Marketing in nonprofit sector: theoretical aspect
Korneeva I.E., Research Fellow National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector, e-mail:
The article describes theoretical aspects of using marketing in work of NCOs. The paper argues that the concept of marketing is worth to expand to the study of nonprofit sector, market orientation as a form of realization of the concept of marketing in non-commercial organizations has been analyzed both as a philosophy, giving rise to a certain organizational culture, and also as an organizational behavior. Difference between profit and non-profit areas in marketing terms is analysed, problems of NCOs such as defining target market, way of exchange, competition, request to be open for marketing among heads and employees NCOs are described.
Keywords: nongovernmental nonprofit organizations; nonprofit sector; marketing in non-profit organizations; market orientation in the nonprofit sector.
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The conceptual approach and the principles of the distribution network in promoting the market of consumer goods
Korotkovа T.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor Department of Marketing and Project Management, National Research University of Electronic Technology, e-mail:
Bolormaa B., Graduate of the Department of Marketing and Project Management, e-mail:
Studies the factors and causes of the coincidence of interests of participants of channels of distribution, and their reactions, which reduce the efficiency and profitability of business in General and its actors in particular. Proposed the concept and principles of forming the channels of product distribution and conclusions about their implications.
Keywords: The interests and contradictions of market participants, the concept and principles of the distribution network of consumer goods.
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7. Bolormaa B. Spetsifika organizatsii i funktsionirovaniya roznichnoy seti s shirokom assortimentom. XXIV Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsi, "Sovremennyie problemyi gumanitarnyih i estestvennyih nauk" (RINTs), Moskva.26-27 noyabrya. 2015g, Tom 1, str 252.
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9. Bolormaa B. The wide assortment models of formation in the retail network. International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLD SCIENCE” (Proceedings of the IInd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Methodology of Modern Research (March 28 – 29, 2016, Dubai UAE), № 4(8), Vol.3, april 2016, page 50.
10. Korotkova T.L. Sotsialnyiy kapital kak mehanizm realizatsii sovremennyih kontseptsiy marketinga. Materialyi 121-y Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Sotsialnyie otnosheniya i konfliktyi v usloviyah intensifikatsii ekonomicheskih protsessov i dominantyi liberalnoy ideologii». Cektsiya: Ekonomicheskie nauki i menedzhment, London. March 23 – March 29, 2016, r. 27-33.
Strategic marketing decisions of high-tech. companies in the implementation of import substitution concept
Dmitrienko A.G., Doctor of Engineering Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Director General of «NIIFI», JSC, e-mail:
Belyakova V.A., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Assistant Director General of “NIIFI” JSC, e-mail:
In a difficult economic situation related to the sanctions pressure on the Russian knowledge-intensive industry, the issues are resolved with the implementation of the import substitution concept. On the one hand, it’s necessary to provide industry with products, the quality of which is highly competitive with the foreign analogues, on the other hand to invest the resources of the state and enterprises such, that to change the concept of import substitution for export orientation afterward. It should be realized what problems can arise in this way and among other things, and what marketing strategy should be adopted to take maximum advantages of the emerging market opportunities.
Keywords: import substitution, high-tech companies, marketing strategies.
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Trade management and trade marketing: similarities and differences
Panova E.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer of marketing department in Plekhanov University, e-mail:
The article discusses the concept of “Trade marketing” and “Trade management”. Showing the importance of the trade and marketing management in a crisis economy. The examples demonstrate the need for investment funds in the crisis in trade marketing.
Keywords: concept, marketing, management, goods, trade marketing, trade management, promotion.
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Benchmarking and forecasting the probability of bankruptcy of companies using methods of integrated evaluation of financial indicators
Kazakova N.A., Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Center for financial studies, Plehanov Russian Economic University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
Chernova M.B., Analyst of the informational-analytical Department, company "PEC", Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
The article deals with the concept of benchmarking as a tool for marketing analysis and methods of evaluating the financial component of the competitiveness of the company with a view to forecasting the probability of bankruptcy on the basis of mathematical statistics methods with the formation of an integrated assessment. The authors proposed a system of financial indicators and methodology for calculating their "critical" value; the algorithm of the formation of the rating company's competitive position. Presents the results of testing on the example of airlines.
Keywords: analysis, benchmarking, competitiveness indicators, valuation, accounting.
1. AvrashkovL.Ya., GrafovaG.F., GrafovA.V., ShakhvatovaS.A. Ekonomika organizatsiy (firmy): Uchebnoe posobie dlya magistrov. M., 2014.
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3. Kazakova N.A. Diagnostika i prognozirovanie bankrotstva. // Finansovyy menedzhment. 2009. № 6. S. 17-33.
4. Kazakova N.A. Upravlencheskiy analiz i audit kompanii v usloviyakh krizisa. M.: Delo i servis, 2010.
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Augmented reality as a marketing tool: place in the concept of the marketing mix and future prospects
Tkhorikov B.A., Head of the Department of Management and Marketing of Belgorod State National Research University, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, e-mail:
The article gives a critical description of the various forecasts for the development of augmented reality, analyzed its perception in the expert community, presents the results of the pilot studyaimed at identifying the requirements for augmented reality on the part of potential users (consumers), justified the place of augmented reality in the marketing system and proposes some requirements for the introduction of an augmented reality capabilities in the consumer market.
Keywords: augmented reality, marketing mix, consumer market.
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Organization the marketing researches in commercial bank
Dolzhenko R.A., Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Strategic Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics, e-mail:
The article describes the features of marketing research in a commercial bank. The key concepts for the implementation of such activities are highlighted. The typical process of marketing research in the credit organization is studied. The key role of the actors, their tasks and responsibilities are described. It sets out the content of the stages of the organization and implementation of marketing research in the bank. The key actors of marketing research process in the bank are considered.
Keywords: commercial Bank, marketing activities, marketing research, process of marketing research.
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The feasibility study of tactical pricing actions for the trade organizations operating at the consumer market
Yerchak A.I., Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the chair of commercial economics, Belarus State Economic University, e-mail:
The process of formation of discounts in retail is required the conduct of economic evaluation of their potential effectiveness. Value of the optimal and maximum permissible sizes of the discounts for volume purchases must be calculated as part of this evaluation. The procedure of feasibility study for sizes of such discounts is proposed at the article.
Keywords: trade, prices, discounts, profit margins.
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The development of loyalty program for retail chain
Levandovskaya E.A., student of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Department of Marketing), e-mail:
The article provides a rationale for the relevance of the introduction of loyalty programs, particularly benefits for business. It also considers the main approaches to the definition of “loyalty” notion. The calculation of customer’s loyalty indicators in particular an example has shown in the article. Recommendations based on the results of the study were suggested in relevance to the target audience of the expectedprogram and lines of action in the framework of the program are offered. Approach to the assessment of economic efficiency was defined for the program.
Keywords: loyalty program, customer loyalty, loyalty evaluation, customer satisfaction, retail.
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9. Portal Laboratory Marketing and Advertising:
Marketing of bonds
Tarasov A.A., Ph. D. in Economics, Executive MBA program of Antwerp Management School and the Institute of Business Studies RANEPA, e-mail:
This paper presents an overview of the marketing materials for bonds. There is an overview of the key steps of the marketing process and the main participants.
Keywords: marketing of bonds, marketing of investment services, bank marketing.
1. Choudhry M. Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products. Butterworth–Heinemann, 2004. 416 p.
2. Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Young D. Privlechenie investorov: Marketingovui podhod k poisku istochnikov finansirovaniya. M.: Alpina Publisher. 200 p.
On the influence of political marketing on regional marketing
Anokhin E.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Management and Marketing Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, e-mail:
This paper provides the characteristics of regional marketing. The essence of political marketing and its influence on territorial marketing is considered herein. There is analyzed the use of marketing techniques and tools in the regional policy by applying examples from the Russian and foreign experience.
Keywords: marketing, regional marketing, political marketing, image, primaries.
1. Anohin V.A., Anohin, E.V. Rol' i zadachi regional'nogo marketinga v gosudarstvennom upravlenii //Nauchno-prakticheskij i analiticheskij zhurnal «Jekonomicheskij analiz: teorija i praktika». – M.: ID «Finansy i kredit». 2013. № 27. S. 33-47.
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Benchmarking in territorial ecological marketing
Strekalova A.S., Ph.D., master of management, Volgograd State University, e-mail:
Taking into account current world economic, social and ecological trends application of a benchmarking in marketing of the territories is considered. Analyzed the best foreign and domestic practices used or with a high potential in solving ecological problems of territorial marketing. Introduced new concepts such as resilient, resilient-resilient development and strategy, allowing to extend the theoretical and methodological framework of the disciplines related to territorial development and promotion.
Keywords: benchmarking, territorial marketing, ecological territorial marketing, social-ecological system, sustainable development, resilient-development, resilient-strategy.
1. Vazhenina I.S. Vozvyshenie potrebnostej i avtomobil'. Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2016. No. 1. S. 4-12.
2. Danilov I.P. Danilova T.V. Benchmarking kak osnova sozdanija konkurentosposobnogo predprijatija. M.: RIA «Standarty i kachestvo», 2005. 69 s.
3. Camp R.S. Legal'nyj promyshlennyj shpionazh: benchmarking biznes-processov: tehnologii poiska i vnedrenie luchshih metodov raboty vashih konkurentov / Per. s angl. O.V. Teplih. Dnepropetrovsk: Balans-Klub, 2004. 395 s.
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7. Starikov V.V. Benchmarking – put' k sovershenstvu. Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2006. No. 4. S. 86-95.
8. Strekalova A.S. Ustojchivyj podhod k prodvizheniju territorij: sinergija marketinga, benchmarkinga i jekologicheskih innovacij. Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2016. No. 1. S. 93-99.
9. Strekalova A.S. Frolov D.P. Social'no-jekologicheskaja sistema kak ob#ekt jekologicheskogo marketinga territorij: analiz i sintez opredelenij. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 3. Jekonomika. Jekologija. 2015. No. 4. S. 194-203.
10. Frolov D.P. Marketingovyj podhod k upravleniju prostranstvennym razvitiem. Prostranstvennaja jekonomika. 2013. No. 2. S. 65-86.
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19. Henning Larsen Architects. Progects. Vinge City [Official website]. – URL:
20. International Green Roof City Network Case Study Portland, Oregon USA. – URL:
21. Kozak M. Destination Benchmarking: Concepts, Practices and Operations. Cambridge, Wallingford: CABI Publishing, 2004. – 240 p.
22. KYOCERA. Green Factories: Environmental Consciousness at Plants and Offices [Official website]. – URL:
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25. Spiegelhalter T., Architect R.A., Planner T. Global benchmarking? Taking a critical look at eco-architectures resource usage. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. – 2010. – Vol. 128. – Рр. 387–396.
26. Vorhies D.W., Morgan N.A. Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Journal of Marketing. – 2005. – Vol. 69. – No. 1. – Pp. 80–94.
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Analysis of the experience of the event marketing implementation in the US
Zolotarev A.V., Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing department, Volgograd State University, e-mail:
Zolotareva M.N., PhD, Deputy Director of Marketing, Group of companies Volga-Rast, e-mail:
Event Marketing in the past few years has become very popular in the B2B and B2C sectors in Russia. Today it remains unexplored phenomenon for Russian entrepreneurs. If the question of the organization of events in most cases, have assumed by event agency, the solution to the problem of traffic generation, evaluating the effectiveness of activities and conversion of members in the customers or loyal customers have not yet found. In this regard, it appears advisable to study the experience of the USA, which will select the most promising sources of traffic, the most useful types of measures, to assess the potential of traffic.
Keywords: event marketing, USA, event, event-marketing, traffic generation, advertising sources.
1. Afanasiadi, O.V. Event-marketing. Dostoinstva sobytijnogo marketinga [Elektronnyj resurs]/ O.V. Afanasiadi. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 03.07.2016).
2. Obzor rynka sobytijnogo marketinga v Rossii [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 25.05.2016).
3. Association of Business Information&Media Companies Blog [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 10.06.2016)
4. Forrester Research [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 17.06.2016)
5. Sagefrog Marketing Group – oficial'nyj sajt [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 14.06.2016)
6. The statistic portal
7. Use of event marketing in the United States in 2014 – oficial'nyj sajt [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 01.10.2015)
8. Constant Contact – oficial'nyj sajt [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 14.06.2016)
Marketing technology of bordeaux wineries
Simonova-Khitrova M.Y., Moscow State institute of International Relations MFA Russia, Applicant MGIMO (University) MFA of Russia, e-mail:
Bordeaux wineries’ marketing system carries many unique features. Trade policy is characterized by historical focus on high-quality products that contributed to the creation of Bordeaux wines brand. Pricing system with wine futures as the central element is strongly intertwined with the current distribution system based on the dominance of merchants. The following tolls prevail in promotion system: direct sales (including wine tourism), Internet commerce and social media marketing, participation in specialized exhibitions and events.
Keywords: Bordeaux wine producers, commercial policy, assortment, the marketing mix, brand, wine futures, system of distribution, the merchants, and direct sales (including wine tourism), specialized exhibitions, marketing on social networks Internet Commerce.
1. FranceAgriMer. Les chiffres de la filière viti-vinicole: Données statistiques 2003/2013. URL: (accessed: 01.10.2015)
2. Zyibtsev Yu.E. Vina Frantsii: Putevoditel.// M.: Izdatelstvo BBPG.- 2009 S.70-71
3. Anson J. Over half of AOC Bordeaux producers «suffering serious financial difficulties»// Decanter, Digital edition. June 2010. URL: (accessed: 5.10.2015).
4. Bohmrich R.C. Bordeaux: An Iconic Region Battles to Sustain Market Share. Part-1// Jan. 2014. URL: (accessed: 29.09.2015).
5. Kovaleva E. Investitsii bochkovogo tipa// Kommersant. 23 Aprelya 2007 g. URL: (data obrascheniya: 07.10.2015).
6. Vinnyie fyuchersyi: "Golubyie fishki" ryinka elitnogo alkogolya// The Bottle. Mart 2012 URL: (accessed: 07.10.2015).
7. Narby W. La Place de Bordeaux – or how Bordeaux works// Insidertasting. Dec. 2013 URL: (accessed: 07.10.2015).
8. Novopashina N. Na ryinke vina sduvaetsya myilnyiy puzyir// Sostoyatelnyiy investor. №11 2014 URL: mylnyy_puzyr/ (accessed: 07.10.2015).
9. Les vins de Bordeaux// Union des Maisons de Negoce de Bordeaux. URL: (accessed: 05.10.2015).
10. Dean G. Bordeaux to launch first global marketing campaign to address falling sales// Oct. 2015 URL: (accessed: 03.10.2015).
11. Lewis T. Good Food Would Choose Bordeaux?// The Cambridge Wine Blogger. Jan. 2012. URL: (accessed: 03.10.2015).
12. Bordeaux Tourisme & Congrès. Media center URL: (accessed: 09.10.2015).
13. Les piliers des performances de l’œnotourisme: Focus pour Bordeaux.// Great Wine Capitals. 2013. URL: (accessed: 09.10.2015).
14. Chateau Haut Bailly. URL:éceptions (accessed: 09.10.2015).
15. Holohan W. The Impact of Eco-Friendly Attributes on Bordeaux Wine Tourism and Direct to Consumer Sales/ Holohan W., Remaud H.// 8th AWBR International Conference. June 2014. URL: (accessed: 18.08.2015).
16. Faugère С. The Impact of Tourism Strategies and Regional Factors on Wine Tourism Performance: Bordeaux vs. Mendoza, Mainz, Florence, Porto and Cape Town. / Faugère С., Bouzdine-Chameeva T., Durrieu F., Pesme J.O.// URL: (accessed: 09.10.2015).
17. Malka P., Remaud H., Livat F. Motives to adopt a social media communication strategy: the case of Bordeaux wine estates and merchants.// 8th AWBR International Conference. June 2014. URL: (accessed: 06.10.2015)
18. Simonova-KHitrova M.Ju. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija mirovoj vinodel'cheskoj otrasli i rynka vina/ Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2015. № 6 (45). S. 266-273.
19. Simonova M.Ju. Aktual'nye problemy razvitija rynka vina Francii/Vestnik MGIMO Universiteta. 2012. № 4 (25). S. 179-183.
Key metrics of kontent-marketing efficiency
Isaeva E.V., PhD, Professor, Department of strategic marketing, Omsk State University, e-mail:
In article the analysis of relevance of the main instruments of internet marketing, the main trends in practice of use of these tools is carried out. Features of use and a benefit of content marketing within marketing communications are separately in detail considered. The key metrics for a content marketing efficiency evaluation including quantitative and qualitative indexes of assessment are in detail described.
Keywords: marketing communications, internet marketing, management of content.
1. Hunt J. The state of content-marketing, 2015.
2. Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends by CMA and DMA sponsored by Axonn from Content Marketing Institute, 2015. – 25 p.
3. Savelyev D. Content marketing v 2023: kak izmenitsja rynok za 10 let. Rezim dostupa:
4. Pulizzi J. Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less – 2013. – 317 c.
5. Carroll B.R. Lead Generation for the Complex Sale: Boost the Quality and Quantity of Leads to Increase Your ROI. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
6. Zarrella D. Data: Free Stuff and Contests Work for Lead Generation, HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Blog, October 12, 2010.
7. Kaptyukhin R. V. Sovremennye metodiki realizacii effektivnych reklamnych kommunikacij kommerceskich kompanij v seti Internet//Teorija i praktika obscestvennogo razvitija. 2013. N. 9. – p. 21-27.
8. Grihina N. Chto takoe lid i kak s nim rabotat' v CRM. – Rezim dostupa:
9. Mikhalina M., Titenko M. Izmerenie jeffektivnosti content-marketinga. – Rezim dostupa:
10. Ocenka jeffektivnosti content marketinga: 12 metric. – Rezim dostupa:
Books on marketing, which were published in 2016 (first half-year)
Panova E.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer of marketing department in Plekhanov University, e-mail: