The mythology of the Maslow’s pyramid
Strekalova A.S., Ph.D., master of management, Volgograd State University, e-mail:
In article meta-analysis of the works devoted to A. Maslow’s concept is carried out. The main myths connected with a pyramid of needs and the theory of motivation of A. Maslow are systematized. Delusions are disavowed and original authorship of the graphic representation of hierarchy of needs for a type of a pyramid is established. The reasoned denial of strict hierarchy of needs for A. Maslow’s theory based on the detailed analysis of primary sources is given.
Keywords: Maslow’s pyramid, theory of motivation, hierarchy of needs, marketing, humanistic psychology.
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Marketing as art of sales in consumer society
Neretina Е.А., Doctor of Economics, Professor, the head of the marketing chair of Mordovian State University named by N.P. Ogarev (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail:
In article the place and a role of marketing in consumer society are proved. It is shown that owning art of sales by means of use of a wide range of the tools which are available at their order (advertizing, trademarks and brands, merchandising, selebrit, communications on social networks, etc.), marketing specialists not only promote successful business development, but also exert impact on forming of requirements and examples of behavior of people, adoption of decisions on purchase by them. It is proved that it isn’t necessary to connect negative consequences of development of consumer society generally with marketing. The problem resolution of consumer society needs to be looked for first of all in creation of such social and economic design of society which is based on new values and standards of behavior of people.
Keywords: marketing, consumer society, methods and instruments of marketing, business, sales, examples of behavior of people, values, education.
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Anti-crisis PR for the pharmaceutical industry
Kenukhova I.G., head of PR Department, e-mail:
The article describes the key parameters of the anti-crisis PR-program for the Russian pharmaceutical market. We analyze the certain real-life cases and propose the recommendations how to communicate with media effectively with help of the anti-crisis PR-program.
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The concept of wave marketing research to study the value orientations of the student audience
Skorobogatykh I.I., Doctor of science, Ph.D., professor, Head of marketing department Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Sidorchuk R.R., Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Meshkov A.A., Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Musatov B.V., Doctor of Economic, Ph.D., Professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Efimova D.M., Ph.D., Associate professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Tultaev T.A., Ph.D., Associate professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Evseeva D., postgraduate, assistantmarketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
The paper discusses the conceptual issues of identifying «value orientations» (human values) student audience. Students are considered to be the most active part of the (opinion leaders) youth audience. The basis of the methodology of the study were the wave (cohort) studies based on models linking “value orientations”, “customer value” and “consumer choice”. The theoretical basis of constructing the model was the theory of Schwartz’s values. As a result, we developed a research tool which allows, based on analysis of the survey results to identify a statistical relationship between the “value systems” and the
top-level “customer value” for several product categories.
Keywords: Schwartz theory, values, consumer values, value orientations, wave research, cohort research, consumer choice.
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Maketing research of client satisfaction of passengers taxi traffic in world's largest airports
Kiselev V.M., Ph. D., Professor, chief researcher Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, e-mail:
Savinkov S.V., Ph. D., associate Professor in the Department of advertising, public relations and design Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, e-mail:
In order to develop recommendations on the organization of passenger taxi transportation services in Moscow investigated customer satisfaction in the Russian Federation and foreign countries and the factors influencing it. Research carried out by methods of individual expert interviews managers working in the taxi companies as well as individual in-depth interviews of passengers cars taxis in Moscow. Revealed details about the current state of the most significant parameters of the organization of services
of passenger taxi services of passengers at major airports around the world. The parameters of the empirical assessment of consumer perception of taxi transportation services in Moscow and its compliance with customer expectations. Significant customer value descriptors analyzed services are formalized in the form of descriptive map of perception. Modeling customer satisfaction has allowed to develop guidelines for the regulation of essential service options in Moscow taxi passengers.
Keywords: cars, taxi transportation, research organization of passenger transportation in the largest airports in Russia and foreign countries, customer satisfaction survey organization passenger service passenger taxi transportation in Moscow, method of in-depth interviews, expert survey method.
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Application of Internet communication for implementation of social projects
Morozova I.A., Dr.Econ.Sci. professor, professor of “World Economy and Economic Theory” chair of the Volgograd state technical university, е-mail:
Gushchina E.G., Dr.Econ.Sci. associate professor, professor of “World Economy and Economic Theory” chair of the Volgograd state technical university, е-mail:
Vitalyeva E.M., Cand.Econ.Sci. associate professor “World economy and economic theory” Volgograd state technical university, е-mail:
Oleneva A.V., graduate student of “World Economy and Economic Theory” chair of the Volgograd state technical university, е-mail:
The Internet – advertizing is an urgent method of informing on goods and services in modern society. There are new forms of Internet advertizing which exert impact on modern society. In article considers types of social projects, application of Internet communication in case of implementation of social projects.
Keywords: social project, changes of social system, advertizing communications, initiator of the project.
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5. Volkov S.K. Razvitie mezhdunarodnogo turizma kak instrument povyisheniya vneshnepoliticheskogo imidzha Rossii / S.K. Volkov // Audit i finansovyiy analiz. – 2012. – № 5. – C. 331-333.
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9. Morozova I.A. Rol i mesto kontsepta reklamyi v formirovanii imidzha sotsialno otvetstvennogo biznesa v Rossii / I.A. Morozova, E.G. Guschina, E.M. Vitaleva, A.V. Troshin // Natsionalnyie interesyi: prioritetyi i bezopasnost. – 2013. – № 22. – C. 24-31.
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Improving promotion strategy of brand «KALEVA» on example of CJSC «Window manufacture»
Malyshev A.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of “Marketing and economic theory “Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Khazova Y.S., Student of Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the future development of the brand «Kaleva» in the Penza region. It is carried out research of consumer preferences of consumers in the selection of PVC windows, assessment of the level of consumer awareness of the brand, identifying the relationship of buyers to the brand. In accordance with the results of the study, proposed a set of recommendations in the form of marketing activities that can improve the existing strategy to promote the company «Kaleva», in the form of online marketing tools.
Keywords: promotion strategy, promotion program, brand, marketing research.
1. F. Kotler. Osnovy marketinga. Per. с angl./ Obsh. red. i vstup. st. E. M. Penkova. – M .: INFRA-M, 2012. – 340 p.
2. Yadov. V.A. Sociologicheskoe issledovanie: methodology, program, methods / V.A. Yadov; isd. 2-e, pererab. i dop. – M .: Nauka, 1987 - 248 p.
3. Godin A.M. Branding: Uchebnoe posobie / A.M. Godin. – 3-e ed., pererab. i dop. – M .: Izdatel`sko-torgovaya corporatzion "Dashkov and K", 2013 - 183 p.
4. Safronova N.B. Marketingovye issledovaniya: Uchebnoe posobie / N.B. Safronova, I.E. Korneeva. – M.: Izdatel`sko-torgovaya corporatzion "Dashkov and K", 2015 - 294 p.
5. Kadyrov ZH.SH. Osobennosti provedeniya marketingovykh issledovaniy na rynke potrebitel`skikh tovarov / Zh.Sh. Kadyrova i drugie. // Theoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty sovremennoiy nauki. – 2014. – № 6-5. – p. 123-125.
6. Kustov V.A. Strategiya global`nogo brandinga: problemy i perspektivy / V.A. Kustov // Nauka i Obshestvo. - 2013. – № 2 (11). – P. 22-25.
7. Reznik G.A., A.A. Malyshev. Methodologicheskiye podkhody k issledovaniu factorov ecologo-economicheskikh system / G.A. Reznik, A.A. Malyshev // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskyi region. Obshestvennye nauki – 2013 – 1 (25). - S. 136-145.
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The formation of modern system of startup marketing tools on the basis of developed life cycle model
Vanicheva E.A., graduate student, FGBOU VO “The St. Petersburg state university of economic”, e-mail:
Nikiforova S.V., Full Dr. of ec. sci., professor, FGBOU VO “The St. Petersburg state university of economic“, e-mail:
The article describes the approaches of various authors to the definition of “start-up”. It also includes he author’s definition, which has been formed and proven in reliance on the modern state of development of start-ups market. Additionally, the article offers the approaches of certain authors to forming the lifecycle model of start-ups. The author suggests own lifecycle model, that lies in the basis of newly-formed modern system of marketing instruments. Special focus is put on perspectives of digital marketing instruments usage.
Keywords: start-up, innovative product, product, start-up lifecycle, marketing instruments for start-ups, digital marketing.
1. Erik Ris. Biznes s nulya: Metod Lean Startup dlya bystrogo testirovaniya idej i vybora biznes-modeli – 3-e izd. – M.: AL'PINA PABLISHER, 2014. – 253 s.
2. Stiv Blank Startap: nastol'naya kniga osnovatelya/ Stiv Blank, Bob Dorf // Per. s angl. – 3-e izd. – M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2015. – 616 s.
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7. Bejgul, V.N. Marketirovanie vysokotekhnologichnyh startapov / Bejgul V.N. // Diss. na soisk. uch. step. – Sankt-Peterburg – 2014 – 159 str.
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11. Andrej Parabellum, Denis Zapirkin, Razvitie biznesa : vash uspeh — eto vashe reshenie. – Rostov n/Donu : Feniks, 2012. - 157 s.
12. Startup Genome Vancouver [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:– Zaglavie s ehkrana. – (Data obrashcheniya: 06.08.2015).
Outbound package tours: what do Russian travelers really need?
Kazakov S.P., Doctor of Economy Science, Associate Professor of Enterprise Marketing Department, School of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management at National Research University – Higher School Of Economics, Moscow, Kirpitchnaya Ul, 33/5 Suite 729, tel. +7(495)772-95-82, e-mail:
Predvoditeleva M.D., Candidate of Economy Science, Associate Professor of General and Strategic Management Department, School of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management at National Research University – Higher School Of Economics, Moscow, Kirpitchnaya Ul, 33/5 Suite 623, tel. +7(495)772-95-90, e-mail:
The most recent social, economic and political events affected the Russian tourism industry significantly. One of the key problems is the customers’ choice between individual trips and trips organized by travel companies, including so called package tours. Services forming the service package determine the customer’s overall satisfaction with the tour package. This paper examines the influence of the client’s satisfaction on the loyalty and on the sequential inclination to recommend their practices after the tour package consumption. As a result of the study the components of the tour package, influencing the overall customer satisfaction and loyalty were determined as well as their further impact on customer willingness to recommend the tour package and travel company to their respective communities.
Keywords: Russia, outbound tourism, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, tour package.
1. Balaeva O. N., Kazakov S. P., Predvoditeleva M. D. Social'nye media v industrii gostepriimstva i turizma: napravlenija issledovanij // Marketing uslug. 2012. № 4, S. 264-276.
2. Kazakov S. P. Vlijanie social'nyh media na povedenie potrebitelej v industrii gostepriimstva i v turizme. M.: INFRA-M, RIOR, 2016, 96 c.
3. Svjataja E.O. Vlijanie kachestva gostinichnyh uslug na udovletvorennost' potrebitelej: metodika ocenki i jempiricheskie issledovanija // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. 2013. № 4 (48), C. 468-475.
4. Chang J.T. (2007).Travel motivations of package tour travelers. Tourism, 55 (2), pp. 157–176.
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7. Hair J.F., Jr., Hult G.T.M., Ringle C.M., Sarstedt M. (2013). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). SAGE Publications, Inc., 328 p.
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10. Lam S.Y., Shankar V., Erramilli M.K., Murthy B. (2004). Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: An illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32 (3), pp. 293–311.
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15. Wang K.-C., Hsieh A.-T., & Huan T.-C. (2000). Critical service features in group package tour: An exploratory research. Tourism Management, 21 (2), pp. 177–189.
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17. Yoon Y., Uysal M. (2005). An examination of the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: a structural model. Tourism Management, 26, pp. 45–56.
Marketing activities of Russian NGOS: correlations with organizational characteristics and management specifics
Korneeva I.E., Research Fellow National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector, e-mail:
In this scientific work used the results of the project "Monitoring the state of citizens civil society", made in the framework of the Program for Basic Research NRU HSE in 2016.
The article discusses application of marketing in activities of nonprofit organizations. Based on all Russian survey of NGO leaders we describe marketing activities of Russian NGOs, suggest their classification according to the form of the marketing activities they use. We analyze correlations of marketing activities and different aspects of functioning of Russian NGOs related to organizational characteristics and management specifics.
Keywords: nongovernmental nonprofit institutions, nonprofit sector, marketing in non-profit organizations, marketing activity in non-profit organizations.
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Co-production in territorial marketing
Sazhina A.I.,PhD candidate, Senior Lecturer Higher School of Economics University Campus in Perm, e-mail:
The article deals with the concept of co-production as well as with the benefits of its implementation from the producers and consumers points of view. The possibility of using the concept of co-production in the place marketing is discovered. The conceptual model for evaluating readiness of residents to co-produce public good is designed.
Keywords: co-production, co-creation, place marketing.
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The market of dairy products in Russia: state and prospects
Seyfullaeva M.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Belenikina M.G., A graduate of the Magistracy International University in Moscow, e-mail:
The article describes the current situation in the dairy market, analyses the main factors that trigger recessions in the dairy industry and the challenges faced by industry in the context of the economic crisis and sanctions. it is noted that the devaluation of the national currency has led to a rise in credit resources, freezing investment projects, improving cost, reduce the profitability of producers of milk and milk products. The main factors have been identified that, while maintaining market trends in the dairy market will hinder the development of milk production, as well as competitive advantages of the products of the
dairy industry in Russia. Provides practical recommendations for the increased use of marketing in the industry, in particular, encourage the consumption of dairy products.
Keywords: economic crisis, sanctions, embargoes, production and processing of raw milk, importers, negative trends in the dairy industry, dairy products sales promotion.
1. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 30 janvarja 2010 g. №120 «Оb utvergdenii Doktrini prodovolstvennoi bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federazii».[Elektronnii resurs]. URL: obrachenija 20.09.2016).
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4. Murtuzalieva T.V., Seifullaeva M.E. Sostoyanie I perspektivi razvitiya molochnoy promishlennosti Rossiiv usloviyah ekonomicheskih sankciy. Vestnik REU im. Plehanova, N12-2014.
5. Seifullaeva M.E. Marketingovie strategii sovremennih TNK./ Monografiya. M: NK, 2016.
6. «Proizvodstvo moloka (mesiachnaya), tisiacha tonn»: Federal’naya slujba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, [Elektonniy resurs]. URL:
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Analysis of the retail property market in crisis conditions
Tetushkin V.A., candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic analysis and quality, Fsbei HE Tambov state technical University, e-mail:
The modern retailers and commercial proposal for the real estate market; analyzed trends and forecasts in the real estate market.
Keywords: marketing, analysis, real estate, trade, market.
1. Motylev S.S. Rynok torgovoj nedvizhimosti: konceptual'nye osobennosti razvitija infrastruktury roznichnoj torgovli v Rossii // Vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta (RINH). 2014. № 3 (47). S. 90-95.
2. Kochetova O.A. Ocenka tendencij razvitija rynka torgovoj nedvizhimosti v 2015 godu // Torgovo-jekonomicheskij zhurnal. 2015. T. 2. № 1. S. 41-54.
3. Aleshnikova V.I., Smotrova T.I. Marketingovye modeli sub#ektov rynka torgovoj nedvizhimosti // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Jekonomika i upravlenie. 2015. № 3. S. 171-176.
4. Morgunova E.P. Osobennosti razvitija predprijatij severo-kavkazskogo regional'nogo rynka torgovoj nedvizhimosti // Nauchnye issledovanija i razrabotki. Jekonomika firmy. 2013. T. 2. № 3-4. S. 19-23.
5. Oficial'nyj sajt kompanii Colliers International Rossija
Marketing adaptation of business processes in the real estate market
Mikheev G.V., the liveryman of marketing specialists, the teacher of department of technology, organization, economy of construction and real estate administration, Kuban state technological university, e-mail:
In article considers management model by real estate in system of the business subject as complex system of efficiency in which the result is reached by means of marketing adaptation of business processes in all directions of management of real estate is offered.
Keywords: marketing adapter, real estate administration, marketing adaptation, management model real estate objects.
1. MikheevG. V., FitsurinaM. S., KuznetsovaO. A.ProcessiIinstrumentariymodeliupravleniyarazvitiembizness-subiekta. / PrioritetnienauchnieissledovaniyaIrazrabotki // Sbornicstateymezgdunarodnoynauchno-practicheskoykonferencii – Ufa. – 2016. – Pp. 93-95.
2. Inkin I, Lapin A, Mikheev G. Origin of economic crime // International scientific review. – 2016. – № 10 (20). – Pp. 52-53.
3. Nuzhina I.P. Development, ecologia i gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo. Soglosovanie interesov subiektov investicionno-stroitelnoq deyatelnosti s uchetom ecologicheskogo imperativa razvitiya. // Rossyiskoe predprinimatelstvo. – 2010. – №. 8-1. – Pp. 110-115.
4. Shchepakin M. B., Savelyev D. A., Mikheev G. V. Znachenie vnutriorganizacionnogo marketinga I ego funkci dlya predpriyatiya / Economika I upravlenie: analiz tendenciy i perspective razvitiya: sbornik materialov XIV Mezgdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii – Novosibirsk: izdatelstvo TsRNS, 2014. – Pp. 63-68.
5. Kuznetsova O. A., Mikheev G. V. Teoreticheskie aspecti strategicheskogo upravleniya. // Economika, sociologiya I pravo. 2015. – №. 1. – Pp. 85-88.
6. Mikheev G. V., Derkacheva E. A., Tesheva A. N. Vzaimodeistvie subiektov v marketingovom kommunicationnom pole // Economika I predprinimatelstvo. – 2016. – №. 5 (70). – Pp. 777-782.
List of marketing thesises defended in 2016 (first half-year)
Panova E.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer of marketing department in Plekhanov University, e-mail: