Contents of N4/2015

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Contents of N4/2015


Voluntarism in defining the role of marketing in the modern economy
Bondarenko V.A., Doctor in Economics, Professor, Department of Marketing and advertising, Rostov state economic University (RINH), e-mail:

The author in the article discusses questions of narrow utilitarian role and opportunities of marketing in modern conditions as a means of increasing sales and unjustified expansion of its functional role as a universal means of solving any problems of economic development.
Keywords: voluntarism, marketing, expansion interpretation, a means of increasing sales.

1. Borisova V., Kononenko E. Marketing strategy of resource saving // RISK: Resources, information, supply, competition 2012. No. 2. P. 84-89.
2. Gordon J. Marketing partnerships: per. s angl. E. Nesterov. Ed. TRANS. O. Tretyak. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2001. 384 p. 
3. Dixon D. Improve your business: Handbook and practicum: [TRANS. s angl.] / D. Dixon; Intern. the Bureau of labor. – Moscow: finances and statistics: research and production center, 1994. – 223 p.
4. Joe Girard and Stanley H. Вrown. How to sell anything to anyone. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. – 208 p.
5. Zaitsev A. G. the Development of the institutional environment of marketing activity of the region: theory and practice. Diss. doctor.Econ.Sciences.Rostov-on-don, 2015. 348 p. – URL 
6. Zakharchenko D. V. the System of marketing management of competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the conditions of formation and development of "new economy" // Terra Economicus. 2013. T. 11. No. 4-3. S. 71.
7. Kononenko E. S. Marketing resource in the context of the emergence of new organizational forms of management // RISK: Resources, information, supply, competition. 2012. No. 3-1. P. 4-7. 
8. Kononenko E. S. Formation and development of resource-saving customer relations // Economics. 2013. No. 106. P. 49-54.
9. Kotler F. Marketing management: TRANS. from English. St. Petersburg, Peter Com, 2012. 896 S. 
10. Kotler F., Armstrong G., Saunders J., Wong V. principles of marketing. M.; Williams, 2012.752 p. 
11. Kusch S. P. Comparative analysis of the main concepts of the theory of relationship marketing// Vestnik St. Petersburg University. -2003. –Ser. 8 –Vol.4 (No. 32). – URL:



Anti-crisis marketing: economic crisis and marketing possibilities for elimination of its negative influence (The termination. The beginning in № 3 for 2015)
Golubkov E.P., Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Doctor in Economics, Professor, Head of the Management and Entrepreneurship Department, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:

The article examines the issues of the state of the world economy during the last years and the place of the Russian economy among countries of the world community. The dynamics of crisis phenomena, happened in Russia for the last decades, is analyzed. The estimation of the possibilities of marketing as a combination of marketing tools of reduction of the negative consequences of the crisis on the activity of Russian organizations and businesses is given. The role of specific marketing tools is examined more thoroughly in overcoming the crisis phenomena.
Keywords: world economy, Russian economy, financial-economic crisis, marketing, before planning investigations, product policy, price policy, distribution policy, communication policy, planning peculiarities.

1. Federailni Zakon, 21.07.2011 № 254-ФЗ (ed. 28.07.2012) «O vnesenii izmeneniaakon " O nayke I gocydarstvehhoi nauchno-texnicheskoi politike».
2. Botkin O.I., Gulenok O.I, Kontheptualnoe obosnovanie poli gosudarstva v sovremennoi economike //Jurnal economitcheskoi teorii. -  2014. -  № 3.
3. Golova I.M. Problemi formirovania innovatcionno-tehnologitheskogo imidga Rossiiski regionov //Economika regiona. – 2012. - № 2. 
4. Golubkov E.P. Anti-crisis marketing // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2009. - №1.
5. Golubkov E.P. Innovative management. – М.: INFRA -М, 2015.
6. Gurova T. and other. K cherty  ekonomitchesky teoriu // Ekspert. 2015, № 1-3. P. 15-23.
7. Dolgosrochnii trendi rossiiskoi ekonomiky. Analiticheski doklad. - М.: ЦМАКП, 2005.
8. Inozemtsev V. Oderjimii sverhderjavnostiu. - URL:
9. Interviu – A. Ykukaev // 18.12.2014. URL:
10. Interviu— V. Sorokin // Vedomosty, 25.11. 2014. URL:
11. Kshirin A.I. Novi podhod k formirivaniu innovatcionnogo zakonodatelstva. «Innovatsii». М., №3(90), 2006.
12. Kondratiev V. Krizis 2014 goda v  Rossia kak itog porokov economicheskoi politiki. -
13. Milukova Ya., Koptubenko D. Idealyii shtorm. 02.02.2015. URL:
14. Mironov M. Ne nyjno slezat c neftianoi igli. 02.02.2015 - URL:
15. Sila I  clabost mobilnoi reclaim // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. -  2015. -  № 2.
16. Sotsialno-demografitheskaia bezopasnost Rossia / Pod red. V.A.Chrnishova, A.I. Tatarkina. – М.: Institut ekonomiki UrO RAN, 2008.
17. Fedorova T.A. Formirovania rinochnoi stoimosti innovatsionno-aktivnogo predpriatia. Avtoreferat dissertatsii   na coiskania uchenoi  stepeny doktora ekonomitseskich nauk. 2011.
18. BDI-Präsident sieht Wohlstand und Wachstum in Gefahr // Sueddeutsche Zeitung. 25 December 2014. URL:
19. The Global Competitiveness  Report 2010-2011. - World Economic Forum.-  C. 15, 22. URL/].
20. The Russian economy. The end of the line // The Economist, 22 November 2014. URL:
21.Stanley Fischer, Rudiger Dornbusch, Richard Schmalensee. Economics. Second Edition. – McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1988  
33. (дата обращения 02.02.2015).



Network approach to formation of consumer value of port service
Botnaryuk M.V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of «Economy and management» Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, Novorossiysk, e-mail:

In article features of formation consumer value taking into account specifics of service are considered. Methodical bases of an assessment productivity of the companies-sellers at service the buyer interaction and model of consumer value of port service formation under network approach are presented.
Keywords:  business relationships, marketing of relations, value of service, network approach.

1. Barinov V.A., Zhmurov D.A. Development of network formations in innovative economy//Management in Russia and abroad. – No. 1, 2007. – pp. 23-56.
2. Kotler F.  Marketing management. Express course. / Per. s angl. Ed. S.G. Boguk. – 2 ed.– SPb.: Peter, 2005.– 464 p.
3. Lovelock K. Marketing of services: staff, technology, strategy.– M: Publisher: Williams, 2005.–1008 p.
4. Lukina A.V. Marketing of goods and services: a training manual. – M: FORUM, 2008. – 240 p.
4. Neretina E.A. Business model of the company which is based on consumer value//Marketing in Russia and abroad. – No. 2(94), 2013. – pp. 104-108.
6. Porter, M.E. Competitive advantage: How to achieve high results and ensure its sustainability/ translated from English.– M: Alpina Business books, 2005. – 715 p.
7. Razumovskaya A.L. Marketing services. Handbook of Russian marketing practices /     A.L.  Razumovskaya, V. M. Yanchenko. – M Peak, 2006. – 496 p.
8. Tretiak O. A., Rumyantseva M. N. Network forms of intercompany cooperation: approaches to a phenomenon explanation//the Russian magazine of management. –№ 2, 2003. – pp. 25-50.
9. Uldasheva O., Katenev V. Intercompany cooperation. Network forms of the organization of business. – Access mode: – 30.09.2014– 30.04.2015.



The concept and technique of the corporate image research
Bushueva L.I., Doctor in Economics, professor, the director of the Institute of management and business of federal public budgetary educational institution of the higher education «Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University», e-mail:
Frolova I.A., 1st year master student of the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany, e-mail:

In article the complex of the methodical and practical questions related to the assessment features and the directions of company’ image formation is considered. The authors have developed the substantial and functional concept of organizations’ image research which includes the key directions of research, logical sequence of carrying-out of the research stages and main factors that determine the image of the organization. Based on the research concept the assessment technique of a company internal and
external image which assumes use of qualitative methods of marketing research – focus groups and deep interviews – is offered. These methods are focused on the identification of individuals’ deep motives and feelings with regard to the image of the considered company.
Keywords: concept of the image research, internal and external image, marketing research, focus group, deep interview.

1. Aaker D. Creation of strong brands / The Translation from English – M.: Publishing house of Grebennikov, 2003. – 440 pages.
2. Boduan Zh.P.  Management of  the company image. Public relations: subject and skill. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001. – 223 pages.
3. Gorchakova V. G. Applied imidzhelogiya. – M.: Phoenix, 2010. – 480 pages.
4. Dzhi B.  The firm image. Planning, formation, advance. / The Translation from English by A. Vikhrov. – SPb.: St. Petersburg, 2000. – 220 pages – (The theory and practice of management).
5. Dzhenster P., Hussey. Analysis of strong and weaknesses of the company. Definition of strategic opportunities. M.: Publishing house Williams, 2004. – 368 pages.
6. Pocheptsov G.G. Imidzhelogiya. – M.: SmartBook publishing house. - 2009. 576 pages.
7. Sharkov F.I. Goodwill constants: style, publicity, reputation, image and brand of firm. - M.: Izda-telsko-torgovaya Dashkov and Co corporation, 2010.-272 pages.

Analysis of the regional market of private confectionary (Volgograd’s region case)
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
Spiridonova M.A., student of the faculty of Economics and Management, Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

The article analyzes the segment of private confectionery of Volgograd region. The key research method is content analysis of social networks. There have competitive advantages in this market segment, as well as the motives of the private consumption of confectionery.
Keywords:  confectionery, private bakery, production, competitive advantages, price, consumer preferences.

1. Vishnever V.Ja. Features of the competitive environment in the Russian confectionery market / V.Ja. Vishnever // Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics. - 2014. - № 8 (118). - p. 43-46.
2. Kiseleva S.A. The functioning of the regional market of confectionery / Kiseleva S.A., Shapovalov S.Yu. // Economics and Management: new challenges and perspectives. - 2014. - № 6. - p. 23-24.
3. Potapova E.S. Analysis of the market of flour confectionery products in the Russian market / Potapova E.S., Potapova M.A. // Bulletin of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University named G.I. Nosov. - 2005. - № 2 (10). – p. 48-49.

Study of regional cheese market in terms of feasibility assessment of new products output
Medvedeva I.A., Сhief of department of marketing, «Derevenskoe molochko» Co., Tomsk, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Matyugina E.G., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Bagreev A.M., Director, «Derevenskoe molochko» Co., Tomsk, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Based on the market research, it is planned to determine the feasibility of cheese production in Tomsk region with regard to the analysis of the competitive environment, consumer preferences, and their loyalty to the brand with further deve-lopment of the product promotion plan. The results have a practical value because they reflect the region’s potential and readiness to work within import-substitution framework. The experience in starting local productions in Tomsk region can be applied in other regions of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: regional cheese market, consumers, competitors, promotion activities.

1. Kozlov A. V. The review of the Russian market of cheeses. Tendencies and development prospects// Milk processing, 2012. no 11, pp.10-11.
2. Marketing research of the market of cheese [site]. (reference date: 5/9/2015)
3. The review of the Russian market of cheese [site] (reference date: 5/7/2015)
4. The review of the Russian market of cheese [site] (reference date: 5/7/2015)
5. Assel.  G. Marketing: principles and strategy. – М: INFRA – M, 1999. – pp. 49-55.
6. Economy against gourmandise [site] URL: (date of the reference of 5/11/2015) 
7. The review of the Russian market of cheese [site] URL: (date of the reference of 6/10/2015)



The main forms of corporate social responsibility in Russian business
Morozova I.A., Dr. Sc. of Economy, professor of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
Britvin I.A., post-graduate student of chair «World economy and the economic theory», The Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

The article deals with a modern level of development of the concept of corporate social responsibility in Russia. The main forms of manifestation of CSR in modern conditions of managing come to light and analyzed. The conclusion that development and deployment of reasonable and effective policy of corporate social responsibility is the instrument of increase of competitiveness for the Russian companies is drawn.
Keywords:  social responsibility of business, CSR, reputation, image of the company, volunteering, charity.

1. Bizyaeva, M.P. Problems of formation of corporate social responsibility in Russia // Personnel Management. - 2009. - №23.
2. Britvin, I.A. Marketing management mechanism of corporate social responsibility: monograph / Britvin I.A., Volkov S.K., Morozova I.A.; VSTU. - Volgograd, 2014. - 128 p.
3. Britvin, I.A. Social responsibility of business and forms of its manifestation in the contemporary economy / Morozova I.A., Britvin I.A. // Audit and financial analysis. - 2013. - № 3. - р. 399-403.
4. Kokhanova, M.E. Corporate philanthropy as a way to enhance the reputation capital // Mediaskop, 2008. - № 2.
5. Morozova, I.A. Charity in higher education: international experience and Russian prospects of creating endowment funds / Morozova I.A. // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2015. - № 6. - р. 48-60.
6. Morozova, I.A. Corporate image in the structure of corporate reputation. Formation of corporate image as the basis for the commercial success of the company / Morozova I.A., Oleneva A.V., Kurbatov U.A. // Scientific Review. - 2014. - № 11. - р. 202-207.
7. Morozova, I.A. The role of PR-activity in the formation of a positive business reputation in a socially oriented economy / Morozova I.A. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2014. - № 4. - р. 23-28.
8. Morozova, I.A. Features of realization of the concept of corporate social responsibility of Russian industrial enterprises (at prmere LLC "LUKOIL-GRID") / Morozova I.A., Volkov S.K., Britvin I.A. // Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2013. - № 42. - р. 7-16.
9. Decision of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2006 N 36-SF "On the report of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2005" On the state of the law in the Russian Federation ", Resolution of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2003 . N 71-7 «On the social responsibility of business in modern Russia"
10. According to the materials of NP "CSR - Russian Centre" "Anti-Crisis CSR in Russia: 12 levers of success."
11. The role and place of the concept of advertising in shaping the image of socially responsible business in Russia / Morozova I.A., Gushina E.G., Vitalieva E.M., Troshin A.V. // National interests: priorities and security. - 2013. – № 22. - р. 24-31.
12. Social responsibility of companies - the experience of the West and Russia [electronic resource]. - [2012]. - Access:
13. Sklyar E.N., Zverkovich I.O. Investigation of models of corporate social responsibility used in the world [electronic resource]. - [2012]. - Access:
14. The social role of business in social development: Corporate philanthropy and sponsorship business. - M.: International Managers Association, 2009.
15. Morozova, I.А. Peculiarities of implementing the concept of corporate social responsibility by Russia’s industrial enterprises / Morozova I.А., Volkov S.К. // Revista Galega de Economia = Economic Review of Galicia. - 2014. - Vol. 23, No. 4. - p. 149-162.

The impact of marketing campaigns on consumer behavior
Portnov N.A., RSSU, a student, e-mail:

John Maynard Keynes believed that demand creates supply, but is it really? Are market participants operate on the old laws in the present conditions? Is the consumers’ view have such a strong impact on production and, consequently, on the world economy as a whole? The memoir shows the analysis of consumer behavior in the market of goods and services under the influence of factors such as advertising and promotion. The ex pected result is to illustrate the dominance of manufacturers and advertisers of the end user by providing an illusory freedom of choice to purchase goods and services. In other words, we look at some of the key ways to influence consumer behavior, to answer the question: “What determines the final choice of the consumer?”.
Keywords: producers, advertising, advertisement distributors, correlation.

1. Percy L., Rosenbaum-Elliott R. Strategic advertising management, oxford university press. – 2011.
5. Solomon M.R. Prentice Hall Rotolito Lombarda. Consumer behavior, a uropean perspective. – Italy, 2010.
6. Bernard Berelson and Gary A Steiner «Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings», N. Y., «Harcourt Brace Jovanovich», 1964;
7. Richard A.Brealy and Stewart McMyers,”Fundamentals of corporate finance”, pheonix  university press, 2001;
8. PhilipKotler, “Marketing management”, Springer, 1991;
9. Gregory N.Mankiw, “Principles of economics”, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2012;
10. Philip Kotler, “Marketing basics”, «Progress», 1991 г;
11. Belyaevsky I.K., Serebrovskaya T.P., Tultaev T.A., Market Segmentation, Tsentr EAOI, 2009;
12. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, “Principliie Marketingului”, Teora, 2008;
13. Philip Kotler, “Rethinking marketing”, Prentice Hall, 2002;
15. Coen and Marshal, “Marketing issue”, Prentice Hall, 2006;
16. Henrik Fexeus, “Aint being tricked”, Deutch press 2010;

Interaction Pecularities of industrial service market players
Karyakin E.I., postgraduate student, Marketing Department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Business Development Group Lead, LLC Siemens, e-mail:

General characteristic of communication at industrial markets is presented in current paper as well as evaluation of possibility to use communication methods at the industrial service market. Focus of the paper is developed by author marketing interaction model of service sales specialist and different employees of buying company. The background of the differentiation in the model is responsibility level of exact buyer, what influences service type and communication method.
Keywords: marketing, service marketing, industrial service marketing, service market communication.

1. Juldasheva O.U. Promyshlennyj marketing: teorija i praktika, Uchebnoe posobie. - SPb.: Izd-vo SPbUJeF 1998.
2. Zozulev  A.V. Promyshlennyj marketing: uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. / A. V. Zozulev. - Har'kov: Studcentr, 2005 – 320 s.
3. Bagiev G.L., Juldasheva O.U. Promyshlennyj marketing: Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: izd-vo SPbUJeF, 2000. – 340 s.



The forecast of consumers’ satisfaction when developing a new product
Faskhiev Kh. A., Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa State Aviation Technical University, e-mail:

The method of measurement of satisfaction of consumers of a new product which, unlike known, is applied when developing a new product is offered. On the basis of a method differential approach of measurement of quality of objects lies. Satisfaction of consumers that will be higher, than a total difference of the expected and perceived indicators of a product will be less. The expected indicators of satisfaction of consumers in the offered method are formed on the basis of the analysis and a choice of the best indicators of the compared rival products. Differences of individual indicators are integrated into a uniform numerical indicator of satisfaction of consumers by a decomposition-modular method in which set of indicators are grouped in similar signs and integrated values of the measured size are defined by method of profiles at first group, and then with scales of groups. The model of management of satisfaction of consumers of a new product which allows the developer to increase competitiveness of the projected product on a system basis is developed. The example of the forecast of level of satisfaction of consumers of the car of the budgetary class is given.
Keywords: product, consumer, satisfaction, indicator, quality, assessment, difference, model of management.

1. Hill N., Self B., Roshe G. Measurement of satisfaction of consumers according to the ISO 9000:2000 standard. M.: Tekhnologii publishing House, 2004. 192 p.
2. Salimova T.A. Quality management. 2nd edition, M.: Omega-L, 2008. 416 p.
3. Kotler F., Armstrong. Osnovy Marketing / Lane with English "Williams", 2003.
4. Landerv., Levi Zh., Lyndon D. Merkator. The theory and practice of the marketing / Lane about fr. 2nd prod. M.: MTsFER, 2007. 263 p.
5. Indexes of satisfaction of the consumer. URL: (Date of the address of 29.04.2015).
6. Researches EPSI. URL: (Date of the address of 30.04.2015).
7. Faskhiev Кh. A.  Udovletvorennost of consumers and her assessment//Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2010. № 2. PP. 39-53.
8. QFD — technology of expansion of functions of quality. URL: of the address of 10.05.2015).
9. Faskhiev Кh. A.  How many indicators are necessary for a reliable assessment of quality of goods? // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2008. № 1. PР. 72-91.
10. Faskhiev Кh. A. A differential method of measurement of competitiveness of products // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2015. № 3.
11. Faskhiev Кh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V., Safarova M. A. Konkurentosposobnost of cars and their units. Naberezhnye Chelny: KamPI, 2005. 187 p.
12. Faskhiev Кh. A. Determination of ponderability of indicators of quality of cars and their components // Truck. 2008. № 4. PР. 28-35.
13. Saati T. Decision-making. Method of the analysis of hierarchies. M.: Radio and communication, 1989. 316 p.
14. Rasstegais O. Tolyatti with the Bonus // Avtorevu. 2014. № 22. PР. 24 – 37.
15. Kuleshov M. A reunion // At a wheel. 2014. № 12. PР. 112 – 126.



Marketing aspects of the activities of Uzbekistan’s insurance companies
Yusupov K.M., Chief Specialist of the Planning Department Ferghana State University, The Republic Of Uzbekistan, e-mail:

The problem of using marketing strategies of Uzbekistan’s insurance companies is considered. Studied the overall state of the insurance market of the republic and development trends in recent years. The importance of modern information technologies to improve using marketing strategies is considered. Prospective opportunities of Uzbekistan insurance companies in the development of its activities
through using of modern marketing is also object of the article.
Keywords:  insurance market, insurance companies, insurance activities, insurance intermediaries, marketing of insurance services.

1. Abdullayeva N., Perevozkina N. Market case.Results in 2013. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 14.07.2015).
2. Borisova N. Work on life insurance. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 14.07.2015).
3. The new in legislation. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 15.07.2015).
4. "Uzagrosugurta" introduces a system of automated data processing. [Electronic resource] (accessed 17.07.2015).
5. Insurance of risks. Reference portal of insurance. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 14.07.2015).
6. Insurance Marketing. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 17.07.2015).
7. Specifics of marketing in insurance. Reference portal of insurance. [Electronic resource] URL: (accessed 15.07.2015).



Regional marketing as a tool to attract investments
Bodrova Z.A., Researcher, The Urals Institute of Administration – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, е-mail:
Loginov M.P., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, The Urals Institute of Administration – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, е-mail:

Marketing of territories is a tool that contributes fundraising through identifying reserves which may make the individual features of the territory, which are usually allocated and presented with the help of well-crafted image or the brand.
Keywords: marketing of territories, investment, marketing tools, the brand, the brand platform.

1. Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. The image, reputation and brand territory// IVF. - 2008. -№ 8. - pp. 3-16.
2. Vorontsov G.V., Levdanskii N.E. The use of innovative marketing tools territories// Science. Innovation. Technology. - 2013. - № 2. - pp. 107-116.
3. Zinnurov I.F., Sitnova I.A. Tools territorial marketing as a factor in increasing the region's konkurentoustoychivosti// Economics, Management and Law: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. - 2008. - pp.  53-56.
4. Loginov M.P., Murinovich A.A. Municipal experience in the implementation of social projects // Municipality: economics and management. -2014. - №3 (8).
5. Pankrukhin A.P. Territorial marketing// Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 1999. - № 5.
6. Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing areas: Textbook. – M.: RAGS, 2002. -pp.  42.
7. Suhonen B.A. Systematic approach to the problem of forming the image of the territory// Power. - 2012. - pp.103.
8. Turgel I.D., Karpov E.V. Methodical bases of strategic analysis of socio-economic development of the municipality// Regional economy: theory and practice. - 2008. - № 36.
9. Uskova T.V., Barabanov A.S. Territorial marketing as a tool for socio-economic development// Problems of development of the territory. -2008. - № 2 (42). - pp. 38-47.



Selecting online agency for the enterprise
Bylina V.Y., Master of Economic Sciences, Postgraduate, Department of Marketing, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:
Golik V., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Marketing Department, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:

Cooperation with online agencies is regarded by enterprises as an alternative of creation your own internet-marketing department. Due to the large amount of online agencies enterprises are faced with a difficult task of selecting the online agency for cooperation. Using the method reviewed in the article will help the company make the right choice.
Keywords: Internet, SEO-companies, online agencies, website promotion, matrix method, internet marketing.

1. Grohovskij L.O. How to Choose a SEO-company and monitor its operation  /  L.O. Grohovskij // Marketing. Management. – 2011. – №8-9. – P. 88-93.
2. Rating of SEO-companies [Electronic resource]. – 2015. –  Mode of access: – Date of access: 23.02.2015.
3. Golik V.S. Solving tasks of online marketing by using matrix method of expert estimation  / V.S. Golik  // Economics and Management. – 2008. – №3. – P. 99-108



World market of copper: condition and prospects of development
Yakubov N.M., chief economist of JC “Uzbek Refractory and heat-resistant metals», e-mail:

The major factors influencing a condition and prospects of development of the world market of copper, tactical price fluctuations, the demand and supply, and also the forecast for copper extraction and production are shown. In the long term in the world the steady increase in extraction and production of copper is observed. It is noted that for the last 30 years copper production increases on average by 13–15% each 10 years, and annual average copper prices are expected on level not below this year that guarantees the raised profits to the companies working in this industry.
Keywords:  copper, raw materials, price, demand, offer, forecast, world market, investments, profitability.

2. Amedov N.A., Zavyalov G.E., Zemlyanov A.A. and other, Ore deposits of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: GIDROINGEO, 2001.-661s.
3. l85_%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8C_Copper_%D1%8D%D1%82%D0%BE
4. Negmatov S.S., Abdukadirov A.A., Yakubov M.M., Saynazarov A.M., Preparation of copper concentrate from the slag compositions and study its impact on the process of smelting copper smelting production reflectivity // Composite Materials, Tashkent. 2011. - № 2. - pp 78-81
5. Starostin V.N., Mineral resources of the world in the third millennium // Soros Educational Journal, 2001.- T. 7.- №6. -C. 48-55.
7. Yakubov N.M., Factors affecting the price and condition of the world's production of non-ferrous metals // Economy and education, Tashkent, 2012. - №7. - S.59-61



Technical Consumer Goods market Q1 2015 in Russia: the sales has plummeted
Maxim Bystritskiy, Sub Regional Manager CIS, GfK Consumer Choices

 1 in 10 completely satisfied with their looks
Alexander Fedotov, Communications Specialist, GfK Rus

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