Marketing in valuable and cost company management
Neretina Å.À., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Marketing Chair, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia), e-mail:
Realization of enterprise approach to management of the modern company is in contours of value-oriented goal-setting, harmonization of interests of owners, stakeholders and search of competitive advantages. In the solution of the designated tasks marketing which has to be presented at stages of the strategic analysis, diagnostics and development of marketing strategy is urged to play an important role.
Keywords: the company, the purposes, valuable and cost approach, the company management, competitive advantages, marketing, adaptive and pro-active approaches to adoption of administrative decisions.
1. Adamenko E.Yu. Marketing management of knowledge bases in open innovative processes. // Creative economy, 2013. No. 12 (84), Pp. 42–54
2. Braly R., Myers S. Principles of corporate finance. - M.: Olympe-business, 2004.
3. Mac Donald M., Smith B., the Word To. Due check of marketing. Reorientation of strategy to company cost. / Per, from English Kostrubov Yu.N. - M.: JSC IDT Group, 2007.
4. Copeland T., T Colour. Murin D. Stoimost of the company. Assessment and management. – M.: Publishing house "Olympus-business", 2005.
5. Palamarchuk V.P. Value-oriented strategy in the conditions of uncertainty. // Koporativny strategy, 2009. No. 38 (9304). http://www.
6. Palamarchuk V.P. Valuable and cost approach in management interaction with participants (stakeholders) of the company. // Russian business, 2007. No. 12 (103). Pp. 73–78.
7. Malt liquor M. Competitive advantage. How to reach a good result and to provide its stability. – M.: Publishing house: Alpina Business of Buks, 2005.
8. Prigozhin A. I. Purposes and values. New methods of work with the future. – M.: Publishing house "ANH Business, 2010.
Diversification as basis of the long-term sustainable development
Zimina T.V., Doctor of economics the Ural federal university,
Merkushin A.V., The head of a department of marketing the closed joint-stock company of workers Turinskyi pulp-and-paper factory, e-mail: sbyt@tcbz.uraltc. ru
Modern progress of any manufacture is impossible without constant perfection of let out production, development of adjacent manufactures and an output on the new markets. It requires the careful and comprehensive account of demands of demand, especially in the fast-growing markets, possibilities of the manufacture and risks.
Keywords: diversification, SWOT- analysis, sanitary-and-hygienic products.
1. Golubkov Y. P. SWOT analysis: existing procedures and ways of their perfection // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2013. – ¹ 1, 2.
2. Bagiev G.L., Taracevitch V.M., Ann H. Marketing: textbook for high schools. – Saint Petersburg, 2006.
4. Kozhevnikov N.N., Borisov Y.I., Zubkova A.G. Bases of crisis management by the enterprises: the manual for students of higher educational institutions – M., 2005.
Role of collective communities in the formation and development of the business reputation of the industrial companies in modern conditions
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:
The article states that the importance of the formation and development of business reputation encourages the participation of companies in the informal groups formed around reputation centers of gravity (vertical form) or in horizontal associations according to sectors or activities. Factor belonging to communities becomes one of the most important for the accumulation of reputation capital.
Keywords: goodwill, reputation gravity, accumulation of reputation capital, collective communities, conferences of suppliers and customers, exchange of reputation.
1. Ustinova L.N..Method of forming an integrated approach to assessing the business reputation of the company // Economics in industry. 2012. No.1, pp. 98 – 103.
2. Kalinskii O.I. Business reputation as one of the most important competitive advantages of Russian metallurgists when joining the WTO // Economics in industry. 2012 No.2, pp. 18 – 22.
3. Pleschenko V.I. Business reputation as a factor in increasing the efficiency of logistics system of industrial enterprise // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2013. No. 5. pp. 39 – 44.
4. Dolgin A.B. As we become suitable to agreement, or a practical guide to collective action. – M.: OGI, 2013. – 192 p.
5. Kleiner G. Microeconomics of knowledge and myths of theory // Higher education in Russia. 2006. No. 9. pp. 32 – 37.
6. Pleschenko V.I. Realizing the potential of social structures and getting more competitive advantages (on example of conferencing providers) // Modern competition. 2013. No. 2 (38). pp. 55 – 68.
7. Pleschenko V.I. Supplier’s Conference as a mechanism of market communication of industrial enterprise // Bulletin of the scientific, technical and economic information "Iron and Steel Industry". 2012. No. 9. pp. 75 – 80.
8. Pipe industry of Russia: results, risks and opportunities [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 10.02.2014).
9. Severstal-Metiz expands cooperation with mining ventures [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
10. Blagoveschenskii armaturny zavod held a conference with business partners [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
11. From 27 to 29 November in LLC "Kurskhimvolokno" hosted a Conference of consumers of polyamide technical yarn "The prospects and development of cooperation in the year 2014" [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
12. Consumer Conference of CJSC "Epiel" in honor of 15-th anniversary of the company [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
13. JSC "Yaroslavl bumaga” held a conference of consumers of paper products [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
14. Conference with consumers and dealers of products on OOO "Saranskkabel-optics" [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 15.01.2014).
15. OMC entered into "Russian steel" [Electronic resourse]. URL: (accessed 10.02.2014).
Role of PR-activity forming positive business reputation of the company in conditions of the socially-oriented economy
Morozova I.A., Dr. Sc. of Economy, professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
In conditions of modern market economics compete, to a greater extent, not goods and services, and reputational resources companies. It reputational component activities (reputation, image) determine the stability of the company and strategic prospects of its activities. The article is devoted to the issues of formation of the positive image of the company on the basis of the totality of PR-technologies available to management.
Keywords: corporate reputation; capitalization of the company; control of public opinion;quality control; charities.
1. Volkov, S.Ê. Features of regional strategies of advancement of tour products (on an example of Southern Federal District regions) / S.Ê. Volkov // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2012. – ¹ 2. – p. 118 – 125.
2. Volkov, S.Ê. Features of implementation of the concept of corporate social responsibility the Russian industrial enterprises (on the example of OOO «Lukoil-Energoseti») / I.À. Morozova, S.Ê. Volkov, I.À. Britvin // Regional economy: theory and practice. – 2013. – ¹ 42. – p. 7 – 16.
3. Morozova, I.À. Extended commercial concession agreements in education as perspective form of public-private partnership / I.À. Morozova, S.Ê. Volkov, Ì.N. Ìysin // EÊÎ. – 2014. – ¹ 3. – p. 170 – 177.
4. Morozova I.À. Basic Forms of Corporate Social Responsibility in Russia / I.A. Morozova, I.A. Britvin // World Applied Sciences Journal – 2013 – Vol. 25, No. 3 – P. 441–445.
5. Advertising and public relations in the economy: studies. manual / S.K. Volkov, Yu.I. Dubov, A.Yu. Zarudneva, L.S. Shahovskaya; VSTU. – Volgograd, 2013. – 33 p.
6. Public relations. [Electronic resource]. – 2012. – Mode of access:
7. Tatarinov, N. Management of public relations: Textbook for universities. – SPb.: Peter, 2004. – 315 p.
8. Tolkachev A. N. Forms of PR events and promotions // Elitarium. The centre of distance education. – 2012. – Mode of access:
9. Tulchinsky, L. PR firm: the technology and efficiency. – SPb.: Aleteja, 2006. – 294 p.
10. Sharkov F. I. Public relations. Public relations: a manual for high schools. – M: Academic Project: Business book, Ekaterinburg, 2006. – 304 p.
11. Extended Commercial Concession Agreements in Education as a Perspective Form of Public Private Partnership / L.S. Shakhovskaya, À.F. Dzindzholiya, I.À. Ìorozova, S.Ê. Volkov // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 28, No. 11. – p. 1561 – 1566.
Conceptual approach to assessing the effect and efficiency of coalition loyalty programs
Sidorchuk R.R., Doctor of Science (Marketing), Ph.D., Professor, Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Loyalty programs are popular marketing tools, but there are problems with the assessment of the effects of their using. This applies to coalition loyalty programs . Russian companies have not confidence to participate in such programs. This article made a conceptual analysis of coalition loyalty programs. Systematized tools to assess the effect and effectiveness of the company from the partnership in the coalition loyalty program.
Keywords: customer loyalty, coalition loyalty program, effectiveness of loyalty, effect of loyalty program.
1. Dorotic Matilda, Fok Dennis, Verhoef Peter C., Bijmolt ammo H.A., Do vendors benefit from promotions in a multi-vendor loyalty program? Äàòà ïðîñìîòðà: 29.04.2014.
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12. Kotler Philip, (2003), Marketing Insights From A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New Jersey. – 226 p.
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16. Oliver Richard L., Whence Consumer Loyalty?, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63 (Special Issue, 1999), pp. 33–44.
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19. Rahman Syed S., Loyalty in Retail: A Strategic Success or a Management Failure, European Retail Digest, Winter 2005 Issue 48, pp. 57–60.
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21. Rowley Jennifer, (2005), The four Cs of Customer Loyalty, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 23, ¹ 6, pp. 574–581.
22. Sharp B. and Sharp A. (1997), Loyalty Programs and Their Impact on Repeat-Purchase Loyalty Patterns, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 14, ¹ 5, pp. 473–486.
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27. BabushkinaA. Yu. Programs to increase customer loyalty: the types and effectiveness of loyalty programs. Theory and practice // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2010. – ¹ 7(2). – pp. 94–98.
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29. Golubkov EP Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. - 2nd ed. – Ì.: Delo and services, 2000. – 464 p.
30. Golubkov EP.Theory and Methodology of marketing. – Ì.: Delo and services, 2008. – 208 p.
31. Golubkov EP. Marketing. Glossary of terms. – Ì.: Delo and services, 2012. – 320 p.
32. GolubkovaEN. Marketing communications. – Ì.: Delo and services, 2011. – 336 p.
33. GolubkovaEN., Sydorchuk RR Features of use of the modern paradigm of marketing for small businesses in a nonuniform market / / Practical Marketing. – 2012. – ¹ 11(189). – P. 35–39.
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35. Kotler F., K. Keller Marketing Management. - 14th ed. - St. Petersburg.: Peter 2013. – P. 170.
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37. Lamba Jean-Jacques. Strategic Marketing. European Perspective / lane. with Fr. - St. Petersburg.: Science,1996. – XV. – 589 p.
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39. Relationship marketing / ed. BA Solovyov. – Moscow: State Educational Institution "named after GV Plekhanov ", 2010. – 269 p.
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52. Shirochenskaya IP. Basic concepts and methods of measurement of loyalty / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2004. – ¹ 2. – P. 22–24. 53. Economic theory (political economy) textbook / Society. Ed. VI Vidyapin, GP Zhuravlevoj. – M.; Publ Ros. Ehkon. Acad., 2000. – 592 p.
Using instruments of marketing in Abrau Dyurso company activities
Panova E.A., post graduate student of Department of Marketing in Plekhanov University, å
Article gives an idea about the Russian largest alcohol company «Abrau Durso». Examined the activities of the company in terms of marketing. The analysis of the key financial indicators and illustrative examples of how the correct competent approach of the head of the company to initial public offering (IPO) indicators of profit of the company will increase.
Keywords: company, marketing, business reputation, 4P’s concept, benefits, costs, IPO.
1. Anti-Soviet champagne. The secret of the firm. // Kommersant – 2013. – ¹ 7.
2. Vineyards complementation with grapes. // Kommersant (Rostov) ¹ 122 of 13.07.2013.
3. Kuban wine. Kommersant. 16.08.2013.
4. "Shampagne" "waters" prosecco. // Kommersant ¹ 175 of 26.09.2013.
5. Interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors "Abra Durso" P.Titovym. // Kommersant 14.11.2012, the
6. The more the world drinks the more it needs. // Kommersant ¹ 201 of 01.11.2013.
7. "Abrau-Durso" name for perfume - personaility to choose. // Kommersant, 12.03.2013. All wine Kuban. // Kommersant 16.08.2013.
The peculiarity of working with photographs for creating advertising
Ivanova V.A., C.e.s., Senior Lecturer, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
The article describes the work with photographs for creating advertising. It tells about nuances of working with different genres and types of photographs. The article also describes the technical aspects, the laws of composition etc. Psychological aspect of the visual impact of photography and ads.
Keywords: advertising, photography, genre, composition, golden section, visual impact, photographer, illustration.
1. Joel J. Davis Advertising Research Theory and Practice. – M: Wiliams, 2003
2. Knabe G. A. Encyclopedia of the printed products' designer. – M: Dialektika, 2006
3. Web-site
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5. Web-site
6. Web-site
Different sides of the same coin. Myths
Shklyar T.L., candidate of economic Sciences, senior teacher of the chair of marketing and Commerce, Moscow state University of Economics, statistics and Informatics, e-mail:
Akimova A.V., candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of the marketing Department of Kyiv University of management and entrepreneurship, e-mail:
The authors of this article examines the impact of the myth in politics and economy.
Different examples demonstrated an overall impact on the psychology of the consumer. Sharing the power and business, marketers are missing. The authors offer a look at these two vectors through one prism of mythical history.
Keywords: Myth, psychology of advertising, psychology myth in politics, psychology myth in advertising, myth in politics, the myth in advertising, mythtechnology.
4. Gerashchenko L.L. Mythology advertising. – M: Chart, 2009. P. 319.
5. Ulyanovsk A. B. Mirodesign: commercial and social myths. – SPb.: Peter, 2009. – P. 321.
Managing the organizational process of exhibitions and fairs
Malkin A.N., student of the 5th course Penza state University of architecture and construction, e-mail:
Akifiev I.V., associate Professor, Ph.D. in Penza state University of architecture and construction, e-mail:
Participation of manufacturers of the goods at exhibitions and fairs significantly affects the development of enterprises and organizations, which determines the relevance of the study process management organization of exhibitions and fairs. The process of organization of exhibitions and fairs on the modern stage of development of the agricultural and other sectors of the national economy needs constant updating and correcting, in consequence of constant change of preferences of visitors of exhibitions and fairs. The article contains a number of activities designed to follow the changes in the opinions of the visitors of exhibitions and fairs and help to organize an exhibition or
fair with high economic efficiency.
Keywords: fair, exhibition, farmers, market, product, participation, organization, profit, service activities.
1. Akulich I.L. Marketing / I.L Akulich. – 6th ed. Vers. – Minsk: Your. wk., 2009. – 511s
2. Dobrenkov V.I.,Kravchenko A.I. Methods of sociological research: a Textbook. – M: INFRA-M. – 768 s. – (Classical University textbook) 2004
3. Kibovsky J. F. How to organise the work at the fair / Kibovsky J. F. // To. : Sofia. – 2005. – ¹ 6. – S. 22 – 29.
3. Lauren K. E. Stages of preparation fairs / Lauren K. E. // Saint-Petersburg : Corporate management. - 2010. – ¹ 5. – N-39 – 43.
4. Advertising and public relations /Siniaeva IM, Romanenkova O.N. – M: 2013. – 556 S.
5. Ulyanenko N. D. Fair as a marketing tool / ulyanenko N. D. // M: Marketing. - 2009. – ¹ 5. – S. 15 – 21.
Ways of marketing function realization in the company
Saburova M.M., PhD in Economics, lecturer of cathedra «Economics and Management» of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, e-mail:
This article describes the possible ways of marketing function realization at Russian enterprises, provides their comparative analysis, identifies the factors that determine what way should choose in different market situation.
Keywords: marketing, marketing department, outsourcing, consulting, audit, the life cycle of the organization, the product life cycle.
1. Marketing outsourcing //
2. Kursova Yu. Outsourcing in marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2003. – ¹ 1. –
3. Marketing outsourcing: present and perspectives //
4. Marketing in the enterprise: the pros and cons//
5. Medvedev, P. Organization of marketing department from scratch. – St. Peter, 2005. – 224 p.
6. Some features of the marketer’s work in the Russian small and average business//
7. Bad organization cause inefficient marketing in the company //www.
8. Solov'ev B. Marketing: the textbook, Moscow: INFRA – M, 2006. – 386 p.
9. Rybnikova A. What functions can be outsourced? Portal aspiring entrepreneurs
The practice-oriented formation of the assortment strategy on the foreign trade market
Gubanov R.S., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of Department of finances and credit, Branch of a Private institution of higher education «Moscow University named by S.Y. Witte» in the city of Ryazan, å-mail:
The article considers the actual problems of the Russian companies in the foreign market. Provides the scientific evaluation criteria the assortment strategy of the foreign trade company. Presents the results of diagnostics of the factors influencing the assortment strategy of the foreign trade company. The author illustrates the principle scheme of the implementation planning of the goods on the foreign market. The focus is on the calculations in the form of: encashment and letters of credit in foreign trade operations. Developed and recommended to the application of the algorithm of formation of the assortment strategy of the company on the foreign market.
Keywords: assortment, product strategy, assortment policy, foreign trade market, product life cycle.
1. Artyukhova T.Z. TERMS of international marketing: a Course of lectures. M: MAU., 2010.
2. Bolotova, Yu, J. Nurmagambetov Parallel imports and exhaustion of trademark rights // the Intellectual property – ¹ 1. – 2013. – P. 27.
3. Vilinov A., Ryabchikova A. Legalization of parallel imports in Russia: the position of the Federal authorities and the business community // Intellectual property – ¹ 1. – 2013. – P. 22.
4. KevorkovV.V. CENTURIES Workshop on marketing: textbook. Handbook – 4-e Izd., Rev. and supplementary): KNORUS, 2011 – 568 P.
5. Marketing: textbook. edited Paramonova T.N. – 5-e Izd., Rev. and extra – M: KNORUS, 2011 – 358 P.
6. The forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2012 and planned period 2013–2014
7. Saveliev, A. Chugunov, D.A. State export insurance as a risk management mechanism of participants in international trade (a case study) // Management in Russia and abroad, – 2011. – ¹ 2. – P. 63.
Correspondence of the cars prices in LCV segment to their consumers characteristics (The termination. The beginning in ¹ 3 for 2014.)
Kornilov D.A., Doctor of Science, Economics, professor of “Economy, Management and Finance” department, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E.Alekseev, e-mail:
Shapkin E.I., Doctor of Science, Economics, adviser of rector’s of fice, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E.Alekseev, e-mail:
Questions of an assessment of competitiveness of production and consumers characteristics of cars are considered. The assessment of consumer properties of cars is carried out (on an example cars of a segment of LCV (light commercial vehicles)). Results of research can be used when pricing and in the course of cars designing with an optimum set of consumers characteristics.
Keywords: competitiveness, cost, price, consumers characteristics, technique, assessment, dependence.
1. Kornilov D. A. Competitiveness of production as function of compliance of consumer characteristics of goods of its cost//Transactions of Nizhny Novgorod state technical university n.a. R.Y. Alekseev. – N. Novgorod: Publishing house Nizhegorod. the state. techn. un-t., 2011 . – ¹ 4 (91) – P. 263 – 275.
2. Kornilov D. A., Morozova G. A. Polyakov N. F. Metodika of determination of cost on the basis of the analysis of consumer characteristics//Management of economic systems: electronic scientific magazine. – 2012. – ¹ 3.
3. Kornilov D.A., Neznakhin M.E. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars. Theoretical part (part 1)//Economy and business – M.: December 2013, No. 12/2 – P. 845 – 848.
4. Kornilov D.A., Konikova G.A., Neznakhin M.E. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars. Formation of a tree of consumer properties (part 2)//Economy and business – M.: December 2013, No. 12/3 – P. 619 – 623.
5. Kornilov D.A., Neznakhin M.E., Konikova G.A.,Paltsev V.V. Technique of an assessment of consumer characteristics of cars.Assessment of marketing characteristics of cars of a segment of LCV(part 3)//Economy and business – M.: February 2014, No. 1/2.
6. KornilovD.A. Compliance of the price of cars in LCV segment to their consumer characteristics (Part 1)// Marketing in Russia and abroad – 2014. – ¹ 3. – P. 68 – 75.
How to estimate and operate quality and competitiveness of goods and services? (The termination. The beginning in ¹ 3 for 2014.)
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:
The technique of a quantitative assessment of quality, competitiveness of technical and social and economic objects, including goods and services is offered. For an assessment of competitiveness of object three alternative ways of integration of two indicators of the first level in hierarchy of perfection levels of objects – the prices and qualities are offered. On the basis of the offered techniques of quality measurement and competitiveness of compared objects the two-level model of competitiveness level management is developed. Practical applicability of the offered theoretical provisions is shown on the example of an assessment of quality and competitiveness of 13 models of summer tires of dimension 205/55 R16.
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, quality indicator, object, tire, ponderability coefficient, “maximum price”.
1. Faskhiev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V., Shaykhutdinov I. F. Kachestvo of goods. As it to measure? // Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2006 . ¹ 8. PP. 69 - 79.
2. Faskhiev Kh. A. Model of management of competitiveness of the enterprise//Automotive industry. 2010.
¹ 5. PP. 1 – 3.
3. Faskhiev Kh. A. The intellectual capital – a basis of innovative development of the enterprise//Innovations. 2011. ¹ 6. PP. 31 – 43.
4. Fedyukin V. K. Durnev V. D., Lebedev V. G. Methods of an assessment and quality management of an industrial output. – M.: Filin information publishing house, Rilant, 2001. 328 p.
5. Lifits I. M. Formation and assessment of competitiveness of goods and services. M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. 335 p.
6. Faskhiev Kh. A. Analysis of methods of an assessment of quality and competitiveness of trucks//quality management Methods. 2001 . ¹ 3. Page 24-28; ¹ 4. PP. 21-26.
7. Faskhiev Kh. A., Kostin I. M. Tekhniko-ekonomicheskaya an assessment of trucks when developing. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house of KAMPI, 2002. 480 p.
8. Faskhiev Kh. A. Determination of ponderability of indicators of quality of cars and their components//Truck. 2008. ¹ 5. PP. 23 – 27.
9. Saati T. Decision-making. Method of the analysis of hierarchies. M.: Radio and communication, 1989.
316 p.
10. Rasstegayev O., Mokhov A., Shadrichev I. Between the first and the second//Avtorevyu. 2014. ¹ 6.
PP. 34 – 41.
11. The market in January //Avtorevyu., 2014. ¹2. P. 11.
Review of counter-marketing strategies concerning fast-food industries in the U.S.A
Kolpakova A.A., post-graduate, Kostroma State University after N.A. Nekrasov, e-mail:
In the article, a brief review is given concerning basic strategies used within last 20 years at the level of local communities, counties, states and nation in general in order to oppose increasing negative impact of marketing activities by fast-food chains in the U.S. The proved or possible effectiveness is discussed. At the end of the article a conclusion about adaptation of the highlighted strategies in the Russian reality is given.
Keywords: fast-food, fast-food restaurants, junk food, advertising, counter-marketing, social marketing, taxation, lobbying, the U.S.McDonald’s, Burger King, nation’s health, obesity.
1. Market Outlook network catering in Russia // RussianFood&Drinks. – 2012. – ¹ 5 [electronic resource]. – Access mode:§ion=26
2. PetrovB. Fast Food Nation. Reload [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Tablecloth railroad // Kommersant – 2013. – ¹33/Ï (5064).
4. An assessment of the effectiveness and fiscal impacts of the use of development incentives in the St. Louis region. East-West Gateway Council of Governments [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
5. Austin S.B., Melly S.J., Sanchez B.N., Patel A., Buka S., Gortmaker S.L. Clustering of fast-food restaurants around schools: a novel application of spatial statistics to the study of food environments // Am J Public Health. – 2005. – ¹ 95 (9) – P. 1575–1581.
6. Baertlin L. San Francisco law curbs McDonald’s Happy Meal toys [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
7. Chou S., Rashad I., Grossman M. Fast-food restaurant advertising on television and its influence on childhood obesity // J Law Econ. – 2008. – ¹ 51 (4) – P. 599–618.
8. Gagnon M., Freudenberg N. Slowing down fast-food: A policy guide for healthier kids and families [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
9. Graves L. Kucinich pushes to end tax subsidies for junk food advertising [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
10. Jennifer L. Harris, Marlene B. Schwartz, Kelly D. Brownell. Evaluating Fast Food Nutrition and Marketing to Youth [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
11. KidzBiteBack [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
12. Lesser L. Prevalence and type of brand name fast food at academic-affiliated hospitals // J Am Board Fam Med. – 2006. – ¹ 19 (5). – P. 526–527.
13. Long M.W., Henderson K.E., Schwartz M.B. Evaluating the impact of a Connecticut program to reduce availability of unhealthy competitive food in school // J Sch Health. – 2010. – ¹ 80. – P. 478–486.
14. Neumark-Sztainer D., French S.A., Hannan P.J., Story M., Fulkerson J.A. School lunch and snacking patterns among high school students: associations with school food environment and policies. – 2005.
15. New York City Agency Food Standards .[ electronic resource]. – Access mode:
16. Nichols M. New York City to consider banning fast food toys [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
17. O’Toole T.P., Anderson S., Miller C., Guthrie J. Nutrition services and foods and beverages available at school: results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006 // J Sch Health. – 2007. – ¹ 77 (8). – P. 500–521.
18. Overweight and obesity among adults aged 20 and over, by sex: United States, 1988-1994, 1999-2002, and 2007-2010 [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
19. Sahud H.B., Binns H.J., Meadow W.L., Tanz R.R. Marketing fast food: impact of fast food restaurants in children’s hospitals // Pediatr. – 2006. – ¹ 118 (6). – P. 2290–2297.
20. Schor J.B. When childhood gets commercialized can children be protected // Regulation, awareness and empowerment: young people and harmful media content in the digital age. – 2006. – P. 101–121.
21. Tanner L. AMA wants warning labels on high-salt food. USA Today [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
22. Warner M. California wants to serve a warning with fries [electronic resource]. – Access mode:
Role of marketing in consultative sales
Neil Rackham, professor of marketing and sales strategies in three international universities (UK, USA)
In this article, Neil Rackham reveals how marketing can help sales department conduct consultative sales at each stage of the decision-making process by the buyer. Material provided with practical examples from the author's experience, such as a briefcase company McKinsey.
Keywords: Marketing, consultative sales, Neil Rackham, decision-making process, sales, SPIN-selling, customer, value, salespeople, value preposition.
Additional materials
1. Site Neil Rekhema:
2. Site the exclusive representative in Russia Neil Rekhema:
3. Slides from the master class:
4. Neil Rackham. SPIN selling. – M.: Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014.
Improvement of category management in fashion retail on the basis of budgeting
Agafonova I.P., Ph.D. in Economics, the business analyst of JSC «Îíèêñ» (St. Petersburg), e-mail:
Article is devoted to a question of effective creation of management system in a fashion retail which takes new shape and technologies in the conditions of the modern market. Need of study of this question is connected with active distribution in this specified branch of trade of system of the category management showing a number of specific requirements to the organization of budgeting process. The author gives system of the principles on which the budgeting system of the modern fashion operator using at the heart of the activity system of category management has to be constructed. Application of these principles allows to consider budgeting as the financial and economic instrument of achievement of the greatest possible additional cost of separate commodity categories and the range of the fashion operator as a wholewithin the set interval of time, and also the instrument îf determination of effective ways of use of resources demanded for this purpose.
Keywords: fashion retail, budgeting, category management, principles of budgeting, planning in a fashion retail.
1. Naumova N. A. Category management of the pharmaceutical retailer// Pharmaceutical business, – ¹ 4, 2006, p. 60 – 64.
2. Tsakhayev R. K. Shamilov M. Sh., Gadzhiyev M. A. Category merchandayzing: the organization of complex sales//the TOGA Bulletin – Khabarovsk: "Publishing house TOGA", – 2009, No. 3(14), p.145 – 152
3. Balakirev S. V. Category management as modern approach to management of the commodity range // Management in Russia and abroad – Ì.:«Finpress», – ¹ 5, 2006, p. 3 – 11.
4. Horvath& Partners: Controlling concept: Management accounting. Reporting system. Budgeting, – M: "AlpinaPablisher", – 2006. – 269 p.
Marketing communications in conditions of sectorial restrictions
Alexei Valsky interview, director of marketing communications for Efes Rus.
Prepared by specifically for the journal "Marketing in Russia and abroad"
When we talk about marketing communications, we should not lose sight of the fact that some product categories, there are serious limitations industry, which certainly imposes strict limits on producers in communicating with the consumer. Such products include an alcohol, including beer. Therefore, in this industry use a variety of approaches to communicate with consumers, to do so within the framework of the legislation.
Keywords: sectorial restrictions, marketing communications, marketing strategy, communication channels, advertising budget, advertising, promo, trade-marketing, distribution chain, direct marketing, loyalty programs, original packaging.
The list of dissertations on the marketing, protected in 2013 (second half of the year)
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov, e-mail: