The bipolar model of consumer behavior and the method of the polarity degree determination for the buyer’s behavior
Ramazanov I.A., head of the Department of "Organization and technology of Commerce" RSUTE, Doctor of Science, Economics, e-mail:
Different approaches to study consumer behavior from the point of view of joint impact of economic and cognitive-psychological factors are used. A bipolar model of consumer behavior is presented, indicators of behavior polarity evaluation and methods of their definition are proposed, main characteristics of consumer behavior at different values of consumer behavior polarity coefficient are described.
Keywords: consumer behavior, buying behavior, prospect theory, a model of consumer behavior, rational behavior, irrational behavior, degree of involvement of the buyer in the purchase.
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The economic-mathematical theory of media planning
Shmatov G.A., Senior Researcher, Ural State University, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, e-mail:
In article the methodology and technology of planning of an advertising campaign is stated. The principles of the economic-mathematical media planning theory are presented which give the opportunity to achieve the advertising budget optimization when placing advertisements in the media.
Keywords: media planning, advertising, multimedia , optimization, efficiency.
1. Shmatov G. A. The media planning theory: the monography. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of Humanitarian university, 2012. - 442 with.
2. SissorsJ. 3., Beron R. B. Advertising media planning. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 412 with.
3. Rossiter J. Ð, Percy L. Reklama and advancement of the goods. - SPb.: Peter, 2000. - 656 with.
Desk research of lead oxide market
Skorobogatyh I.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor, head of chair of marketing, FGBOU VPO«REU of G. V. Plekhanov», e-mail:
Sidorchuk R. R, Candidate of economic science, Docent department of marketing,FGBOU VPO«REU of G. V. Plekhanov», e-mail:
Grineva O. O, Senior Lecturer of the chair of marketing, FGBOU VPO«REU of G. V. Plekhanov», e-mail:
Kaderova V. A, assistant of the chair of marketing, FGBOU VPO«REU of G. V. Plekhanov», e-mail:
Sergeeva E.A., assistant of the chair of marketing, FGBOU VPO«REU of G. V. Plekhanov», e-mail:
The article discusses the study methodology and characteristics of niche markets. A detailed description of the study of the market lead oxide and singlet, we give the main results of this study. Describes the possible project teams and the necessary qualifications of the participants.
Keywords: Marketing, marketing research, desktop research, lead oxides market, processing of accumulator batteries.
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12. Sidorchuk R. R. The research status, problems and trends of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the municipalities in the Sverdlovsk region / R. R. Sidorchuk [etc.], FGBOU VPO «REU of G. V. Plekhanov» – Ì., 2012. – Dep. in VINITI 14.11.2012, ¹ 417-Â2012.
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Research on pricing policies of hybrid-channel supply chain based on asymmetric cost information
Wang Q., Cai S., Master's Degree Students of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Ospanova K., Master of Management ScienceWritten under supervision of Associate Professor Tang Dongping,South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China,
Through comparing the difference between the traditional channel and Internet channel, using some factors such as price, service and consumer acceptance the demand function was created. A retailer-led Stackelberg game model was established to analyse Supply Chain members’ lying behaviour and pricing policy under many cases of asymmetric cost information. The results indicate that when the retailer has information superiority, he won’t lie. When the manufacturer has information superiority, he will lie to improve his profit, but this behavior will reduce the profits of the retailer and the Supply Chain. So some details were shown which should be considered while designing an incentive contract to promote information sharing.
Keywords: Stackelberg game; Asymmetric cost information; Pricing policy; Hybrid-channel; Supply Chain
1. Liu Y., Putler D.S., Weinberg C.B. Is having more channels really better? A model of competition among commercial television broadcasters [J]. Management Science, 2004, 23 (1), 120–133.
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3. Alptekinoglu A., Tang C.S. A model for analyzing multi-channel distribution systems [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2005, 163 (3), 802–824.
4. Xie Qinghua, Huang Peiqing. A quantity discount model for coordination of Internetbased hybrid channels [J].Systems Engineering – theory & practice, 2007, 27 (8); 1–11.
5. Chen Yun, Wang Huanchen, Shen Huizhang. Study on the price competition between E-commerce retailer and conventional retailer [J].Systems Engineering –Theory & Practice,2006,26 (1):35–41.
6. Liang Guo, Yunchuan Liu. A Strategic Analysis of Channel Expansion [R]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2006.
7. Zhu Cuiling, Wei Lin, Pu Xujin. A decision-making model for manufacturers to construct multi-channel retailing [J]. Journal of university of science and technology of China, 2006, 37 (7), 789–792.
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12. Yan Nina, Huang Xiaoyuan, Liu Bing. Stackelberg game models of supply chain dual-channel coordination in E-markets. [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2007, 15 (3), 98–102.
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14. Cheng Shu, Zhang Hao, Chen Jianfeng. Supply chain modeling and simulation of Dual-channel market manufacturing enterprise. [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems – CIMS, 2004, 10 (5), 519–522.
15. Anteneh Ayanso, Moustapha Diaby, Suresh K. Nair. Inventory rationing via drop-shipping in Internet retailing: A sensitivity analysis [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2006, 171, 135–152.
Classification of non-store forms of trade
Chkalova O.V., doctor of sciences in economics, professor, head of chair "Commercial activity in trade and catering", Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod,
e-mail: ochkalova@
Reviewed and systematically analyzed non-store ways of selling goods. There is an approach to the classification current trade sector. Revealed the characteristics of individual forms of non-store selling, author shows the status and trends of their development. The article shows common mistakes in the use of a number of formats non-store selling.
Keywords: Classification of non-store forms of trade, direct selling, distance selling, personal selling, direct marketing, mail-order trade, teleshopping, online shopping, website, Internet-shop window, online shop, online trading system.
1. Chkalov O.V. The trading business. M.: EKSMO.-2010.-320 p.
2. GOST R 51303-99 «Trade. Terms and definitions».
3. Website of Direct Selling Association [electronic resource] - Access mode:
The value model of integrated marketing proposal
Tyan E.G., Lecturer of department marketing and trading business, Kuban State University, e-mail:
The article is devoted to research consumer perception of value. Considered value factor models. Offered author's model of integrated value-proposition.
Keywords: marketing proposal, integrated marketing proposal, valuable consumer perception of the product.
1.Belokrovin E. Principles of Total Quality Management / / Business Excellence. 2010. Number 1. Pp. 3-12.
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13. NV Rychkova Marketing innovatsii.-M: Moscow, 2009. S. 55.
14. Khlebnikov DV Value and value drivers [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
15.Tanaka T. Target costing at Toyota // Journal of Cost Management. 1993. Vol. 7. ¹. 1. Spring. pp. 4-11.
Factors influencing the city’s brand formation
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Pro-rector, å-mail:
Stepanycheva E.V., Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin,
The article scrutinizes the peculiarities of city’s brand formation; three main categories of its values are highlighted. The key characteristics of the city’s brand are analyzed; also components of psychological structure of the city’s brand are presented and described: status, image, “the soul” of the city.
Keywords: brand, branding, city, concept, culture, approach, consumer, value.
1.Antsiferov N.P. St. Petersburg’s Soul. – Spb., 2004. – 287 p.
2.Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. System Brand-Management. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 678 p.
3.Groshev I.V., Stepanycheva E.V. Instruments of Brand Territory Formation // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2011. – # 5 (85). – PP. 54-64.
4.Kagan M.S. Peter’s City in the History of Russian Culture. – Spb., 1996. – 304 p.
5.Lynch K. The Image of the City. – M., 1982. – 269 p.
6.Rumyantseva T.G. Sociology: Encyclopedia. – Minsk, 2003. – 452 p.
7.Trushina L.E. The Image of the City and the City’s Environment: dissertation of Candidate of Philosophy. – Spb., 2000. – 21 p.
8.Spengler O. The Decline of the West. V. I. – M., 1993. – 389 p.
Vertical integration and the competitiveness of producers in modern conditions
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department,
Ensuring long-term and stable operational mode of production is an important part of the competitive strategy of enterprise. One of the ways of achieving this result is vertical integration. When all possible adverse effects associated with this version of the company's development, in conditions of entry to the Russian Federation in the WTO, increased economic concentration in the supply chain is a necessary measure to preserve the competitiveness of domestic producers.
Keywords: competitiveness, competitive strategy, vertical integration, vertical agreements, economic concentration.
1..Puzyrevskiy S. Anti-competitive agreements and concerted actions: the main tendencies // Competition and Law. – 2011. – No. 3. – pp. 6-14.
2..Porter M. Competition. – M.: Publishing house "Williams", 2005. – 608 p.
3.World economic thought. Through the prism of ages. In 5 v. / Co-chairmans of editorial board G.G. Fetisov, A.G. Khudokormov. Volume IV. The era of global transformations / Ed. Y.Y. Olsevich. – M.: Mysl, 2004. – 942 p.
4..Market discipline and contracts: theory, empirical analysis, the right / Radygin A.D. [and others]. – M.: IEPP, 2008. – 263 p.
5..Stuckey D., White D. When you need and do not need the vertical integration // McKinsey bulletin. – 2004. – No. 3 (8).
6. Heather Ken. The Economics of Industries and Firms / a tutorial. – M.: Finance & statistics, 2004. – 480 p.
7. Bagiev E.G. Methodology of adaptation of the mechanisms and forms of interaction between the business entities in the corporate entities of the industry: Avtoref. Diss. ... Dr. of economic science. – Saint-Petersburg, 2009. –nnovative development and network management // Problems of theory and practice of management. – 2011. – No. 9. - pp. 25-33.
8. Milner B. Innovative development and network management // Problems of theory and practice of management. – 2011. – No. 9. – pp. 25-33.
9. Federal Law of 26.07.2006 No. 135-FZ "On the protection of competition".
10. A. Ulyanov. About the necessity of liberalization of control over economic concentration (mergers and acquisitions in Russia) [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed on 10.01.2013).
Internet-marketing: mystering creature who will eat all your resources
Egrashin A.V.,CEO & Founder Red and Red — Agency of web-consultingRed and Red, e-mail:
When internet-marketing is evil. Three real life examples how your company should not do if not decide to lose money and reputation.
Keywords: Web consulting, branding, positioning, repozitsionirovanie, advancement, target audience.
Regional marketing in action: case of Volgograd region
Frolov D.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head ofmarketingand advertising,Volgograd State University, e-mail:
Shishkov V.A., economist accounting and business analysisactivities, Volgograd State University,e-mail:
Experience of introduction of place marketing concept in Volgograd region is systematized and analysed, stages and forms of this process are allocated, typical for Russian regions problems of strategic marketing planning are detailed. Practical recommendations about development of basic regional marketing strategy are offered.
Keywords: regional marketing; marketing strategy; rebranding; stakeholders; marketing communications.
1.Anti-recessionary regulation of regional economy: monitoring and policy of mobilization / O.V. Inshakov [et al.]. Volgograd: VolSU, 2010. 328 p.
2.Marketing strategy of development of Volgograd till 2020 in the conditions of overcoming of consequences of crisis / ed. by O.V. Inshakov; O.V. Inshakov, A.E. Kalinina, V.O. Moseyko, D.P. Frolov et al. Volgograd: VolSU, 2011. 454 p.
3.Strategy of social and economic development of the Volgograd region (2008-2025) / ed. by O.V. Inshakov. Volgograd: VolSU, 2008. 356 p.
4.Frolov D.P. Marketing of the region: debatable questions of methodology and technique // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2013. ¹ 1. P. 83-90.
5.Frolov D.P. Marketing paradigm of regional development: 2nd ed. – Volgograd: VolSU, 2013. 157 p.
6.Eggertsson T. Knowledge and theory of institutional changes // Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2011. ¹ 7. P. 4-16.
7.Kavaratzis Ì. From «necessary evil» to necessity: stakeholders' involvement in place branding // Journal of Place Management and Development. 2012. Vol. 5. ¹ 1. Ð. 7-19.
Safe change of media channels: a structural basis for innovations
Duncan Southgate, Global Director ofDigitalBrandingMillward Brown
John Svendsen, Global Director ofMediaBrandingMillward Brown
New media channels are emerging all the time, and marketers are often unclear how to choose among them. There is no automatic driver that encourages the adoption of new media channels. Consider the application of a 70:20:10 allocation model for optimization of media-budget allocation.
Keywords: marketers, brand, creative, media-channel, media-budget, allocation, 70:20:10 model, optimization.
2. Brown_POV_Digital_Share.sflb.ashx
Marketing cars: change media gear
Nick Bul, Head ofthe automotive market, Millward Brown
Car marketers need to take some risk with their media placement and ensure that new channels are tested, using a 70:20:10 allocation model. The model includes: the comfort zone - 70%; innovating around what works - 20%; the unknown zone - 10%. Consider the application the model to marketing cars.
Keywords: marketers, car marketing, car market, risks, creative, media-channel, allocation, 70:20:10 model.
1. Nick Bull. Marketing cars: change media gear. – Admap, February 2013.
The power of âeing meaningful, different, and salient
Josh Samuel, Director of the European Department of Development,
Brand quity/Millward Brown
It was shown that successful brands are meaningful, different, and salient. Marketing research opened how these brand qualities act on the minds of consumers to affect purchase decisions.
Keywords: brand, buyer, brand value, unique selling proposition, awareness, pilot project, meaningful brand, different brand, salient brand.
1. Plessis Erik du. The branded mind. –
2. Fearn Helen. Growing a strong brand: defining your meaningful point of difference. –
Prospects of the quail’s egg and meat market development in Russia
Generalova S.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Saratov State Agrarian University in honor of N.I. Vavilov. Russia, e-mail:
Ryabova A.I., Post-graduate Student, Saratov State Agrarian University in honor of N.I. Vavilov. Russia, e-mail:
The brief analysis of the Russian quail’ egg and meat market is presented and the basic prospects of its development are defined in the article. The basic present segments of quail breeding industry consumers are characterized. The basic directions of industrial use of quail eggs and meat are presented.
Keywords. quail breeding industry, segments of consumers, development tendencies.
1. Ivancho S.I. Formula for perepelovodstva./ S.I. Ivancho, A.M Golokhvastov.//Ptitseprom. – 2010 . - No. 4. – page 19 - 21.
2. The business plan for quail fermy./ [An electronic resource.] Access mode:
State of the market of higher education in Russia and prospects of its development
Shevchenko D.A., doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of marketing and promotion of the Russian State University for the Humanities, e-mail:
The article seeks to conduct a marketing analysis of the market development of Higher professional education in Russia (HPE). To identify the key trends that universities face in the next five years.
Keywords: the demographic situation in Russia, the market value of HPE, salary PPÐ, market trends Higher professional education, consumers and market operators HPE , demand and competition on the roar of HPE, market prices HPE, market prospects HPE.
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4. Borisov This year. Research of loyalty of the personnel as key marketing asset of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION / Of this year Borisov//Marketing and market researches. - 2012 - No. 3.
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10. Tchebotaryov M. S. Rossiya in the world market of educational services/M of S. Chebotyrev//the Young scientist. - 2012 . - No. 5.
11. Shevchenko D. A. The market and the market relations in Russia: economic and sociological ànalysis/. A.Shevchenko // Practical marketing". - 2011 - No. 3.
Do you know what is advertising clatter?
Zviozdnaya M.A., marketing Specialist«RESTindoor», e-mail: m.zviozdnaya@gmail.com1
How brands manipulate us
Belyanskaya O.Y., News Factory pr-agency, general director, e-mail:
You need to change in order to be always a leader: Interview to O.N.Borovkovo
Keywords: staff, training, advertising, motors, equipment, webinars, stimulating action.
List of dissertation on marketing defended in the second half of 2012 year
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences,senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,