomart, marketing communications, a logo, efficiency of branding, costs of branding.
The regional market has accepted the private trade mark
Pyhtina I.N., Cand., assistant professor menezhmenta and information technology in the economy MEI (National Research University), a branch in the city of Smolensk, e-mail:
The role of private label in the theory and practice of marketing and it use in the retail (in the world, the Russian markets in general, and in particular regional) has been shown. It has been found that regional markets are more elastic to price decisions, has known better "heroes" goods, get acquainted with private label. The author proposes that the experience of the developed economies, monitor the "health" of brands on the trends of brand equity. The method of assessing is not as important as the fact of constant monitoring, that is, the future situation - growing brand or fade.
Keywords: private brand, regional market, retailers, marketing research, brand equity.
1.Marketing-oriented price / P. Doyle St. Petersburg:Piter,2001 – 298 p.
2.O.N. Romanenkova Private labels in retail // Marketing, ¹ 9, 2010
3.D. Wasilewski Promotion of products to regional markets // Practical marketing ¹ 7, 2010
4.E.LukyanovUnaccounted billions // Expert. 2001. ¹10 (70).Ñ.10-14
5.Comparative analysis of existing techniques costing brand // Business and service. – Moscow., ñîð. 2000-2007. – Access mode:
6.Trade mark as an indication of market leadership // Russian Academy for Foreign Trade. – Moscow., ñîð. 2000-2007.
What it, successful rueltor?
Benija M. I., The business trainer, êîó÷, AMT-CONSULTING of groups,
This article is an attempt to answer the question of what professional and personal qualities a successful realtor should have.
What internal and external factors affect realtor’s professional performance? In this article we describe special features of realtors’ working activities and introduce concepts of inclination and aptitude for different activities. We also analyse the way formal-dynamic characteristics of an individual influence realtor’s performance and describe a professional and psychological profile of a successful realtor.
Keywords: psychology, successful activity, real estate, temperament, inclination, aptitude, formal-dynamic characteristics, motivation for achievement, internality, extraversion.
1.Batarshev A.V. Psikhologiya individual'nykh razlichiy: Ot temperamenta k kharakteru i tipologii lichnosti. M.: Vlados, 2001.
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3.Batyaev A.A. Spravochnik rieltora. Rostov n/D.: Feniks, 2006.
4.Vasil'ev I.A., Magomed-Emirov, M.Sh. Motivatsiya i kontrol' za deystviem. M.: izd-vo MGU, 2006.
5.Gordeeva T.O. Psikhologiya motivatsii dostizheniy. M.: Akademiya, 2006.
6.Il'in, E.P. Differentsial'naya psikhologiya professional'noy deyatel'nosti. SPb: Piter, 2011. S. 10-11.
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14.Naumova I., Mikhalenko Ya. Sdelki s nedvizhimost'yu. SPb: Piter, 2004.
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20.Rusalov V.M. O prirode temperamenta i ego meste v strukture individual'nykh svoystv cheloveka // Voprosy psikhologii. 1985. Ne 11. S. 19-33.
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22.Strelyau Ya. Rol' temperamenta v psikhicheskom razvitii. M.: Progress, 2008.
23.Teplov B.M. Psikhologiya individual'nykh razlichiy // Teplov B.M. Izbrannye trudy: v 21. T. 1. M.: Pedagogika, 1985.
24.Teplov B.M., Nebylitsyn, V.D. Izuchenie osnovnykh svoystv nervnoy sistemy i ikh znachenie dlya psikhologii individual'nykh razlichiy // Voprosy psikhologii. 1963. Ns 5. S. 19-32.
25.Fisher R., Yuri, U., Patton B. Kak dobit'sya Da, ili Peregovory bez porazheniya. M.: Eksmo, 2008. 26.Chernyak VZ. Upravlenie nedvizhimost'yu. M.: Ekzamen, 2007.
Cultural preconditions of consumer preferences formation
Sergienko I.A.,student of 5th year REU them. GV Plekhanov, School of Marketing, Department of Marketing, student 2nd year IDT (Institute) at Sciences, Department of Psychology, e-mail:
Article is intended for all who is interested in features of behavior of consumers who looks for ways of improvement of the knowledge by means of allocation of unnoticed aspects of the studied phenomenon. Article will be useful in studying of the psychological theories underlying consumer preference, and also to all those who is fond of the theory of behavior of consumers.
Keywords: culture, cross-cultural differences, product policy, archetype, customer’s preference, cognitive dissonance.
1. Dushkov B.A., Korolev AV, Smirnov, BA Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology of labor, management, engineering psychology and ergonomics. Academic project. - Moscow, 2005.
2. Mark M. Pearson. The hero and rebel. Branding with archetypes. - K., St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2005.
3. Matsumoto, D. (ed.). Psychology of Culture. - St. : Peter, 2003.
4. Latova N.V.,Latov Y.V. Russian economic mentality in the global background / / Social Science and modernity. - 2001. - ¹ 4.
5. Freud Z.Psychology of the Unconscious. - M., 2006.
6. JungC.G. Psychology of the Unconscious. - M.: Canon, 1994.
7. Hofstede G. Culture’s Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications, 2001.
8. Homans G.K. Social Behavior Its Elementary Forms. N.Y., 1961.
9. Festinger L. A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Standford University Press, 1957.
Developing a model of environmental marketing in the region
Beljakova N.A., Assistant Director of the Center for Business Development consultation "Cause", e-mail:
Malyshev A.A., Ph.D. in Economics, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
In marketing to obtain a separate area which is referred to as environmental marketing. The essence of environmental marketing is to create a structure of relationships between consumers, producers and the public, which includes an additional element, such as environmental protection.
Keywords: environmental marketing, marketing model of environmental management tools, subjects control environmental marketing
1. A. Malyshev Developing a model of environmental sustainability management and economic systems /
GA Reznik, AA BABY / / Proceedings PGPU them. VG Belinsky. - 2011. - ¹ 24.
2. A. Malyshev Analysis and assessment of the potential environmental and economic sustainability of the system /GA Reznik, AA BABY / / Regional architecture and engineering. - 2011. (list WAC).
3. Education [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 01.10.2012).
4. Official site of administration of Penza [electronic resource].
URL: (date accessed: 01.10.2012).
5. The concept of strategic development of Penza [electronic resource].
URL: (date accessed: 01.10.2012).
6. Official Site of the Government of the Penza region [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 01.10.2012).
Regional marketing: discussion on methodology and techniques
Frolov D.P., HE Doctor of Economics, professor, head of marketing and advertising,Volgograd State University, e-mail:
The article presents the author's answers to discussion questions in the theory and practice of regional marketing. Three-level model of definition of place marketing is proposed. Institutional-evolutionary concept of consumption of place products and model of its component structure are grounded. Process model of economic mechanism of the implementation of a regional marketing strategy is developed.
Keywords: marketing of region; marketing strategy; place products; instituting goods; stakeholders, mechanism of regional marketing.
1.Vazhenina I.S. Place brand: essence and problems of formation // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2012.
¹ 2. P. 91-101.
2.Inshakov O.V. Development of evolutionary approach to the modernization strategy of the region and macroregion / O.V. Inshakov, E.I. Inshakova, I.V. Mitrofanova, E.A. Petrova. Volgograd: VolSU, 2009. 66 p.
3.Inshakov O.V. Economic genetics and nanoeconomics. Volgograd: VolSU, 2007. 94 p.
4.Frolov D.P. Marketing paradigm for regional development. Volgograd: VolSU, 2013. 133 p.
5.Chekitan D., Schultz D. In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century // Marketing Management. 2005. Vol. 14. ¹ 1. Ð. 15-21.
6. Dinnie K. Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice. N.Y.: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008.
288 p.
7. Harris L. Benchmarking Against the Theory of Market Orientation // Management Decision. 1996.
Vol. 34. No. 2. Ðp. 25–29.
8. Herman D. Introducing Short-Term Brands: A new branding tool for a new customer reality // Journal of Brand Management. 2000. Vol. 7. No. 5. Ðp. 330–340.
9. Kotler Ph., Lee N. Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. 302 p.
10. Post J.E., Preston L.E., Sachs S. Managing the extended enterprise: The new stakeholder view // California Management Review. 2002. Vol. 45. No. 1. Ðp. 5–28.
11. Zenker S. How to catch a city? The concept and measurement of place brands // Journal of Place Management and Development. 2011. Vol. 4. No. 1. Ðp. 40–52.
Actual questions of consumers and suppliers interaction according to statutes action of The federal law ¹ 223-FZ
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:
Which came into force in 2012, Federal Law No. 223-FZ "On procurement of goods, works and services to certain types of legal entities" created a new reality for a large number of enterprises in Russia, both for the direct subjects of this document and their business partners. The author discusses the issues associated with building a long-term relationship in changed circumstances, defining the initial (maximum) price of the contract, as well as problems of participation of foreign companies in the procurement procedures.
Keywords: Federal Law No. 223-ÔÇ, long-term relationship, initial (maximum) price of the contract, procurement procedures, purchasing from foreign companies.
1.Federal Law of 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ "On procurement of goods, works and services to certain types of legal entities".
2.Russian Federation Government Decree of 21.06.2012 No. 616 "On approval of the list of goods and services, which is carried out in electronic form".
3.Problem of transparency // Vedomosti, 04.12.2012.
Promoting goods in social networks
Shestakova E.V., The candidate of jurisprudence , the general director of Open Company «Actual management»,
Now more and more companies are promoting their products and services in social networks. That process has a reasonable explanation: in a recent times LLC and individuals looking for goods and services in social networks. Virtual communication takes more time, even spending time with friends, colleagues. A lot of people are looking for the boy-fiend or girl-friend in Internet. Therefore a very important marketing step is to promote goods and services in Internet.
Keywords: promoting goods, promoting services, social networks, LLC and individuals
1.ChertoprudS.Network andnonsense/ /Banking Review. 2012.N 4.Pp.52 -55.
2.GorshkovA.Progress inSocial Media// Arsenalentrepreneur.2011.N 6.Pp. 56- 64.
3.AparyshevI.intellectual rightsin social networks/ /EJ-Lawyer. 2012.N 33. C. 9.
Marketing roles in the IT Company
Strezh V.M., master of economic sciences, teacher of chair of management of UO "BGUIR", marketing expert of JSC Generation_P Consulting, e-mail: V.Strezh
Parhimenko V.A, Candidate of the economic sciences, Assistant professor, head of the department of economy of UO "BSUIR", e-mail:
Bondarenko M.N., director for GP Solutions GmbH product, e-mail:
Marketing in IT-companies is analyzed concerning its aim, tasks and functions within the framework of the three-level model. Marketing roles of personnel are described unaffected by actual job titles.
Keywords: Marketing, IT, software, marketing functions and roles.
1.Size of the salary, an interesting project and a good team – the most important for a Belarusian IT-guy // Mode of access:
2.Parkhimenko V. The concept of qualitative heterogeneity and hierarchical pattern of marketing // Bulletin of the Institue of modern knowledge. – 2006. – ¹3. – Ñ. 88-91.
3.Facts and numbers // High Tech Park. Mode of access:
The governmental order of the Russian Federation from December, "20th, 2012 ¹ 1346 «About the position statement about the state supervision in the field of advertising»
The market of bank services in Central and the Eastern Europe
Stetsenko Y.V., GfK Rus PR & Communications Director, e-mail:
First try, then trust
Belyanskaya O.Y., News Factory pr-agency, general director, e-mail:
Speculation on some marketing questions
Lindstrom Ì., ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð MARTIN LINDSTROM COMPANY LTD
This paper is dedicated to the results of observation for using of marketing tools, particular branding, in activities of modern foreign companies including small business. Martin Lindstrom is famous specialist on branding. He is a member of Editorial Board of magazine “Marketing in Russia and Abroad”.
Keywords: brand, branding, advertising, producer, consumer, logotype, marketing plan.
1. Martin Lindstrom. Brandwashed. – Crown Business, 2011.