Challenges and limits of high-technology marketing
Parkhimenko V.A., PhD, Head of Economics Department, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), e-mail:
Salakhov R.A., Senior Manager of the E-commerce Department, «A&A» Business Travel Services Holding, Master of Economic Sciences, e-mail:
The article describes the current trends of transformation of marketing. This phenomenon is founded on marketing conversion from the activity based on common sense, intuition, experience and gut feelings of market, in technology intensive professional activity, based on the use of the latest achievements in the field of information technology. Related new opportunities and new threats are considered as well.
Keywords: technology intensive marketing, big data, marketing informatization, information asymmetry, dynamic pricing, marketing personalization, e-commerce, superintelligence.
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Formation of market development strategy in conditions of instability
Zimina T.V., PhD, Professor of the Department of “Economic theory and economic policy” Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia Boris Yeltsyn,
e-mail: zimina1964@
The article explains how to use some of the main marketing tools in the formation of market development strategies. The analysis focuses on the importance of the strategy in conditions of instability and accounting characteristics of the output on a new market.
Keywords: marketing strategy, anti-crisis marketing, market development strategy, PEST-analysis, SWOT-analysis, confectionery market.
1. Golubkov E. P. Aanti-crisis marketing.// Marketing in Russia and Abroad, 2009, № 1.
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The impact of information and communication technologies on tourism development in the republic of Uzbekistan
Safarov Bahodirhon, Ph.D.,Samarkand Institute Economic and Service, Bobir Mirzo str., 53, Samarkand, 140105, Republic of Uzbekistan., e-mail
The article is about impact of ICT in the development of tourism system in Uzbekistan. The industry of tourism is one of the biggest consumers of ICT, as information about touristic products has to be in due time available from various parts of globe. The Uzbek tourism system during last years has turned into dynamically developing branch of economy demanding constant technological innovations. The aim of this report consists in justification the expediency of introducing the special soft ware focused on travel
companies from the point of view of economic efficiency of their activity and improvement of quality of touristic product.
Keywords: economic of tourism, process, resource, infrastructure, information and communication technologies.
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Marketing research online resource
Limareva Julia, PhD Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Economics and Marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:
The article presents a marketing research of users on-line resource, spent to identify opportunities for the development of the portal brand media group «Sign», the largest news agency in Magnitogorsk. The study suggests the possibility of the development of the brand, for media group recommendations for use of the opportunities for further development of the portal of the brand.
Keywords: brand development, online-resources, consumer research, Internet advertisment, market of information, information products.
1. Bolshakov V.V., Limarev P.V., Ostapchenko L.A. Vlijanie mirovogo jekonomicheskogo krizisa na mikrojekonomicheskuju politiku malyh predprijatij // sb.: dostizhenija i perspektivy jekonomicheskogo razvitija / sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Nauchnyj centr «Aeterna». Ufa, 2014. P. 15-19.
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5. Zinoveva, E.G., Subach I.A. Marketingovye kommunikacii. Pablik rilejshzn Magnitogorsk, 2008.
6. Limarev P.V. Ocenka informacionnogo produkta na regionalnom rynke televizionnoj informacii // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. № 6. P. 72-79.
7. Limarev P.V. Sravnitelnyj analiz reklamnyh vozmozhnostej seti internet i pechatnyh sredstv massovoj informacii // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2007. № 6. P. 119-124.
8. Limarev P.V. Instrumenty upravlenija jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnostju v organizacii // avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. jekon. nauk / Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet pechati im. Ivana Fedorova. Moskva, 2012.
9. Limarev P.V., Subach I.A. Socialnaja organizacija predprijatija: vperjod v proshloe // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015. № 4. P. 131-134.
10. Mamleeva L., Percija V. Anatomija brenda: tehnologija razrabotki i razvitija brenda. – M.: Vershina, 2007. – 288 p.
11. Muzykant V.L. Marketingovye osnovy upravlenija kommunikacijami. – M.: Jeksmo, 2008. – 832 p.
12. Sysoeva, S.V. Nekotorye aspekty «informatizacii» i «informacionnoj infrastruktury» kak jekonomicheskoj kategorii / S. V. Sysoeva // Intellektualnyj potencial XXI veka: stupeni poznanija : Sb. materialov II Mezhdunarodnoj studencheskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / pod obshh. red. P.S. Chernova. – Novosibirsk : izd-vo NGTU, 2010. – P. 360 – 363.
13. Hisametdinov I.N., Limarev P.V. Ponimanie sushhnosti marketinga kak filosofii biznes-idei // Aktualnye problemy jekonomicheskogo razvitija / Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Ufa, Respublika Bashkortostan, 2014. – P. 308-311.
The services satisfaction study of Moscow city passenger transport
Sidorchouk R.R., Doctor of Economics (marketing), Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:
Efimova D.M., Ph.D., Associate professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:
An important area of marketing activities in the public transport sector aims to increase passenger satisfaction. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the attributes that define the quality aspects. The authors have developed a methodology built on models of “contact points”, multatributive models and final integrated assessment of satisfaction, is calculated by averaging the ratings for each attribute (using Fishbein). The technique involves determine the satisfaction of the passenger in the form of an integral index, comparing values in different waves of
research it is possible to conclude that the change in the quality of transport service.
Keywords: market research, satisfaction, quality of services, methods for assessing the quality of services.
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Actual issues of improving milk and dairy products quality in conditions of import substitution
Gubanov R.S., candidate of economic Sciences, senior researcher, Center for industrial Economics of the Federal state budgetary institution «Scientific research Institute of Finance» of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, associate Professor, Department of Economics Ryazan Institute of Economics, NOU VPO «St. Petersburg University of management and Economics», e-mail:
In the article the problem of quality milk production. Examines the current state of the dairy industry’s needs in import substitution. It is proposed to improve the activity on the dairy market from the perspective of upgrading the internal resources of production and usage of goat milk. States that the conditions of import substitution of dairy products provide for compliance with the requirements for milk quality and ensuring its improvement through the introduction of innovations.
Keywords: quality, quality milk, quality milk products, quality improvement, import substitution.
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Importance of tourism logo in country branding
Shayekina Z.M., HD, full prof. (Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University), e-mail:
Tleuberdinova A.T., HD, full prof. (Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University), e-mail:
Usenova D.M., MSc in economics and business., senior teacher (Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University), e-mail:
The article is considered the features of the logo as a distinctive symbol of identification of the country as a tourist destination. In this article the quality of the various formed logos and slogans has been analyzed for the different countries. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the correct choice of a logo for the corresponding perception of the country offers by potential consumers of tourism services.
Keywords: logo, branding, slogan, visual identity.
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Formation of organizational marketing strategy in an unfavorable economic conditions
Tetushkin V.A., candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic analysis and quality, Fsbei HPE Tambov state technical University, e-mail:
The purpose of this study is to consider the process of formation of marketing strategy of the organization in adverse economic conditions. In detail the changes in marketing strategies of firms such as Samsung, Apple and Nokia.
Keywords: marketing, strategy, analysis, economy, crisis, organization.
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Branding in foreign universities
Neretina E.A., Doctor of economics, professor, head of marketing department, Ogarev Mordovia State University, e-mail:
Korokoshko U.V., Ph.D in economics, associate professor of marketing department, Ogarev Mordovia State University, e-mail:
Gvozdetskaya I.V., Ph.D in economics, associate professor of marketing department, Ogarev Mordovia State University, e-mail:
Actuality of the problem of ensuring the effectiveness of branding in educational institutions necessitates the study of practical experience of leading foreign universities in solution of this problem. Now the functions of branding are successfully implemented in many universities of the United States and Europe. In the article describes a modern condition, institutional support and features the organization branding in foreign universities as an example of prestigious higher educational institutions of the USA and Germany.
Keywords: marketing, branding, brand, university, education, positioning.
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Models of environmentally-responsible behavior of territories
Strekalova A.S., Volgograd State University Ph.D., undergraduate student, e-mail:
Taking into account the territorial specificity of environmental places marketing, the article adapted and used the classification of environmentally responsible companies F. Kotler. An addition was made in the form of models of behavior of territories – ecobrand defenders. These criteria and examples of different strategies of place behavior are taken.
Keywords: place marketing, place branding, ecological place marketing, behavior models, environmental responsibility, resource equipment.
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18. 2014 EPI [Official website]. – URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2015).
19. Advancing Sustainability. Sustainability Report. Masdar [Official Report]. – 2013. – 130 p.
20. Burns J. Futuristic Eco-City Masdar Keeps Rising, Right On (a New) Schedule [Official website]. PSFK. – 2014. – URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2015).
21. Government of the Hong Kong. Environmental Protection Department [Official website]. – URL: (дата обращения: 20.09.2015).
22. Masdar City [Official website]. – URL.: (дата обращения: 19.09.2015).
23. Sustainable Sydney 2030. City of Sydney [Official website]. – URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2015).
24. Yun M. Hong Kong Will Ban High-Polluting Vehiches to Smog / M. Yun // Bloomberg Business, 20.12.2012. – URL: (дата обращения: 05.10.2015).
Current status of mobile services market in Uzbekistan
Makhkamov B.S., Competitor of Tashkent State Technical University, e-mail:
In article the current state and tendencies of development of the market of mobile services in Uzbekistan and what a deal today in the market of mobile operators of the republic are researched. Also considered and analyzed activity of the main mobile operators, such as Beeline Uzbekistan, Ucell, Perfectum Mobile, Uzmobile and UMS where each company has its own positioning in the market.
Keywords: mobile communication, mobile operators, subscriber, services, mobile standards, index of development, penetration of mobile communication.
1. Ratinskiy M.V. Fundamentals of mobile communication / Under redaction Zimina D.B. – M.: Radio and communication, 2009. – 274 p.
2. Kuzovkova T.A. Estimates of communication services on the basis of a modular principle of the method managed forecast. - M .: CSTI "Informsvyaz".
3. Makhkamov B.SH. Innovative development of mobile services in Uzbekistan. T.:, Economy and Education (Iqtisodiyot va ta’lim) // 2009, №6, 142-146.
4. Mahkamov B.Sh. Features of development of the market for mobile services in Uzbekistan. T .: Journal taxpayer // 2010, №2 (24), 33-34.
5. Report of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of RUz for the I-half-year of 2015. (
6. Makhkamov B.Sh. Problems of formation of insurance mechanism of information risks. Int. conference, 8-9 октябрь 2013, Gunadarma, West Java, Indonesia.
To the question about the influence of external rules on foreign trade of enterprises (on example of procurement law No. 223-FZ)
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:
Despite the expanding practice of import substitution in Russia, the need for enterprises to foreign materials, machinery, equipment is still very great. Quite a considerable share of demand is generated by companies located in the area of management of procurement law No. 223-FZ “On procurement of goods, works and services certain types of legal entities”. The State planned adoption of regular changes in the legislation on procurement, which, according to the author, can significantly limit the direct contacts of Russian companies with foreign partners and lead to the widening of the intermediary structures.
Keywords: foreign trade activities, procurement law No. 223-FZ, external rules, e-procurement, import transactions, foreign trade intermediaries.
1. Tsukhlo S. Process has run: how does the import substitution in industry [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (accessed 10.10.2015).
2. Paneyakh E.L. Formal rules and informal institutions applying them in Russian economic practice // Economic sociology. 2001. Book 2. № 4. pp. 56-68.
3. Tsarikovskiy A.Yu. State regulation of procurement of goods, works, services, specific types of legal entities // Corporate purchasing-2015: practical application of Federal Law No. 223-ФЗ. Collection of reports. – M.: PH «Yurisprudenciya», 2015. – 256 p.
4. State-owned companies will be indicated the place // Vedomosti. – 2015. – 1st of October.
5. State-owned companies are forced to save // Kommersant. – 2015. – 29th of September.
6. Trusted third party // Auction Messenger, No. 133. – 2013. – 15th of March 15.
Different approaches to managing new product development (case study)
Golubkov E.P., Honored Science Worker of Russia, doctor of economics, professor, chief of chair «Management & Entrepreneurship», the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Two very different firms, Canon Inc. and Apple Computer Inc., are used as case study illustrations. Innovation does not proceed through logical deduction, but rather is furthered by the use of metaphors and analogies. The bureaucratic and staid structures of the firm can be challenged and broken up to provide the space for innovations to emerge. The leader's role in the innovating firm is as a catalyst and facilitator. The importance of innovations is not merely in the new product, but also the “ripple” effects of innovations which can propel the firm into a self-renewal process.
Keywords: case study, new product, innovation management, high-technology, market, project team, new ideas, customer, new product pricing, slogans, strategy.
1. Golubkov E.P. Innovative management. Text-book. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015.
2. Aoki M. Information, incentives and bargaining in the Japanese economy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989.
3. Daft R., Weick K. Toward a model of organizations as interpretation systems // Acad. Manage. Rev. – 1984. – 9(2).
4. Florida R., Kenney M. The breakthrough illusion: corporate America’s inability to link production and innovation. – New York: Basic, 1990.
5. Guterl F. Design case history: Apple’s Macintosh. – IEEE Spectrum, 1984, December, 1984.
6. Quinn W. Managing innovation: controlled chaos // Harv. Bus. Rev. – 1985. – May-June.
7. Young J. Steven Jobs: the journey is the reward. – Glenview: Scott Foresman, 1988.
Marketing communications mix
Golubkova Eugenia, Ph.D in economics, e-mail:
Shirochenskaya Irina, Ph.D in economics, e-mail:
The artical analyses types of marketing communications, provides a model and system of marketing communications. Detailed characteristics of main communication mix elements such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing are provided. The peculiarities of their usage for various goals and tasks are analyzed.Methods of how to develop advertising and PR appeals and to select the method of their delivery to the customers are provided. Media planning and integrated marketing communication are considered in detail.
Keywords: marketing communications, marketing communications mix (promotional mix), marketing communications system, elements of marketing communications mix (promotional mix), media planning, integrated marketing communication.
1. Aleshina I. V. Public Relations for Managers, Moscow, Ekmos , 2003–480 p.
2. Burnett John, Moriarty Sandra Introduction to Marketing Communication: An Integrated Approach, (translated from English), St Petersburg, 2001 – 864 p.
3. Vikentev I. L. Methods of Advertising and Public Relations. Programs-consultants. - St Petersburg, TRIS-CHANCE, 2007 – 406 p.
4. Golubkov E. P. Marketing, Moscow, Finpress, 2008. – 704 p.
5. Golubkov E. P. Marketing: glossary-directory, Moscow, Delo, 2000 – 440 p.
6. Golubkova E. N. Marketing Communications, Moscow, D&S, 3-rd edition, 2011 – 336 p.
7. Gorokhova V.M., Grinberg T. E. Public Relations. Theory, Practice, Communication Strategies, Moscow, Aspect Press, 2011– 200 p.
8. Dokhlyan S. B., Ovsyannikova T.S. Principles of Marketing, Moscow, Prospect, 2010– 272 p.
9. London School of Public Relations – course of lectures; Lecture 1 “Introduction to PR and Marketing Communications” Lecture 5 “Media Relations”, Lecture 11 “Issues and Crisis Management”, (by Michael Bland and John Dalton – LSPR)
10. Marketing Communications – textbook edited by Krasiuk I.N. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2012 – 272 p.
11. Naumova A. V. Integrated Marketing Communications at Points of Sale, part 2 Personal Sales – Novosibirsk, SibUPK, 2007– 126 p.
12. Romat E.V. Advertising, textbook for universities, - St Petersburg, Piter 7-th edition, 2008 – 512 p.
13. Rossiter John R, PercyLAdvertising Communication and Promotion Management, (translated from English), St Petersburg, Piter, 2000– 651 p.
14. Smith Paul R, Pulford Alan, Berry, Chris Strategic Marketing Communications, (translated from English), Moscow, UNITI-DANA, 2001 – 415 p.
15. Chumikov A. N., Bocharov M. P. Public Relations: Theory and Practice. A Classical University Textbook Series, Moscow, Delo, 2010 – 552 p.
16. Fill Ch. Marketing Communications. Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 2006. – 912 c.
17. Kotler Ph. Marketing Management. Prentice Hall International, 2000. – 805 с.
18. Yeshin T. Integrated Marketing. Communications Butterworth Heinemann, 1998. – 354 c.
19. The site of American Association of Advertising Agencies –
20. The site of Direct Marketing Association -
21. The site of “Savushkin Product Company”
GfK study: young shoppers in Russia and what they want?
Alexander Fedotov, Communications Specialist , e-mail:
Principles of consumers and markets analysis
Wood M., independent expert
In this article are described the main principles of consumers and markets analysis, as well as segmentation, target consumers determination and positioning. This article describes in detail such very important elements as of marketing planning as the study of the market by definitions, changes and shares; are explained the main types of influence on the consumer behavior on consumer and corporate markets. The importance of segmentation, target consumers definition and positioning is grounded; methods of segmentation variables detection for consumer and corporate markets are explained; nondifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated and individualized target marketing is described; efficient positioning criteria are discussed.
Keywords: consumers and markets analysis, segmentation, target consumers definition, positioning, market study by definition, changes and shares, influence types on consumer behavior, segmentation, target consumers definition and positioning, methods of segmentation variables definition for consumer and corporate markets, non-differentiated, concentrated and individualized target marketing, efficient positioning criteria.