The role and place of club institutions in the processes of exchange and coordination among firms in the «new economy»
Pleshchenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department,
The development of modern consumer society, the emergence of the “new economy” have initiated the origin of new forms and mechanisms of networking occurs both at the level of the economic agents and individuals. In the context of the “new economy” the development of inter-firm interaction goes on a journey of education club business communities as institutions network coordination. With respect to the individual consumption of clubs to become direct participants in the processes of exchanges, encouraging additional demand for products and services. On the other hand modern clubs contribute to rationalizing
consumption and ensure comfortable environment for the workflow.
Keywords: consumer society, the economic theory of clubs, the “new economy”, the intercompany co-ordination, institutions, networks, business community, business reputation (goodwill).
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The concept of rural areas marketing
Chulkova G.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of Department of Economics and Production
Organization The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Smolensk State Agricultural Academy” Smolensk, Russia, e-mail:
Identified the definition of “marketing of rural territories” on the basis of the transformation of the concepts “marketing” and “rural area”. The most significant elements that characterize the marketing of rural areas. The basic elements of the content marketing of rural areas.
Keywords: marketing of rural areas, the objectives of rural areas marketing, the subject-object relationship marketing, strategies for rural areas marketing.
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The marketing component of the social capital
Korotkovа T.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Marketing and Project Management, National Research University of Electronic Technology, e-mail:
At the present stage of marketing development it is particularly complex and pressing issues are mutual understanding and trust, which should be solved in the process of formation, functioning and development of the business. In this connection becomes particularly important application of the concept of social capital in the development of marketing strategies and tactics to implement them.
Keywords: social capital, marketing, the structure of social capital, areas of implementation, synergistic effect.
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The marketing approach to fundraising: theoretical aspect
Korneeva I.E., Research Fellow National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector, e-mail:
The article discusses theoretical aspects of marketing approach to fundrasing in nongovernmental organizations. The author analyzes the marketing concept of fundraising, discusses major approaches to its measuring and provides and in-depth account of its major components: collecting information about needs, preferences, motives of donors, distribution of information between employees and departments of an organization, coordinated response initiated on the basis of this information and providing for planning and realization of marketing programs.
Keywords: nongovernmental nonprofit organizations, nonprofit sector, fundraising, marketing approach, marketing orientation, MARKOR, donor.
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Russian cosmetic market in terms of economic crisis
Seyfullaeva Maisa, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department for Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Laskina Olga, Head of Trade Marketing Department LLC L’Oréal, LUX division,
The article is analyzed the state and actual tendencies of the Russian cosmetic market in economic crisis. Shows the influence of the crisis on the development of the market and the domestic beauty industry in the medium term.
Keywords: russian cosmetics market, imports, exports, import substitution, market forecast, market leaders, economic sanctions, the crisis.
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3. Korolewa J., Bolotowa S. State Russian cosmetic market: trends and prospects a//Problems of modern economy.-2013.-N 2 (46)-p. 181-184.
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Marketing aspects of phonosemantic sounding influence of goods names on consumers sensory reactions
Zavorokhina N.V., pHD., professor chair of technology of food, The Ural state economic university, e-mail:
Tchugunova O.V., pHD., manager chair of technology of food, The Ural state economic university, e-mail:
Article is devoted to research of influence of sounding of the word on associative sensory subconscious reactions of the consumer. Authors give results of own researches on definition of the mechanism of emergence of visual, acoustical, olfactory associations for words of the having amental image and unknown words. It is revealed that the mechanism of perception of the word (name) and, respectively, sensory associations connected with it whether depend on that language in which this word is told, native is. The hypothesis of direct link between sounding of the name of goods and its associative sensory perception that allows to use this fact in marketing and at advance of goods is considered.
Keywords: sounding, naming, sensory, phonosemantics, goods, marketing.
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7. Arkhipova O. N. Increase of efficiency of comparative researches by means of use of a qualitative and quantitative method of semantic differential. Marketing in Russia and abroad, No. 1 - 2005. - Page 7-12
8. Zavorokhina N.V. Use of specifics of the mechanism of sense of smell of the person and the olfaktornykh of tendencies as the instrument of touch marketing Practical marketing, No. 09 (151), 2009 of, erased 3-9
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Marketing research and CRM: possibilities of effective coexistence in the organization
Vetrova T.V., senior lecturer, Department of Strategic Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics, e-mail:
Dolzhenko R.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor, Department of Strategic Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics, e-mail:
Manin A.V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, assistant professor, Department of Strategic Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics, managing partner of GK «Business-Garden», e-mail:
The article examines the nature and components of the customer relationship management (CRM). The preconditions of its occurrence and the typical CRM implementation aims and objectives are highlighted. The operational and analytical CRM component are delineated. The capabilities and limitations of marketing research and CRM as a source of information for making strategic management decisions are compared. The features of marketing research for solving typical CRM tasks are highlighted. It is shown that the key to the formation of high customer loyalty is the effective use of CRM. The possibilities of integration the marketing research and CRM functions in the company are studied. The key responsibilities and competencies required of employees of marketing departments in these conditions are highlighted.
Keywords: marketing, relationship marketing, marketing research, customer relations management.
1. Golubkova, E.N. Vnedrenie koncepcii CRM na predprijatii / E. N. Golubkova, D. M. Davtjan // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2003. - N3. – S.123-131
2. Kartashov, S.V. Upravlenie kompleksom marketinga predprijatija na osnove CRM-tehnologij / S.V. Kartashov, I.A. Kul'chickaja, N.M. Potashnikov // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2002.- №2. - S. 14-22
3. CRM Data Strategies: The Critical Role of Quality Customer Information, 2007. Jelektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa: //
4. Nancarrow, C. New directions in customer research and the issue of ownership: A marketing research viewpoint / C. Nancarrow, S. Rees, M. Stone // Journal of database marketing & customer strategy management. – 2003. - №11(1). – P. 26-39
Virality of medical content in social media
Tkhorikov B.A., Head of the Department of Management Organizations of Belgorod State National Research University, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, e-mail:
The article presents the results of the original sociological study aimed at determining the optimal content of special medical content for social media, provides an assessment of different types of content virality.
Keywords: content marketing, inbound marketing, virality, medical organizations.
1. Effective health promotion // Center for Creative Technologies [electronic resource]. URL: (date of the application: 21.02.2016).
2. Vyubben J. (2014) Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web and Mobile.
3. Ivlev A.Y, Burkov S.G. Overweight problem is medical, not cosmetic // Obesity and metabolizm. – 2010 – № 3. – P. 15-19.
Market conditions as a line of marketing research
Anokhin E. V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Management and Marketing Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, e-mail:
Anokhin V. A., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance and Credit Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail:
This paper gives the description of the core of the market, states viewpoints of domestic and foreign scientists on the classification of types of market. The peculiarities of marketing research procedures (methods, principles, customers and research performers) are considered herein. It analyzes the methodology of the market situation survey, the market conjuncture position among other lines of marketing research.
Keywords: market conditions (conjuncture), market, marketing research, lines of marketing research, factors.
1. Anokhin E. V., Anokhin V. A. Evolution of Marketing Research Abroad and in Russia//Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series Economics, no 3, 2015. P. 33-42.
2. Anokhin E.V. History and Organization of Marketing Research (by the Example of Nizhny Novgorod market) // Economy and Entrepreneurship, 2015, no. 5, pp. 930-935.
3. Anokhin V.A. The Market Situation Survey / Anokhin V.A., Anokhin E.V.// Communications Management in Business and Policy: Proceedings of the 10th Regional Scientific and Practical Conference (N. Novgorod, 28-29 November 2012) - N. Novgorod: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Press, 2013. – 221 p.- P. 16-21.
4. Arzhenovsky I.V. Introduction to Regional Economy. Part 1. Theoretical Basis of Regional Economy: Manual. N. Novgorod: VVPAA, 1999. – 63 p.
5. Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich V.M., Ann Kh. Marketing: Student’s Textbook. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2007, 736 p.
6. Belyavsky I. Commodity Market Statistics: Assessment of Market Conditions // Issues of Statistics, 1997. № 4.
7. Large Commercial Dictionary /edited by T.F. Ryabova. – М., institute of new economy, 1996.
8. Golubkov Е.P. Marketing Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice. Мoscow, Finpress Publ., 1998, 416 p.
9. Kameneva N.G., Polyakov V.А. Marketing Research: Manual. Мoscow: Vuzovskii uchebnik Publ., 2006, 439 p.
10. Kotler F. Principles of Marketing: Transl. from Eng. / under the general editorship of E.M. Penkova/ - M.: Progress, 1990. –736 p.
11. Nozdreva N., Tsygichko L. Marketing. How to Win in the Maket. – М: Finance and Statistics, 1991.
12. Churchill G.A. Marketing Research. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2000, 752 p.
The marketability of Russian business entities in the sphere of bath-house stoves
Golubeva Mrs. M., Ph.D in Economics, “Management and Marketing” A.P. of FGBOU VPO “Kostroma State university of N.Nekrasov”, е-mail:
In the present article you can find the general results concerning the market positioning of Russian business entities in the sphere of bath-house stoves, the research is done basing the integrated method of the quality and quantity parameters. The integral level of the marketability is determined in respect of the strategic group of the goods’ manufacturers as well as the perspective directions for its increase.
Keywords: marketability, segmentation, strategic group of the business rivals, the competitor map of the market, competitive advantage, the level (degree) of the marketability.
1. Belousova A. N. “The quality of service as the basic criterion for the consumers” text by Mrs. A.Belousova // Samara State Univerisity Vestnik - 2013, No2, page 13-16.
2. Vaisman E.D. “The positioning maps in the strategy of the company development” text/ Mrs. E.Vaisman, Mrs.I.Solovyeva // Marketing. - 2010, No1, page 39-47.
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Customer-oriented marketing (analysis of higher education institutes experience)
Shalyapina M.A., senior lecturer, Kaliningrad state technical university (KGTU),
The article presents the results o fauthor desk research of HEI marketing activities and relevant changes to their marketing strategies. Proceeding from this goal, we set the following tasks: to identify modern approaches to the role of marketing in increasing of HEI competitivenesspresented in foreign marketing literature; to summarize current marketing practices of in the EU, the US and Canada.The main results of the study are the generalized experience in HEI developing marketing strategies and identified some trends in educational services online marketing.The findings may be taken into account in the development of HEI online marketing activities, as well as the assessment of their effectiveness.
Keywords: HEI, marketing, customer-oriented approach, target audience, online marketing, branding, foreign experience.
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3. Starkova N.O., Sokolova I.V. Vidy marketingovykh kommunikatsii v internet-srede [Types of marketing communications in the Internet environment]. Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo - Economics and Entrepreneurship. – 2014. – No 11-3 (52-3). P. 422-426.
4. Shaljapina M.A. Rol' distancionnyh obrazovatel'nyh tehnologij v sovremennoj sisteme vysshego obrazovanija. Globalizacija nauki: problem i perspektivy [The role of distance learning technologies in the modern system of higher education. Globalization of Science: problems and prospects]: a digest of articles of the International scientific and practical conference. the 7th of February 2014. / Ed. A.A. Sukiasyan. Ufa: RIC BashSU, 2014. P.154-155.
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MICE as a tool for the promotion of the university on the market of higher education
Spirina N.A., Candidate of Science (Economics), Head of the Educational Marketing Department, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory of the Ural Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
The article analyzes the prospects for implementation of MICE-activities in the work on promoting higher education. The author examines the business event in MICE-activities system as one of the necessary conditions for increasing the efficiency of internal and external marketing, reviews the MICE-tools for implementation in the university system of communications.
Keywords: MICE, MICE tools, higher education, educational marketing, university image.
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Planning service quality in the institutions of culture (Penza town)
Mol'kin A.N., assistant of the Department “Marketing and Economic theory”, Penza state University of architecture and construction, e-mail:
Chernikov M.V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of Management, Penza state University of architecture and construction,
Providing quality services cultural institutions have a positive impact, both internal and external factors of its development. Theatres that have established a quality control system can provide better services than those theatres do not have the quality control system.
Keywords: control of services quality, non-profit organization, theatre, culture, resource management.
1. Zhigalov D.V., How to evaluate the performance of "new" budget institutions? // The head of the budget organization. 2011. N 8. S. 10 - 24.
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3. Kartashov N.N., Practical Application AU mechanism on the basis of functional target model management // The head of an autonomous institution. 2012. N 6. P. 34 - 41.
4. Fakhrutdinova A.Z., Assessment of the quality of services in the field of culture: methodology and methods of formation and measurement // Head autonomous institution. 2012. N 4. S. 44 - 53.
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The main stakeholders’ strategy as the most effective market coverage strategy
(on example of cultural organizations)
Samoilenko G.Y., Postgraduate of the Department for Marketing and Advertising of the OmSU n.a. F.M. Dostoevskiy, e-mail:
The article is actual because marketing management theory doesn’t have practice-relevant strategy that includes more optimal overall market coverage though market segmentation, latent consumers identification taking into account specifics of consumers in cultural sphere, logical making groups of stakeholders in every organization, building strong connection between organization and consumer. Together these components make synergistic effect. It is important strategic advantage of modern relationship marketing.
Keywords: marketing strategy, the main stakeholders strategy, marketing of culture, market coverage, segmentation, synergetic effect, status in the marketing mix, latent consumers, relationship marketing.
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3. Neil G. Kotler, Philip Kotler, Wendy I. Kotler. Museum marketing and strategy: designing missions, building audiences, generating revenue and resources. – San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008.
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5. Tulchinskii G. L., Shekova E. L. Menedzhment v sfere kul'tury: Uchebnoe posobie [Management in Cultural Sphere], Saint Petersburg, Izdatel'stvo «Lan'»; Izdatel'stvo «Planeta muzyki», 2009. (In Russ.).
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The Magnitogorsk city’s image in the minds of its inhabitants
Limarev P., PhD economic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:
Subach I., PhD pedagogic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:
Limareva Ju., PhD pedagogic, assosiated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:
The standard of living of the region depends on the attitude of people in the region to their place of residence. If the region is attractive for living in it people, there is a favorable investment climate, there is no demographic problems, an increasing number of enterprises, there is economic growth. The article describes a study that evaluates the attractiveness of the city of Magnitogorsk for its residents.
Keywords: territorial marketing, marketing research, city’s image, human resources.
1. Aleksandrova M. Analiz meroprijatij po sovershenstvovaniju struktury upravlenija personalom // Economy and Politic. – 2015. – № 2 (5). P. 11-13.
2. Bancheva A. K voprosu o marketingovoj politike predprijatija // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2011. – № 6. – P. 14-23
3. Vizgalov D. Marketing goroda: Prakticheskoe posobie / D.V. Vizgalov. – M.: Fond «City Economy Institute », 2008. – 110 p.
4. Voronin V., Celyh T., Marketing territorii // Eurasian international scientific-analytical journal – 2011. – №4 (40) – P. 25
5. Gladysheva Ja. Ocenka sovremennogo sostojanija processa razvitija i prodvizhenija regionov i gorodov Rossii // Eurasian international scientific-analytical journal – 2014 – №4 (52) – P.15-18
6. Egorova S.I., Zinoveva E.G. Pozitivnyj imidzh organizacii // Magistrates Herald. – 2014. – № 7-2 (34). P. 48-51.
7. Kalieva O. M., Kudrjavceva I. V., Charikova A. A., Issledovanie imidzha goroda Orenburga // Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences – 2013. – №5 – P. 6-10
8. Majkova S. Imidzh goroda v sisteme territorialnogo marketinga// Marketing. – 2011. – № 4. – P. 56-66
9. Mesсherjakov T. Imidzh goroda kak strategicheskij faktor effektivnogo marketinga territorij // Eurasian international scientific-analytical journal – 2009 – №2 (30) – S. 21-24
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12. Administracija goroda Magnitogorska.
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Transformation of interactions with consumers in conditions of business development
Zerkaliy N.G., Candidate of economic sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic Marketing, Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University, e-mail:
The brisk growth of Internet network has resulted not only in the uprise of Internet-business, but also in fundamental changes in manners and matters of interactions with consumers and companies. Evolution of Internet and thereto related transformation of interactions of business and consumers is considered in the article, upcoming trends of building of such relations were emphasized.
Keywords: Internet business, Internet marketing, marketing of interrelations.
1. Brodovskaja E.V., Shumilova O.E. Results of research «Internet in Russia: Russian users and non-users: correlation and basic aspects». [Electronic resource]. Access:
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4. Kozhushko O. A. Internet marketing and digital strategies. Principles of effective use / O. A. Kozhushko, I. Churkin, A. Ageev etc. – Novosibirsk: RIC NGU, 2015. – 327 p.
5. Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit. – M.: Jeksmo, 2011. – 240 p.
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Russian Consumer 2000–2015
Demidov Alexander, Managing director, GfK Russia
List of marketing and advertising thesises, defended in 2015 (second half-year)
Limarev P., PhD economy, associate professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail: