Contents of N3/2017

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Contents of N3/2017


Marketing peculiarities in depression period of Russian economy
Golubkov E.P., Honored Science Worker of Russia, doctor of economics, professor, chief of chair “Entrepreneurship & Management”, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:

Considers the development of Russian economy in depression period. Estimates the possibilities of untidepression marketing as means of the crises decline. From crises point of view takes place the more detail consideration of different marketing instruments in post crisis period.
Keywords:  Russian economy, depression marketing, M. Porter’s model, competiveness improvement, product policy, price policy, distribution policy, promotion policy, planning peculiarities.

1. Golubkov E.P. Antikrizisnyj marketing // marketing v rossii i za rubezhom. – 2009. – № 1.
2. Golubkov E.P. Antikrizisnyj marketing: ekonomicheskij krizis i vozmozhnosti marketinga v preodolenii krizisnyx yavlenij //  marketing v rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № № 2 i 3.
3. Golubkov E.P. Strategicheskij  menedzhment.  uchebnik i praktikum. – M.: Yurajt. 2015.
4. Golubkov E.P. Marketing dlya professionalov: prakticheskij kurs. – M.: Yurajt, 2014.
5. Sila i slabost mobilnoj reklamy // marketing v rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 2.
6.  Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L. SH., Starodubceva E. B. Sovremennyj ehkonomicheskij slovar'. - Infra-M,  2015.
7.›columns/crisis/2009/0007/ (data obrashhenija: 27.12. 2016).
8. Image source: Manuel Atienzar (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2016).
9. (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2017).
10. (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2016).
11. (data obrashhenija: 27.12.2016).
12.›…prognoz-do-2020 (data obrashhenija: 05.01.2017).
14. (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
15. (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
16. (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).



The competitiveness of regions in the context of modern economic development
Murtuzalieva T.V., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department for Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Danko T.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department for Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Shemetkova O.L., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department for Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:

The article presents the review of methods of estimation of competitiveness of the region, which identified their strengths and weaknesses. The author’s approach is the comparative assessment of the competitiveness of regions, allowing statistical data to independently solve the task of estimation of level of competitiveness of a given region.
In the study reviewed the socio-economic situation of separate regions of the Russian Federation in the dynamics, revealed contradictory tendencies, strategic factors of competitiveness on this basis formulate recommendations for the improvement of regional policies.
Keywords: marketing areas, evaluation of competitiveness of regions, methodology for the evaluation and indicatively regions, innovative development models, the integral coefficient of structural differences, the sustainable development of regional socio-economic systems, the system elements of regional competitiveness, the management mechanism of the competitiveness of the region.

1. Dan'ko T.P., Shemetkova O. L. Ispol'zovanie kojefficientov korreljacii dlja utochnenija napolnenija SWOT i PEST-analiza marketinga regionov (na primere Penzenskoj, Orenburgskoj oblastej i Permskogo kraja). Zh. «Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo».  – 2015. – № 6–3, ch.3. –  S. 1066-1074.
2. Dan'ko T.P. Ocenka konkurentnogo pozicionirovanija regiona. Strukturnyj i dinamicheskij analiz Vestnik Belgorodskij universitet kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2014. – № 2 (50).
3. Dan'ko T.P. Ocenka potencialov razvitija regionov i arhitektura ih konkurentosposobnosti. (Na primere respubliki Saha, Primorskogo kraja i Habarovskogo kraja) zhurnal Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, jekonomiki i prava. – 2015. – № 2 (54).
4. Dan'ko T.P. Arhitektura ocenok konkurentnogo pozicionirovanija regionov RF. Vestnik Ufimskij gosudarstvennyj universitet jekonomiki i servisa UGUJeS. – 2014. – № 2 (8).
5. Dan'ko T.P., Zarova E.V. Metodika ocenki konkurentnosti regiona na osnove kojefficienta delovogo pozicionirovanija biznesa. Zh. Jekonomicheskie nauki. – 2015. – № 5.
6. Marketing territorij (regiony Rossijskoj Federacii). Monografija. Pod red. Grishina V.I, Zarovoj E.V., Dan'ko T.P.: FGBOU VPO «RJeU im. G.V. Plehanova», 2015. – 280 s.
7. Murtuzalieva T.V., Rozanova T.P. Strategii social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija krizisnogo regiona. Zh. Nauchnye trudy vol'nogo jekonomicheskogo obshhestva Rossii 
izdatel'stvo: obshhestvennaja organizacija "Vol'noe jekonomicheskoe obshhestvo Rossii", 2016, S. 399-405.
8. Murtuzalieva T.V. Rozanova T.P., Sejfullaeva M.Je. Strategii social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija krizisnogo regiona (na primere respublik Severnogo Kavkaza), Marketing MBA. Marketingovoe Upravlenie predprijatiem, Izdatel'stvo: Grin Moll, 2016. – S. 67–83. 
9. Murtuzalieva T.V. Osnovnye prichiny i trendy social'nogo neravenstva krizisnogo regiona. Voprosy strukturizacii jekonomiki. Izdatel'stvo: Nauchno-analiticheskij centr "Jetnojekonomika". Mahachkala,  2014. – № 2. – S.45-49.
10. Murtuzalieva T.V. Strategicheskie napravlenija marketingovogo upravlenija regionom. Zh. Iniciativy XXI veka, – 2013. – № 4. – S. 53-55.



Customers behavior in the era of global markets and new information technologies
Ramazanov I.A., Doctor of economics, PH.D, professor trade policy Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Shalnova O.A., Ph.D, assistant professor trade policy Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Shvayko V.V., Postgraduate trade policy Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:

The article examines trends of the transnational retail chains penetration in the context of the Russian market of global processes taking place in Russia. The authors offer indicators measuring global processes to determine the direction of changes in consumer behavior. The results of the study can be used in the companies’ trade policies and marketing strategies development process.
Keywords: globalization, globalization index, the global marketing environment, customer behavior.

1. Ageeva A. A. Globalizatsiya kak sovremennaya tendentsiya razvitiya mirovogo hozyaistva: sushchnost’, protivorechiya, perspektivi // Ekonomicheskiy vestnik Donbassa. – 2007. – no. 1. – ss. 83-95.
2. Blekuell R., Minniard P., Endzhell Dzh. Povedenie potrebiteley. 10-e izd. / per. s angl. – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – 977 s.
3. Golisheva E. Yu. Transnatsionalizatsiya deyatelnosti strakhovikh kompaniy v svete globalizatsii / Problemi sovremennoy ekonomiki. – 2011. – no. 4 (40). – ss. 45-51.
4. Dergachova V., Zgurovskiy A. Protsessi ekonomicheskoi globalizatsii v mezhdunarodnikh sopostavleniyakh // Zhurnal evropeyskoiy ekonomiki. – 2011. – Tom 10 (no. 2). – ss. 145-162.
5. Ivanenko I.A. Komparativniy analiz metodik rascheta indeksov globalizatsii ekonomiki // Ekonomika I pravo. – 2015. – no. 1 (45). – ss. 4-8.
6. Ramazanov I.A. Issledovanie povedeniya posetiteley torgovogo zala kak neobkhodimoe uslovie razvitiya kontseptsiy merchandayzinga v epokhu globalnikh rinkov I novikh informatsionnikh tekhnologiy // Sovremennaya ekonomika: kontseptsii I modeli innovatsionnogo razvitiya: materiali VII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. 19-20 fevralya 2015.: 4 kn. – kn. 2. – Moskva: FGBOU VPO “REU im. G.V. Plekhanova”. – ss. 47-52.
7. Rassel Blek. Situatsionnie peremennie I povedenie potrebitelya. Klassika marketinga / Sostaviteli Enis B.M., Koks K.T.. – Moskva M.P. – SPb.: Piter. – 2001. – 752 s.
8. Rassel Heyli. Segmentirovanie po vigodam: orientirovanniy na reshenie instrument issledovaniya. Klassika marketinga / Sostaviteli Enis B.M., Koks K.T.. – Moskva M.P. – SPb.: Piter. – 2001. – 752 s.
9. Ru Olderson. Analiticheskie osnovi marketinga. Klassika marketinga / Sostaviteli Enis B.M., Koks K.T.. – Moskva M.P. – SPb.: Piter. – 2001. – 752 s.
10. Tseli v oblasti razvitiya Deklaratsii tisyacheletiya [Elektronyy resurs]. – URL: – [data obrashcheniya: 05.09.2016].
11. Cherkashina T. Yu. Indeksy globalizatsii: indikatory I logika postroeniya // Sotsiologiya: 4M. – 2011. – no. 33. – ss. 136-165.
12. 50 krupneishikh inostrannikh kompaniy v Rossii – 2016 – Reytingi // [Elektronyy resurs]: Forbs. – URL: - [data obrashcheniya: 05.12.2016].
13. Parisa Samimi, Guan Choo Lim, Abdul Aziz buang. A Critical Review on Synthetic Globalization Indexes // International Journal of Fundamental Psychology & Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 28-31, March, 2012.
14. Global Retail Expansion: An Unstoppable Force [Elektronyy resurs]: A.T. Kearney's Global Retail Development Index. – URL: – (data obrashcheniya: 02.01.2017)
15. KOF Index of Globalization [Elektronyy resurs]: The Swiss Federal institute of Technology in Zurich. – URL: – – (data obrashcheniya: 05.10.2016)
16. Stores top retailers 2016 [Elektronyy resurs]: National Retail Federation. – URL: – (data obrashcheniya: 04.12.2016).
17. TOP 100 retailers chart [Elektronyy resurs]: National Retail Federation. – URL: – (data obrashcheniya: 03.12.2016).



The formulation peculiarities of the selling propositions on the example of Russian jewelry market
Ivanova V.A., candidate of economic Sciences, docent, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences), e-mail:

The article tells about the peculiarities of the formulation of selling propositions.
The Russian jewelry market is taken as an example. The article tells about the traditional concept of a unique selling proposition and emotional selling proposition as well as the new concept of pseudo-unique selling proposition and paraunique selling proposition.
Great attention is paid to the choice of specific strategies depending on the nature of the target audience of the company. The article shows the ability to work with different types of selling proposition. The article also contains some data analysis of consumer preferences on the Russian jewelry market, conducted by the author.
Keywords:  advertising, marketing, offer, unique, emotional, marketing activities, positioning, competitive advantage, target audience.

1. Web-site Vserossiyskogo centra izucheniya obshestvennogo mneniya (WCIOM):
2. Web-site kompanii Cadenbach Acoustics:
3. Web-site kompanii  Thomas Sabo:
4. Web portal Live Master:
5. Virtualniy medicinskiy portal:
6. Virtual slovar’ medicinskih termoniv:
7. Gemmologicheskiy forum:
8. Davis D. D. Issledovaniya v reklamnoy deyatel’nosti – Vil’yams: SPB, 2003.
9. Lagutenkov A. A. Dragocennie kamni. Yuvelirnie sekrety – AST: Moskva, 2016
10. Tamberg V. V. Marketing Luxury: produkt, upakovka, prodvizhenie -
11. Federal’niy zakon  26.03.1998 №41-FZ “O dragocennih metallah I dragocennih kamn’yah”:
12. Forer B.R. The fallacy of personal validation: A classroom demonstration of gullibility//Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (American Psychological Association). – 1949. – 44 (1).

Gift cards and certificates as tools to expand sales in the traditional trade
Pleschenko V.I., Ph.D. in Economics, JSC «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:

In the conditions of intensive development of the Internet-commerce companies focused on the development of traditional forms of trade, may be faced with a significant decrease in revenues. In this regard, gift cards and certificates are a powerful marketing tool for business support of such firms. Although direct revenue growth through the implementation of these products today are not so significant side effects from using them very interesting to sellers, since the proliferation of gift card helps build an array of loyal buyers willing to make new purchases.
Keywords:  Internet-trade, traditional trade, growth of sales, gift card, gift certificate, customer loyalty.

1. Kotlyarov I.D. Fenomen parazitirovaniya v internet-kommercii // Upravlenie prodazhami. 2015. No. 3. S. 198-201.
2. Romaikin I. Marketingovye instrument prodazh: kak ispol’zovat’ podarochnye karty [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
3. Andreeva L. Goryachaya tema: podarochnye, bonusnye, diskontnye karty [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
4. Trunov M. Podarochnaya karta kak effektivnyi instrument marketinga [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
5. Zerkalii N.G. Transformaciya vzaimootnoshenii s potrebitelem v usloviyakh razvitiya internet-biznesa // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2016. No. 2. S. 118-125.

Application of quality scoring technique of the advertising environment for the commercial enterprise
Malinina O.Yu., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of Department “Management and entrepreneurship” The Institute of service sector and entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, e-mail:

The article describes components of the advertising environment of a commercial enterprise, presents a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the advertising environment on the example of the enterprise.
Keywords:  advertising environment, quality assessment, macro environment, micro-environment, scoring.

1. Kotler, F. Osnovy marketinga. Kratkiy kurs / F. Kotler. – M.: Vilyams, 2015. – 496 s.
2. Pokazateli, kharakterizuyushchie sostoyanie ekonomiki i socialnoy sfery municipalnogo obrazovaniya  URL: (data obrashcheniya 10.11.2016).

Organizational and loyal approaches to formation of brands on the food market
Tyan E.G., candidate economic science, e-mail:

This article devoted to the utilization problem of marketing potential in forming of brands on the food market. Analyzes the existing approaches to branding of food products.
Keywords: Formation of brands, food, labeling of products, functional food.         

1. Draganchuk MA. Organicheskaya prodykziya v Soedinenux Shtatax. URL:
2. Zakon RF ot 07.02.1992 № 2300-1 FZ ( red ot 28.07.2012)” O zashite prav potrebitelei” URL:›document/cons_doc_LAW_305/
3. Zakon RF ot 2 yanvarya 2000 g. N 29-FZ ”O kachestve I bezopasnosti prodyktov pitaniya”. URL:›document/cons_doc_LAW_25584/
4. Reseach Intesco Marketing Group.



Analysis of the core competitiveness of Russian economic universities in areas of undergraduate and graduate
Panova E.A., Ph.D., senior lecturer of marketing department in Plekhanov University, e-mail:
Guseynova Z.A., Ph.D., associate Professor, associate Professor of marketing department in Plekhanov University, e-mail:

The article discusses about the major rankings, which are based on the applicants. It analyzes the main criteria when choosing a high school on an example of economic universities. We examine trends in the labor market and analyzes the position of Plekhanov University among the major competitors in the training programs of bachelors and masters.
Keywords: enrollee, university, competitive criteria, trend analysis, benchmarking, ratings, consumer preferences, educational program, promising career, profession retired, undergraduate, graduate, competitiveness polygon, competitive position, program-neonovatory.

1. Panova E.A. Rebrending kak odin iz instrumentov povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti kompanii na rynke. ZHurnal «Marketing MBA. Marketingovoe upravlenie predpriyatiem.» Tom 7, vypusk 2.
2. Rejting VUZov blagotvoritel'nogo fonda Potanina 2015-2016.–URL:
3. Sto luchshih VUZov Rossii 2016. Rejtingovoe agentstvo EHkspert RA. –URL:
4.  Top-desyatka ehkonomicheskih vuzov Rossii 2016. EDUNEWS. Vse dlya postupayushchih. –URL:
5. Vserossijskaya Akademiya Vneshnej Torgovli. –URL:
6. Oficial'nyj portal informacionnogo agentstva Rossii TASS. –URL:
7. Oficial'nyj sajt MGIMO universiteta. -URL:
8. Sajt Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. –URL:
9. Sajt NII Vysshaya shkola ehkonomiki. –: URL:
10. Sajt Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. –URL:
11. Sajt Rossijskogo ehkonomicheskogo universiteta REHU im. G.V. Plekhanova. - URL:
12. Sajt Rossijskoj akademii narodnogo hozyajstva i gosudarstvennoj sluzhby pri prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii. - URL:
13. Sajt Finansovogo Universiteta. - URL:
14. World University Rankings - URL:



Investment image and investment attractiveness of region – development opportunities
Erokhinа E.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Economics and organization of production, FGBOU VO «Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman» (National Research University), a branch in Kaluga, e-mail:

The article analyzes the related concepts, affecting the competitiveness of business entities: investment image and investment attractiveness of the region. The factors that influence the formation of the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the Kaluga region. The dependence between the investment climate in the region and the potential risks. Considers the ways of increasing the investment attractiveness of the region and maintaining the investment image of the territory.
Keywords: investment image, investment attraction, regional development, Kaluga region.

1. UgryumovaA. A. Regional'naya ehkonomika i upravlenie: uchebnik i praktikum dlya bakalavriata i magistratury / A. A. Ugryumova, E. V. Erohina, M. V. Savel'eva. - M.: Izdatel'stvo YUrajt, 2016. - 445 s. - Seriya: Bakalavr i magistr. Akademicheskij kurs.
2. Investicionnaya strategiya Kaluzhskoj oblasti do 2020  g. URL:
3. Aleksandrov E.L., Kruglov V.N. Dostizhenie ustojchivogo razvitiya territorij na osnove innovacionnogo rosta. Monografiya. - Kaluga, OOO «TRP», 2016. – 108 s.
4. Krutikov V.K. Innovacionnaya aktivnost' regiona i inostrannyj kapital. Monografiya / V.K. Krutikov, E.V. Erohina, YU.V. Zajcev. - Kaluga: ZAO «Tipografiya Flagman», 2012. – 198 s.
5. Kruglov V.N., Aleksandrov E.L. Dostizhenie parametrov ustojchivogo ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya territorij na osnove innovacionnyh preobrazovanij /Sustainable economic development of regions: Monograph, V. 4. Vienna: “East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014. - S.120-131.
6. Rejting investicionnoj privlekatel'nosti regionov Rossii. RAEX (EHkspert RA) // URL:http:
7. Metamorfozy v prostranstvennoj organizacii mirovoj ehkonomiki v nachale XXI veka: monografiya / Pod red. prof. I.A. Rodionovoj. – M.: «Universitetskaya kniga», 2016 – 296 s.
8. Erohina E.V. Innovacionnaya aktivnost' regiona: problemy, ocenka i vozmozhnosti stimulirovaniya // Obshchestvo: politika, ehkonomika, pravo // - Krasnodar: 2015. - №2.
9. Pankruhin A.P. Marketing sobytij v Rossii: novyj «mejnstrim»? // Prakticheskij marketing. – 2012. - № 3 (181). – S. 4-14.
10. Po dannym zhurnala «Strategiya Rossii» // Rezhim dostupa:
11. Kaluzhskaya oblast' voshla v pyaterku samyh privlekatel'nyh regionov dlya germanskih in-vestorov // Novosti – 2016 – oktyabr' // 
12. Shastitko A. Investicionnyj imidzh Rossii / A.Shastitko, S.Plaksin, E.Yakovleva  // ZHurnal «Strategiya Rossii» – 2007. - № 4.
13. Pogorelova N.V. Imidzh territorii kak investicionnyj aktiv regiona / N.V.Pogorelova, S.A.Nemykina // Mezhdunarodnyj studencheskij nauchnyj vestnik. - 2015. - № 4-3. - S. 381-382. URL:
14. Erohina E.V. Razrabotka rekomendacij dlya administracij sub"ektov Federacii po korrektirovke innovacionnoj politiki // Regional'naya ehkonomika. 2014. - № 35 (362). – S. 56 – 66.


The estimation of performance and effectiveness of marketing activities at the strategic level of management
Aminova A.N., the post-graduate student of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia, St. Petersburg), e-mail:

The article defines marketing performance and marketing effectiveness, the author gives own definition of the term «marketing effectiveness». It is illustrated, that traditional marketing quality estimation tools on the strategic level (BSC of marketing, ROI of marketing) allow to manage marketing performance. The author developed requirements and offered approach of developing marketing effectiveness evaluation system in the company.
Keywords: marketing performance, marketing effectiveness, marketing BSC, marketing ROI.

1. GOST ISO 9000-2011 «Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Osnovnye polozheniya i slovar'». – 2011. – 28s.
2. Duhonin E. YU. i dr. Upravlenie ehffektivnost'yu biznesa. Koncepciya Business Performance Management. / E. YU. Duhonin, D. V. Isaev, E. L. Mostovoj i dr. / Pod red. G. V. Gensa. — M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005. – 269 s.
3. Izmerenie rezul'tativnosti kompanii. / Per. s angl. / 2-e izd. / Seriya «Klassika Harvard Business Review». – M.: YUnajted Press, 2014. – 224 s.
4. Kitova O.V. Upravlenie ehffektivnost'yu marketinga: metodologiya i proektnoe modelirovanie. / O. V. Kitova. M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 336 s.
5. Kokinz G. Upravlenie rezul'tativnost'yu. Kak preodolet' razryv mezhdu ob"yavlennoj strategiej i real'nymi processami. / Per. s angl. M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2015. 316 s.
6. Ojner O.K. Upravlenie rezul'tativnost'yu marketinga. / Uchebnik dlya magistrov. / O. K. Ojner. – M.: YUrajt. 2016. 343 s.
7. Parmenter D. Klyuchevye pokazateli ehffektivnosti. Razrabotka, vnedrenie i primenenie reshayushchih pokazatelej. / Per. s angl. – M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2008. – 288 s.
8. Bendle N., Farris P., Pfeifer P., et al. Marketing Metrics. The Manager‘s Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. – 3rd Edit. – N.Y.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2016. – 464 p.
9. Return on marketing investment. / Common language marketing dictionary. The global source for defining marketing terms. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya: 24 dekabrya 2016 g.].
10. Strategy2Act. KPI and Scorecard Library. / Download Marketing Balanced Scorecard Metric. – URL: [Data obrashcheniya: 24 dekabrya 2016 g.].


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