Contents of N1/2018

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Contents of N1/2018


Client orientation in public health care: impact on the level of patient satisfaction
Kostanyan A.А., Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

The article considers the current state of client orientation in public health care organizations of the capital region. The paper presents the results of a quantitative marketing research on the impact of objective indicators of the medical organization performance on the level of patient satisfaction. The recommendations are formulated to increase the level of client orientation in primary health care organizations.
Keywords: client orientation, services marketing, level of satisfaction, multivariate factor analysis, public health, insurance medicine.

1. Lamben Zh.-Zh. Menedzhment, orientirovannyj na rynok. – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – S. 796.0
2. Rozhkov A.G., Rebjazina V.A., Smirnova M.S. Orientacija kompanii na klienta: rezul'taty jempiricheskoj proverki na primere rossijskogo rynka, verki na primere rossijskogo rynka // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta. –  2014. – № 2. – S.33–58.
3. Sheresheva M.Ju., Kostanjan A.A. Klientoorientirovannost' personala v gosudarstvennyh organizacijah zdravoohranenija Rossii // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Serija 8. Menedzhment. – 2015. – № 4. – S. 74-114.
4. Shaljapina M.A. Klientoorientirovannyj marketing (analiz opyta zarubezhnyh vuzov) // Marketing v Rossii i zarubezhom. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 83-88.
5. Deshpandé R. (1999) Developing a Market Orientation. Sage Publications. London, UK.
6. Deshpandé R., Farley J., Webster Jr.F.  Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms: A quadrad analysis // Journal of Marketing. 1993. Vol. 57 (1). P. 23–37.
7. Deshpandé R., Webster F. Organizational culture and marketing: Defining the research agenda // Journal of Marketing. 1989. Vol. 53 (1). P. 3–15.
8.  Hennig-Thurau T.  Customer orientation of service employees: Its impact on customer satisfaction, commitment, and retention // International Journal of Service Industry Management. 2004. Vol. 15 (5). P. 460–478.
9.  Kohli A., Jaworski B. Market orientation: The construct, research propositions, and managerial implications // Journal of Marketing. 1990. Vol. 54 (2). P. 1–18.
10. Narver J., Slater S. The effect of a market orientation on business profitability // Journal of Marketing. 1990. Vol. 54 (4). P. 20–35.
11. Narver J.C., Slater S.F., MacLachlan D.L. Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation and New-Product Success // The Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2004. Vol. 21 (5). P. 334–347.
12. Shapiro B. What the hell is market oriented? // Harvard Business Review. 1988. Vol. 66 (6). P. 119–125.
13. Prikaz Departamenta zdravoohranenija g. Moskvy ot 6 aprelja 2016 g. №293 «Ob utverzhdenii Metodicheskih rekomendacij po realizacii meroprijatij «Moskovskij standart polikliniki» i kriteriev ocenki ustojchivosti ego vnedrenija» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // URL: (data obrashhenija 03.06.2017).
14. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29 nojabrja 2010 goda № 326-FZ «Ob objazatel'nom medicinskom strahovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Jelektronnyj resurs] // URL: (data obrashhenija 03.06.2017).



How «to tame» a client
Arakelova I.V., Ph.D. in Ec.Sc., аssociate рrofessor, Head of the Department of World Economy and Economic Theory, Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
Kubli n I.M., Dr of Ec.Sc., Professor, Department of Marketing, Economy of enterprises and organizations, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute (branch) of PRUE, e-mail:

The presented article considers different material and non-material ways of getting and keeping clients. The authors come to the conclusion that for a company focused on customer loyalty is necessary a new management approach and a new business philosophy.
Keywords: customer loyalty, loyalty, marketing strategies to encourage customers, loyalty programs, value approach, management system, socially responsible business.  

1. Hofmeyr J. and Rice B. Commitment-Led Marketing. – John Wiley and Sons, 2000. – P. 85, 22.
2. RebzuevB.G. Chetyirehmernaya model affektivnoy predannosti rabotnikov organizatsii: opyit primeneniya na rossiyskoy vyiborke / B.G. Rebzuev // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 2006. – tom 27. – № 2. – S.44-59.
3. Trofimova, E.L., Bondarenko, V.Yu. Problemyi priverzhennosti personala k organizatsii v otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy literature / E.L. Trofimova, V.Yu. Bondarenko //Psihologiya v ekonomike i upravlenii. – 2013. – № 1. – S.35.
4. Rayheld, F., Marki R. Iskrennyaya loyalnost. Klyuch k zavoevaniyu klientov na vsyu zhizn, M., Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2013. – 338 s.
5. Kublin I.M., Matveeva V.V., Fomenko N.L., Tinyakova V.I. Sotsialno-psihologicheskie aspektyi upravleniya sovremennyim proizvodstvom na promyishlennom predpriyatii // Sovremennaya ekonomika: problemyi i resheniya. – 2016. – № 5. – S.83-95.
6. Sidorchuk R. R. Kontseptualnyiy podhod k otsenke effekta i effektivnosti koalitsionnyih programm loyalnosti//Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 4. – S.29.
7. Arakelova I.V.Osobennosti primeneniya programm loyalnosti na ryinke V2V v Rossii // Povolzhskiy torgovo-ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. – 2013. – № 4 (32). – C.76-85.
8. Shahovskaya, L.S. Marketing loyalnosti: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika : monografiya / L.S. Shahovskaya, I.V. Arakelova; VolgGTU. - Volgograd, 2015. – C.109.
9. Antonova A.A., Gerchikova E.Z., Kublin I.M., Bush V.G. Territorialnyie klasteryi kak perspektivnyiy format povyisheniya konkurentosposobnosti otechestvennoy ekonomiki v usloviyah importozamescheniya //Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2016. – № 2–2 (67–2). – S.116-120.
10. Shahovskaya L.S., Arakelova I.V. Mehanizm motivatsii v partnerskih programmah loyalnosti na rossiyskom ryinke V2V // Mezhdunarodnoe nauchnoe izdanie Sovremennyie fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie issledovaniya. – 2011. – № 2. – S.101-107.
11. Kublin I.M., Saninskiy S., Tinyakova V. Problemyi i protivorechiya razvitiya marketingovyih issledovaniy v sovremennoy ryinochnoy ekonomike // Problemyi teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – 2015. – № 10. – S.113-119.
12. Arakelova I.V., Kublin I.M. Marketing loyalnosti – innovatsionnaya kontseptsiya sovremennogo marketinga // Aktualnyie problemyi ekonomiki i menedzhmenta. – 2014. – № 3 (03). – S.42-46.
13. Kublin I.M., Tinyakova V.I. Instrumentyi upravleniya loyalnostyu polzovateley s sotsialnom media-marketinge, ih raznovidnosti i funktsii // Povolzhskiy torgovo-ekonomicheskiy zhurnal. – 2013. – № 5 (33). – S.56-62.
14. Tarelkina T.V. Kak uderzhivat klientov // Upravlenie sbyitom. – 2004. – № 7.
15. Pustyinnikov Yu.M. Tipichnyie predubezhdeniya i oshibki, meshayuschie razrabotke i vnedreniyu sistem stimulirovaniya personala//Spravochnik po upravleniyu personalom. – 2005. – № 3.
16. Arenkov I. A. Marketingovaya orientatsiya kompanii na osnove tsennostnogo podhoda // Problemyi sovremennoy ekonomiki. – 2013. – № 3 (47). – S.266-268.
17. Skorobogatyih I.I. Kontseptsiya volnovyih marketingovyih issledovaniy dlya izueniya tsennostnyih orientirov studencheskoy auditorii / I.I.Skorobogatyih, R.R. Sidorchuk, A.A. Meshkov, B.V. Musatov, D.M. Efimova, T.A. Tyulpaev, D. Evseeva// Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – № 6 (116). – S.30-36.
18. Li G. Udovletvorennost potrebiteley i loyalnost // Entsiklopediya marketinga. – 2012. Rezhim dostupa. URL:
19. Arakelova, I.V. Kuponnyiy servis dlya prodvizheniya tovarov i uslug: uzhe v proshlom ili eschYo aktualen? / I.V. Arakelova, M.A. Gorbunova // Aktualnyie problemyi ekonomiki i menedzhmenta. – 2015. – № 3. – C. 5–9. C. 5-9.
20. Antonova A.A., Kublin I.M., Mahmetova A.E. Sistema menedzhmenta kachestva kak faktor povyisheniya konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatiya//Izvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. – 2015. – № 3 (158). – S.77-83.
21. Frisou J. Une approche tendancielle du compotrement fidélité: du concept à sa mesuré [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.07.2017).

Actual forms of co-marketing: examples of Russian and foreign experiences
Dremova M.S., Marketer of the Association of Co-Marketing of Russia, e-mail:

In the article analyze the most popular forms of joint marketing: cross-promo, co-branding, copying, release of co-branding cards and a coalition loyalty program.
Keywords: co-marketing, cross-marketing, co-branding, cross-promo, co-branding cards, loyalty program.

1. Kushch S. P. Marketing vzaimootnosheniy na promyshlennykh rynkakh: [monografiya]. 2-ye izd. SPb.: Vyssh. shk. menedzhmenta, 2008.
2. Bucklin L.P., Sengupta S.  Balancing Co-Marketing Alliances for Effectiveness // MSI Working Paper. 1992. Report № 92-120 (August).
3. Woodside A.G., Ferres-Costa K.R.  Business-to-Business Marketing Organization Buying Behavior and Interfirm Relationship and Network Behavior // Baker M.J., Hart S. The Marketing Booke. Business&Economics, 2005.
4. Adler L. Symbiotic Marketing // Harvard Business Review. 1966. № 44 (November–December). P. 59–71.
5. Kapferer ZH. N. Brend navsegda. M.: Vershina, 2007.
6. Blackett T., Russlell N. What is Co-Branding // Co-Branding: The Science of Alliance / T. Blackett, B. Boad (eds.). Wales: Creative Print & Design, 1999.
7. Srikant A., Ghosh S. Co-branding in the FMCG Sector // Brand Alliances: New Models of Networking / P. Gopalakrishnan (ed.). ICFAI University Press, 2007. P. 116–122.
8. Sherman A. Franchising & Licensing – Two Ways to Build Your Business. 2nd ed. N.Y.: AMACOM, 1999.
24. Kapustina L.M., Khmel'kova N.V. Ko-brending v sisteme marketingovykh al'yansov kompaniy. – Yekaterinburg.: Izd-vo Ural. gos. ekon. un-ta, 2010.
25. Kotler F. Marketing menedzhment. SPb.: Piter, 1998.
26. Ged T. 4D brending: vzlamyvaya korporativnyy kod setevoy ekonomiki. SPb.: Stokgol'mskaya shkola ekonomiki v Sankt-Peterburge, 2001.
27. Glushakova T. I., Gryzunova N. V. Kak pokupayut produkty pitaniya // Marketing v Rossii: materialy III Mezhdunar. konf. M.: RAM, 2005.

Trade fairs marketing research: desk study
Simonov K.V., Ph.D. in Economics, MBA, associate professor of Department of Marketing of Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

The essence of this analysis is in characterizing the current situation and the main tendencies in connection with marketing researches of trade fairs. “Desk research” and methods of analytic review were applied to the selected group of key publications. Some gaps, admissions, disagreements, discrepancies and weak points that had accrued in the field of trade fairs marketing researches were revealed. The analysis has allowed developing the wide agenda for the activity in the sphere of trade fairs marketing researches.
Keywords:  trade fair, market researches, exhibitor, visitor, organizer.

1. Sarmento M., Simões C., Farhangmehr M. B2B Interactions at Trade Fairs and Relationship Quality: A Conceptual Approach // Advances in Business Marketing and Purchas. – 2014. – № 21. – Pp. 167–189.
2. Kuz'minova Yu.V., Bolotova I.S. Vystavochnye meropriyatiya v formate kommunikativnoj ploshchadki kak kachestvennoe i mnogofunkcional'noe sredstvo prodvizheniya tovara // Vestnik Belgorodskogo universiteta kooperacii, ehkonomiki i prava. – 2016. – № 5 (61). – s. 255-265.
3. Sulejmanova K.A. Vystavki kak ehlement kompleksa marketingovyh kommunikacij // Obrazovanie. Nauka. Nauchnye kadry. – 2014. – № 1. – s. 160-162.
4. Kostrova S.V., Fyodorova O.V. Analiz marketingovyh kommunikacij na rynke vystavochnyh uslug // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 1. – s. 21-29.
5. Odnoral, N.A., Kuz'minova, Yu.V., Bolotova, I.S. Aktivizaciya uchastiya profil'nyh posetitelej v vystavochnyh meropriyatiyah kak vazhnyj ehlement kompleksa marketingovyh kommunikacij // EHkonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. – 2014. – № 11–3 (52–3). – s. 386-392.
6. Kolosov S.M. Vystavochnyj stend kak slozhnaya interaktivnaya marketingovaya kommunikaciya // Event-marketing. – 2015. – № 2. – s. 92-100.
7. Gilliam D.A. Trade show boothscapes // Journal of Marketing Management (online). – 2015. – Pp. 1878–1898, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2015.1071276.
8. Pavlockij K.E. Ispol'zovaniya instrumentov marketingovogo analiza na ehtapah podgotovki k vystavke // Mir sovremennoj nauki. – 2015. – № 6 (34). – s. 55-58.
9. Rumyanceva E.G. Strategiya vystavochnoj deyatel'nosti promyshlennogo predpriyatiya v perspektive // Marketing i logistika. – 2015. – № 1–1(1). – s. 33-40.
10. Gottlieb U.R., Brown M.R., Ferrier L. Consumer perceptions of trade show effectiveness: scale development and validation within a B2C context // European Journal of Marketing. – 2014. – № 48 (1–2). – Pp. 89–107.
11. Maclnnis D.  A framework for conceptual contributions in marketing // Journal of Marketing. – 2011. – № 75 (3). – Pp. 136–154.
12. Sarmento M., Simoes C., Farhangmehr M. Applying a relationship marketing perspective to B2B trade fairs: the role of socialization episodes // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2015. – № 44 (1). – Pp. 131–141.
13. Kirchgeorg M., Jung K., Klante O. The future of trade shows: insights from a scenario analysis // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2010. – № 25 (4). – Pp. 301–312.
14. Kim T., Mazumdar T. Product Concept Demonstrations in Trade Shows and Firm Value // Journal of Marketing. – 2016. – № 80 (4). – Pp. 90–108.
15. Chiou J., Hsieh C., Shen C. Product innovativeness, trade show strategy and trade show performance: the case of Taiwanese global information technology firms // Journal of Global Marketing. – 2007. – № 20 (2–3). – Pp. 31–42.
16. Zimina T.V. Vystavochno-yarmarochnaya deyatel'nost' na Urale: tradicii i sovremennost' // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 2. – s. 20-30.
17. Sarmento M., Farhangmehr M., Simoes C. A relationship marketing perspective to trade fairs: Insights from participants // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2015. – № 30 (5). – Pp. 584–593.
18. Petrova I.V., Zotova O.I. Vystavochnaya deyatel'nost' kak instrument marketinga // Vestnik Tul'skogo filiala Finuniversiteta. – 2015. – № 1. – s. 300-301.
19. Dawson B.K., Young L., Tu C., Chongyi F. Co-innovation in networks of resources – a case study in the Chinese exhibition industry // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2014. – № 43 (3). – Pp. 496–503.
20. Makarova T.L., Makarov S.L. Novye tekhnologii i dizajnerskie resheniya na meropriyatiyah 2015-2016 gg.: vystavkah, kongressah, konferenciyah // Marketingovye kommunikacii. – 2016. – № 4. – s. 244-259.
21. Rinallo D., Borghini S., Golfetto F. Exploring visitor experiences at trade shows // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2010. – № 25 (4). – Pp. 249–258.
22. Ling-yee L. Antecedents and effect of internet implementation for trade shows // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2010. – № 25 (4). – Pp. 272–283.
23. Geigenmuller A. The role of virtual trade fairs in relationship value creation // Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. – 2010. – № 25 (4). – Pp. 284–292.
24. Poceluev D.A. Virtual'nye vystavki kak dopolnitel'nyj sposob marketingovyh kommunikacij // Internet-marketing. – 2012. – № 3. – s. 184-190.



How to determine the competitive price of a new product
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:

A methodology for determining the competitive price of a new product to be introduced to the market is developed, which is based on establishing the price dependence on the quality of competitive goods – the construction of the «red price» line. Having established the quality factor of a new product along the «red price» line, its competitive price is determined. To improve the objectivity of assessments, a method is proposed to amend the results of the preliminary calculation of the quality factor for the image of the producer of the goods. Practical use of the method of determining the competitive price of a new product is shown using the example of a new model of an angle grinder.
Keywords:  product, quality, price, competitiveness, image, score, quality score, “red price”, angle grinder.      

1. Lifits I. M. Konkurentosposobnost tovarov i uslug. – M.: Vyssheye obrazovaniye. 2007. – 390 s.
2. Fedyukin V. K., Durnev V. D., Lebedev V. G. Metody otsenki i upravleniya kachestvom promyshlennoy produktsii. – M.: Informatsionno-izdatelskiy dom «Filin». Rilant. 2001. – 328 s.
3. Faskhiyev Kh. A. Kak otsenit i upravlyat kachestvom i konkurentosposobnostyu tovarov i uslug // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 67–81; № 4. – S. 72 – 84.
4. Faskhiyev Kh. A. Analiz metodov otsenki kachestva i konkurentosposobnosti gruzovykh avtomobiley // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2001. – № 3–4.
5. Popov E. V., Kryuchkova O. N. Tsenoobrazovaniye: metody ustanovleniya tsen i ikh klassifikatsiya // Marketing. – 2002. – S. 6.
6. Rodionova A. N., Rudneva Yu. R., Pashin S. T. Metody rascheta tseny na novyy tovar // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2001. – № 2. – S. 34-45.
7. Tseny i tsenoobrazovaniye / Pod red. V.E. Esipova. – SPb.: Piter. 2000.
8. Nozdreva R. B. Osnovnyye metody tsenoobrazovaniya yaponskikh firm // Marketing. – 1995. – № 1. – S. 64-73.
9. Samuseva N. A. Metody rascheta tseny na novyy tovar // Planovo-ekonomicheskiy otdel. – 2011. – № 3. – S. 27–34.
10. Faskhiyev Kh. A. Skolko pokazateley neobkhodimo dlya dostovernoy otsenki kachestva tovarov // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2008. – № 1. – S. 72 – 91.
11. Faskhiyev Kh. A. Otsenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti kachestva i konkurentosposobnosti izdeliy // Vestnik mashinostroyeniya. – 2000. – № 10. – S. 59–66.
12. Faskhiyev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V. Metodika otsenki kachestva avtomobiley // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2005. – № 4. – S. 86–93.
13. Faskhiyev Kh. A., Krakhmaleva A. V., Safarova M. A. Konkurentosposobnost avtomobiley i ikh agregatov. - Naberezhnyye Chelny: Izd-vo Kamskogo gosud. politekhn. in-ta. 2005. – 187 s.



Mediapolicy of territorial brand: conceptual framework
Frolov D.P., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department «Marketing», Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation, e-mail:
Strekalova A.S., Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD), Assistant Professor of Department «Marketing», Volgograd State University, e-mail:

This article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and
the Volgograd Region Administration, the project «Institutions and industries of transactional economic development of the region: forming of analysis methodology and regulatory policy» No. 17-12-34009 a(r).

In article prospects of the alternative concept of branding of territories integrating approaches of territorial marketing and a mediology are considered. The stakeholder interpretation of mediapolicy of territorial brands considering tendencies of a digitalization and hybridization of a modern mediasphere is offered. The first examples of purposeful formation of mediapolicy of brands of the foreign cities are analysed. The interpretative content analysis of mediacommunications of the Russian regions – leaders in the field of branding is carried out. The frame concept of new mediapolicy of territorial brands is
Keywords:  branding of territories, marketing of territories, mediapolicy, digitalization, online-branding, stakeholders, journalists of territories.

1. Derbe R. Vvedenie v mediologiju / Per. s franc. B.M. Skuratova. – M.: Praksis, 2010. – 368 s.
2. Kastel's M. Vlast' kommunikacii: ucheb. posobie / Per. s angl. N.M. Tylevich; pod nauch. red. A.I. Chernyh; NIU «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». – M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2016. – 564 s.
3. Kotler Ph. Konec kapitalizma? 14 antidotov ot boleznej rynochnoj jekonomiki / Per. s angl. K. Shashkovoj. – M.: Jeksmo, 2016. – 288 s.
4. Semjonova A.V., Korsunskaja M.V. Kontent-analiz SMI: problemy i opyt primenenija / Pod red. V.A. Mansurova. – M.: Institut sociologii RAN, 2010. – 324 s.
5. Strekalova A.S. Geterogennost' stejkholderov jekologicheskogo marketinga territorij // Izvestija VolgGTU. Serija «Aktual'nye problemy reformirovanija rossijskoj jekonomiki». – 2015. – № 9 (169). – S. 81-87.
6. Florek M. Onlajn-brending gorodov // Brending territorii. Luchshie mirovye praktiki / Pod red. K. Dinni; per. s angl. V. Sechnoj. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013. – 336 s.
7. Hohlova T.P., Nazaretjan P.V. Product placement kak global'naja strategija prodvizhenija tovarov i uslug: problemy i puti ih reshenija [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom – 2011. – № 2. URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.06.2017).
8. Andersson M., Ekman P.  Ambassador networks and place branding.  Journal of Place Management and Development, 2009, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 41–51.
9. Anholt S. Editor’s foreword to the first issue. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2004, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 4–11.
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16. Paganoni M. City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectives, Discursive Strategies and Multimodality. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 162 p.
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18. Social Media and Local Governments: Theory and Practice / Ed. by Mehmet Zahid Sobaci. Springer, 2015. 335 p.
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23. Workshop: Contemporary Urban Journalism. Urban Stories Festival [Official website]. URL: (date of access: 08.06.2017)
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Marketing of small towns as a factor of region development
Sheresheva M.Y., PhD, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the Research Center for Network Economy, e-mail:
Oborin M.S., PhD, associate Professor of economic analysis and statistics FSBEI Perm Institute (branch) of the Federal state institution of higher education “Russian economic University G.V. Plekhanov”, Perm, 614070, Perm, Boulevard Gagarina, 57 Professor, Department of world and regional economy, the economic theory of the Perm state national research University, 614990, Perm, street bukireva, 15, e-mail:
Berezka S.M., Marketing Director, Research Center for Network Economy, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Leninskie Gory, 1-46, e-mail:

The article was prepared within the framework of the research carried out with the financial support of grant of Russian scientific Foundation (project No. 17-18-01324) “Sustainable development of territories on the basis of network interaction of small towns and district centers”.

The article deals with opportunities of small cities’ marketing and their alliances as a factor of sustainable development of a territory. Particular attention is paid to exploring the potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation under consideration. The current state of small towns’ economy is characterized, directions for diversification are proposed. The authors come to the conclusion that marketing efforts are able to make positive contribution to the regional sustainable development. A theoretical model is proposed, to be further tested on empirical data from three Russian regions – the Vladimir Oblast, the Tula Oblast, and the Perm Krai.
Keywords:  place marketing, small city, city brand, tourism attractiveness, sustainable development, relationship marketing, place value proposition, networking.

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4. Oborin M. S. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie uslovija i funktsii sanatorno-kurortnoi sistemi regiona kak factor sozdanija marketingovoi strategii razvitija rinka sanatorno-kurortnih uslug // Vestnik Astrahanskogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Seriya: Economika. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 49-56.
5. Oborin M. S. Dinamika razvitija sanatorno-rurortnogo kompleksa i lechebno-ozdorovitelnogo turizma v Permskom kraye // Vestnik udmurtskogo universiteta. Seriya Biologiya. Nauki o zemle. – 2013. – № 6–4. – S. 146-153.
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19. Kalendar sobitiynih meropriyatiy Tulskoy oblasti na 2017 god // Sait Obedinenija tsentrov razvitija iskusstva, narodnoy kulturi i turizma Tulskoy oblasti [Electronniy  resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 12.06.2017).
20. Kalendar sobitiy [Electronniy  resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 12.06.2017).
21. Federalnaja sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 23.06.2017).
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25. Federalnaja sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 29.06.2017).



Marketing strategies of internet communications (on tourist industry example)
Tetushkin V.А., Tambov state technical University, Tambov, Tambov region, Russian Federation, e-mail:

In the article considers the modern marketing strategy of Internet communications on example tourist industry. Recommended for using methods of search engine optimization and calculation of the efficiency for the Internet strategies. A comparative analysis of planning a communication strategy and plan communication strategy on the Internet.
Keywords: marketing, Internet communication, Internet technologies, communication strategies, banner and contextual advertising, service and tourism.

1. Kuznecov G.S. osobennosti i preimushhestva primenenija instrumentarija marketingovyh kommunikacij v Internete dlja sub#ektov rynka agroturisticheskih uslug // Voprosy jekonomicheskih nauk. – 2011. – № 5 (50). – S. 33-41.
2. Danilina M.V., Dejnekin T.V. Kompleksnyj podhod k marketingovym kommunikacijam v seti Internet // Kompetentnost'. – 2015. – № 1 (122). – S. 40-45.
3. Tolstikova E.B. Marketingovye kommunikacii biznesa v jeru Interneta // V sbornike: Marketing i povedenie potrebitelej N.V. Poljakova (, K.A. Tatarinov (otv. sekr.). Irkutsk,  Baikal state University, 2011. –S. 69-74.
4. Kuznecova E.M. Sravnitel'nyj analiz tradicionnyh i Inernet-metodov marketingovyh kommunikacij // Jekonomika ustojchivogo razvitija. – 2015. – № 2 (22). – S. 142-146.
5. Shurchkova Ju.V. Sostav i struktura kompleksa marketingovyh kommunikacij, realizuemyh v seti Internet // Jekonomika, statistika i informatika. Vestnik UMO. – 2011. – № 7. – S. 116-120.
6. Il'jashenko S.N. Sovremennye tendencii primenenija Internet-tehnologij v marketinge // Marketing i menedzhment innovacij. – 2011. – № 4–2. – S. 64-74.
7. Tolstjakov R.R., Kuznecova E.M. Jevoljucija kommunikacij v uslovijah transformacii potrebitel'skih rynkov // Social'no-jekonomicheskie javlenija i processy. – 2015. – Т. 10. – № 5. – S. 111-116.



Specifics and key features of world consumer electronics market
Medvedeva A.A., PhD Student, Department of World Economy Faculty of Economics Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:
Chikhun L.P., Associated Professor, Department of World Economy Faculty of Economics Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

The article considers specifics and key features of world consumer electronics market. The main aspects of new products launch and further demand development on consumer electronics market are pointed out. Comparison between product’s development and life cycle is given. The article assesses place of companies, which launch new innovative products and shows appearance of first competitors. Special attention is given to renewal of product line, seasonality and cyclic demand fluctuations. The article also shows gradual obsolescence of products. The authors analyze modern trends in consumers’ behavior during new electronics products purchasing and show the increasing importance of informational channels.
Keywords: Consumer electronics market, product lifecycle, market growth, innovations, market share, product line, seasonality, cyclicity, fluctuations, demand.

1. Novikov I. Bylaya slava: 10 zabytykh tekhnologicheskikh brendov. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.01.2016).
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4. Euromonitor International. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:[0].Code=WO&fs[0].Group=geography&fs[0].Name=World&fs[0].hasChildren=False&fs[0].Expanded=False&fs[0].Type=Child (data obrashcheniya: 15.07.2016).
5. Global Tablet Market Report. PR Newswire. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 15.02.2017).
6. International Data Corporation. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.02.2017).
7. Maxwell J. How do customers behave differently when purchasing in different retail sectors. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya:  05.03.2017).
8. Statista. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.02.2017).
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13. Vernon R.  International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle // Quarterly Journal of Economics. – 1966. – May. – Pp. 190–207.

Evaluation of the automobile market in the African countries
Dia M.S.M., Post-graduate student of the department of Economy of high-tech industries department, Moscow Polytechnic University, e-mail:
Sekerin V.D., Dr. Sc. (Economics), professor, head of the department of Economy of high-tech industries Moscow Polytechnic University, e-mail:

The article presents the current state of the automotive market in Africa is considered. It is determined that the development of motor industry on the continent is one of the main priorities of the socio-economic policy of states.
Keywords: South African auto market, business environment, “chain strikes”, wholesale distributor, African Automobile Manufacturers Association.

1. African Association of automotive Manufacturers delegation targets Abuja for busuness // EXPOGROUP [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 12.03.2017).
2. Africa Automotive Industry Outlook // FOCUS 2 MOVE [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 12.03.2017).
4. Angola avança para a indústria automóvel com apoio de gigantes mundiais do sector // Novo Jornal [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 13.03.2017).
5. Gritsunova S.V., Nikolaenko O.V. Sostoyanie avtomobilnogo rinka Rossii e perspektivi ego razvitia // Internet-jurnal «Mir nauki» 2015 №2 (dustup svobodniy). Zagl. s ekrana. Yaz. rus., angl.
6. Volswagen Media Services [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 02.05.2017).

World labor market: state and trends
Krivorotko I.A., candidate of economical sciences, associate professor of the chair “International Economics” Institute of Economics and Management V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, e-mail:

This article examines the main segments of the world labor market. At the present stage, the labor market is characterized by a low labor cost. World migration flows and the dynamics of regional unemployment are singled out. The average monthly salary according to the rating of the states is analyzed. The main problems of the Russian Federation regarding labor resources were identified, which led to a low ranking position. The strengthening of state support and the improvement of the technology of the employment service of the Russian Federation are proposed.
Keywords:  labor market, labor force, unemployment, migration, segment, problems, population, number structure, employment.

1. Araslanov O.G. Systema upravlenija trudovimi resursami regiona / O.G. Araslanov // Nauchnij potential. – 2012. – № 3. – S. 12-15.
2. Basyrova E.I. K voprosuo roli regionalnoi politiki v upravlenii trudovimi resursami / E.I. Basyrova // Nauchno-metodicheskij elektronnij zurnal kontsept. – 2015. – Т. 13. – S. 2531-2535.
3. Budzinskaya O.V., Zazovskaya N.M. Zarubeznij opit prognozirovanija potrebnosti v rabochei sili na rinke truda / O.V. Budzinskaya, N.M. Zazovskaya // Oil, gas and business. – 2014. – № 2. – S. 8-15.
4. Budzinskaya O.V., Zazovskaya N.M. Zarubeznij opit prognozirovanija potrebnosti v rabochei sili na rinke truda (Part 2) / O.V. Budzinskaya, N.M. Zazovskaya // Oil, gas and business. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 10-17.
5. Gishkaeva L.L. Rossijskij rinok truda: spezifika stanovlenija i razvitija / L.L. Gishkaeva // Vestnik ekonomicheskoi integrazii. – 2014. – № 1. – S. 122-127.
6. Official sait Federalnoi sluzbi po trudu i zanjatosti of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. – Rezim dostupa:
7. Stolyarchuk J., Poruchnik S. Sovremennaja segmentation I kljuchevie tendenzii razvitija rinka truda / J. Stolyarchuk, S. Poruchnik // Aspect truda. – № 7. – 2015. – S.12-17.
8. World Investment Report 2013: Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development. – UNCTAD, 2013. – S. 25.  


List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Aboard» in 2017

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