Anti-crisis marketing: economic crisis and marketing possibilities for elimination of its negative influence
Golubkov E.P., Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Doctor in Economics, Professor, Head of the Management and Entrepreneurship Department, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
The article examines the issues of the state of the world economy during the last years and the place of the Russian economy among countries of the world community. The dynamics of crisis phenomena, happened in Russia for the last decades, is analyzed. The estimation of the possibilities of marketing as a combination of marketing tools of reduction of the negative consequences of the crisis on the activity of Russian organizations and businesses is given. The role of specific marketing tools is examined more thoroughly in overcoming the crisis phenomena.
Keywords: world economy, Russian economy, financial-economic crisis, marketing, before planning investigations, product policy, price policy, distribution policy, communication policy, planning peculiarities.
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Features of functioning clubs’ consumers and suppliers of industrial products during the economic crisis
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:
The crisis phenomena in the Russian economy have significantly affected the economic behavior of the players in the markets of industrial products, as well as on the functioning of the previously formed club communities of customers and suppliers (both formal and informal). The article notes an increase of the role of horizontal clubs in promoting the interests of its members, especially in the process of interaction with public authorities. Also it is specified that the vertical clubs, by contrast, have reduced their potential of influence on the behavior of contractors, particularly in the sectors related to the consumption of products, which are in demand in foreign markets, as well as to companies that depend on the supply of materials and components for import. It is stated that the opportunistic behavior of companies under crisis conditions prevails over the need to maintain a positive business reputation and partnerships.
Keywords: the market of industrial products, consumers’ and suppliers’ clubs, opportunistic behavior, economic crisis, devaluation, lobbying.
1. Pleschenko V.I. Role of collective communities in the formation and development of the business reputation of the industrial companies in modern conditions // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2014. No. 4. pp. 15-22.
2. Pleschenko V.I. Realizing the potential of social structures and getting more competitive advantages (on example of conferencing providers) // Modern competition. 2013. No. 2 (38). pp. 55-68.
3. Pleschenko V.I. Supplier’s Conference as a mechanism of market communication of industrial enterprise // Iron and Steel Industry. 2012. No. 9. pp. 75-80.
4. Katunin V.V. Main indicators of the steel industry in Russia in 2013.// Iron and steel industry. 2014. No. 3. pp. 3-23.
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Ànalysis and forecasting of customer preferences on the basis of Markov’s process model
Sulitsky V.N., Doctor in Economics, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
Markov process models may be convenient while studying customers’ behavior connected with switching the supermarket for shopping. Markov models describe the probabilities of moving the system from any current state to any new state. Using the terminology of Markov processes, the sequence of weekly shopping trips may be considered as the steps of the Markov process and the chosen supermarket selected in a given week is referred to as the state of the system in each period and on a certain step. Using Markov process model it is possible to compute the probability that the customer shops at each
supermarket during a certain period. The probabilities of the system’s states, which it reaches after large number of steps, don’t depend on the beginning state of the system. These probabilities are referred to as steady – state probabilities. They can be interpreted as market shares of given stores. This information can be used in decision making process to attract the customers to a given store.
Keywords: Ìarkov process, discrete – time Markov chain, steps of the process, states of the system, state probabilities, matrix of transition probabilities, steady – state probabilities, probability that customer will shop at supermarket, market share of the supermarket, decision making to attract customers.
1. Romanovsky V. I. Discrete – time Markov Chains. GOSTEXIZDAT, Moscow, 1949.
2. Anderson David R., Sweeney Dennis J., Williams Thomas A. Introduction to management science: quantitative approach to decision making. Thomas International Publishing Company; 9th ed, 2000.
3. Sulitsky V. N. Practical Statistics and Stochastic Methods in Economics and Business. Delo, Moscow, 2010.
Pricing of paid educational services in high school: marketing approach
Shevchenko D.A., Doctor in Economics, Professor of Marketing and Advertising Department, IEML of the Russian State University for the Humanities, e-mail:
Kalinina L.L., Ph. D. in Economics, Professor of the World Economy Department, IEML of the Russian State University for the Humanities, e-mail:
The article deals with pricing in higher education in relation to the paid services. The main stages and formation of pricing for educational services of high school, college pricing and peculiarities of pricing strategies in the conditions of economic competition and the crisis in the higher education market are considered.
Keywords: institution of higher education, paid educational services of the university, pricing, the pricing policy of the university, pricing in high school, pricing strategies of the university, the crisis in the higher education market.
1. Domnin V.N. Branding: new technologies in Russia. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. 352 p.
2. Kotler F. Principles of Marketing. M.: IMA - CROSS. Plus. 1995. 702 p.
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6. Shevchenko DA Advertising, Marketing, PR / DA Shevchenko. M.: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2014. 639 p.
Consuming culture and logic of consuming
Groshev I.V., Doctor in Economics, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Pro-rector, å-mail:
Krasnoslobodtsev A.A., Candidate in Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Director of the Research Centre on the problems of industrial brand management, promotion and management of brand capital at the goods markets, å-mail:
The article discusses the process of consuming culture formation by means of brand exposure on a consumer and his/her consuming behavior. The brand evolution as the element of consuming culture is shown and the system of its elements is examined. Methods of exposure on the consumer from the standpoint of brand are analyzed.
Keywords: brand, culture, logic of consuming, methods, image, consumer, consuming culture, consuming behavior, goods, service.
1. Golubkov E.P. About Brand Concept Once Again // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2006. − ¹ 2. – Pp. 4-11.
2. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Emotional Component as a Superstructure of Organizational Culture // Issues of Management Theory and Practice. – 2015. − ¹ 2. Pp. 107-111.
3. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Individual and Personality Implication of Psychic Processes in «the Scenario» of Forming a Brand Image with a Consumer // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – ¹ 1. – Pð. 35-40.
4. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. System Brand Management. − M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 754 ð.
5. Anholt S. Brands and Branding. – New York: Economist Books, 2004. – 231 ð.
Brand image as an intangible asset of the enterprise
Resnick G.A., Doctor in Economics, Professor, Head of the Marketing and Economic Theory Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction”, e-mail:
Shcherbakov A.S., 5th year student of the Institute of Economics and Management, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction”, e-mail:
The article reveals the essence of notions “image”, “brand”, “brand image”. The main components of each of these categories and also factors that are necessary to consider in their formation, are examined. Their role in the market economy is shown; the necessity of their development and use in practice is substantiated.
Keywords: brand, image, brand image, competitiveness, marketing, business.
1. Godin, A. M., Branding: a training manual. - M.: Dashkov, 2013.
2. Groshev, V. I. Evolution of branding in foreign and Russian practice // Marketing in Russia and abroad - No. 3 – 2014
3. Reznik, G. A., Sabreline E. A. Evaluation of the mechanisms of image formation region in the Penza region // Marketing services. 2015. No. 1. P. 32-38.
4. Reznik, G., Yashin O. the Concept of strategic management: the evolution and essence of // problems of the theory and practice of management. 2012. No. 5. P. 35-42.
5. Chernatony Leslie. Branding. How to create a powerful brand: textbook. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012
The role of advertising in the promotion of innovation in nonprofit organizations
Mol’kin A.N., 5th year student, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Sukhanova T.V., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Marketing and Economic Theory Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Current economic conditions necessitate the development and active implementation of innovations into the activity of non-profit organizations, which would allow increasing the efficiency of their operation through the use of marketing tools. When promoting innovative products to non-profit organizations it is advisable to use both own and independent channels of distribution. The article reveals the role of advertising as a primary marketing tool for ensuring efficiency of promotion of innovations of non-profit organizations.
Keywords: marketing, nonprofit organizations, innovative product, advertisiement, society, project, distribution channels, services, communications.
1. Analysis of economic activity in nonprofit organizations [Electronic resource]. URL:
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4. Reznik, G. A., Maskaev M. I. Features of the modern organization / Economics and entrepreneurship, 2013. - ¹. 8. - p. 326-330.
5. Reznik G. A., Mol'kin A. N. Market innovation: formation and occurrence conditions/ Economics and entrepreneurship - 2015. - ¹ 1. (54). - p. 911-915
6. Reznik G. A., Spirin S. G. Motifs savings in reforming society/ Sociological research - 2006. - ¹9. p. 120
7. Reznik G. A., Chumakova S. G. Evolution of theoretical approaches to the analysis of economic welfare/ Journal of economic theory, 2011.- ¹ 3.- p. 87-99
8. Reznik G. A., Mol'kin A. N. Features of integrated marketing communications in non-profit organizations/ Economic Sciences and Humanities- 2015. - ¹ 2 (277). - p.107-112
9. Sukhanova T. V., Lemina M. S. Peculiarities of the perception of the youth segment of consumers of non-standard forms of work of cinema / Marketing services- 2013. - ¹ 4 (36). - p. 314-323
10. Sukhanova T. V. Theoretical approaches to the study of the utility of an economic good as an object of consumer demand / news of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Social Sciences. - 2012. - ¹ 4 (24). - p. 91-100
11. Chernikov M. V., Mol'kin A. N. Monitoring the practice of implementing change in higher education/ Economics and entrepreneurship in. - 2014. - ¹ 4-2. (45-2) – p.601-605
12. Chernikov M. V., Mol'kin A. N. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel in the non-profit organization / In book: Current issues of Economics, management and Finance in modern conditions. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Saint-Petersburg - 2015. - p. 281-284.
Differential method of measurement of products competitiveness
Faskhiev Kh. A., Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, e-mail:
The technique of measurement of quality of products which is based on the definition of a difference of indicators of quality of the estimated object and “ideal” product and integration of the received differences at first in group complex indicators on a method of “profiles” and then taking into account the ponderability of groups, - in integrated coefficient of quality, is offered. The competitiveness of products is calculated by the method of preferences of consumers by association of their coefficient of quality and the price taking into account their importance for the person, making the decision. Comparing the received coefficients of quality and competitiveness of competitive products and “ideal” product it is established how far they deviate from the «ideal». Practical applicability of a differential approach of measurement of quality and competitiveness of products is shown by the example of four sedans of the V-class.
Keywords: product, “ideal” product, differential method, assessment, quality, competitiveness.
1. Baumgarten L.V. The analysis of methods of determination of competitiveness of the organizations and production // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2005. ¹ 4.
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3. Lifits I. M. Formation and assessment of competitiveness of goods and services. M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2004. 335 p.
4. Faskhiev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V., Safarov M. A. Ñompetitiveness of cars and their units. Naberezhnye Chelny: KamPI, 2005. 187 p.
5. Faskhiev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V. Metodik of an assessment of quality of cars // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2005. ¹ 4. PÐ. 86 - 93.
6. Faskhiev Kh. A. How to estimate and operate quality and competitiveness of goods and services // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2014. ¹ 3. ÐÐ. 67 – 81; ¹ 4. PÐ. 72 – 84.
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About the implementation of innovative marketing strategies in business organizations
Gubanov R.S., candidate of economic Sciences, senior researcher of the Center for industrial Economics of the Federal state budgetary institution "Scientific-research financial Institute", Methodist Regional state budget educational institution of secondary professional education "Ryazan technological College", e-mail:
The article addresses topical problems of implementing innovative marketing strategies in the activities of modern business organizations. The author provides the evidence-based classification of marketing strategies. The factors of innovative technologies that influence the nature of marketing strategies are systematized. The attention is focused on the growth strategy and the scheme of its possible combinations is illustrated. The role of standardization in the implementation of innovations is defined.
Keywords: marketing, marketing strategies, innovation, innovative marketing strategies, marketing technologies.
1. Bryntsev A., A. Sinko Innovative breakthrough to the B2B market EU // RISK No. 4. - 2014. - P. 63.
2. Golichenko O. G., Bulycheva Y. Dependence of innovation strategies of Russian enterprises on the degree of effectiveness of production: structural and dynamic aspects of Innovation No. 1 (195) Jan. - 2015. - P. 64.
3. Golov RS. Innovative and synergetic development of industrial organizations (theory and methodology) / R. S. Rollins, A. V. Myl'nikov - M.: Publishing and trading Corporation «Dashkov and K», 2013 - 420 P.
4. Lific I. M. the Competitiveness of goods and services: a textbook / I. M. Lipic. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: urait, 2013. - 437 p.
5. Loboda L. Brand in the structure of the intellectual capital of the organization // Marketing¹ 1 (140). - 2015. - P. 56.
6. Petrov N. Do do without foreign products on our table? // Standards and quality No. 2 (932) 2015. – P. 63.
7. Rozhkov I. Y. Branding: a study I. Rozhkov, V. G. Camerasin. - M.: Urait, 2013. – 331 P.
8. Sinyaev I. M. Marketing of services: a Textbook / I. M. Sinyaev, O. N. Romanenkova, V. Sinyaev; edited by doctor of Economics, Professor L. P. ed. - M.: Publishing and trading Corporation «Dashkov and K», 2014. – 252P.
9. Sukhorukov, A. V. Strategic planning of innovative development of industrial enterprises // journal of Russian entrepreneurship No. 8 (254) April. - 2014. – P. 65.
10. Chabanenko A. V. Standardization of high-tech products //Standards and quality No. 1. – 2015 P. 42.
11. Stein, O.I. The formation of competitive marketing strategies of enterprises of the Crimea on the basis of the definition of competitive advantage // Marketing in Russia and abroad No. 1. – 2015. – P. 76.
Customer satisfaction determinants of charter airline services: the case of Russian tourists traveling to Spain
Kazakov S.P., Doctor in Economics, Associate Professor, Marketing Department of the enterprise, NRU HSE Moscow, e-mail:
The article examines the issues of measurement of clients’ satisfaction with the services of charter air carriers by the example of the Russian tourists, travelling to the resorts of Spain. The existing basic approaches to the concept of categories of customers’ satisfaction with services of service organizations were analyzed. A quantitative survey of 786 passengers, who flew from Moscow to Spain and back, was conducted. The results of the study can be useful to the specialists in the aviation industry and tour operators to manage the quality of the air transportation services.
Keywords: customers’ satisfaction, service quality, hospitality industry and tourism, air companies marketing, service industry.
1. Alekseeva I.V. Strategicheskij marketingovyj audit udovletvorenno stipotrebitelej kommercheskoj organizacii // V sbornike: Problemyucheta, analizaiaudita v uslovij ahrynkaucheny ezapiski. Rostovskij Gosudarstvennyjj ekonomicheskij universitet "RINH", Uchetno-jekonomicheskij fakul'tet.Rostov-na-Donu, 2009. S. 98-102.
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Development of the hotel product on the basis of multi-level marketing approach
Baumgarten L.V., Ph. D. in Technology Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Physical Education and Tourism Department MUH, e-mail:
The article discusses a multi-level marketing approach to the creation of a hotel product. A diagram of the process of developing a new product by a hotel is given. A detailed description of the individual steps of this process is presented. It is shown that the competitiveness of new hotel products is achieved through the introduction of a quality management system based on modern approaches and concepts.
Keywords: product, creation of a new product, process, hotel, marketing, multi-level marketing approach, quality, quality management system.
1. Alekseeva O. A. Marketing model hotel product in Russia : author. dis. Cand. the EC. Sciences / O. And Alexeeva. - M., 2009.
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3. Baumgarten, L. V. Standardization and quality control of hotel services: the textbook for students. institutions of higher. Professor of education / L. V. Baumgarten. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. - (Ser. Bachelor's degree).
4. Vasiliev M. G. Criteria of new innovative products // staff Management. - 2009. No. 21.
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Marketing in «green» economy of Turkmenistan
Penjiyev Ahmet M., Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, Doctor in Agriculture, Associate Professor of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, e-mail:
Penjiyev Arslan A., Magister of Law, Manager of the Project “Contributing to the State Management in Turkmenistan”, e-mail: ÀÐ
The article highlights the strategy of «green» economy on conservancy in Turkmenistan.
The directions of application of marketing in power savings and in ecological business are considered.
Keywords: marketing, renewed energy sources, “green” economy, ecology, power, strategy, the power savings organization, Turkmenistan.
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8. Strebkov D.S., Penjiyev A.M., Mamedsahatov B. D. Development of solar power in Turkmenistan. The monography. Ì: GNU ÂÈÝÑÕ, 2012. P.498.
Making the most of multimedia advertising
All media means contribute to achieve the aims of an advertising campaign, whether it is getting the consumers acquainted with the brand, creating with it specific associations or motivating the purchase. However, to achieve a specific effect while re-allocating the budget between advertisement bearers, it is important to take into consideration the factors, directly influencing the efficiency of each of them – coverage, the frequency of appearance of advertisement messages, creative component, the level of the consumer’s attention to this media channel. The factors which are necessary to take into consideration while planning the advertising campaign are examined in the article.
Keywords: advertising campaign, brand, media, creativity, coverage, synergy, brand perception, mutual effort, multiplier effect, retail.
1. Millward Brown’s AdReaction 2014, Marketing in the Multiscreen World.
3. MediaDatabase_en.pdf
How to make the best use of music in an ad
When used well, music can be a powerful enhancement for an ad. Although the use of music does not automatically confer benefits, the inspired use of the right music can affect every aspect of an ad’s performance. The article presents the results of the study of music influence on ad effectiveness. Different creative approaches to make ads engaging are examined.
Keywords: advertising, music, branding, communications, awareness index, enjoyment while watching the ad, involvement into watching, brand health, advertising persuasion.
1. Millward Brown’s AdReaction 2014, Marketing in the Multiscreen World.
2. Millward Brown Digital’s Mobile Creative Best Practices 2014.
4. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
The development of Internet marketing in China
Zhonghua Li, Master of Economic Sciences, Marketing Department, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:
Golik V., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Marketing Department, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:
Chinese companies use Internet marketing actively to promote their products on the local and international markets. The budgets for online advertising are increased annually. The dynamic improvement of technologies in the field of Internet marketing, which has a positive impact on the economic efficiency of Chinese enterprises, takes place.
Keywords: internet, e-business, Internet advertising, e-commerce, e-shop, electronic trading platforms, online auction, online marketing, China.
1. Enin Y.I., Golik V.S., Kovalyov A.P. Basics of Internet marketing // Y.I. Enin, V.S. Golik, A.P. Kovalev. - Training complex. Minsk: publishing house MIU, 2013. - 160 p.
2. 2012-2013 China Online Advertising Report // iResearch Consulting Group. – 2013. – 37 p.
3. 2014 China Online Advertising Report // iResearch Consulting Group. – 2014. – 39 p.
4. 2012-2013 China E-commerce Online Advertising Report// iResearch Consulting Group. – 2013. – 33 p.
5. Online retailing in China / Report / The Fung Business Intelligence – 2013. – 40 p.
6. 2012-2013 China Microblog Marketing Audience Behavior Report // iResearch Consulting Group. – 2013. – 19 p.
7. China Online Advertising Revenues Hit 154 Bn Yuan // Iresearch View / Iresearch Consulting Group [Electronic resource]. (Äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 3.02.2015.)
8. China Online Advertising Revenue Totals 42.22 Bn Yuan in Q3 // Iresearch View / Iresearch Consulting Group [Electronic resource]. (Äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 3.02.2015.)
9. China Online Advertising Revenues See Impressive Growth // Iresearch View / Iresearch Consulting Group [Electronic resource]. (Äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 3.02.2015.)
10. China Online Advertising Revenues See Tremendous Growth // Iresearch View / Iresearch Consulting Group [Electronic resource]. (Äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 3.02.2015.)
The situation on the cheese market in Russia: the reasons of conditions changes on market
Kutuzova T.U., PhD, assistant professor of “commercial matters”, Head of the company RBS-Consulting, e-mail:
Russian cheese market is developing dynamically, on average, increasing by 12–15% per year. With the introduction of an embargo on the supply of products from several countries, the Russians will have to adapt to the new realities on the market. The article provides a snap analysis and the reasons for changing market conditions and the prices on the cheese market in Russia in the nearest future are given.
Keywords: countersanctions from Russia, changing market conditions, the consumption of cheese, cut of cheese production.
1. Increasing demand of Russian consumers for cheese and expectation of it's quality. //
2. Sanctions against Russia: systematic analysis //
3. Presidential Decree "On the application of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation" dated August 6, 2014. RF Government Resolution "On measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of Russia" On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation "dated August 7, 2014
4. According to the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of the dairy industry //
5. Institute of Agricultura Market//
6. RIA News //
7. Cool cow //
8. Cheese production in Russia under the sanctions: current realities, prospects and problems. //
9. Kutuzova T.U. Marketing management, tutorial, M: publishing Worldwide, 2013
The market of frozen and cooled chicken prepacked and semifinished in Tambov region
Dyuzhenkova N.V., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Informatics Department, FSBEI HPE “Tambov State Technical University”, e-mail:
Denisova A.L., Doctor in Ecinomics, Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Director of the Institute of Master of Business Administration Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Molotkova N.V., Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Vice-Rector of FSBEI HPE “Tambov State Technical University”
Mikheeva O.A., graduate student of the of Commerce and Business Informatics Department, FSBEI HPE “Tambov State Technical University”
The paper presents the results of the research study of the market of frozen and cooled chicken semifinished products in the Tambov region. The seasonal demand for chicken products is estimated. The distribution of brands of chicken products for network users is analyzed, the main market segments of chicken products in the Tambov region according to the information of the company-producer are shown.
Keywords: market research, market analysis, semifinished chicken.
1. Belyaevsky IK Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast: Textbook for Universities / IK Belyaevsky. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2008. – 320 ð.
2. Kotler F. Principles of Marketing / Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John Saunders, Veronica Wong. - SPb .: Williams, 2006. - 944 p.
Results and prospects of the market development of digital technology in Russia
Bezouglova Ì., Deputy General Manager, GfK Rus
Seven consumer trends that will change marketing experts’ and content creators’ lives
Gnuskina À., Client Service Director, Qualitative Research Department, GfK Rus