Idea generation as a stage of new-product development process
(The termination. The beginning in ¹ 2 for 2014.)
Gîlubkîv Å.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economyand Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:
The article considers new idea generation as a stage of new-product process management. Possibilities of human intellect are characterized. Describes the main techniques of new ideas generation which used very often in practical activities. Considers some practical recommendations for ideas generation.
Keywords: new idea, new product, ideas generation, human intellect, decision of inventive tasks, brain storming, morphological analysis, lateral shift.
1. Altshuller GS Find idea. Introduction to Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991.
2. Altshuller GS Creativity as an exact science. – Moscow: Sov. radio, 1979.
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14. Kotler F. Marketing Management. – 14th ed. / Lane. from English. – St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2011.
15. KotlerF., Fernando Trias de Bez. New marketing techniques. – St. Petersburg.: Neva, 2004.
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21. Naumov AV Inventive problem solving in marketing. – Novosibirsk: Izd SibUPK, 2001.
22. Workbook sociologist. – Ì.: Nauka, 1977.
23. Tony Buzan and Barry. Supermyshlenie. – M.: Popurri, 2007.
24. Uyomov AI Analogy in the practice of scientific research. – M.: Mysl, 1970.
25. Freud Z. Psychology of the Unconscious / lane. German. – M.: Education, 1989.
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27. Hill P. The science and art of designing / lane. from English. – Ì.: Soviet radio, 1973.
28. Hall AD Experience methodology for systems engineering. – Ì.: Soviet radio, 1975.
29. Jacobson PM Psychology of feelings and motivation: - M.: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", 1998.
30. Yampolsky SM, VA Lisichkin Prediction of scientific and technical progress. - M.: Economy, 1974.
31. Alger J.R., Hays Ñ.V. Creative Synthesis In Design. – NY, 1964.
32. Christiansen J.A. Building the innovative organization: Management systems that encourage innovation. – New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
33. Craig R. Davis. Calculated Risk: A Framework for Evaluating Product Development / MIT Sloan Management Review. – 2002. – ¹. 4.
34. Eric Von Hippek, Susumu Ogawwa and Jeroen P.J. De Jong. The Age of the Consumer-Innovator // MIT Sloan Management Review. – 2011. – Fall.
35. Gordon W.J.J. Synectics. – NY, 1961.
TRIZ principles for resolving marketing and management problems
Yakovenko E.V., marketing manager Teplocom Holding Trade House, e-mail:
The article is devoted to a problem of search of non-standard decisions for entering the markets, which are free from competitors. TRIZ methods are considered as unique tools for the entrance and the development of markets. TRIZ is efficient method of implementation of the blue ocean strategy. The blue ocean strategy is the strategy of search of new markets, where the competition factor is not actual. TRIZ methods are considered as innovative methods that are used for analysis of problem situations in marketing and management. Heretofore TRIZ methods extended to resolving of technical problems.
Keywords: theory of inventive problem solving, the blue ocean strategy, the red ocean strategy, consumer value, TRIZ methods, competitive advantage.
1. Kjell A. Nordstrom, Jonas Ridderstrale. Funky Business. Capital dancing to the tune of talent. - M.: Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013.
2. V.Kim Chan, Renee Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Strategy. – Ì.: Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2012.
3. MeerovitchM.I.Theory of inventive problem solving. - Minsk: Harvest, 2003.
4. OrlovÌ.À. It is easy to TRIZ. Universal hands-on course. - M.: SOLON-PRESS, 2011.
5. Yung-Chin Hsiao. Creative Solutions from TRIZ for the Business Contradiction in Red Ocean Strategy // Creativity Lab, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
6. W.Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne. Creating New Market Space // Harvard Business Review. February 2000.
Using the method of «mystery shopping» for discovering reasons of low sales in retail shops
Popodko G.I., Doctor of Economics, leading scientist, Krasnoyarsk department of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Business– consultant of consulting group «ProfKonsaltingGrupp», e-mail:
Nagaeva O.S., Candidate of Economics, senior scientist, Krasnoyarsk department of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Business– consultant of consulting group « ProfKonsaltingGrupp», e-mail:
In the article the analysis of the internal reasons of low sales in retail shops on the example of Krasnoyarsk is given. Results of research are based on using the method of “mystery shopping”. The authors suggest the technique of complex research of conditions of selling goods in retail shops.
Keywords: internal environment, sales volumes, mystery shopping, level of service.
1. RandeYU.P. Satisfying and loyalty of the personnel as the main indicators of efficiency of internal marketing//Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2006. – No. 3, in Russian.
2. Vikhansky O. S. Strategic management. – M.: Gardarika, 2002. – 292 p., in Russian.
3. Voznenko L.A. The «mystery» shopping on guarding quality of service//Marketing of services. –2008 . - No. 3(15). – p. 228 – 232, in Russian.
4. Alphabet «Mystery shopping» / access mode:, in Russian.
Advertising and informational support for expo-activities
Simonov K.V., Cand. Econ. Sci., MBA, chief manager of «RLP-Yarmarka» Ltd., e-mail:
The article is devoted to the main directions of expo-activity promo and adv maintenance: adv and advance of expo-shows, directory support at fair ground, adv services for fair participants. The following channels and tools of adv are considered: mass media, Internet, mailings, outdoor adv. Forms of cooperation between expo-business and mass media are shown, services provided for journalists during the exhibitions are listed. The specifics of promo and adv materials issued by expo-business are described. The essence of the directory support provided by expo-business for exhibitors and visitors at fair ground is described in detail. The content and the sense of the adv and promo services available for exhibitors are presented.
Keywords: adv, promo, expo-activity, exhibition, fair, expo-business, expo-services.
1. Expo-activity. Terms and definitions. GOST P 53103-2008. – M.: Standartinform, 2009.
2. Belyanovsky A.S. It is necessary to be on friendly terms with the press//Business & Vistavki. – 2012 . – No. 6(60). – p. 48-50.
3. Sorokina E. Why exhibitions don't "twit"? // Expo Vedomosti. – 2010 . - No. 2 – p. 31.
4. Galakhova A.I. Use of the new media for expo-projects information support and promotion. The report at the scientific and practical conference "Application of Information Technologies in Expo-Activity" (the source: - site of "5ðExpo").
5. Belyanovsky A.S. Trifles creating the success// Business & Vistavki. – 2012 . – No. 5(59). – p. 44-47.
6. The report "qbExpo IT-system as the optimum solution for creation of electronic catalog and navigation system at the fair ground for the mobile iOS, Android and Web platforms. (the source: - site of "5ðExpo").
7. "qbExpo" – a view at an exhibition in the century of IT // Udacha Expo. – 2011. – N 6-7. p. 1.
8. Virtual catalog – the on-line service new quality // Udacha Expo. – 2012 . – No. 8. – p. 3.
9 . Interactive stand: the unique possibility for a visitor to work independently at the expo-stand// Udacha Expo. – 2012 . – No. 9. – p. 2.
10. Karasyov N. Absolutely different but allies// Mir Vistavok. – 2012 . – No. 51 (Sept.-Oct.).
11. Simonov K.V. The most up-to-date expo-business: business environment & management technologies. - M.: Research Center INFRA-M, 2014. – 656 p.
Branding evolution in foreign and Russian practice
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, Pro-rector of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, e-mail:
Krasnoslobodtsev À.À., Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Deputy Director of Marketing & Advertising of the Industrial Group «KRATA», e-mail:
In this article, the features of the branding evolution are discussed. There are three main stages of branding concept development in Western practice. The domestic way and history of branding development with the release of its main stages are analyzed. The influence of external and internal components on the branding evolution is examined, as well as the specific features of the Russian branding system are emphasized.
Keywords: brand, branding, concept, consumer, development, value, factors.
1. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. System Brand Management. – Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012. –
678 p.
2. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Emotional Strengths of the Motive of Brand Choice in the Prism of Consumer Behavior / / Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. ? ¹ 4 (90). – P. 13–28.
3. Karpova S.V. Branding. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2008. – 224 p.
4. Kostyleva N.V. Brand as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: the Sociological Analysis: Diss. ... on Competition Degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences; Ural State Technical University. – Ekaterinburg, 2006. – 171p.
5. Krylov A., Zuenkova O. Brand and Society – the Separation of Values // Advertising Technology. ? 2003. ? ¹ 3. ? P. 2–5.
6. Leyni T.A., Semenova E.A., Shilina S.A. Brand Management. – Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation «Dashkov & Co», 2008. – 228 p.
7. Lindstrom M., Seybold P.B. Children Branding / Editor I.V.Andreeva; Trans. from English S.E. Varlamova. – St. Petersburg: «Neva», 2004. – 320 p.
8. Muromkina I., Evtushenko E. Features of Use of Branding in the Russian Consumer Market // Marketing. – 2000. ? ¹1 (50). – P. 34 –39.
Methods of innovative marketing in the restaurant business
Tuvatova V.E., Cand. Econ. Sci., the senior lecturer of chair “Management” of branch of the Sochi state university in Nizhni Novgorod, e-mail:
The article is devoted to products and services promoting in the restaurant business. The article discusses the main aspects of the use of innovative marketing trends and ways of increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities on the food industry enterprises.
Keywords: innovative marketing, restaurant business, promotion, food design, marketing touch, celebrity marketing.
1. Dementieva EP Catering . Success Secrets / EP Dementieva. – 2nd ed . - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2008. – 253.
2. Pashutin SB About Commercial Operation celebrities // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2013. – ¹ 3. – With . 72-78 .
3. Christmas LN, LE Cherednychenko Creative catering systems : the boundaries of acceptable // Creative Economy. – 2011 . – ¹ 7 (55). – C. 136 – 144 .
4. Tuvatova VE Use of marketing tools to promote the restaurant products // Food and Society. – 2010. –
¹ 11 – p. 6–7 .
5. Tuvatova VE Prospects for the use of marketing tools in the restaurant business // Marketing. – 2011. –
¹ 1. – With. 20–24 .
Marketing features of insurance services in the system of business processes in Russia and abroad
Gubanov R.S., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of Department of finances and credit, Branch of a Private institution of higher education «Moscow University named by S.Y. Witte,» in the city of Ryazan, e-mail:
The article considers the sequence and main contents of the business processes of the insurance; the approach to realization of marketing tactics at different stages of the life cycle of insurance services; systematized statistical data on investment and profitability marketing services risk insurance in Russia and abroad; offered the option of marketing management insurance services in the light of the new Federal law «On actuarial activity
in the Russian Federation».
Keywords: marketing, insurance service, business processes in insurance, marketing, risk insurance, investments in marketing, marketing management, actuarial activity.
1. Federal law of November 2, 2013 ¹ 293-FZ «About the actuary activities in the Russian Federation // SPS Garant
2. Arkhipov, A.P. Insurance / A.P. Arkhipov. – M: KNORUS, 2012. – 288 P.
3. Gubanov, R.S. Insurance of financial risks as a method of risk management // Financial analyst problems and solutions, 2014. – ¹ 8. – 31 P.
4. Ermasov, S.V. Insurance: textbook / SV Åðìàñîâ, NB Åðìàñîâà. - 3rd ed., Rev. and extra – M: Publishing house of yurayt, 2010. – 703 C.
5. Moroshkin, V.A. Kurganova, N.U. Marketing : a training manual – M FORUM, 2011 – 352 P.
6. Marketing concepts in the context of innovative development G.M. Mishulin // property Management: theory and practice of Moscow ¹ 3, – 2013 P. 18.
7. Mustafina A.R., Reinhardt R.O., Tokareva E.V. The European insurance market in 2012: key indicators of development // Insurance 2013. ¹ 10 October C. 36.
Correspondence of the cars prices in LCV segment to their consumers characteristics
Kornilov D.A., Doctor of Science, Economics, professor of “Economy, Management and Finance” department, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E.Alekseev, e-mail:
Shapkin E.I., Doctor of Science, Economics, adviser of rector’s of fice, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E.Alekseev, e-mail:
Questions of an assessment of competitiveness of production and consumers characteristics of cars are considered. The assessment of consumer properties of cars is carried out (on an example cars of a segment of LCV (light commercial vehicles)). Results of research can be used when pricing and in the course of cars designing with an optimum set of consumers characteristics.
Keywords: competitiveness, cost, price, consumers characteristics, technique, assessment, dependence.
1. Kornilov D. A. Competitiveness of production as function of compliance of consumer characteristics of goods of its cost//Transactions of Nizhny Novgorod state technical university n.a. R.Y. Alekseev. –
N. Novgorod: Publishing house Nizhegorod. the state. techn. un-t., 2011 . No. 4(91) – P. 263-275.
2. Kornilov D. A., Morozova G. A. Polyakov N. F. Metodika of determination of cost on the basis of the analysis of consumer characteristics//Management of economic systems: electronic scientific magazine.
No. 3, 2012.
3. Kornilov D.A., Neznakhin M.E. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars. Theoretical part (part 1)//Economy and business – M.: December 2013, No. 12/2, - P. 845-848.
4. Kornilov D.A., Konikova G.A., Neznakhin M.E. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars. Formation of a tree of consumer properties (part 2)//Economy and business – M.: December 2013, No. 12/3, - Page 619-623.
5. Kornilov D.A., Neznakhin M.E., Konikova G.A., Paltsev V.V. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars. Assessment of marketing characteristics of cars of a segment of LCV (part 3)//Economy and business – M.: February 2014, No. 1/2.
Situational analysis of the competitive positions of Russia in the global economy: yesterday and today
Karpova N.S., associate professor, Chair for International Business, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, e-mail:
The author uses situational analysis for discovering new aspects of the competitive positions of Russia in the global economy. “Blocks” of express-analysis are selected in the context of key points of the country economic development, first of all, its dependence on commodity exports. Particular attention is paid to the relevant indicators and facts, revolutionary changes on the world markets, as well as forecasts and projections. The fundamental importance of moral guidelines of research and marketing activities is stressed in the article.
Keywords: situational analysis, the country’s competitiveness, dependence on commodity exports, shale revolution and competition in the global energy market, Russia, USA, China, the moral position of the researcher, role of marketing in selection of “poles” of the Russian
economic growth.
1. World Competiveness Yearbook. – 2005. – P. 608.
2. Competitive Industrial Performance Report. UNIDO. – 2013. – Pð. 11–12.
3. Ollus S.-E. Natural Resources – A Blessing or Curse. – 2007, BOFIT, Bank of Finland.
4. Annual International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration.
5. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013, Workbook //
6. Energy Perspectives 2013, Statoil, 2013.
7. Engdahl William, The Fracked-up USA Shale Gas Bubble. 13 March 2013, http://
How to estimate and operate quality and competitiveness of goods and services?
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:
The technique of a quantitative assessment of quality, competitiveness of technical and social and economic objects, including goods and services is offered. For an assessment of competitiveness of object three alternative ways of integration of two indicators of the first level in hierarchy of perfection levels of objects – the prices and qualities are offered. On the basis of the offered techniques of quality measurement and competitiveness of compared objects the two-level model of competitiveness level management is developed. Practical applicability of the offered theoretical provisions is shown on the example of an assessment of quality and competitiveness of 13 models of summer tires of dimension 205/55 R16.
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, quality indicator, object, tire, ponderability coefficient, “maximum price”.
1. Faskhiev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V., Shaykhutdinov I. F. Kachestvo of goods. As it to measure? // Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2006 . ¹ 8. PP. 69 - 79.
2. Faskhiev Kh. A. Model of management of competitiveness of the enterprise//Automotive industry. 2010.
¹ 5. PP. 1 – 3.
3. Faskhiev Kh. A. The intellectual capital – a basis of innovative development of the enterprise//Innovations. 2011. ¹ 6. PP. 31 – 43.
4. Fedyukin V. K. Durnev V. D., Lebedev V. G. Methods of an assessment and quality management of an industrial output. – M.: Filin information publishing house, Rilant, 2001. 328 p.
5. Lifits I. M. Formation and assessment of competitiveness of goods and services. M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. 335 p.
6. Faskhiev Kh. A. Analysis of methods of an assessment of quality and competitiveness of trucks//quality management Methods. 2001 . ¹ 3. Page 24-28; ¹ 4. PP. 21-26.
7. Faskhiev Kh. A., Kostin I. M. Tekhniko-ekonomicheskaya an assessment of trucks when developing. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house of KAMPI, 2002. 480 p.
8. Faskhiev Kh. A. Determination of ponderability of indicators of quality of cars and their components//Truck. 2008. ¹ 5. PP. 23 – 27.
9. Saati T. Decision-making. Method of the analysis of hierarchies. M.: Radio and communication, 1989.
316 p.
10. Rasstegayev O., Mokhov A., Shadrichev I. Between the first and the second//Avtorevyu. 2014. ¹ 6.
PP. 34 – 41 .
11. The market in January //Avtorevyu., 2014. ¹2. P. 11.
Cooperation of regions as factor of increasing nearby territories competitiveness
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. of Economy, associate professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
The study substantiates the importance of the development of inter-regional cooperation in the modern Russian economy. Proposed a model of cooperation nearby regions. It is concluded that regional cooperation to ensure their competitiveness in international markets is possible.
Keywords: cross-regional cooperation, macroregion, territory marketing, cooperation.
1. Ivanov, Yu.V. Mergers, acquisitions and demergers: strategy and tactics of business transformation. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2001.
2. Territory competition in the economic space / Vazhenin S.G., Bersenyev V.L., Vazhenina I.S., Tatarkin A.I. – Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2011.
3. Frolov, D.P. Marketing paradigm of regional development: monograph / D.P. Frolov. – Volgograd: VolSU 2013.
How big data liberates research
On materials William C. Pink, senior partner ofCreative Analytics in Millward Brown, North America.
Considers what big data means, the business and the societal applications of big data. Discusses the role of big data, as big data increases, we see a parallel growth in the need for “small data” to answer the questions it raises. The ability to manage the uncertainty inherent in big data may be a competitive advantage. Primary research is not just liberated by big data; it contributes to the content creation and analysis within big data.
Keywords: big data, business, application, primary research, survey, competitive advantage.
Ad research faces the future
On materials Graham Page, executive vice president of practical consumer neyroissledovanyMillward Brown.
Evidence from the cognitive sciences points to a less rational, less idealized consumer than conventional economics has assumed. Intuitive association measurement measures the relative ease with which people associate ideas with brands or ads. The ideas that are made automatically are the most intuitive. It was used the coding of facial expressions to measure immediate emotional and cognitive responses. Nowadays companies such as Affectiva developed accurate software to automate the process. In partnership with Affectiva, Millward Brown has integrated this approach into standard Link copy testing surveys.
Keywords: cognitive sciences, consumer, brand, advertising, intuitive association measurement, coding, facial expressions, emotional and cognitive responses, testing.
Brand’s measurement: meaningful differences
Frolov D.L., CEO (Chief Executive Officer) at Content Research Ltd, e-mail:
Research company Millward Brown modified its methodology for brand value measuring – Brand Dynamics. In according to new methodology as the key parameters they use meaningful of the brand, its difference and salient. Modification was carried out after in-depth analysis of the accumulated data about consumer behavior. In order to practically implement a new approach to measuring brand researchers had to revise the wording of survey questions. Updateô technique can significantly improve the quality of forecast. Keywords: branding, brand value, BrandDynamics, Millward Brown, meaningful, different, salient, brand potential, power brand.
1. Alagon J., Samuel J. The Meaningfully Different Framework – a breakthrough in holistic brand equity measurement, 2013:
2. Alagon J., Samuel J. The paradigm of significant distinctions is a break in complex measurement of the capital of a brand:
Internet as the channel of advertising for advancement of the real estate and accompanying services
Lavrinenko YA.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and the basics of entrepreneurship, Voronezh State Architecture and Construction University (Voronezh GASU), Voronezh, e-mail:
Tinyakova V.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Dean faculty of economics, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev (RSAU-MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev), Moscow, e-mail:
The article compares traditional advertising channels properties, their advantages and disadvantages. Considers features and advantages of advertising tools on Internet to promote real estate. Provides indicators to predict and the actual evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising on the advertising platform. More detailed examination the website of real estate agency, reports on events that have increased its effectiveness were conducted. As a result, was obtain lists of recommendations that improve the website.
Keywords: Internet, promotion, advertising, real estate, performance, recommendations for improving.
1. Barrell D. and M. Nash, 2004. Fundamentals of Marketing for Real Estate Professional. Kaplan Publishing.
2. Hunt B., 2012. Convert!: Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion. Wiley.
3. Johntson M.R., 2013. Word Up! How to Write Powerful Sentences and Paragraphs (And Everything You Build from Them). Northwest Brainstorms Publishing.
4. Levinrad L., 2012. Social Networking And Internet Marketing For Real Estate Investors. The Distressed Real Estate Institute.
5. LavrinenkoYa.B., TinyakovaV.I. Increase conversion websites as a way to reduce advertising costs of real estate agencies // VESTNIK Saratov State Socio-Economic University. – 2013. – ¹ 2. – Pp. 58-63 .
Three rules of successful loyalty program
Brovko D.À., The business adviser, the expert in sphere of increase in sales and an advertising efficiency in a small-scale business, å-mail:
Filip Kotler remained is happy with level of the Russian experts in marketing