Contents of N6/2014

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Contents of N6/2014


Distribution concept of marketing for public sector organizations
Novatorov E.V., Ph.D. Professor Department of management National research university Higher school of economics, e-mail:

The paper discusses the existent controversial theory of non-profitable public sector marketing. The study revealed that modern non-profit services marketing theory was developed from borrowing social sciences concepts: sociology, organizational behavior, and economic anthropology. However, the study also found alternative concepts and ideas from social sciences that can better explain the phenomena of non-profit marketing. The study suggests adopting alternative approaches for conceptualization of non-profit services marketing. Recommendations for future research are offered.
Keywords:  marketing, institutional ecomomics, substantiveeconomic anthropology, reciprocity, redistribution.

1. Andreev S.N. About criticized the "theory of marketing for non-profit organizations."
// Markeeting and Marketing Research. 2003. ¹2. S. 67-71.
2. Babanov Y. Features management tools in the innovation // Business Economics. Education. Right. Bulletin of the Volgograd Institute of Business. 2012. ¹2 (12). P. 118-124.
3. Bagotstsi R. Marketing as exchange. // Enis B. Classic Marketing. Petersburg.: Peter, 2001.
4. Berdyaev Origin of Russian Communism. M .: Science, 1990.
5. Braverman A. Marketing and full cost accounting. M .: Case, 1990.
6. Vasiliev J. History "illness". // How to spend. 2004. ¹ 27, April. S. 8-12.
7. The church is not such amounts as in "Norilsk Nickel": an interview with Peter cold. // Vedomosti. 2004 on 25 March.
8. Galutsky G. Socio-economic analysis of the cultural and educational institutions in terms of cost-accounting principles of management. M .: Economics, 1988.
9. Institute "Open Society". "Black list". // Http:// In 2003.
10. Kabanov V. Labor Economics doctoral dissertations 2007-2010. // Business. Education. Right. Bulletin of the Volgograd Institute of Business. 2012. ¹2 (12). S. 8-17.
11. Kotler P. Marketing Management. M .: Economy, 1980. 456 p.
12. Usoltsev V. Problems of using elements and marketing techniques in a socialist economy. // Bulletin of Foreign Commercial Information. MY. 12 "Marketing". Ed. USSR Chamber of Commerce, 1988.
13. Jacobson L. Mechanism of management in areas of social and cultural services. M .: Publisher MSU, 1988. 256 p.
14.  Andreasen A.  2001. Intersector transfer marketing knowledge.  In Handbook of marketing and society. P. Bloom and G. Gundluch, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA.: SagePublications.
15.  Belshaw, C.S.  1965.  TraditionalExchange and Modern Markets. Prentice Hall, N.J.: Englewood Cliffs.
16. Blau P. 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life. N.Y.: John Wiley&Sons.
17. Blau P. and Scott D. 1962. Formal Organizations. San Francisco, Calif.: Chandler Publishing Co.
18. Bleicher J. 1980. Contemporary Hermeneutics. London: Routlege and Kegan Paul.
19. Boulding K. 1970. A Primer on SocialDynamic. New York: Free Press.
20. Collins R. 1994. Four Sociological Traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
21.  Dalton G.  1971. Primitive, Archaic, and Modern Economies: Karl Polanyi’s contribution to economic anthropology and Comparative Economy. In G. Dalton, Economic Anthropology and Development. New York: Basic Books.
22. Ekeh P.P. 1974. Social Exchange Theory: The Two Traditions. Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard University Press.
23.  Hall R.H.  1972.  Organizations: Structure and Process.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall.
24.  Hardin R.  1968. Altruism and Mutual Advantage.  Social Service Review, 56, (September), pð. 235 – 248.
25. Homans G.C. 1969. Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World.
26. Hunt S. 1976. The nature and scope of marketing. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 40. (July), pp. 23 – 26.
27.  Luck D. 1969. Broadening the Concept of Marketing – Too Far.  Journal of Marketing, 33, (July), pp. 53–55.
28. Katz D. and R.L. Kahn 1966. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley&Sons.
29. Kotler P. 1972. A Generic Concept of Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 36, (April), pð. 46–54.
30.  Kotler, P. 1975. Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
31. Kotler P. and Zaltman G. 1971. Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change. Journal of Marketing, 35, (July), ðð. 3 – 12.
32. Levi Strauss C. 1969. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. Boston: Beacon Press. English translation of Claude Levi Strauss, Les Structuresa Elementares de la Parenete. 1967, Revised Edition.
33.  Luck D. 1969. Broadening the Concept of Marketing – Too Far.  Journal of Marketing, 33, (July), pp. 53 – 55.
34. Luck D. 1974. Social Marketing: Confusion Compounded. Journal of Marketing, 38, (October), pð. 70 – 72.
35. Malinowski B. 1922. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Rutledge&Kegan Paul.
36. Mauss M. 1990. The Gift. N.Y.: W. W. Norton.
37. Nickels W.  1974. Conceptual conflicts in marketing.  Journal of Economics and Business. Vol. 26. (Winter) p. 142.
38. Olsen M. 1992. Foreword. In T. Sandler, Collective Action: Theory and Applications. Ann 38. Arbor. The University of Michigan Press.
39. Polanyi K. 1944. The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press.
40. Sahlins M. 1972. Stone age economics. Chicago, IL: Aldin Atherton.
41. Shapiro B. 1973. Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations. Harvard BusinessReview, 51(5), (September_October), ðð. 123–132.
42.  Sheth J., Gardner D., and Garrett, D. 1988. Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation. N.Y: John Wiley&Sons.
43. Smith A. 1850. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Edinburgh: Black Press.
44. Sorokin P.A.  1964. Basic Trends of Our Times. New Heaven, Conn: College & University Press Publishing, p. 46.
45. Van Wart M. 1996. The Sources of Ethical Decision Making for Individuals in Public Sector. Public Administration Review, 56(6), (November / December), pp. 525–533.
46. Von Mises L. 1944. Bureaucracy. New Heaven. Yale University Press. Weber, M. 1946. Essays in Sociology. Edited and translated by H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, Oxford University Press.



The study of on-line social media and web-resources application for determination of customer satisfaction in the hospitality industry
Sergei Kazakov, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Enterprise Marketing Department, NRU High School of Economics, e-mail:

This paper examines the issues of social media and Internet resources utilization in a form of online surveys to study the level of customer satisfaction and willingness to share consumer experiences in social networks. Based on the results of the present study the SEM-model was constructed. It demonstrates the covariance relationships between hotel choice factors, overall customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend the hotel by posting feedback or to write on-line review.
Keywords: customer satisfaction, social media, internet, customer feedback, hotel choice factors, SEM path model.           

1. Angrilli, A. et al. (1997). «The influence of affective factors on time perception». Perception and Psychophysics 59(6): 972–982.
2. Baloglu, S. and Shoemaker, S. (2001). «Prediction of senior travelers' motorcoach use from demographic, psychological, and psychographic characteristics». Journal of Travel Research 40(1): 12–18.
3.  Barsky, J. and  Nash, L.  (2003). «Customer satisfaction: Applying concepts to industry-wide measures». Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 44(5-6): 173–183.
4. Barsky, J. and Nash, L. (2006). «Guests of higher-priced chains more loyal, booking online». HotelandMotelManagement 221(16): 27.
5. Bell, D.R. and Lattin, J.M. (1998). «Shopping behavior and consumer preference for store price format: Why «large basket» shoppers prefer EDLP». Marketing Science 17(1): 66–88.
6. Berry, L.L. et al. (1988). «The service-quality puzzle». Business Horizons 31(5): 35–43.
7.  Chi, C.G.Q.  and  Qu, H.  (2008). «Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: An integrated approach». Tourism Management 29(4): 624–636.
8.  Choi, T.Y. and  Chu, R. (2001). «Determinants of hotel guests' satisfaction and repeat patronage in the Hong Kong hotel industry». International Journal of Hospitality Management 20(3): 277–297.
9.  Crompton, J.L.  (1979). «Motivations for pleasure vacation». Annals of Tourism Research 6(4): 408–424.
10. Gronroos, C.  (1990). «Relationship approach to marketing in service contexts: The marketing and organizational behavior interface». Journal of Business Research 20(1): 3-11.
11. Fischer, E., Reuber, A.R. (2011). «Social interaction via new social media: (how) can interactions on Twitter affect effectual thinking and behaviour?» Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 26 (1), pp. 1–18.
12.  Frew, A.J.  (2000). «Information technology and tourism: a research agenda», Information Technology & Tourism, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 99–110.
13. Oliver, J.E. (1980). «Monthly precipitation distribution: a comparative index». Professional Geographer 32(3): 300–309.
14. Shang, J. et al. (2000). «Dynamic constitutive equation of GFRP obtained by Lagrange experiment». Chinese Science Bulletin 45(13): 1164–1169.
15. Yoon, Y. and Uysal, M. (2005). «An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: A structural model». Tourism Management 26(1): 45–56.
16.  Zabkar, V. Dmitrovic, T.  «Assessing tourism supply quality using formative indicators: Implications for destination management (Conference Paper)», Tourism Economics, Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 405–425.     

Modeling  condition and evolution of tourist services market of Uzbekistan’s Republic
Turaev B.Kh., doctor of Economics, Professor, Samarkand state university, e-mail:

The article is devoted to the labor market and employment in the service industry and service. As a research problem was defined by the authors attempt to define a simulation model of labor market forecasting using mathematical tools, which allows, in their opinion, to calculate the predicted values of the labor market. In the article are researched the basic dynamic and structural tendencies of the development of regional tourism market on the example of Samarkand region, with elements of a comparative analysis of similar indicators of the development of tourism at the level of global, national and regional economies. Based on this analysis, recommendations for the development of this market of tourist services are given.
Keywords:  tourist product, destination, infrastructure, demand forecasting.

1. Draker P.F. Rynok: kak vyyti v lidery. Praktika i printsipy.[ The Market: what leave in leaders. Practice and principles] - M.: SP «Buk Chember Interneshnl», 1992.
2. Il'in E.N. i dr. Osnovy turisticheskoy deyatel'nosti.[ Bases to tourist activity] – M.: Ros.mezhdunar.akad.turizma, 2000. (in Russian)
3. Safarov B.Sh. The Models of Prognosis of Regional Tourism’s Development // International Cross-Industry Research Journal (Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business). – Republic of Czech. – 2010. – No.6. – Pp. 80 – 83.
4. Safarov B.Sh. Innovation in the Sscientific Investigations of the Term Economic Mechanism // Spanish Journal of Rural Development. – Lugo. – 2012. – Vol. III (1). – Pp. 103 – 108.
5. Safarov B.Sh. Main Components of the State System for Regulation of Tourist Market in Uzbekistan // Global Development Network ( – 2010. ( BSafarov-article.pdf)
6. Statisticheskiy ezhegodnik regionov Uzbekistana. [Statistical year-book of regions of Uzbekistan] – T.: Uzbekistan, 2014.
7. «Osnovnye tendentsii i pokazateli ekonomicheskogo i sotsial'nogo razvitiya Respubliki Uzbekistan za gody nezavisimosti (1990-2010 gg.) i prognoz na 2011-2015 gg.» [Main trends and factors economic and social development of the Republic Uzbekistan for years independence (1990-2010) and forecast on 2011-2015. – T.: Uzbekistan, 2012.



The development of marketing tools in social media on the basis of consumer’s behavior particularities' research
Voronina L.A., doctor of economics, professor, Kuban State University, e-mail:
Pokul V.O., post graduate, Kuban State University, e-mail:

The article considers the results of the research of consumer’s behavior in social media based on author's motivational questionnaire. 6types of consumer behavior in social media is distinguished with the help of cluster analysis and marketing tools, corresponding the specification of each type is developed.
Keywords: consumer behavior, social media, motivation, marketing tools.

1. Muntinga D., Moorman M. Introducing COBRAs // International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 2011.
2.  Pokul V. Social media asan object of research in marketing: to the problem statement// Economic sciences and Humanities, State University – ESPC, – 2013. – ¹ 9 (260). p. 115 – 120.



Innovative marketing policy of Russian industrial enterprises under economic sanctions
Seyfullayeva Maisa, Ph.D, Professor, Department of marketing, Plekhanov Russian university of economics, e-mail:
Murtuzalieva Taira, candidate of the economic sciences, Associate Professor, Department of marketing, Plekhanov Russian university of economics

The article discusses different marketing strategies used by some domestic industrial enterprises under economic sanctions introduced by Western countries and the USA against Russia. The article states that one of the most important directions in order to improve the market activity of Russian industrial enterprises whose impetus of development was initiated by sanctions, is to lay more emphasis on the marketing planning concept in order to make a deliberate strategy choice and to focus marketing efforts on the most promising directions of industrial enterprises activity. In order to ensure further development of national production, the authors propose to use product innovation strategy, Instrument  Company’s competitiveness based on the increasing value of its products to the consumer while keeping prices at current levels, as well as finding new niche markets, especially those which have been left by foreign competitors.
Keywords:  marketing strategy, the regime of economic sanctions, unfair competition, adaptation strategy, product innovations strategy, competitiveness, customer value.

1. Golubkov E.P. Marketing for professionals: practical course – M.: YURAIT, 2014. – S.473.
2. Seyfullayeva M.E. Iinternational management. M.: Knorus, 2011. – S.227.
3. Simanovska M.l., Krupeckaya E.S. Macro-and mikromarketing in times of crisis//Marketing in Russia and Àbroad, – 2009. – ¹ 5. –  S. 7 – 14
4. The Federal State statistics service of  RUSSIA, 2014, 10.2014



Formation of attributive brand signatures
Igor Groshev, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Pro-rector, å-mail:
Aleksey Krasnoslobodtsev, Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Director of the Research Centre on the problems of industrial brand management, promotion and management of brand capital at the goods markets, å-mail:

The article examines the process of creating attributive brand signatures on the example of its main element – naming. The stages of brand name construction and the selection criteria are analyzed. The necessary conditions, identifying the formula of optimal naming, are given.
Keywords: brand, criteria, brand name, methods, motivation, name, naming, approaches, characteristics, process, stage.

1. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Individual and Personality Implication of Psychic Processes in «the Scenario» of Forming a Brand Image with a Consumer // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – ¹ 1. – Pð. 35 – 40.
2. Golubkov E.P. About Brand Concept Once Again // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2006. – ¹ 2. – Pp. 4 – 11.
3. Dymshits M.N. Brand Name Development // Yes! – 1999. ? ¹ 4. ? Pp. 28 – 32.
4. Paley K.A. From Trademark to Brand // Advertising Technologies. ? 2012. ? ¹ 4. ? Pp. 2 – 5.
5. Anholt S. Brands and Branding. – New York: Economist Books, 2004. – 231 ð.

Using modern marketing conceptions in advertising
Botnaryuk M.V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of «Economy and management» Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail:

In the article the peculiarities and perspectives of development of guerrilla and fusion marketing are considered. Author considers marketing concept and methodological approach to the formation of competitive advantages of the company in modern conditions.
Keywords:  advertising, guerrilla marketing, customer loyalty, fusion marketing, competitive advantages.

1. In style «Fusion». A new solution in marketing [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
2. Golubkova E.N. Management of retention and consumer // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2013. – ¹ 5 (97). - P. 12-25.
3. Annual damage from restrictive measures on the Russian goods abroad is $1-2. 1.5 billion [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
4. Evstigneeva T.V. relationship Marketing in retail trade enterprises: monograph. – Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2009. – 135 p.
5. Kotler F. Marketing Basics / F. Kotler, Armstrong, 9th edition. – M: Williams, 2003. – 1200 p.
6. Levitas A. Guerrilla marketing in questions and answers [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
7. Levinson J. Guerrilla marketing / J. Levinson, P. Henley /engl.transl. S. Residents. – SPb.: Peter, 2006. – 192 c.
8. Guerrilla marketing Floor Henley [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
9. Against Russian goods are 72 restrictive measures [Electronic version]: access Mode: WWW.URL:
10. What is dark marketing[Electronic resource]: the information-legal portal Garant =Ðåæèì access: WWW.URL:

Estimation of the information product on regional market of television information
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named by G.I. Nosov, e-mail:

In the article describes method of the estimation of the information product on regional market of broadcasting, elaborated importance of the term «information product», is given determination of the economic unit to information, and is offered methods calculation cost of the economic unit of information.
Keywords:  information product, regional market broadcasting, economic unit of information.

1. Garrett, C. Killer Flagship Content. How To Create and Promote Truly Compelling Blog Resources.
2. M. Kochetkova. Notion of the information product.
3. O. Krasilnikov. Characteristic of the information product as goods. Transformational processes in economy of the Russia. Conference articles collection edited by O. Chelnokova. – Saratov, Nauka publishing, 2010. – P.27-33
4. P. Limarev, Yu. Limareva, R. Hisametdinov. Analysis to activity subject regional information market on example broadcasting company «TNT-Magnitogorsk». XXXV Sciense and practic conference articles collection. – Novosibirsk, SIBAK publishing. – 2014. P 168-173.
5. V. Pavlovets. Business estimation. System approach.
6. I. Rassolov. Information law. – Moscow, Jurait publishing – 2011. 440 p.
7. Financial and Justice Vocabulary.

Using instruments of sports marketing for promotion of goods and services
Tuvatova V.E., candidate of tech. sciences, the senior lecturer of chair «Management» of branch of the Sochi state university in Nizhni Novgorod, e-mail:
Orinchuk V.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, manager of chair «Physical culture and adaptation technologies» of branch of the Sochi state university in Nizhni Novgorod, e-mail:

Article is devoted to a problem of advance of goods and services with use of elements of sports marketing. In article the main marketing instruments of promotion of goods and services on sporting events are considered. Prospects of the Russian sports marketing are defined.
Keywords: marketing communications, promotion, sporting events, sports marketing.

1. Antropova E.V. Features of sponsor's activity in a services sector of modern Russia / E. V. Antropova//the Theory and practice of service: economy, social sphere, technologies. – 2011 . – No. 3(9)-2. – Page 121–130.
2. John Bich, Simon Chedvik. Marketing of sports of M., Alpin Pablisher, 2010. – 706 pages.
3. Davies, John A. Effekt of the Olympic Games: as sports marketing creates strong brands: [translation from English] / John A. Davies. M., Read of Media, 2013. – 415 pages.
4. Maslov V. L. Sponsorship as the instrument of communications//Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2007 . – No. 3.
5.  Tuvatova V. E.  Increase of efficiency of marketing activity // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2008 . – No. 1.



System approach to competitiveness management of the enterprise (The termination. The beginning in ¹ 5 for 2014)
Faskhiev Kh.A., Dr. sci. tech., professor of chair of economy, management and marketing Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, professor of chair of an applied hydromechanics Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:

The two-level model of management by competitiveness of the enterprise, based on a comparative consecutive assessment at the first step on such integrated indicators as competitiveness of the goods (services), competitive potential, level of the intellectual capital of the estimated enterprise and its competitors, and at the second step – on competitiveness coefficient is developed. Techniques of definition of the specified estimated criteria are given. By results of comparison in both steps measures for improvement of the corresponding criterion of the estimated enterprise are taken, the forecast of improvement of individual indicators and calculation of expected value of integrated criterion is carried out. These processes which have been dragged out on time, repeat cyclically until will be provided higher level of competitiveness of the estimated enterprise, than at competitors. Approbation of system approach to management of competitiveness of the enterprises is carried out on the example of two conditional enterprises of a motor transportation complex.
Keywords:  enterprise, management model, quality, competitiveness of goods, competitiveness of the enterprise, competitive potential, level of the intellectual capital.

1. Mansurov R. E. Modern problems of management of competitiveness of the enterprises // News of the Ural state economic university. 2009 . ¹ 3. P. 31 – 35.
2. Belousov V. V. Management of competitiveness of the industrial enterprise. Avtoref. edging. yew. Izhevsk: UDGU, 2008. 26 p.
3. Ivanova E. A. Assessment of competitiveness of the enterprise. Rostov N/d: Phoenix, 2008. 298 p.
4. Filosofova T. G., Bikov V. A. Competition and competitiveness. M.: YNITI-DANA, 2007. 271 p.
5. Faskhiev Kh. A. Determination of competitiveness of the enterprise // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2009. ¹ 4. P. 39 – 43.
6. Faskhiev Kh. A. Assessment of economic efficiency of quality and competitiveness of products // Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2000. ¹ 10. P. 59 – 67.
7. Faskhiev Kh. A. How to estimate and operate quality and competitiveness of goods and services // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2014 . ¹ 3. P. 67 - 81.
8. Faskhiev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A.V., Garifov A.G.   Assessment of quality and competitiveness of accessories and cars // Messenger of mechanical engineering.  2007.  ¹ 7.  P. 65 - 79.
9. Faskhiev Kh. A. Competitive capacity of the enterprise: assessment and management // Economic revival of Russia. 2007. ¹ 2. P. 50 – 59.
10. Faskhiev Kh. A. Shigapova Z. F. Management of the competitive potential of ATP // Cargo and passenger motor transport service. 2008. ¹1. P. 36-43.
11.  Faskhiev Kh. A. The intellectual capital – a basis of innovative development of the enterprise // Innovations. 2011. ¹6. P. 31-44.
12. Faskhiev Kh. A. Universal method of an assessment of technical and social and economic objects // Equipment of mechanical engineering. 2008. ¹2. P. 49 – 61.
13. Faskhiev Kh. A. Determination of ponderability of indicators of quality of cars and their components // Truck. 2008. ¹ 5. P. 23 - 27.
14. Saati T. Decision-making. Method of the analysis of hierarchies. M.: Radio and communication, 1989. 316 p.
15. Yakokka L. Of a pit of the manager. M.: Progress, 1991. 384 p.



Becoming customer oriented approach on the rail transport market through operators services diversification
Bondarenko V.A., doctor of Economics, associate Professor of marketing and advertising department in Rostov state economic University, e-mail:
Guzenko N.V., candidate of economic Sciences, main inspector of the Department  of raduate and doctoral studies in Rostov state economic University, e-mail:

The article considers the problems of client oriented approach development in the market of railway transportation in Russia. The authors conclude that the diversification of services operating companies is an effective tool of customer orientation and due to the intensification of competition on the railway market and its role will increase.
Keywords: operator, consumer, client centric approach, logistic services, diversification.

1. Bondarenko V.A., Osovtsev V.A., Pisareva E.V. Marketing activities in the context of globalization. Textbook for masters. M., Izd-vo CCB "Bibcom". – 2014. – P.5.
2. Golubkov, H.E. Modern trends in the development of marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2004. No. 1. P.3.
3. Webster F. The changing role of marketing in the corporation //Journal of Marketing. – 1992.  – No. 56(4). P. 1-17.
4. Bondarenko V.A., Guzenko N.V. Update benchmarking of freight operators on the market of railway transportation in Russia // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2013. – No. 5. P. 59.



Profiles of marketing posts in IT-industry: responsibilities and required competencies
Strezh V.M., Lecturer, Department of Economics EE «BSUIR» business analyst LLC "Layfteh», e-mail:
Parhimenko V.A., candidate of the economic sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Economics EE «BSUIR», e-mail:
Sokolovskaya E.I., leading specialist HR LLC «Generation-P Consulting», e-mail:

Interconnection between marketing positions, which should be included into IT- company staff according to basic theoretical concepts, and real demand on marketing specialists presented on Belarussian labor market is analyzed.
Keywords:  marketing, marketing positions, marketing roles, competencies, jobs site, vacancies.

1. //
2. Technology evangelist //
3. Analyst relations //
4.  Bondarenko M.N., Parkhimenko V.A., Strezh V.M. Marketing for Hi-Tech Industry // The Science and Innovations. – 2011. – ¹ 8.
5. Sr. Bing Search Evangelist //
6. Technical Evangelist Vertical //
7. Business Evangelist //
8. Consumer Marketing Evangelist //



Perspectives of a world steel market
Yakubov N.M., chief economist of JSC "Uzbek Refractory and heat-resistant metals», e-mail:

Steel smelting from ferriferous scrap, and also the organization of steelmaking production from low-grade ore raw materials will allow providing the republic with steelmaking production, excepting its import. Security of the metallurgical enterprises of Uzbekistan with mineral resources for many years is one of the main indicators where their investment appeals. It is known that the enterprises making metal with stable mineral and raw providing, are attractive to foreign investors. In development of iron ore`s fields the key part is assigned to innovative technologies and investments of the private sector of economy.
Keywords: metallurgy, industry, raw materials, investment, innovation, imports, steel.

1. Udaltsova N.L. Features market scrap and waste metals in Russia / / Problems of Economics and Law. – M., 2011. – ¹ 4. – S. 159 - 166.
2. Rushko O. V., Sidorenko A.A., Maximov A.B. Modern problems of development of a source of raw materials of the iron ore industry. The St. Petersburg state mining institute of G. V. Plekhanov (TU)
3. Expert Online.
4. ROSBALT news agency
5. Afonin S.Z. Current state and prospects of the global steel market. M. Metallurgy 2010, ¹ 3. – S.  4 - 5.
9. Wikipedia.
11. Amedov N.A., Zavyalov G.E., Zemlyanov A.A. and other ore deposits of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: GIDROINGEO, 2001.- 661s.
12. Olimhodzhaev S.R., Hashimova S.N.  Expanding Mineral resource base Steel Uzbekistan / / Mater. Int. NC «Innovation-2012". - Tashkent, 2012, October 26-27. - S. 154-155.
13. Hashimova S.N. Development of ferrous metallurgy of Uzbekistan in the modernization of the national economy: Author. Candidate. ehkon. Sciences. - Tashkent, 2011. - 24 p.
14. Tursunhodzhaev M.L., Burhanov A.U., Hashimova N.A. Yakubov N.M. Develop mechanisms for industrial restructuring. – Tashkent: "Fan va Technology", 2012. - 128 p.
15. Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan IA Karimov at the meeting of the government on the basis of socio-economic development in 2013 and the main priorities for 2014. Uzbekistan, Tashkent / / Newspaper "Pravda Vostoka" from January 18, 2014 - ¹ 13.



Jubilee of Plekhanov’s marketing
Grinyova Olga O., Department of Marketing Plekhanov. GV Plekhanov, e-mail:

Five most working marketing tools for your business
Khlopetskyi R.S., Business Consultant, e-mail:

Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».