Contents of N1/2015

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Contents of N1/2015


Analysis of the marketing component of enterprise risks
Vladimir Granaturov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A.S.Popov, å-mail:
Elena Grigorashchenko, Magister, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A.S.Popov, å-mail:

The article considers names and definitions of risk including in marketing risks in order to incorporate it in the risk classification system of business risks with a view to its further improvement.
Keywords: entrepreneurial risk, classification, development, definition of terms, marketing risk.

1. Marketing budget. Retrieved from:
2. Badalova A.G., Churzina O.A. The main problems in the management of marketing risk of machine-building enterprises / Bulletin of the MGTU “Stankin”, ¹2 (6), 2009. –P. 89-92.
3. Gorskiy D. P. The Definition (logic-methodological problems). – M.: The Thought, 1974.
4. Strizhakova E.N., Strizhakov D.V. Evaluation and analysis of marketing risks / Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2009. – ¹1. – P. 31-36.
5. Granaturov V.M., Litovchenko I.V., Kharichkov S.K. Analysis of entrepreneurial risks: problems of definition, classification and quantification: Monograph / For the sciences.
6. Ed. M. Granaturova / - Odessa: Institute of problems of the market and the economic-environmental research NAS of Ukraine, 2003. – 162 p.
7. Granaturov V.M. Economic risk: essence, measurement techniques, ways to reduce the: Tutorial. – 3 ed., revised. and additional charge. – M.: DIS, 2010. – 208 p.
8. Rozova S.S.  The classification problem in modern science. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1986. –223 p.
9. Granaturov V.M., Trapeznikov V.I. Analysis of the criminal-legal component of entrepreneurial risks/ Bulletin of the Chernivtsi trade and Economics Institute. – Chernovtsy-Lutsk: ChTEU, KNTEY, 2011. – Issue II (42) 2. T. 1 Economic Science. – 512 pp., pp. 175-182.



The peculiarities of conducting distant online surveys
Ivanova V.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:

The article describes the methods of creating and developing surveys online. Nuances of conducting such surveys, the main advantages and disadvantages of online surveys are taken into account. The article also describes the up-to-date tendencies in creating surveys.
Keywords: marketing, survey, online survey, questionnaire, respondent, Internet.

1. Joel J. Davis Advertising Research Theory and Practice. – M: Wiliams, 2003
2. Pesockiy E. A. Advertisind and consumer motivation. – M: Dashkov I Ko, 2008
3. Iliinskiy S. Encyclopedic Dictionary of PR and advertising. – web-version -
4. Analytical Bulletin of "inFOM" "The Internet in Russia." Issue 45 Spring 2014 -//
5. Tiurin I. N. «How to create a good questionnaire», 2010,
6. Web-site  //

Marketing research of consumer preferences of the population in the tea selection in Penza market
Molkin A.N., a student of Marketing and Economic Theory Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Malyshev A.À., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing and Economic Theory Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:

The article presents the results of a marketing research of the regional tea market. The obtained data has allowed to identify consumer preferences among residents of Penza while choosing tea. The recommendations developed by the authors will be useful for organizations engaged in the tea production or sale.
Keywords: market research, tea, users, respondents, brands, grade.

1. Dobrenkov V.I., Kravchenko A.I., Methods of sociological research: Textbook. - M .: INFRA-M,. - 768 s. - (Classic university textbook). 2004 - to the content of textbooks
2. Molkin A.N., Malyshev A.A., Develop a set of marketing activities to promote the sportswear shops Penza. // Journal "Marketing in Russia and abroad» ¹5 (103) – 2014. – pp. 57- 63.
3. Malyshev A.A., Molkin A.N., Marketing in non-profit organization by the example of trade union committees. // Journal "Economics and Entrepreneurship» – 2014. – ¹ 4 p.2. pp. 704 -707
4. Molkin A.N., Akifyev I.V., Process management organization of exhibitions and fairs. // Journal "Marketing in Russia and abroad» ¹4 (102) -2014. – pp. 61- 68.
5. Resnick G.A., Yashin O.V., Strategic customer-oriented corporations as call time // Journal "Management and Business Administration." - 2013. - ¹2. – pp. 67-76
6. Resnick G.A., Korobkova N.A., Socio-economic potential of the region: the nature and methodological approaches to the study // Economics and Entrepreneurship. – 2013. – ¹ 7. – pp. 153-156.
7. Sukhanov T.V., Tkachenko A.A., Study IT-consumer psychology of tourism services // journal "Marketing and market research." – 2013. – ¹3. – pp. 14 - 17



Two sides of the same coin: anchoring
Shklyar T.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Commerce, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, e-mail:

The author of this article has reviewed the use of the tools of NLP, such as anchoring, in politics and economics. An overall impact on the psychology of the consumer is demonstrated by various examples. Marketers have a lot to lose separating government and business. The author proposes to look at how psychological anchors affect these two, at first glance, different vectors.
Keywords:  psychology of advertising, anchoring in politics, anchoring in advertising, marketing communications, NLP in advertising, truth in advertising, marketing, consumer behavior.

1. //
2. //
5. Grinder D., Bandler R. the Formation of the TRANS. In: Kaas, Ekaterinburg, 1994
6. The television series "Queer as Folk", 2000

Application of spiral dynamics theory in marketing
Nikulina Anna, Director in VLC Consulting Ltd, Official Representative of Dr. Don Beck in Russia, e-mail:

This article is devoted to the application of Spiral Dynamics Theory in efficient marketing. The basis of Spiral Dynamics is evolution of people`s value systems which depends on the life conditions. Values have an impact on all choices which we make in our life. Understanding of how values are formed allows to promote goods and services more precisely thus having success in the market.
Keywords: marketing, market, clients’ values, changes, spiral dynamics.

1. Don Beck, Chris Cowan "SPIRAL DYNAMICS: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change in 21st century". – Moscow.: Best Business Books, 2010. – 419 p.
2. Clare W. Graves “Levels of human Existence” Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Sage Publications, 1970.

Methods of neuromarketing used for strengthening the communicativeness of websites on the tourist market
Kutuzova T.J., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professorin the department of «Management and marketing in tourism» of the Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n.a. Yury Senkevich, general director of the company «RBS-Consulting», å-mail:
Minaeva T.P., student of the faculty «Economics and management» of the Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry n.a. Yury Senkevich, å-mail:

The article «Methods of neuromarketing used for strengthening the communicativeness of websites on the tourist market» provides data on basic methods of neuromarketing – a new perspectivefield of marketing. It also includes the results of the analysis of using methods of neuromarketing on the websites of the leading tour operators on the Russian market.
Keywords: neuromarketing, method of neuromarketing, communicativeness of a website.

1. Arndt Traindl. Neuromarketing: Die innovative Visualisierung von Emotionen, – Ì.: Alpina Publisher, 2011.
2. Roger Dooley. Brainfluence, Minsk -Medley, 2013
3. Secrets of of skilful manager / Comp. IV Lipsits. - M .: Economics, 1991.
5. //
9. //



Brand management in the market of mass-media
Sharifkhodzhaev U.U., Researcher, Tashkent State University of Economics, e-mail:

This article presents some of the theory of branding and the author’s definition on this issue. The main part of the work is dedicated to the study, which was conducted in September 2014, on the topic of brand management in mass-media market of Uzbekistan. The paper also analyzes the market of mass media in the country. Results of the survey can be used by certain media to diversify its activities in the market.
Keywords: mass media, media, brand, brand management, TV channel, radio station, newspaper, magazine, electronic media, web site.

1. F. Kotler Marketing Essentials. - Williams 2011. - 496 p
2. Golubkov Principles of Marketing. - M .: Finpress, 1999. - 688 p.
3. Bagiev , Tarasevich , Ann . Marketing: a textbook for high schools. 2nd edition. - M .: Economics, 2001. - 718 p.
4. Barth, Myers, Aaker, Communication of consumer perceptions with trademark. // F. Business initsiativa.- 1999.
5. L. Rice, Rice E. 22 rules of brand building. - M .: ACT, 2003. - 160 p.
6. //
7. «What kind of mass-media do you watch read and listen», survey conducted for dissertation on the title of «Development of brand management of mass-media in the Republi of Uzbekistan», september, 2014ã. 
8. Pertsiya "Branding: The course of the young fighter" Publishing House "Peter", 2005.

Points of contact in the system of branding of higher educational institution: identifying and monitoring features in a modern economy of values
Spirina N.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Educational Marketing Department, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Theory of the Ural Institute of Management – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:

The article considers the problem of determining the points of contact with the consumer for a higher educational institution in order to increase the loyalty and commitment of the target audience and strengthen its position in the market of higher education in modern economy of values. For the most effective identification and monitoring of contact points in high school the author proposes to divide them into three main groups: related to the experience before, during, and after receiving educational service.
Keywords: higher education, branding, points of contact, the economy values.

1. Spirina N.A. The development of branding in higher education: the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences; Ural State Academy of Agriculture. - Ekaterinburg, 2010. - 244 p.
2. Igor Mann, Dmitry Turusin. Point of contact and effective work with them [E-resource] // URL: (date of access: 05.12.2014).
3. Wheeler A. Brand Personality: A Guide for the creation, promotion and support of strong brands / A. Wheeler; translated from English - M.: Alpina Publishers, 2004. - 235 p.
4. Mann I.B. Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. - 304 p.
5. Spirina N.A. Branding of educational services: concept, features, basic elements // Management issues. 2 (7). - 2009. [E-resource] // URL: // (date of access: 05.12.2014).



The impact of anti-tobacco restrictions in the Russian market of tobacco
Gubanov R.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Economics of Urban Agriculture and the Service Sector Department, Moscow University named after S.Yu. Vitte, e-mail:

The article describes the need to review the organization of the marketing of tobacco products assortment in the light of changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation on banning smoking. It focuses on the problem of functioning of tobacco companies and catering establishments (restaurants, bars, cafes) as well in the light of the prohibitions and restrictions. It gives the structure of sales in the Russian market in terms of anti-smoking restrictions and provides its assessment. The prospects of marketing of tobacco range based on the needs of the society in smoking are examined.
Keywords: anti-smoking restrictions, banning smoking, restrictions, price segment, sales, tobacco companies.

1. Federal law dated 23.02.2013 (as amended from 14.10.2014) ¹ 15-FZ "On protection of citizens ' health from exposure to ambient tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco consumption" // PCA guarantor
2. Jean-Jacques Lambin Strategic marketing European perspective translated from the French of St. Petersburg, "Science". 2009. 537 P.
3.  Kuznetsov V.A. The CPS is prepared to be audited for compliance with the Smoking ban in public // public catering Enterprises: accounting and taxation, 2014, ¹8.
4. Kuznetsova S.A., Kuznetsov A.A. Some aspects of the analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises HORECA // Modern approaches to the transformation of the concepts of state regulation and management in socio-economic systems: proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference 22.02.2012 in 2 volumes, Volume 1. Kursk, 2012.
5. The sixth session of the conference of the parties to the who framework Convention on tobacco control 13.10.2014 Moscow.


Competitive cooperation – a strategic platform for the vitality of territories
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, Leading Research Assistant, Institute of Economy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:
Vazhenin S.G., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Center of Competitive Policy of the Region, Institute of Economy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:

At the present stage the competition between territories for resources and assets is complemented by the development of cooperation between them. Competitive cooperation is the basis for the increased resilience of regions and cities. In the article the peculiarities and contradictions of competitive cooperation of the territories of the Russian Federation are revealed using the results of the authors’ opinion poll.
Keywords:  territory competition, competitive cooperation, resilience of territories, trust in the economy, integration maturity of territories.

1. Agglomeration without borders [Electronic resource]. URL: //
2. Brandenburger A., Nalebuff  B. Competitive cooperation in business. - M.: Case, 2012.
3. Vazhenina I., Vazhenin S. The horizons of territorial competition in today's economic environment // Society and economy. - 2011. No. 3. – P.P. 67-85
4. Vazhenin, S.G, Vazhenina I.S. Competitive coexistence areas: the need and the opportunity // National interests: priorities and security // 2012. No. 29. - P.P. 2-10.
5. Vazhenina I., Vazhenin S. The phenomenon of competitive immunity of territory // Society and economy. - 2009. No. 11-12. - P.P. 139-156.
6. Vazhenina I.S, Vazhenin S.G. Competitive goals and advantages, the image and reputation of territories: the sociological and marketing analysis // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2014. - ¹ 1. – P.P. 86-96.
7. Volkov S.K. Cooperation regions as a factor in improving the competitiveness of the surrounding areas // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2014. - ¹ 3. - P.P. 103-107.
8. Granovetter M. Economic institutions as social constructs: a framework of analysis // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. - 2004. Volume VII. - ¹ 1.
9. Ermak S. In one dugout  //  Expert Ural. 2014. ¹ 28. P.P. 23-29.
10. Cabrera M. Koopetition - a new word in the strategy [Electronic resource]. URL: //
11. Kutyu D. Secrets of the resilience // Business Management in turbulent times. - M , 2006.
12. Moore J.F. The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems. - N.Y .: Harper Business, 1996.
13. Condition and prospects of development of the exhibition and congress activities in the Russian Federation: the round table in the Council of the Federation 05.06.2013. [Electronic resource]. URL: //
14. Sverdlovsk region will cooperate with their neighbors for food security [Electronic resource]. URL: //
15. Tatarkin A.I., Vazhenin S.G, Sukhikh V.V. State in the system of relations of trust in the economy // Society and Economy / - 2006. - ¹ 10. - P.P. 155-172.
16. Taranukha Y.V. The strategy of behavior in modern competition // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2014. - ¹ 2. - P.P. 68-84.
17. Uelborn R., Kasten B. Business partnership: how to succeed in the joint business. - M ., 2004.
18. Tsvetkov V. Post-Soviet space: problems of economic and political integrity // Theory and practice of management. - 2013. - ¹ 1. - P.P. 15-24.
19. Hume, Bentham / Library classical economists (excerpts of works). Vol. 5. - M .: Publishing House of Soldatenkova K.T., 1895. - P.P. 80-85.
20. Chernyavskii I. The concept of resilience // The Economist. - 2008. - ¹ 5.
21. Scheffy J. Viability of the enterprise. How to improve the reliability of the supply chain and maintain a competitive advantage. - M., 2006.
22. //

Formation of marketing competitive strategy of the enterprises of Crimea on the basis of determination of competitive advantages
Shtein O.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Sevastopol State University, e-mail:

The article considers the issue of formation of marketing competitive strategy of the Crimea enterprises on the basis of determination of competitive advantages. The problem has become actual in connection with the entry of the Crimea into the structure of Russia. Nowadays it is necessary for the enterprises of the Crimea to analyze the mechanism of determining the competitive advantages and to form the basis for their effective competitive development strategies.
Keywords: marketing competitive strategy, competitive advantages, costs, differentiation, competitiveness of goods, competitors.

1. J.J.Lambin Strategic Marketing. European Perspective / translation from French. - SPb.: Nauka, 1996. - 589 p.
3. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.Dzh. Strategic Management. Art of strategy development and implementation. - M .: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITY. - 1998. - 576 p.
4. Azoev G.L., Chelenkov A.P. Competitive advantages of the company. - M .: NEWS. - 2000. – 256 p.
5. Zavgorodnyaya A.A., Yampol'skaya D.O. Marketing planning. - SPb .: Peter. - 2002. - 352 p.
6. Porter M. International competition. Trans. from English. / Ed. and with an introduction by V.D. Shchetinina. - M.: International Relations. - 1993. - 896 p.
7. Porter M. Competitive Strategy: Methodology Analyzing Industries and Competitors. - M.: Alpina Books. - 2005. - 454 p.
8. Crimea. Resorts. Tourism. Statistical Bulletin. 2002. - Simferopol, 2006. - 28 p.
9. Strategy of economic and social development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 2011-2020
10. Berezhnoy A.V. The study of the regional aspects of competitiveness seaports of the Black and Azov Seas / Berezhnoy A.V. // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2014. - ¹ 4 (part 2). - P. 358-364.



Event marketing as a tool for territory development
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of World Economy and the Economic Theory Department, Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

The purpose of this article is to study the prospects of implementing the elements of the event for effective regional economy development of modern Russian territories in the conditions of instability of the development environment. The analysis of the Russian practice of the implementation of major event management and international experience has shown that the most effective tools of regional management in the event of the economy are the tools of public-private partnerships, clustering and branding.
Keywords:  economy of events, image of the territory, place marketing, public-private partnership, the region.

1. Belskih, I.E. Regional brands: specificity of development in Russia / Belskih I.E. // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2014. - ¹ 20. - p. 2-7.
2. Belskhi, I.E. Multivariate image of the land in the domestic and foreign markets of the global world / Belskih I.E. // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2014. - ¹ 29. - p. 2-10.
3. Belskih, I.E. FIFA World Cup 2018 and the prospects of tourism development on the example of the Volgograd Region / Belskih I.E. // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2013. - ¹ 37. - p. 55-60.
4. Volkov, S.K. Cooperation of regions as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the surrounding areas / S.K. Volkov // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2014. - ¹ 3. - p. 103-107.
5. Volkov, S.K. Features of marketing promotion Volgograd region as a tourist destination / S.K. Volkov // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2011. - ¹ 46. - C. 43-48.
6. Volkov, S.K. Development of inter-regional collaboration in the field of tourism within the marketing paradigm of territorial development / S.K. Volkov, I.A. Morozova // Proceedings of the universities. A series of "Economics, Finance and Control." - 2014. - ¹ 2. - p. 38-41.
7. Volkov, S.K. Development of tourism clusters in the regions of the Russian Federation: monograph / S.K. Volkov; VolgGTU. - Volgograd, 2014 - 114 p.
8. Volkov, S.K. Russian Federation as a tourist destination: the problems of promotion and solutions / S.K. Volkov // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2013. - ¹ 4. - C. 57-62.
9. Vizgalov, D.V. Marketing City / D.V. Vizgalov. - M .: Foundation "Institute for Urban Economics", 2008 – 110 ð.
10. Kazan GDP for 2013 grew more than in Tatarstan [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: // 24/02/2014 / 906795.shtml
11. "Results of the Olympics" [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: //
12. Kotler Ph., Asplund K., Rein, I., D. Haider Marketing places. Attracting investments, businesses, residents and tourists in the city, commune, regions and countries in Europe. - St. Petersburg .: Stockholm School of Economics, 2005 - 376 p.
13. Morozova, I.A. Public-private partnership as an effective mechanism for innovative economic development / I.A. Morozova, I.B. Dyakonov // International Journal of applied and fundamental research. - 2010. - ¹ 2. - p. 78-81.
14. Morozova, I.A. Increasing the investment attractiveness of transport infrastructure through public-private partnership / I.A. Morozova // Izvestiya VolgGTU. A series of "Actual problems of reforming the Russian economy (theory, practice and perspective)" / VolgGTU. - Volgograd, 2006 - Vol. 6, ¹ 11. - p. 32-37.
15. Morozova, I.A. Development of public-private partnerships as a condition for raising public and innovative activity / I.A. Morozova, V.A. Kabanov // Volga trade and economic journal. - 2013. - ¹ 3. - C. 46-52.
16. About Myshkin [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: //
17. Experience "Sochi 2014" will give Korea [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access:
18. The development of the tourist market [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: // culture / tourizm /
19. Statistics on foreign investment [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: //
20. Formation of strategy for tourism development based on the cluster approach / I.A. Morozova, S.K. Volkov, N.P. Yakovenko, O.V. Orlova // Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. - ¹ 5. - p. 384-386.
21. Etot den’ my priblizhali kak mogli [electronic resource]. - [2014]. - Mode of access: //



Marketing in the USA: current trends of development
Spertsyan A.M., student of the Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

As the title implies the article describes current trends of development of marketing in the United States of America. Relevance is that the USA as one of the leaders of the world trade can influence all other countries. Often it is done by using marketing methods of goods promotion which has had successful testing in the North American market.
Keywords: marketing, the USA, E-marketing, branding, advertising, event marketing.

1. The total number of brands in the world exceeded 10 million [Electronic resource] // Mode access:
2. Bel'skikh I.E.  Multivariance image of the territory on  external and internal markets global world // Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. 2014. ¹ 29. Ñ. 2-10.
3. Annual Global Distributors Meeting 2014 [Electronic resource] // Mode access:  //
4. Bel'skikh I.E. The time as economic category (towards the creation economic time) // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - ¹ 23. 2013. – pp. 19-24.
5. Havas Media [Electronic resource] // Mode access:
6. Bel'skikh I.E.  The image as a means of creating additional demand for commodity consumer market / I.E. Bel'skikh // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2007. ¹1.- pp.111-117.
7. The Statistics Portal [Electronic resource] // Mode access:
8. Bel'skikh I.E.  Institutional base of advertizing and firm’s public relations in modern economy// Economic analysis: theory and practice. - ¹ 36. 2013. – pp. 16-24.
9. Content marketing: how corporations become media [Electronic resource] // Mode acess:



The development of e-commerce in China
Zhonghua Li, Master of Economic Sciences, Department of Marketing, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:
Golik V., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:

Chinese companies make extensive use of Internet technologies to promote their products to foreign markets. E-commerce plays an important role to improve the competitiveness of the company. This article describes the development of e-commerce in China.
Keywords:  China, Internet, concept, e-business, e-commerce, e-shop, e-exchange, electronic trading platforms, online auction, online marketing, Internet marketing, investments, technologies, product promotion, economy, markets, government, marketing.

1. The Internet Timeline of China 1997~2000. CNNIC. //
2. China’s Internet population hit 618 million at the end of 2013, with 81% connecting via mobile //
3. China now has half a billion mobile web users, 618 million total internet users
4. Report: China now has 270 million active Android users, growing faster than ever in countryside
5. China’s e-tail revolution
6. Chinese E-commerce Giant Alibaba Files For IPO
7. The revolution in the field of e-retailers of China ("Project Syndicate", USA)
8. 20 Popular Online Shopping Sites in China
9. Overview of e-commerce representatives of China
10. Alexa – Top Sites in China
11. Internet commerce in China has grown by nearly 43 percent //
12. The World’s Next E-commerce Superpower / Jeff Walters. - The Boston Consulting Group Report. - 2011. – 27 p.
13. Statistical Report of Internet Development In China / China Internet Network Information Center. – 2013. – 57 p.
14. Analasys Of Chinese E-commerce Development / Lahti University Of Applied Science / Xiong Mengti. – 2010. – 51 p.
15. China’s Connected Consumers / 2014 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative. – 2014. – 50 p.
16.  On-line payment solutions in China //
17. Understanding Ecommerce in China / Robert Wang. – 2011. – 6 p.
18. Overview of China's economic / foreign economic information portal
19. Legislation in China //
20. Session of the NPC's plans in China / Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
21. Retail sales of consumer goods in China 
22. The Government of China has supported the development of e-commerce //
23. IPO Alibaba China set a world record //
24. Internet in China //



Marketing trends of the land market in the Russian regions
Ulitskaya N.Yu., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Real Estate Cadastre and Law Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:

The article provides the analysis of market trends of land in the regions, which are divided into more favorable, favorable and unfavorable from the point of view of the conditions of human life and profitability. Dynamics of transactions, indicators of business mediation and activation of scientific papers management areas reflect the main landmarks of marketing in various regions of Russia.
Keywords:  the land market, entrepreneurship, marketing, more favorable regions, favorable regions, disadvantaged regions.

1. Gaponenko A.L., Savel'eva M.V. Teoriya upravleniya. M., YuRA'T, 2013.
2. Sukhov E.D. Fundamentals of management and marketing in land and property relations : textbook. for stud. environments. Professor of education / E.D. Sukhov – M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. – 240 p.
3. Semerkova L.N. Problems and ways of development of the Russian province // L.N. Semerkova, B.B. Khrustalev. Part 5 – Penza, 2011 – 159 ð.
4. Nazarevskiy O.R. Assessment of natural living conditions / O.R. Nazarevskiy – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 148.
5. The official site of the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography, – URL: (05.10.2014).
6. The official site of the Federal service of state statistics, – URL: (30.10.2014).
7. Arakelova I.V. Actual issues of the development of the consumer economy in Russia // the Scientific review. 2014. ¹ 6. Ð. 125-131.
8. Real estate Agency of Russia (16347 address) – URL: // (30.10.2014).



Commentary on the amendments to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the mandatory application of professional standards
Sereda M.E., Head of Integrated Marketing Communications Agency Win2WinCommunications1, e-mail:

GfK: consumer confidence index in Russia has decreased
Marina Bezouglova, General Manager, Regional Lead HC for CEE&META, GfK Rus

How customer emotional experience influences on customer loyalty?
Stetsenko Yu.V., Marketing & Communications GfK Russia, e-mail:

GfK: How consumers around the world maintain their physical health and wellbeing
Alexander Fedotov, Communication Manager, GfK Rus, e-mail:



Books on marketing and advertising, which was published in 2014.
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov, e-mail:

List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Aboard» in 2014

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