Needs in tourist services and marketing in tourism: formation and development
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher, Institute of Economics of UB RAS, e-mail:
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of “Economics and Management”, Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
The article shows that the birth and development of the service sector acts like a pattern of The stages of development of sphere of services and formation of the marketing of services identified. The analysis of needs in tourism services and their satisfaction has been made. Characteristics of the main stages in the development of tourism marketing as an independent direction are given.
Keywords: the need in service, rising needs, marketing of services, tourism, needs in tourism services, tourism marketing, tourism product.
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Economic and mathematical methods in marketing decision making
Sulitsky V.N., Dr. Sci., professor of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
The article deals with the implementation of mathematical and statistical methods in marketing planning and management. It presents an example of the implementation of regression analysis that quantitatively estimates the contribution of the selling price and the advertising expense to variations in the sale. It envisages the possibility to study factors that contribute to promotion of industrial goods to a market by means of a model of factor analysis. A special attention is focused on mathematical game theory. On the basis of its methods some practical decisions in advertising are estimated.
Keywords: mathematical and statistical methods in marketing research, developing methods of arketing decision making with the aid of regression analysis, the use of factor analysis in defining the marketing strategies, game theory and competitive situations in marketing.
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Demography about silver consumers in Russia in the first third of the XXI century
Kalabikhina I.Е., Professor, Hab. Doctor in Economics Population Department, Economic Faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:
The article deals with the socio-demographic factors that led to the emergence of a new group of older consumers. Then study investigates the effect of these changes on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the “silver” consumer segment. In conclusion, there is analysis of the demographic potential of the “silver” consumers in Russia in the first third of the XXI century on the basis of official data.
Keywords: Older consumers, socio-demographic factors of the silver consumer segment, a demographic potential of older consumers in Russia.
1. Kalabihina I.E. Demograficheskaja volna rozhdenij i budushhie kolebanija chislennosti naselenija v raznyh vozrastnyh gruppah: vyzovy dlja social'noj politiki// Jekonomicheskie strategii, 2015, № 2, s.2-8.
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Analytics of the russian specialized journals in marketing in 2015
Krasnoslobodtsev А.А, Candidate of Economics, Consultant on the issues of b-2-b branding, е-mail:
Groshev I.V., Doctor in Economics, Doctor in Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor, е-mail:
The article examines the results of the conducted analysis of the Russian specialized journals in marketing over the of 2015 according to the title, positioning, subject headings, frequency of issue and circulation. On the basis of the received results the rating of the journal under consideration is made according to the quality of citations, impact factor and circulation. The quantitative frequency of key journal articles is presented. The analysis of the corpus of articles demonstrates the appearance of new directions of research in the area of marketing such as digital and sanction marketing, big data marketing, quality, ratings, eco-marketing and some others.
Keywords: journal, marketing, marketing of quality, marketing of ratings, positioning, rating, sanction marketing, digital marketing, eco-marketing.
1. BalatskiyE.V., EkimovaN.A. Opyt sostavleniya reytinga rossiyskikh ekonomicheskikh zhurnalov // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2015. – № 8. – S. 99–115.
2. Balatskiy E.V., Ekimova N.A. Problema manipulirovaniya v sisteme RINTS // Vestnik UrFU. Seriya ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 166–178.
3. Murav'yev A.A. O nauchnoy znachimosti rossiyskikh zhurnalov po ekonomike i smezhnym distsiplinam // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 130–151.
4. Polterovich V.M. Missiya ekonomicheskogo zhurnala i institut retsenzirovaniya // Zhurnal Novoy ekonomicheskoy assotsiatsii. – 2011. – № 12. – S. 194–197.
5. Obzor periodicheskikh izdaniy po marketingu //
6. Renking marketingovykh zhurnalov // data/documents/23_Renking_marketing_magazine.pdf
Research of internal tourism consumers in the Republic of Bashkortostan
Limareva Ju.A., PhD pedagogic, assosiated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:
The development of internal tourism today is one of the priorities of the in the tourism industry. Southern Urals by its parameters is almost an ideal place for tourism – there are many attractive from a tourist point of view of the factors in the region. However, due to lack of infrastructure is inhabitants of the Southern Urals are the main consumers of tourism services. The article described research of consumers of tourist services in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Keywords: internal tourism, research, the development of the tourism industry, a portrait of the tourist services’ consumer.
1. Limarev P. Marketingovye issledovanija : konspekt lekcij. – Magnitogorsk, MDP, 2012. – 72 p.
2. Po tropam Juzhnogo Urala.
3. Savina D., Limarev P. Aktualnye napravlenija razvitija vnutrennego turizma na territorii Juzhnogo Urala // Socialno-jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy razvitija ekonomiki / kollektivnaja monografija / pod red. I.V. Tropchenko. Ufa, 2015. P. 184-187.
4. Taran S. Mozhet li vnutrennij turizm na Juzhnom Urale stat lokomotivom ekonomiki?
5. Hisametdinov I., Limarev P. Ponimanie sushhnosti marketinga kak filosofii biznes-idei // Aktualnye problemy jekonomicheskogo razvitija. Sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – Ufa, Aeterna. – 2014. P. 308-311.
Promotion complex of real estate services on the real estate market, Omsk
Chibikova T.V., the candidate of sciences, associate professor Omsk state technical University, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the instruments of promotion of real estate services. As an example, the author uses the market of real estate of Omsk. The recommendations proposed in the paper is based on data from market research and open Internet sources. The article has a scientific and practical character.
Keywords: realtor, marketing, promotion, advertising, marketing communications, the real estate market.
1. Avdasheva S.B., Rozanova N.M. Teorija organizacii otraslevyh rynkov. (Theory of branch markets). M.: IChP «Izdatel'stvo Magistr», 1998. - 320 pp.
2. Berkovich M.I., Grechuhina A.A., Toshmadova T.B. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov vuzov Rossii "Problemy jekonomiki, finansov i upravlenija proizvodstvom". - 2011. - № 30. - pp. 60-66.
3. Vecher N.F., Ol'hovskij A.L. Investicii v kommercheskuju nedvizhimost'. Zhiznennyj cikl ob#ekta. (Investing in commercial real estate. The life cycle of the object). - Spb.: Izdatel'skij dom «Biznes-pressa», 2005. - 176 pp.
4. Garifullin R.S. Jekonomika i upravlenie. - 2008. - № 4. - pp. 112-114.
5. Gochijaeva L.A. Sovremennye nauchnye issledovanija. - 2012. - № 7 (4). - pp. 1
6. Medovyj A.E. Vestnik associacii vuzov turizma i servisa. - 2010.- № 2.- pp. 13-18.
7. Muhamadiev A.S. Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk / Juzhno-rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet jekonomiki i servisa. Kislovodsk, 2011. – 159 pp.
8. Rjabokon' S.V. Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona. - 2012. - T. 22. - № 4-1 (22). - pp. 66 - 68.
9. Chibikova T.V. Vestnik SibADI. – 2013. - № 6. – pp. 170-176
10. Chibikova T.V. Jekonomika. Organizacija proizvodstva. Predprinimatel'stvo. Innovacii: mater. Vseros. Nauch.-prakt. Konf. 6 aprelja 2010 g. / otv. Red. V.f. Potudanskaja. – Omsk: izd-vo omgtu, 2010. – pp.121-124
11. Chibikova T.V. Rol' rijeltera na rynke nedvizhimosti: monografija. (The role of the realtor in the real estate market). – Omsk: Izd-vo OmGTU, 2015 . – 128 pp.
Intraorganizational integration as an effective direction of development of marketing cooperation in IT-companies
Ketova N.P., Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of marketing and communications in the business of the Southern Federal University, Faculty of Management, e-mail:
Semenova N.S., 4th year student of direction “Management” profile “Marketing” Faculty of Management of the Southern Federal University, e-mail:
The article considers the questions regarding the information technology (IT). The characteristic of the Russian IT-market. Also it sanctified aspects of intra-organizational integration in the IT-companies with a view to the successful implementation of the marketing concept of interaction.
Keywords: market of information technologies (IT), IT-company, intraorganizational integration.
1. Agapov V., Pratusevich V., YAkovlev S. Obzor i ocenka perspektiv razvitiya mirovogo i rossijskogo rynkov informacionnyh tekhnologij [EHlektronnyj resurs]. – URL: (Data obrashcheniya: 03.07.2016).
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12. Sushchnost' informacionnogo marketinga [EHlektronnyj resurs]. – URL: (Data obrashcheniya: 03.07.2016).
Marketing research of foreign trade activities competitiveness
Fal’tsman V.K., Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), Professor, Institute of Applied Economic Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, e-mail:
The paper explores prerequisites, prospects and limitations of import substitution and export development in the electronic and radio-electronic industry, information technologies, communications, IT-products, software, production of PCs, TV sets, medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Export substitution is considered to be a complement to support import substitution.
Keywords: import substitution, export substitution, competitiveness, non-resource export, high-tech products.
1. Hotjasheva O. M. Osnovy marketinga //Intensivnyj kurs MBA. Pod red. V. K. Fal'cmana i Je. N. Krylatyh. M.: Infra – M. 2011.
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5. Fal'cman V. K. Diversifikacija rossijskoj jekonomiki. // Voprosy jekonomiki. 2015, № 5.
6. Fal'cman V. K. Importozameshhenie v TJeK i OPK //Voprosy jekonomiki. 2015, № 1.
7. Shmelev N. P., Fedorov V. P. Rossijskie realii // Sovremennaja Evropa, 2013, № 3.
Service-business marketing strategy (on the example of “ROSTELECOM” company)
Tetushkin V.A., candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic analysis and quality, Fsbei HPE Tambov state technical University, e-mail:
The basics of strategic marketing of the company; analyzed marketing strategy of the enterprise of service of the PJSC “Rostelecom” proposed methods to improve the organization’s strategy.
Keywords: marketing, enterprise service, communication, strategy, methods.
1. Karpova, S.V. Formirovanie marketingovoj strategii TNK // Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta. 2008. - № 4. - S. 178-184.
2. Karpova, S.V. Innovacionnaja strategija i ee rol' v formirovanii marketingovoj politiki TNK // Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta. 2009. - № 5. - S. 23-27.
3. Karpova, S.V. Innovacionnye marketingovye strategii TNK i ih vlijanie na povyshenie mezhdunarodnoj konkurentosposobnosti rossijskih kompanij // Innovacii i investicii. 2011. - № 1. - S. 15-21.
4. Chernova, V.Ju. Razrabotka novogo tovara ili modifikacija tekushhego assortimenta kak jelement marketingovoj strategii TNK na rynke bezalkogol'nyh napitkov // Obrazovanie i nauka v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. - № 8 (17). - S. 3-10.
5. Majkson, V., Salin, P. Osnovnye modeli ocenki vklada PUBLIC RELATIONS v marketingovuju strategiju // Marketing i marketingovye issledovanija. 2003. - № 3. - S. 43-47.
6. Nikpor, A. Teoreticheskij vzgljad na strategiju marketingovoj konkurencii // Nauchnoe obozrenie. 2015. - № 17. - S. 212-217.
7. Gubanov, R.S. O vnedrenii marketingovyh innovacionnyh strategij v predprinimatel'skih strukturah // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015. - № 3. - S. 67-72.
8. Kuznecov, A.A. Poisk i analiz kriteriev maksimizacii pribyli innovacionnogo produkta putem vybora optimal'nyh cenovoj i marketingovoj strategiej // Upravlenie innovacijami: teorija, metodologija, praktika. 2015. - № 13. - S. 87-90.
9. Dan'ko, T.P., Hodimchuk, M.A. Sistemy iskusstvennogo intellekta v razrabotke korporativnyh marketingovyh strategij // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2000. - № 5. - S. 26-36.
10. Linkevich, E.F., Gusakova, E.P. Formirovanie konkurentnyh preimushhestv predprijatij setevoj torgovli na osnove marketingovyh strategij // Jekonomika: teorija i praktika. 2014. - № 2 (34). - S. 70-75.
11. Rebrova, N.P. Marketingovoe informacionnoe obespechenie processa razrabotki korporativnyh strategij // Prakticheskij marketing. 2003. - № 12. - S. 2-3.
12. Panibratov, A.Ju. Faktory uspeha marketingovyh strategij MNK v Rossii // Marketing. 2006. - № 1. - S. 66-76.
13. Savchuk, G. A. Upravlenie marketingom na predprijatii : ucheb. posobie / G. A. Savchuk, Ju. V. Mokerova ; M-vo obrazovanija i nauki Ros. Federacii, Ural. feder. un-t. – Ekaterinburg : Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2014. – 112 s.
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15. Oficial'nyj sajt kompanii PAO «Rostelekom»
Features of marketing activities of cultural-leisure centers in regional cities
Maximova E.K., student Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Marketing Manager PJSC “VOLGA Capital”, e-mail:
In modern conditions becomes an urgent task to solve the system of organization and promotion of a full-round cultural activities of the population in regional cities. To solve this problem are encouraged to identify the main target audience and develop a marketing concept which, in my opinion, will increase the indicators such as attendance, level of awareness and reputation, and, of course, will maximize profit.
Keywords: marketing in the cultural and leisure sector, the concept of leisure centers, popularization and promotion of leisure services, recreation.
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3. Perepjolkin N.A. Korporativnye meroprijatija kak napravlenie sobytijnogo marketinga M.ID«Iniciativy XXI veka», 2015 g., s. 23-26.
4. Tul'taeva I.V.,Tul'taev T.A., Kaptjuhin R.V. Vozdejstvie social'nyh setej na kommunikacionnye processy v sovremennom obshhestve (stat'ja VAK) «Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo. Vestnik Volgogradskogo instituta biznesa», 2014 g.
5. Pletneva N.A. Klassifikacija instrumentov sistemy marketingovyh kommunikacij social'noj sfery «Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom», №1(63), 2008 g., s. 36-46.
6. Lopatina N.V. Sociologija marketingaM.: Akademicheskij prospekt, 2007., 372 s.
Brand as a resultant element of the relationship marketing of cultural organizations
Samoilenko G.Y., Postgraduate of the Department for Strategic Marketing of the OmSU n.a. F.M. Dostoevskiy, e-mail:
Building a strong brand is the most important strategic target that determines the efficiency of relationship between organization and stakeholders because brand, in fact, includes all of any significant aspects of relationship marketing, from image to essential (emotional) categories. In this context, brand as complex component is researched by way of example of cultural organizations with activities that must correspond with the high level of cultural product taking into account social responsibility principles.
Keywords: brand, marketing of culture, relationship marketing, public responsibility, cultural product, brand power of influence, brand image, co-branding, brand identity, base of brand, brand atmosphere.
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Marketing in the system of development and promotion of the CrocoTime software
Neretina E.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Marketing, The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University», Saransk, e-mail:
Bochkina O.N., undergraduate of the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University», Saransk, e-mail:
Position of the Russian Federation in the global market of software products is characterized in the article. The role of marketing is shown by the example of one of the best Russian startups – the company “Infomaximum” in the system of development and promotion of CrocoTime software for automated accounting of staff time.
Keywords: marketing, CrocoTime software, consumers, competitors, marketing mix.
1. Gurdin K. Mjagkaja sila Rossii / K. Gurdin // Argumenty nedeli. – 2016. – № 17 (508). – S. 5
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To the question of segmenting the fashion brands
Ivanova A.V., LLC “PLK” (the trade mark is Glance) / Head of International Procurement department, e-mail:
Fashion is the certain part of economy including the system of producing and distributing of the goods (and even more… the service), adjoint systems. We focus on the characteristics which are the most important for the ultimate consumers and pay attention to the fashion segments: haute couture brands, prêt-à-porter de luxe brands, prêt-à-porter brands, diffusion brands, better bridge brands, contemporary bridge brands, budget brands, moderate brands. The matrix of the assortment is the obvious practical document which helps to gather the significant features of the specific segments, to follow the bridge between our past, present and future tenses.
Keywords: fashion, fashion segments, matrix of the assortment, haute couture brands, prêt-à-porter de luxe brands, prêt-à-porter brands, diffusion brands, better bridge brands, contemporary bridge brands, budget brands, moderate brands.
1. [review date: 20.02.16]
2. Department of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation ”Development strategy of the Consumer goods industry in Russian Federation till 2020”, Order 856 of Minpromtorg, Russian Federation
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Market of the international automobile transport of Russia
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:
The analysis of a condition of the international automobile transport of Russia in the developed social and economic conditions is carried out, the role of the motor transport in international transport is noted, the main problems and tendencies of development of this market of transport services are defined. Their low competitiveness caused by adverse conditions of managing remains the main problem for the Russian carriers in this market. It is noted that growth of volume of international transport will be defined how Russian enterprises successfully use chance of devaluation of ruble for strengthening of export of the production.
Keywords: international automobile transport, rolling stock, freight, carrier, transport service, competition.
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Formation of demand for organic production
Mitina E.А., assistant of the department of marketing, trade and customs affairs of the Institute of Economics and Management (a structural subdivision of FSAEI HE Crimean Federal University V. Vernadsky), e-mail:
The paper studied the formation of consumer demand for organic products, the features of environmental marketing communications, described approaches to environmental strategy positioning eco-products, investigated range of environmentally friendly products in the Republic of Crimea, the proposed economic mechanism of implementation of the environmental principle of «user pays».
Keywords: consumer demand, organic production and environmentally friendly products, environmental communication, product assortment.
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