Features of transformations approaches to management in marketing
Zozulyov A.V., Ph.D. in Economics., Associate Professor of the Chair “Industrial Marketing”, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, e-mail:
Poltorak K.A., Ph.D. student of the Chair “Industrial Marketing”, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, e-mail:
In this article it was discusses the prerequisites to transformation ofmanagement approachesin marketing-from traditional tocrowd-marketing. Change of management sobjectinconditions of information society and development of network economy was substantiated. It was proposed the definition “crowd marketing”, which is basedon principles of management "crowd". It were analyzed the principles of the new approach to the management of marketing.
Keywords: integration, crowdsourcing, the principle of management, traditional marketing, crowd-marketing.
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RFM-analysis: technique and practice of implementaion
Gîlubkîv Å.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economyand Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:
The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive methodology of conducting FRM analysis, discover the knowledge for selecting and implementing FRM models. Article also considers expanded RFM model by including two parameters: time since first purchase or length of customer relationship and cost of a customer. We in this paper review the different directions of RFM modes practical implementation.
Keywords: RFM-model, expanded RFM-model, recency, frequency, monetary, e-loyalty, customer lifetime, value, segmentstion.
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Methodical bases of estimation of port service value and the value of cooperation with the customer
Botnaryuk M. V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of «Economy and management» Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail:
Methodical bases forming of value of port services are considered in the article. The necessity of establishment and development of partnerships relations with a buyer on the basis of relationship marketing is exposed. Methodical bases of estimation of level of port service value and the value of cooperation with the customer application of which will allow to correct the strategy of partnerships relations with a client, is presented, orienting them on long-term and mutual benefit.
Keywords: business relationships, marketing of relations, value of service, value of the cooperation
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Analysis of social groups thesauri
Panushkin V.G., Business consultant, MBA, e-mail:
The article reveals the general approaches to use in the marketing researches method of Express-analysis of the texts for the evaluation of the emotional-semantic orientation of the consumers consciousness from various social groups by the method of analysis of social matrix.
Keywords: marketing, analysis, method, society, the matrix, social matrix
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Ànalysis of tourist attractiveness of territory from the point of view of John Urry’s theory
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. of Economy, associate professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University,
The article analyses tourist potential and tourist attractiveness of Volgograd. Tourist attractiveness of the city is analyzed through a prism of "tourist gaze" theory. The practical actions directed on increases of tourist attractiveness of Volgograd are offered.
Keywords: tourist attractiveness, tourist potential, territory brand, «tourist gaze» theory, territory marketing, tourism
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Condition and tendencies of development of retail trade and retail trading networks of Primorye territory
Nikulina T.A., Lecturer on marketing, commerce and logistics department of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
The article provides a brief analysis of the retail trade in Russia and Primorsky Krai. Presents some aspects of the development of retail networks of Primorsky Krai, as well as identifying the main trends of development.
Keywords: retail, retail chains, indicators of retailers and retail chains of Primorsky Krai, the development trend retailers Primorye
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Technology of competitive potential formation of fashion retail’s network operators in the conditions of the modern market
Agafonova I.P., Ph.D. in Economics, the business analyst of JSC «Înècs» (St. Petersburg), e-mail:
Article is devoted a question of working out of technology of formation of competitive advantages of participants of the modern market of retail trade by fashionable clothes and footwear. The choice of effective directions of development of network operators of the given market within the limits of realisation of strategy of geographical expansion and increase in depth of sales is proved. The list of concrete methods of increase of efficiency of activity of the given business structures at the expense of application of modern business technologies in the field of management of assortment, planning and the organisation of process of manufacture and sales, logistics is resulted.
Keywords: competitive potential, fashion retail, strategic planning, business technologies, technologies of increase in depth of sales.
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The perception of women's images in advertising
Smyk J.V., Head of the department of advertising branch of the Irkutsk State University in the city of Angarsk, Associate Professor, Ph.D., e-mail:
Petrova A.A., 5th year student of specialty advertising branch of the Irkutsk State University in the city of Angarsk
The paper presents the results of a study of perception of women's images in advertising. Is a frequently encountered typology of female advertising images. Presented the graphic profiles of the female image in advertising a set of characteristics that are important for different age audiences.
Keywords: promotional image, the image of women in advertising, semantic differential, a graphic profile of the female image.
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Different sides of the same coin. Color
Shkljar T.L., Ph.D. in Economics, General Director of ZAO «GRANP polygraph, consultant psychologist, teacher of MIRBIS, e-mail:
Akaemova A.V., The candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of marketing of the Kiev university of management and business, e-mail:
Authors of this article considered color influence in policy and economy. On different examples showed the general impact on psychology of the consumer. Dividing the power and business, marketing specialists lose a lot of things. Authors suggest to look at these two vectors through a uniform prism of color.
Keywords: ñolor, Psychology of advertising, colour psychology in politics, colour psychology in advertising, color in politics, colour in advertising, colour psychology.
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Relevant approaches to the concept of loyalty in territorial marketing
Khamadieva A.I.,postgraduate student, National Research University Higher School of Economics- Perm, lecturer, Department of General Management,
Competition between countries for human resources leads to the need of creating attractive images of countries and cities. Place marketing and city branding play essential role as they have tools to effective management of the city. However, some theoretical aspects of place marketing remain underdeveloped, for instance, loyalty. In the present work various approaches to conception of loyalty in terms of place marketing are considered. It is concluded that there is no unique concept of understanding and measuring loyalty in city branding, which is important for understanding what determines the choice of residents.
Keywords: territorial marketing, city branding, place loyalty
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Implementation of strategic marketing activities to Ukrainian companies – basis of successful functioning
Shtein O.I., candidate of Economic Sciences, docent of Sevastopol National Technical University, e-mail:
In the paper the problem of implementing strategic marketing activities in Ukrainian companies. The analysis of a common international practice approaches that are appropriate to use in the planning of strategic marketing solutions to specific market situation. To ensure the success of the business is encouraged to develop and apply more intensive methods of strategic marketing.
Keywords: strategic marketing, marketing strategy, environmental factors, market segmentation.
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Digital is powerful. Handle with care
On materials: Nigel Hollis, main global analyst Millward Brown, and Gordon Pincott, chairman Global Solutions
The article shows that with all the successes of digital marketing, there are many more failures. Many digital ads are ineffective, ignored or, worse, have a negative effect. The digital space, in all its diversity, represents a huge opportunity with the power to engage people in new ways. But we need to remember that digital business has both risk and opportunity cost. The risk is that it will be negatively received and undermine brand allegiance, and the opportunity cost is in the allocation of precious resources to activities that may be ineffective or even largely unnoticed.
Keywords: marketing, digital media, digital marketing, advertising, online advertising, digital environment, risk, opportunity cost.
Smartphone wars: swapping strategies, winning consumers
On materials Oscar Yuan, vice-president Millward Brown Optimor
The article considers as Samsung and Apple adapt the best pieces of the others’ strategy for their own purposes. It was shown what it means for the fortunes of each.
Keywords: market product, competitive smartphone market, corporate strategy.
Mobile advertising as important factor of brand promotion
On Anna Chernek's materials, the senior analyst on researches Dynamic Logic / Millward Brown.
The article considers the factors for improving the effectiveness of mobile telephone as communication channel and requirement to mobile advertising.
Keywords: mobile telephone, advertising campaign, communication channel, brand promotion.
Ïÿòü ñåêðåòîâ ýôôåêòèâíûõ ðåêëàìíûõ îáúÿâëåíèé
Áðîâêî Ä.À., áèçíåñ-êîíñóëüòàíò, e-mail:
Five secrets of effective advertising
Brovko D.A., business adviser, e-mail:
Interview on sales and marketing
Neil Rackham and Brian Tracy are worldwide speakers, writers and researchers on marketing and sales. There is their interview to the "Marketing in Russia and abroad journal" on sales and marketing topic. Particularly they enlighten following questions: actual trends, roots of success in sales, how to build a perfect relationship between marketing and sales, which strategy is a most suitable for hard times, what means "to serve clients".
Keywords: Neil Rackham, Brian Tracy, marketing communications, sales, marketing, sales management, buying, value proposition, segmentation, targeting, transaction sales, consultative sales, transaction, efficiency, effectiveness, consumer, client.
The list of dissertations on the marketing, protected in 2013 (second half of the year
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences,senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,