Contents of N6/2017

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Contents of N6/2017


The transformational changes of place and role of the marketing in globalization conditions and industrial revolution 4.0
Neretina Е.А., Doctor of Economics, Professor, the head of the marketing chair of National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail:
In the article are considered the deep changes in the activities of organizations in connection with globalization, with the rapid development of Internet, information and communication technologies, with developed countries transition to the «Industry 4.0» and to the digital economy. It is justified that globalization and entry into the sixth technological way significantly change the place and role of marketing not only in the business models of organizations, but also in the people's lives.
Keywords:  globalization, industry 4.0, Internet, digital economy, marketing, company, new technologies.

1. Avdeeva I.L. Analiz perspektiv razvitiya cifrovoj ehkonomiki v Rossii i za rubezhom. /Trudy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. «Cifrovaya ehkonomika» i «Industriya 4.0»: problemy i perspektivy SPb: Izd-vo Politekh. un-ta. 2017. – 685 s.
2. Banke B. i dr. Cifrovaya ehkonomika v Rossii: tekushchij status razvitiya / B.Banke, V.Butenko, I.Kotov i dr. // BCGDIGITAL. URL: 
3. Vsemirnyj obzor realizacii koncepcii «Industriya 4.0» za 2016 god – Rezhim dostupa: 4.0
4. Gurova T. Kto pobedit: «bol'shie dannye» ili materialovedenie. / EHkspert. – 2016. - №48 (1009). – s. 13.
5. Dobrynin A.P. Cifrovaya ehkonomika–razdichnye puti k primeneniyu tekhnologij (BIM, PLM, CAD, IOT, Smart City,BIG DATA) // International Journal of Open Information Technologies. – 2016. T.4. - № 1. S. 4-11.
6. Internet-torgovlya tyanetsya k trillionu.
7. Kazancev A.K. i dr. NBIC-tekhnologii. Innovacionnaya civilizaciya HKHI veka / A.K.Kazancev, V.N.Kiselev, D.A.Rubval'ter, O.V.Rudenskij. – M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 384 s.
8. Kotler F. Marketing 3:0 : ot produktov k potrebitelyam i dalee – k chelovecheskoj dushe. M.: EHksmo. – 2011. – 240 s.
9. M. Me Luban. Understanding Media. The Extensions of Man. London. Routledge, 1964.
10. Maloun T. Trud v novom stoletii. Kak novye formy biznesa vliyayut na organizacii, stil' upravleniya i vashu zhizn'. M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes». 2006.
11. Neretina E.A. EHffektivnyj marketing: kreativnost' idej, dejstvennost' strategij, rost aktivov i stoimost' kompanij. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Marketing: ot idej i zamyslov – k real'noj praktike», Saransk, 21 noyabrya 2013 g. Saransk: Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2014. – 304 s.
12. Rynok internet-torgovli v Rossii. Statistika internet-magazinov. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL:
13. Timofeev A.G., Lebedinskaya O.G. Aktualizaciya perekhoda ot cifrovogo truda k cifrovoj fabrike. // Upravlenie ehkonomicheskimi sistemami. EHlektronnyj zhurnal. URL: 3905-2016-03-31-07-53-46
14. EHra cifrovogo biznesa: narushenie granicy [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: content/uploads/2016/02/Accenture - Technology- Vision-2015-rus.
15. Yudina T.N. Osmyslenie cifrovoj ehkonomiki / Teoreticheskaya ehkonomika. – 2016. – № 3. S. 12-16.

Territorial marketing 3.0: forming of values-integrated paradigm
Strekalova A.S., Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD), Assistant Professor of Department «Marketing», Volgograd State University, e-mail:

The article presents the logic of the evolution of marketing as a change of three stages. The first stage is associated with the conflict of marketing and values, the second – with the search for its balance, and the third with the transition to its integration. Proposed a metaphorical model for the development of the marketing paradigm, postulating and visualizes the changing role of values in marketing theory and practice. Put forward the theoretical frame of value-integrated place marketing, based on the principles of marketing 3.0. It substantiates the key role of metaconsumers and self-actualizing companies as the main triggers of place marketing 3.0.
Keywords: marketing, marketing 3.0, territorial marketing, value-integrated marketing, metaconsumers, self-actualizing companies.

1. Aristotel' Sochinenija: V 4-h t. T. 4 / Per. s drevnegrech.; Obshh. red. A. I. Dovatura. – M.: Mysl', 1983. – 830 s.
2. Golubkov E.P. Sovremennye tendencii razvitija marketinga [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2000. – № 4. URL: (data obrashhenija: 20.01.2017).
3. Golubkov E.P. O nekotoryh osnovopolagajushhih ponjatijah marketinga [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2005. – № 2. URL: (data obrashhenija: 12.08.2016).
4. Kotler Ph. Marketing 3.0. Ot produktov k potrebiteljam i dalee – k chelovecheskoj dushe / P. Kotler, H. Kartadzhajja, A. Setiavan / per. s angl. A. Zajakina. M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2012. – 240 s.
5. Kotler Ph. Marketing mest. Privlechenie investicij, predprijatij, zhitelej i turistov v goroda, kommuny, regiony i strany Evropy / P. Kotler, K. Asplund, I. Rejn, D. Hajder. S-Pb.: Stokgol'mskaja shkola jekonomiki v Sankt-Peterburge, 2005. – 376 s. 
6. Kotler Ph. Osnovy marketinga, 5-e evropejskoe izd.: Per. s angl. / P. Kotler, G. Armstrong, V. Vong, G. Sonders. M.: OOO «I.D. Vil'jams», 2015. – 751 s.
7. Lavrov A.M. Marketing territorij kak osnova formirovanija mnogourovnevoj sistemy upravlenija territorial'nym razvitiem / A.M. Lavrov, L.A. Polikarpova // Vestnik KemGU. Serija: Politicheskie, sociologicheskie i jekonomicheskie nauki. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 66-72.
8. Maslow A. Novye rubezhi chelovecheskoj prirody / per. s angl. – 2-e izd., ispr. – M.: Smysl: Al'pina non-fikshn, 2011. – 496 s.
9. Nikishkin V.V. Krizis marketinga ili marketing krizisa? // Vestnik Rossijskoj jekonomicheskoj akademii im. Plehanova. – 2009. – № 6 (30). – S. 17-23.
10. Pankruhin A.P. Marketing sobytij v Rossii: novyj «mejnstrim»? // Prakticheskij marketing. – 2012. – № 3 (181). – S. 4-14.
11. Spenser H. Opyty nauchnye, politicheskie i filosofskie / Per. s angl. pod red. N.A. Rubakina. – Mn.: Sovremennyj literator, 1999. – 1408 s.
12. Spinoza B. Izbrannye proizvedenija v 2-h t. T. 1. / Obshh. red. V.V. Sokolova. – M.: Gos. Izd-vo Politicheskoj literatury, 1957. – 630 s.
13. Strekalova A.S. Mifologija piramidy Maslou // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – № 6. – S. 3-14.
14. Strekalova A.S. Modeli jekologicheski-otvetstvennogo povedenija territorij / A.S. Strekalova // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 6. – S. 78-84.
15. Strekalova A.S. Radikal'nyj jekologicheskij marketing territorij: prichiny i sposoby realizacii // Marketing i obshhestvo: sbornik statej 10-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (12 – 13 nojabrja 2015 g.). – Kazan': Izd-vo Kazanskogo  un-ta, 2015. – 248 s. – S. 184-188.
16. Fromm E. Chelovek dlja sebja / Per. s angl. A. Aleksandrovoj. – M.: Izd-vo AST, 2016. – 320 s.
17. Jekonomicheskij i social'nyj sovet. Ustojchivoe razvitie [Oficial'nyj sajt OON]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 20.05.2016).
18. 10 principov Global'nogo dogovora [Set' Global'nogo dogovora v Rossii]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 17. 11.2016).
19.  Berry L.L. Bank Marketing Priorities in the United States // European Journal of Marketing. – 1982. – Vol. 16. – No. 3. – Рp. 5–13.
20.  Berry L.L.  Relationship Marketing. Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing / L.L. Berry, G.L. Shostack, G.D. Upah (eds.). – Utah: American Marketing Association, 1983. – Рp. 25–28.
21. Donovan R. Social marketing's mythunderstandings // Journal of Social Marketing. – 2011. – Vol. 1. – Iss: 1. – Pp. 8–16.
22. Kotler Ph. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control. – 8th ed. – Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994. – 816 р.
23. Kotler Ph., Haider D.H., Rein I. Marketing Places: Attracting Investment, Industry, and Tourism to Cities, States, and Nations. – New York: The Free Press, 1993. – 388 p.
24. Kotler Ph., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. Marketing 3.0: From Products to Costomers to the Human Spirit. – New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, 2010. – 208 p.
25. Mohuidir K.G.B.G., Gordon R., Magee C., Lee J.K. A conceptual framework of cool for social marketing // Journal of Social Marketing. – 2016. – Vol. 6. – Iss. 2. – Pp. 121–143.
26. Monle L., Johnson C.  Principles of advertising: a global perspective. – 2nd ed. – NY: Routledge, 2005. – 450 р.
27. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [Official website] //
A/RES/70/1. – 41 р. URL:
Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf (дата обращения: 22.04.2017).
28. Tungate M. Adland: a global history of advertising. – London: Kogan Page Ltd., 2007. – 272 p.
29. World Values Survey [Official website]. URL: (date of access:
30. Wymer W. Developing more effective social marketing strategies // Journal of Social Marketing. – 2011. – Vol. 1. – Iss. 1. – Pp. 17–31.



Tools and techniques of information and analytical support of managerial decisions in assortment policy
Bushueva L.I., Doctor in Economics, associate professor, the director of the Institute of management and business of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University”, e-mail:

The article summarizes the results of studies of Russian and foreign economists in the field of implementation of quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis of the assortment policy also it includes studies of methods’ capabilities in the information management support of product policy. the significant attention is paid to the formulation of targets of information-analytical support of the stages of management decisions, main methods of data collection and processing, as well as recommendations on the choice of tools to solve specific management tasks in the field of assortment policy.
Keywords: assortment policy, marketing tools, strategic analysis, forecasting, balanced scorecard.

1. Aaker D. Strategicheskoe rynochnoye upravlenie. 7 izdanie. SPb: Piter, 2007.
2. Ansoff I. Strategicheskiy menedzhment. Klassichesroye izdaniye. Seriya "Teoriya menedzhmenta". Pod red. Petrova A. SPb: Piter, 2009.
3. Adises I.K. Upravleniye zhiznennym tsiklom korporatsii. SPb: Piter, 2009.
4. Bagiev G.L., Asaul A.N. Organizatsiya predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti/ Pod obshchey red. prof. G.L.Bagieva. SPb: Izd-vo SPbGUEF, 2001.
5. Belyaevsriy I.K., Serebrovskaya G. P., Tul'taev T.A. Segmentirovaniye ranka. M.: Evraziyskiy otkrytyiy institut, 2009.
6. Bushueva L.I. Unformatsionno-analiticheskoye obespecheniye marketingovoy deyatel'nosty organizatsii: teoriya i metodologiya statisticheskogo issledovaniya. M.:Izdatel'stvo "Akademiya Estestvoznaniya", 2007.
7. Bushueva L.I. Metody prognozirovaniya ob''ema prodazh// Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2002, № 1.
8. Vernerfel't B. Resursnaya traktovka firmy // Vestnik SPbGU, 2006, № 8(1).
9. Grant R. M. Resursnaya teoriya konkurentnych preimushchestv: prakticheskiye vyvody dlya formirovaniya strategii // Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. Menedzhment. 2010, № 3.
10. Dzhenster P. Analiz sil'nykh i slabykh storon kompanii: opredeleniye strategicheskikh vozmozgnostey. M.:Vil'yams, 2008.
11. Dibb S., Simkin L., Bredli Dzh. Prakticheskoye rukovodstvo po marketingovomu planirovaniuy. SPb: Piter, 2001.
12. Dikhtl' E., Chershgen Ch. Prakticheskiy marketing. Per. s nem. A.M. Makarova. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1995.
13. Efremov V.S. Strategiya biznesa. Kontseptsii i metody planirovaniya. Uchebnoye posobiye. M.: Finpress, 1998. (Seriya "Marketing i menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom").
14. Kaplan R., Norton D. Sbalansirovannya sistema pokazateley. Ot strategii k deystviyu. M.: Olimp-biznes, 2003.
15. Kotler F., Keller K. L. Marketing- Menedzhment. SPb: Piter, 2015.
16. Lamben Zh. Zh., Chumpitas R., Shuling I. Menedzhment, orientirovannyy na rynok: Strategichesriy i operatsionnyy marketing, 2-t izd. ("Klassika MBA"). SPb: Piter, 2010.
17. Novatorov E.V. Audit vnutrennego marketinga metodom "vazhnost' - ispolneniye" // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2000, №1.
18. Penrouz E. Teoriya rosta firmy. SPb: Lan', 1999.
19.  Popov S. A. Kontseptsiya aktual'nogo strategicheskogo menedzhmenta dlya sovremennych rossiyskich kompaniy. M.: Yurayt, 2016.
20. Porter M. Konkurentnoye preimushchestvo. Kak dostich vysokogo resul'tata i obespechit' ego ustoychivost'. M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2016.
21. Ramelt R. P. K strategicheskoy teorii firmy // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Ser. Menedzhment. 2006, № 1.
22. Stok Dzh., Shtern K. Strategii, kotorye rabotayut. Podkhod BCG. 2-e izdaniye. M.: Izd-vo "Mann, Ivaniv i Ferber", 2007.
23. Terni P. Razumnyi uchet. Kak poluchit' istinnuyu kartinu zatrat s pomoshch'yu sistemy ABC. Per. Rodiniy T., Pirogova N. M.: Sekret firmy, 2006.
24. TisD. Dzh. Vyyavleniye dinamicheskikh sposobnostey: priroda i mikroosnovaniya (ustiychibykh) rezul'tatov kompanii // Rossiyskiy zhurnal menedzhmenta. 2009. Т. 7, № 4.
25. Tompson A.A., Striklend A. Dzh. Strategicheskiy menedzhment. Iskusstvo razrabotki i realizatsii strategii / Per. s ayul. pod red. Zaytseva L.G. M.: banki i Birzhi, YUNITI, 1998.
26. Khenderson B.D. Produktovyi portfel' // Bostonskaya konsaltingovaya gruppa BCG Review Daydgest M.: Bostonskaya konsaltingovaya gruppa, Vyp. 2, 2008.
27.  Khrutskiy V.E., Koreneva I.V. Sovremennyi marketing: nastol'naya kniga po issledovaniyu rynka. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Finansy i statistika, 2005.

Technique of transfering economic impact and costs to operational and tactical levels of marketing
Aminova A.N., the post-graduate student of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia, St. Petersburg), e-mail:

There is a technique in the article, which is offered, proved and supported empirically, allows to conduct decomposition of the economic impact to metrics of operational marketing measured by a key performance indicator of tactical marketing. The technique also allows to carry out transferring of operational marketing costs to tactical level arguably and objective. Using the offered technique allows to estimate effectiveness of operational marketing metrics and key performance indicators of tactical marketing.
Keywords: marketing effectiveness, economic benefit decomposition, transfer of marketing costs, marketing metrics, key performance indicators of marketing, multiple linear regression, effectiveness based marketing.

1. Aminova A.N. Ocenka rezultativnosti i ehffektivnosti marketingovoj deyatelnosti na strategicheskom urovne upravleniya // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 2. – s. 94
2. Nasledov A. D. IBM SPSS Statistics 20 i AMOS: professionalnyj statisticheskij analiz dannyh. SPb: Piter, 2013. – 416 s.
3. Rossijskij Indeks Celevyh Grupp | Ipsos Comcom – URL: (Data obrashcheniya: 24 marta 2017 g.).
4. Bendle N., Farris P., Pfeifer P., etc. Marketing Metrics. The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. – 3rd Edit. – N.Y.: Pearson Education, Inc., 2016. – 464 p.



Research of the Russian market of private banking services: system of preferences and consumer profile
Timokhina G.S., Ph.D., Professor of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
Sysoeva T.L., Ph.D., Professor of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
Khudyakova T.S., Senior teacher of Quality Management Department, Ural State University of Economics, e-mail:

In conditions of intensifying competition on the Russian market of private banking services banks should recognize and be aware of peculiarities of behavior of high-income consumers. The article presents an analysis of results of the study of profile and system of preferences of Russian consumers of private banking services, based on qualitative field research methods, and draws conclusions on the necessity of internal segmentation within the segment of consumers of private banking services according to behavioral and psychographic market segmentation characteristics.
Keywords:  consumer of private banking service, system of preferences of consumer, research qualitative technics.

1. Azanov A. Private Banking-segment bankovskogo obsluzhivaniya v Rossii: vpechatleniya kliyentov. // Bankovskoye obozreniye, – 2011. – № 12. – S. 49-51.
2. Goncharenko N.V. Obsluzhivaniye sostoyatelnykh kliyentov (Private Banking): zarubezhnyy opyt i rossiyskiye perspektivy // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, 2012. – Vyp. 2. – Ser. 5. – S. 81-90.
3. Issledovaniye vladeltsev kapitalov v Rossii // Tsentr upravleniya blagosostoyaniyem i filantropii Skolkovo. 2015. [Elektronnyy resurs]], 2015.
4. Kolmogorov D.A. Private banking v Rossii. // Bankovskoye obozreniye, – 2012. – № 12. – S. 13-17.
5. Lavrushin O. I. Novyye modeli bankovskoy deyatelnosti v sovremennoy ekonomike. M.: KnoRus, 2015.
6. Mikheyev S.S., Sbruykina M.V., Uspenskiy V.A. Private banking i konkurentnyye preimushchestva rossiyskikh srednikh bankov. // World’s  banks. – 2016. – № 3. – P.66-73.
7. Personalnoye bankovskoye obsluzhivaniye. [Elektronnyy resurs],  2015
8. Pora bogatet // SPEAR’S Russia, 2015. № 5 (48). [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: pora-bogatet
9. Private Banking v Rossi. // Issledovatelskiy otchet Frank Research Group, 2016.
10. Prokopova L. Mileyeva E. Rossiyskiy private banking idet semimilnymi shagami.//Bankovskoye obozreniye. [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
11. Prokopova L., Peshnev-Podolskiy D. Kogda vash kliyent iz private banking stanovitsya vashim biznes-partnerom.// Bankovskoye obozreniye. [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
12. Prokopova L., Tyurikova E. Bolshoye budushcheye private banking // Bankovskoye obozreniye. [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
13. Prokopova L., Bakhovski P. Uspekh private-banka: nayti svoyu nishu i investirovat v novyye tekhnologii.// Bankovskoye obozreniye. [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
14. Rodzyanko A. Private banking - shveytsarskaya klassika. // Bankovskoye obozreniye. – 2012. – № 2. – S. 31-46.
15. Timohina G.S., Alikperov I.M., Syisoeva T.L. Tendentsii i perspektivyi razvitiya rossiyskogo ryinka private banking/ Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 4.
16.  Kaufmann H.R., Vrontis D., Manakova Y. Perception of luxury: Idiosyncratic Russian consumer culture and identity // European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management. – 2012. – 2(3/4). – P. 209–235.
17. Mckinsey Global Wealth Management Survey an attractive sector in transition, 2014 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http:/users/pcservicehome/desktop/global_wealth_management_surve
18. Moore C., Birtwistle G. The nature of parenting advantage in luxury fashion retailing – the case of Gucci Group NV // International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. – 2015. – 33(4). – Р. 256–270.
19. Private Banking. After the Perfect Storm. Leading research // Report of Booz and Company, 2010 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
20. Russian money in Europe. Top 2010. Private Banking, 2010 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
21. Som A. Logic of luxury in emerging markets // Journal for Decision Makersю. – 2011. – 36(1). – P. 75–77.
22. The future of european wealth management: imperatives for success//Сo joint J.P. Morgan asset management. Oliver Wyman report 2015 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: oliverwyman. com/content/dam/oliverwyman/global/en/2015/jan/the_future_of_european-wealth-management
23. UBS Group AG and UBS AG // Annual Report 2014  [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
24. Wagner R., Urkmez T. Is your perception of luxury similar to mine? A concept made of absolute and relative features // Journal of Euromarketing. – 2015 – 24(1). – P. 20–40.
25. World Wealth Report 2015 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
26. Winning the Growth Game // Report of the Boston Consulting Group [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:, 2015.



New approaches to president-marketing
Gorlevskaya L.E., Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Researcher at V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:
Sekerin V.D., Dr.Sc., professor, Chief Researcher at V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:

The article presents comparative analysis of electoral campaigns of candidates to president of the United States. Crucial importance of forming interactive networks, consolidation and management of data in real-time have been identified.
Keywords:  political marketing, new technologies in marketing, president election campaign, big data, social media, advertising.

1. Reeves P. Political marketing: Voters, political parties, candidates and elections.// Journal of customer behavior. – 2016. – No. 3 (Vol. 15).
2. Bertoni S. Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2016).
3.  Gorlevskaja L.Je., Nizhegorodcev R.M. Upravlenie reklamoj. – Novocherkassk: JuRGPU (NPI), 2016. – 193 s.
4. Federal Election Commission. Candidate and Committee campaign finance report. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 03.01.2017).
5. Borrell Associates, Inc. 2016 Political Advertising Analysis. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
6. Internet live stats. United States Internet Users. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.12.2016).
7. Emarketer. US Registered Voters Say They See More Marketing in Support of Clinton Than Trump. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 01.12.2016).
8. Kaye K. Trump spent far more on online ads than Clinton. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 05.12.2016).
9. Facebook. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
10. Twitter. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
11. Instagram. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).
12. Youtube. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 06.01.2017).

Customer experience management in the sphere of hotel services in the internet environment
Eremenko Ju.A., Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of marketing, trade and customs, Institute of Economic and Management, Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, е-mail:

The article proposes a model of Customer Experience Management (CEM) in the  sphere of hotel services in the Internet environment. The main points of the relationship between the hotel and the guest are considered and the ways of their optimization are suggested to obtain a positive customer experience. It is shown the importance of customer databases in managing the customer policy of an enterprise.
Keyworlds: customer experience, customer experience management, customer database, customer interaction points, individual marketing-mix.

1. Ragimova S. Customer Experience (CX) – klientskiy opyit. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 10.08.2017)
2. Rudskaya E. N., Poltavskaya Yu. Yu. Klientskiy opyit (Customer Experience) kak instrument obratnoy svyazi v sisteme intellektualnogo analiza dannyih // Molodoy uchenyiy. — 2015. — № 8. — S. 631-639.
3. 19 opredeleniy klientskogo opyita: mneniya ekspertov. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 15.08.2017)
4. ReshetnIkova I.L. Vikoristannya Internet-tehnologIy v marketingu sferi poslug / I.L. ReshetnIkova, Yu.O. Eremenko, Marketing v UkraYinI, № 5, 2014 r. – 47-58 st.



The role of marketing approach in territorial strategic planning
Troshin I.A., Postgraduate student of Company marketing department Faculty of business and management National Research University Higher School of Economics, e-mail:
Rozhkov K.L., Doctor of economics, professor of Company marketing department Faculty of business and management National Research University Higher School of Economics, e-mail:

The research paper considers relations between territorial strategic planning and territorial marketing. During the documentary analysis of 103 Russian municipalities’ socioeconomic strategies it has been founded that current practices of place vision formulating and strategic goal-setting do not set the clear framework for marketing activities which are objectively necessary for place development resources attraction. The reason is characterized by an industrial approach dominated in the territorial strategic vision and general patterns ofterritorial strategic goals which cannot be translated into a range of practical tasks including marketing. The final discussion is devoted to the conditions for territorial strategic planning and territorial marketing integration.
Keywords: territorial marketing, territorial strategic planning, territorial strategic vision, territorial marketing strategy.

1. Kotler F., Asplund K., Reyn I., Khayder D. Marketing mest. Privlechenie investitsiy, predpriyatiy, zhiteley i turistov v goroda, kommuny, regiony i strany Evropy / per. s angl. – Spb.: Stokgol'mskaya shkola ekonomiki v Sankt-Peterburge, 2005.
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Creating a tourist attractiveness of Crimea Republic on the basis of territorial marketing concept
Mitina E.А., assistant of Marketing, Trade and Customs Affairs Department of the Institute of Economics and Management. Crimean Federal University V.I. Vernadsky, e-mail:

The article deals with the priority directions of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea, an assessment of the tourist attractiveness of the region, examined consumer preferences of holidaymakers in the Crimea, identified the main categories of visitors.
Keywords: territorial marketings, tourism, republic of Crimea, tourists, consumer preferences.

1. Bagrov L.A. Geografiya Krima: ucheb posobie dlya obsheobrazovat. Ucheb. zavedenii / L.A. Bagrova, V.A. Bikov, N.V. Bagrov. – Kiev: Lubid, 2001. – 302 p.
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The role of the «guanxi» factor in Chinese practice of relationship marketing
Ketova N.P., Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of department “Marketing and communications in the business” of the Southern Federal University, Faculty of Management, Rostov-on-Don, e-mail:
Xue Lu, graduate student of direction “Management”, profile “Marketing” Faculty of Management of the Southern Federal University, e-mail:

The relevance of the article revealing the specificity of the Chinese marketing model, is due to the fact that despite the effects of globalization of the world economy, the Chinese business culture retains its characteristics, including marketing aspects. The uniqueness of the marketing strategies of Chinese companies ensures their competitiveness at the national, regional and world levels. Informal institution “guanxi” predetermine the effectiveness of the marketing policy of Chinese companies, which deserve special attention in this article. The research objective of the article is to identify the role of “guanxi” in Chinese marketing practice.
Keywords: relationship marketing, guanxi, loyalty, marketing strategy, competitiveness.

1. Hongzhi G., Knight J. Guanxi as a gateway in Chinese-Western business relationships // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2012. – No. 6 (27). – P. 456–467.
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Marketing improvement as means of sustainable development of tourist branch in Uzbekistan
Safarov B.Sh., Ph.Dr., Samarkand State University, Bobir Mirzo str., 53, Samarkand, 140105, Republic of Uzbekistan., e-mail:

This article is about the role of marketing in development of touristic service market. The structure of marketing system and its mechanisms are analyzed, factor’s and principles of its actualization in the period liberalization of the country’s economy are investigated.
Keywords: marketing, economic mechanism, management, innovation, touristic market, goods.   

1. Endzheychik I. Sovremennyy turistskiy biznes. Ekostrategii v upravlenii firmoy. - Per.s pol'sk. M: Finansy i statistika, 2003. – s.10.
2. Efremova M.V. Razvitie rossiyskoy turistskoy industrii v usloviyakh krizisa. - Zhurnal "Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom" – 2010. – № 2. – s.115-120.
3. Baumgarten L.V. Izuchenie potrebiteley turistskikh uslug. - Zhurnal "Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom" – 2007. – № 2. – s.34-45. (in Russian)
4. Safarov B.Sh. The models of prognosis of regional tourism’s development // International Cross-Industry Research Journal (Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business). – Republic of Czech, 2010. – No. 6. – P. 80–83.
5. Byulleten Gosudarstvennogo Komiteta po razvitiyu turizma «Osnovnye pokazateli razvitiya t urizma i otdyha».T: Goskostat, 2016. – 121 s.



Genesis of marketing in Russia: problems of implementation
Anokhin E.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Chair of Management and Marketing Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, e-mail:
Anokhin V.A., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance and Credit Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail:

Three questions under discussion are identified, which have followed the process of the marketing concept development and its varieties (on the example of territorial marketing). The first question is intended to define marketing as an aspect of socio-economic relations. The second question concerns the seller-to-buyer-market ratio.  Question is associated with the goods, works, services and human resources quality problem. The third question deals with the study of the organization theory influence on marketing. The analysis of the said questions has enabled to determine the role of marketing in the formation of tendencies in the Russian economy development.
Keywords: analysis genesis, globalization, marketing, concept, USSR, Russia, organization theory.

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