Scientific method in advertising and media planning
Shmatov G.A., Ural Federal University, Liberal Arts University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, e-mail:
In the article features of application of a scientific method for the decision of economic, marketing and advertising problems are considered. Methodological principles of construction of the economic-mathematical theory of media planning are formulated. It is shown that use of methods of mathematical modelling allows to develop the quantitative theory with which help optimisation of the advertising budget and an advertisement positioning in mass-media is possible.
Keywords: economics, marketing, advertising, media planning, scientific method, optimization, efficiency.
1. Kay J. The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics // Voprosy Economiki. — 2012. — ¹ 5.— P. 4-13.
2. Seligman B. Main Currents of Modern Economics: Economic Thought Since 1870. — Ì.: Progress, 1968 (1962). — 600 P.
3. Foley D. K. Mathematical Formalism and Political-Economic Content // Voprosy Economiki. — 2012. — ¹ 7. — P. 82–95.
4. Coase R. H. Essays on Economics and Economists. — Chicago: University of Chicago Press. — 1994.
5. Avtonomov V.S. Abstraction is the Mother of Order? // Voprosy Economiki. — 2013. — ¹ 4.— P. 4–23.
6. Blaug Ì. Methodology of economics. — Ì.: Voprosy Economiki, 2004 (1992).— 416 p.
7. Polterovich V.Ì. Crisis of Economic Theory // Economic Science of Modern Russia. —1998. — ¹ 1. — P. 46-66.
8. Baumol W. J. He does not know Alfred Marshall: the contribution of the XX century in the economic theory // Voprosy Economiki. — 2001. — ¹ 2.— P. 73–107.
9. Leontief W. Essays in Economics. — Ì.: Politizdat, 1990.— 415 p.
10. Shmatov G.À. Mathematical Foundations of Media Planning. — Ekaterinburg: Ural State University.— 2003.—VININI 04.06.03.—¹ 1090-Â2003.— 108 p.
11. Shmatov G.À. Theory of Media Planning.— Ekaterinburg: Liberal Arts University, 2012.
12. Repiev À. P. Wise Advertiser. — Ì.: Eksmo, 2005.
13. von Neumann J, Morgenstern Î. Theory of games and economic behaviour. — Ì.: Science, 1970 (1923).
14. Hopkins C. Scientific Advertising. — Ì.: Alfa-Press, 2000 (1923).
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18. Shmatov G.À. Advertizing and Media Planning // Management in Russia and Abroad. — 2012.—¹4. — P. 32-41.
19. Shmatov G.À. Economic-Mathematical Theory of Media Planning // Management in Russia and Abroad. — 2013. — ¹3.— P. 12-21.
20. Shmatov G.À. Media Planning as Technology Minimize the Risks of Ineffective Advertising in Mass Media // The Review of the Liberal Arts University. — 2013. — ¹ 2. — P. 25-34.
Idea generation as a stage of new-product development process
Gîlubkîv Å.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economyand Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:
The article considers new idea generation as a stage of new-product process management. Possibilities of human intellect are characterized. Describes the main techniques of new ideas generation which used very often in practical activities. Considers some practical recommendations for ideas generation.
Keywords: new idea, new product, ideas generation, human intellect, decision of inventive tasks, brain storming, morphological analysis, lateral shift.
1. Altshuller GS Find idea. Introduction to Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991.
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4. Beshelev SD, FG Gurvich Mathematical and statistical methods of expert assessments. – M.: Statistics, 1974.
5. Bush GY Methodological foundations of scientific management inventiveness. – Riga, 1974.
6. BushGY Methods of technical creativity. – Riga, 1972.
7. BushGYSecrets of inventiveness. – Riga, 1973.
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10. Golubkov EP Marketing research. – 4th ed. – M.: Finpress, 2008.
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12. Dihtl E., H. Hershgen Marketing Management. – M.: BINOM, 1998.
13. Kossov BB Creative thinking, perception and personality. - Moscow: Publishing House of the "Institute of Practical Psychology." – Voronezh, 1997.
14. Kotler F. Marketing Management. – 14th ed. / Lane. from English. – St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2011.
15. KotlerF., Fernando Trias de Bez. New marketing techniques. – St. Petersburg.: Neva, 2004.
16. Listsin Dmitri. The secret of the firm. Exercises inspiration [electronic resource]. URL:
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22. Workbook sociologist. – Ì.: Nauka, 1977.
23. Tony Buzan and Barry. Supermyshlenie. – M.: Popurri, 2007.
24. Uyomov AI Analogy in the practice of scientific research. – M.: Mysl, 1970.
25. Freud Z. Psychology of the Unconscious / lane. German. – M.: Education, 1989.
26. Freud Z., Adler,Jung. General Psychology. Psychoanalysis.
27. Hill P. The science and art of designing / lane. from English. – Ì.: Soviet radio, 1973.
28. Hall AD Experience methodology for systems engineering. – Ì.: Soviet radio, 1975.
29. Jacobson PM Psychology of feelings and motivation: - M.: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", 1998.
30. Yampolsky SM, VA Lisichkin Prediction of scientific and technical progress. - M.: Economy, 1974.
31. Alger J.R., Hays Ñ.V. Creative Synthesis In Design. – NY, 1964.
32. Christiansen J.A. Building the innovative organization: Management systems that encourage innovation. – New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
33. Craig R. Davis. Calculated Risk: A Framework for Evaluating Product Development / MIT Sloan Management Review. – 2002. – ¹. 4.
34. Eric Von Hippek, Susumu Ogawwa and Jeroen P.J. De Jong. The Age of the Consumer-Innovator // MIT Sloan Management Review. – 2011. – Fall.
35. Gordon W.J.J. Synectics. – NY, 1961.
Possibility to forecast exchange rates by means of analysis tools of the social matrix at the currency market
Panushkin V.G., business-consulting, MBA, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of the possible use of categories of social matrix (ñîöèîìû) to predict the current rate of dollar and Euro. On the materials of the real long-term study shows the correlation between the frequency of mentioning of the individual keywords in the economic information flow and the current exchange rate. The results of the research will help to better understand the situation on the currency market.
Keywords: socioma, forecast exchange rates, dollar exchange rate, the Euro exchange rate.
1. Analysis of thesauri social groups. Journal «Marketing in Russia and abroad» 2013, ¹ 6.
2. Official site of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation – - The Internet source
3. RSS feed Yandex-Finance – – The Internet source.
4. RSS feed Kommersant-Money - – The Internet source.
5. RSS feed Finance - RBC- - The Internet source.
6. RSS feed Finance - Finmarket – – The Internet source.
7. RSS feed Ôèíàíñû_Lenta_RU – – The Internet source.
Franchise marketing support
Panyukova V.V., Ph.D., Associate professor of Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Teacher – consultant of Professional Franchising School, e-mail:
The role of franchise marketing support of the activity of the franchisor and the franchisee increases in the process of growth of the level of the competition in the market. The author analyzed the main elements of franchise marketing, approaches to the promotion of the franchise to the market. The author offers the own approach to the allocation of responsibilities of the subjects of the franchise system during the implementation of marketing strategy. The author made the conclusion about the necessity of the marketing audit of the franchisee’s enterprise by the franchisor.
Keywords: franchise marketing, franchise promotion, franchise relationship model, franchise brokerage
1. Kotler F. Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know. – M.: Alpina Publisher, 2013, 211 ð.
2. Panyukova V.V. Franchise sales management in interstate integration// Management in Russia and abroad, 2014, ¹ 1.
3. Evelien P.M. Croonen & Maryse J. Brand What Makes Franchisees Trust Their Franchisors? Paper for the EMNET 2011 conference [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL:
4. Michael H. Seid Pricing Of Franchises: How to Charge For Fees, Area Development Fees, Etc. Establishing Service and Continuing Other Fees URL:
5. Sean Kelly. 10 Criteria for Assessing a Franchise [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL:
Secrets of sales formula: guarantee of small business profitability
Davydov Y.K., business consultant, the head of the company «Consulting Wizard»,e-mail:
Article tells about the principles on which we build a successful business. Also, the recommendations on simple ways to increase profits, aimed to work with several fundamental indicators of the companies. Recommendations on accounting and HR. Scope of application: small and medium business.
Keywords: small business, increasing profits, marketing, sales, upsales, bonuses.
1. Levitas A. More money from your business. Guerrilla Marketing in action. – Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012
2. Parabellum A. Mroczkowski N. "Fast money in business. Step by step plan to increase profits for three weeks. "– Publisher: Piter, 2013
3. ParabellumA. MroczkowskiN. "Squeeze out all business! 200 ways to boost sales and profits. "– Publisher: Piter, 2013
4. RobertT.Kiyosaki "Cashflow Quadrant" Publisher: Potpourri, 2013
5. Rumelt, R. "Good strategy, bad strategy. What is the difference and why it matters "Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014
Method of the secret buyer and feature of its application in sphere of port business
Botnaryuk M. V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of «Economy and management» Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail: mia –
The article examines the features and presents a model of the market of port services in the context of a relationship of sellers and buyers. The author suggests the interpretation of the method of secret shopper with the account of specificity of the market.
Keywords: market, port services, marketing information, the method of secret shopper, the method of expert survey
1. Botnaryuk M.V. Criteria for the competitiveness of Maritime transport hub in the context of the specific nature of its activity and relationships with buyers // Modern competition. – 2013.– 3 (39). – P.120-128.
2. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2008. – ¹1. – P. 106 – 132.
3. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2009. – ¹1. – P. 55 – 80.
4. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2010. – ¹ 1. – P. 55 – 77.
5. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2011. – ¹ 1. – P. 78 – 86.
6. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2012. – ¹ 1. – P. 84 – 95.
7. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2012. – ¹ 2. – P. 60 – 71.
8. All goods of Russia // Sea ports. – 2013. – ¹ 1. – P. 63 – 71.
9. Golubkova E.P. Management of retention and consumer // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2013. – ¹5 (97). – P. 12 – 25.
10. Evstigneeva T.V. relationship Marketing in retail trade enterprises: monograph. – Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2009.
11. Kotler F. Marketing Basics / F. Kotler, Armstrong, 9th edition. – M: Williams, 2003.
12. Kolodnyaya G.V. Futuristic marketing as a way to maintain the competitiveness of firms in the new century // Vestnik of the financial Academy. – 2006. – ¹4. – P. 40 – 49.
13. Increase of efficiency of work of sellers using «Secret buyer» [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
14. Limits the efficiency of loyalty programs [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
15. Sorokin M. Rating by employees and business units on a method of mystery shopping [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
16. FL 30.04.99ã. N 81-FL «The Code of trading navigation of the Russian Federation» [Electronic resource]: the information-legal portal Garant = – Ðåæèì access: WWW.URL:– 28.01.2014.
The role of effective relationships in marketing
Belyakova N.A., PRspecialist Center business development advice Cause, Penza, e-mail:
Galiguzova E.V., director of the Center of consultation Business Development Cause, Penza, e-mail:
Any process that involves coordinated efforts of all its parts. Here, the successful development of the organization depends not on the performance of individual professionals, and the quality level of relations between them. Unifying element - Quality Relations. This new ideology, which is headed by a qualitatively new level of relations specialists.
Keywords: communication, market, quality relationships, marketing, public relations
1. Heywood R. All About Public Relations / Per. from English. – Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge BINOM 2010.
2. Tsyganov VV, Bukharin SN Information management: management mechanisms and control in business and politics: Reference Dictionary. – M.: Academic Project, 2009. (Socio-political technologies).
3. Chumikov A.N. PR: Proc. allowance. – 2nd ed., Rev. and add. – Moscow: Delo, 2010. – (Series "Management Science").
4. Janine D. Marketing Communications: Modern creative advertising / Daniel Yadin. - Per. from English. M. Veselkova. - M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2003. (Universities business).
Strategy behaviour in modern competition
Taranukha Y.V., Doctor of economics, professorcathedraofpoliticaleconomy,Faculty of EconomicsLomonosov Moscow StateUniversity, e-mail:
The article deals with the strategic firm behaviour in conditions of modern competition. The author shows that in today's competitive environment, there is a transition to a new form of competition - the struggle for market leadership. Òhus, the main source of his conquest becomes intercompany collaboration.
Keywords: hypercompetition, struggle for leadership, competitive strategy, intercompany collaboration.
1. M. Best New Competition. Institutions of industrial development. – Moscow: TEIS, 2002.
2. M. Brown Hypercompetition: characteristics of drivers and management / / Problems of the theory and practice of management. – 1998. – ¹ 3.
3. Gomez Kasseres B. How compete network of alliances / / Strategic Alliances. – Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2008.
4. Peters, T., Waterman, R. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's most successful companies. - Moscow: Alpina Publishers, 2010.
5. PorterÌ, Competitive Strategy. – Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2005.
6. PorterÌ. Competitive advantage. – Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2005.
7. PorterÌ. International competition: competitive advantages of countries. – Moscow: International Relations, 1993.
8. Robertson TS, Gatinon D. Dissemination of technological innovations. Market aspect // New technology and organizational structures. – M.: Economy, 1990.
9.Hamel, G., Prahalad KK Competing for the Future. Shaping tomorrow's markets. – Moscow: ZAO "Olympus-Business", 2002.
10. Auken S. Van. Resources and Relationships: New Drivers of Marketing Thought // Journal of Economic and Social Research. – 2001. – 3(1).
11. Aveni, d’. R.À. Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering. – NY.: The Free Press, 1994.
12. Brandenburger A.M., Nalebuff B.J. Co-Opetition: A Revolution Mindset That Combines Competition and Cooperation. – N.Y.: Doubleday, 1996.
13. Dickson P.R. Toward a general theory of competitive rationality // The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56, No. 1 (Jan., 1992).
14. Hagedoorn J. Inter-firm R&D partnerships: An overview of major trends and patterns since 1960 // Research Policy. – 2002. – ¹ 31.
15. March J. Footnotes to Organizational Change // Administrative science quarterly. – 1981. – ¹ 4. – Dec.
16. Moore J.F. The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems. – N.Y.: Harper Business, 1996.
17. Treacy M., Wiersema F. The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your Market. – Basic books, 1995.
The problems of competitiveness of Russian business: a look of financier
Khotinskaya G.I., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor of economic Sciences, e-mail:
Competitiveness is traditionally a marketing concept and, as such is an area of increased interest to the scientific community. At the same time Russian economists almost do not work with factors of competitiveness and the competitive advantages of a financial nature. The article focuses on the financial Toolkit increasing the competitiveness of Russian companies, of industrial markets, of the national economy.
This article was prepared in the framework of the research on the State assignment of Financial University 2014 y.
Keywords: competitiveness - financial instruments - the Russian model
1. Kovalev V.V., Kovalev Vit. Century Corporate Finance and accounting: concepts, algorithms, indicators. – M: Prospekt, KNORUS. 2010.
2. Collis D., Montgomery C. Corporate strategy. Resource-based approach. – M: Business Olympus. 2007.
3. Corporate growth: measurement methodology and management instruments (financial aspect). Monograph / Kameneva E., Likhacheva O., Mingaliev K., Pashtova L., Setchenkova L., Slepneva T.A., Khotinskaya G., Shokhin E. / Ed. G.Khotinskaya. – M: Scientific technologies. 2013.
4. Doyle P. Marketing is cost. – SPb.: Peter. 2001.
5. Khotinskaya A. Brand equity and its impact on corporate Finance. – M 2011.
6. Khotinskaya G., Khotinskaya A. Brand assets: theory, empirical evidence, financial technologies. Monograph. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. 2012.
Gender specificity of strategic marketing at the Russian tourism market
for consumer segment of elderly people
Groshev I.V., doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavine-mail:
Korchagin E.V., postgraduate of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin e-mail:
The issue of Russian tourism market development for elderly consumers is being analyzed in the article. On the basis of the considered Russian tourism market specific directions for designing tourist product are suggested for older target consumer audience based on the experience of European countries. It is stated that this target audience unlike other age groups has its own peculiarities which unfortunately are not taken into account when creating a tourism product by Russian tour operators.
Keywords: market situation; marketing; behavior; consuming; planning; tourism market; tourist services; tourism product.
1. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. The Market of Tourism Services for Elderly People: Problems and Development Prospects // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – ¹ 6 (92). – Pp. 47-56.
2. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Tourism Business for Elderly People // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. – 2012. – ¹ 9. – Pp. 67-75.
3. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Tourism Market for Elderly People in the Russian Economic Space // European Social Science Journal. – 2013. – ¹ 3. – Pp. 461-470.
4. Data of Federal Agency for Tourism. – M., 2012.
5. Data of Federal State Statistics Service. – M., 2012.
6. Durovich A.P. Advertisement in Tourism. – Minsk, 2008.
7. Monasypova S.V. The Lifestyle of Pensioners in Modern Russia. – M., 2005.
8. Mosienko I.V., Tikhomirov S.V. Tourism Industry in the Mirror of International Comparison // ECO. Russian Economic Journal. – 2010. – ¹ 9. – P. 49-55.
9. Nikolayev O.V. Pensioners of Modern Russia: Regional Models of Lifestyle: Diss. … Candidate of Economics. – Saratov, 2011.
10. Conseil national du tourisme // Section Emploi-Formation-Recherche Session 2001: «Le tourisme a l’age de retraite». – F., 2009.
11. Les vacances des francais depuis 40 ans. – F., 2008.
12. Research and Knowledge Management: îver 55 travel market. Research and findings. – Great Britain: South Wales, 2000.
13. Tourisme du troisieme age en suisse: Strategies’ pour use optimization de l’offre hoteliere. – S., 2005.
Outsourcing in telecommunications business: model and prospects
Lytovchenko I.V., President of Kyivstar Company, Candidate of cience Ph.D.) economics, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Based on the analysis of trends in the world market of telecommunications in General and Ukrainian, in particular, is one of the directions of development of telecommunication operators-transforming business through outsourcing certain functions was analyzed, as part of the marketing plan of the operator. Considered various options, their advantages and disadvantages. Shown that, along with the consolidation of operators when sharing infrastructure, the efficient direction of optimization of operators is the transfer of responsibility for network maintenance and support to networking equipment suppliers.
Keywords: telecommunications, operator, services’ supplier, market, outsourcing, marketing, functions, optimization, efficiency.
1. Gartner, Market Trends: Bridging the Customer Experience Gap for Worldwide Operations Support Systems and Business Support Systems in 2013 [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
2. Kearney A.T. Global Competitive Benchmark for Telecoms 2013. Berlin, April 2013. Report ID 1301 [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
3. Ericsson, ConsumerLab study [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
4. ITU, GSR 2010 Discussion Paper, The impact of broadband on the economy: Research to date and policy issues [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
5. Hamadoun Toure. Ynfokommunykatsyy: Problems and prospects of development / / Hamadoun Toure. - Digital technology. – 2010. – ¹ 8. – Ñ. 8-11.
6. The Broadband Commission for Digital Development Report is: Towards the Future, based on broadband [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
7. Trends in telecommunication reform 2012. Smart regulation for a broadband world. Geneva: ITU, 2012. – 292 p.
8. Growth of 10% in the number of internet users provide additional GDP growth of 1% [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
9. Ericsson, NetQB GSM Radio Network Report 2013, Q3. Global Benchmark of Network Quality. [Electronic resource]. – access mode:
University internet marketing: model «3–O»
Shevchenko D.A., Professor , Doctor of Economics , Head of Marketing and Advertising RSUH, honorary member of the Guild of Marketers, e-mail:
Loktyushina Y.V., assistent in marketing and advertising RSUH, e-mail:
Article is devoted to marketing research quality sites of Russian universities. Developed by the authors invited to the original site of the university system of promotion in the online environment, Digital model of the «3-O», which includes three main coordinate system: treatment, training and feedback.
Keywords. ìodel «3-O», ìarketing University, ìarketing on the internet, website of the university, website Promotion university, education, treatment. feedback, social network, blogs, distance education, advertising, PR university, University rankings: THE, QS, ARWU, vebometrics, RIA, expert RA, web-analytics.
1. Computing in Cardiology [Electronic resource]. – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode:
2. Blog of professor Shevchenko D. A. [Electronic resource]. – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode:
3. Virin F. Internet marketing: the full collection practical tools / F.Virin – M.: Eksmo, 2012.
4. NIU VShE magazines [Electronic resource] / G. V. Mozhaev. – Electron. it is given. – Access mode:
5. Kisseyn E. of the content strategy / E.Kisseyn's basis. – M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012.
6. Kokrum G. Internet marketing: the best free tools/J. Kokrum – M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.
7. Mozhaev G. V. The humanities during an era of digital technologies: from branch informatics to Digital humanities [An electronic resource] / G.V. Mozhaev. – Electron. it is given. – Access mode:
8. About education: feeder. law. – M.: "Omega-L", 2013.
9. NIU VShE pre-prints [Electronic resource]. – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode: http://
10. Publications NIU VShE: – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode:
11. Rating of the best universities with programs of remote education [An electronic resource]. – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode:
12. University open for the city: public lectures of Higher School of Economics [Electronic resource] / G. V. Mozhaev. – Electron. it is given. – Access mode:
13. What is the blog and who such bloggers [An electronic resource]. – Electron. it is given. – [M] – an access Mode:
14. Shevchenko D. A. Global reference points of increase of competitiveness of the Russian universities: dominant of the state, ratings, site of higher education institution / Shevchenko D. A. //E Practical marketing – 2013 – No. 7.
15. Shevchenko D. A. Loktyushina Yu.V. Efficiency of websites of higher educational institutions. Technique of an assessment of competitiveness of a site of higher education institution in the Internet /D.A. Shevchenko, Yu.V. Loktyushin – M.: MIPK "NNOU"", 2014.
The marketing review of the diapers market in Russia
Kutuzova T.J., candidate of economic sciences, the senior lecturer of chair Marketing of the Moscow academy of business at the Government of Moscow, the General director of company RBS-Consulting, e-mail:
The article "Marketing review of the diapers market in Russia" provides data on the child's goods market - one of the most promising and dynamically growing consumer segment. It also includes information on diapers sector which is a part of babies’ goods market. According to analysts, the diapers segment has a high growth potential - with the market capacity of $ 2.5-2.6 billion, its saturation is just about 17%.
Keywords: children's products industry, kids market, diapers market, consumption diapers.
5. My business magazine shop – 2010. – ¹ 126.
8. Market for children’s goods and services, how to win the trust of moms and love – Comcon [BabyIndex, 2008-2012]
Crises of ideas or how to wake up creativity
Sereda M.E., The founder and the vice-president of Communication holding Pro-Vision,e-mail:
Sales through the Internet for retail business
Volkov A.B., the Individual businessman, e-mail:
Model of the graduate from a branch and high school position: points of crossing, world experience