Motives for consumption of counterfeit products of luxury brands
Ochkovskaya M.S., candidate of economic sciences, docent, marketing department, economic faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:
Airapetian M.R., post-graduate student, marketing department, economic faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:
The study investigates the motives for deliberate consumption of counterfeit products of luxury brands (CPLB) and single out the segments of consumers who are tolerant of CPLB. Additionally pros and cons of counterfeit products of luxury brands for consumers are summed up and presented in the study. In this research the authors were concentrated mainly on the consumer side and attempted to find out except negative influence some positive role of CPLB for a consumer personality. The investigation covered counterfeit products of fashion luxury brands and was limited by women living in Moscow.
Keywords: counterfeit products of luxury brands, luxury brands, mix & match approach.
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Investigation of consumers interaction with the online brand communities of cosmetic products
Napalkova A.A., PhD in Economics, associated professor of Marketing, commerce and logistics department, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, e-mail:
This article deals with the factors of consumer interaction with online brand communities. The results of the conducted marketing research on the consumer interaction with online brand communities of cosmetic products are presented.
Keywords: brand community, online brand community, cosmetic products, consumer behavior, brand, marketing research.
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The dynamic cognitive-psychological model of sales area spacing in the merchandising technologies
Ramazanov I.A., Doctor of economics, PH.D, professor trade policy Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
The article describes dynamic cognitive-psychological model of sales area spacing in the retail companies in the context of changes arriving of consumer behavior in the global marketing environment. The essential drivers and particularities of consumers behavior transformation in the sales area are discovered. The mechanism of sales area spacing into zones and types of goods depending on functions completed by these products in merchandising technologies. The algorithm of this mechanism realization in practice is overviewed.
Keywords: merchandising, consumer behavior, cognitive psychology, trading technology, retail trade.
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Communication strategies for developing customer interaction programs
Isaeva E.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Innovation and Project Management of Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky, e-mail:
Slutsky T.Yu., post-graduate student of the Department of Innovative and Project Management of Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky, e-mail:
We studied the existing approaches to the definition of strategies in the sphere of development of consumer relations and justified the new approach to the choice of strategy depending on the value of the client and its level of net support. The algorithm for determining the value of the customer has been refined, and the matrix of communication strategies has been proposed to develop programs for interaction with consumers. For each strategy, the tools of the first choice are defined in the relationship management points. The indicators of the effectiveness evaluation of the proposed instruments are
Keywords: relationship marketing, interaction, empirical marketing, communications, communication strategies.
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The development of competitive advantages of organizations in terms of import
Zimina T.V., PhD, Professor of the Department of “Economic theory and economic policy” Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia Boris Yeltsyn, e-mail: zimina1964@
The article discusses the competitive advantages of enterprises, their development is one of the main objectives of the marketing strategy, providing a stable position of the organization on the market. In terms of import the urgency of the problem grows in connection with the appearance in the domestic market many new producers
Keywords: import substitution, competitiveness, competitive advantage, life cycle of the company, falsification of products, SWOT-analysis, competitiveness assessment with consideration of weighting factor.
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Collaboration of the art market and the world of fashion as an instrument of mutually
beneficial PR in marketing
Belskikh I.E., Professor of the Department Management and finance of production systems and technological entrepreneurship Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
Bredihina A.A., student, of the Department Management and finance of production systems and technological entrepreneurship Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:
In search of new sources of competitiveness, firms began to actively use the achievements of art in marketing. On the basis of expert analysis, three stages of the development of the art market and fashion world collage were identified: the first stage of the formation of the 18th – early XX centuries, II stage of development of the 20-ies. XX – 90-ies. XX and III stage of full-scale use of collabation at the end of the XX – beginning XXI centuries. The theoretical and methodological basis of collabation is the use of well-known social, marketing theories and concepts.The authors proposed the Collaboration Matrix as a tool for mutually beneficial PR in marketing based on societal types, used information carriers, communicative and visual technologies. It is proved that using the collaboration prolongs the life cycle of the goods of the fashion world.
Keywords: art, art market, fashion world, PR, marketing, collaboration.
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The marketing approach to increasing the efficiency of Kyrgyzstan tourist potential application
Turdiev T.I., candidate of economic sciences, docent of the department of economic and management, a branch of the Russian State Social University in Osh, e-mail:
Here are considered the characteristics of tourist and recreational resources of the regions of Kyrgyzstan, where internal and external tourist flows are directed. The structure of external tourist flows is determined, which affects the degree of commercialization of the tourist market and the increase of tourism potential. Peculiar features of the development of the tourism and recreational branch of the country are specified. Proposed measures to develop marketing policy for the effective use of tourism potential.
Keywords: tourist resources, marketing, tourist market, market segmentation, efficiency, poverty, marketing of tourism.
1. Nikonorov S.M. Razvitie ekoturizma: regional’naya model’. Na primere Privolzhskogo federal’nogo okruga. – Ì.: Institut ustoichivogo razvitiya Îbshchestvennoi palaty RF / Tsentr ekologicheskoi politiki Rossii, 2013. – 120 s.
2. AlimovaG.B. Bednost’ v Kyrgyzstane: sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie posledstviya // Materialy VI Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii «Sorokinskie chteniya – 2010» / Sbornik tezisov. – Ì.: ÌÀÊS Press, 2010. – S. 30–33.
3. Turdiev Ò.I. O nekotorykh ekologo-ekonomicheskikh ugrozakh dlya integral’noi bezopasnosti Kirgizii // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya «Ekonomika I ekologiya: vyzovy ÕÕI veka», posvyashchennaya 110 letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Ò.S. Khachaturova, 24-25 noyabrya 2016 g. / Sbornik tezisov. – Ì.: Ekonomicheskii fakul’tet MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova, 2016. – S. 124–125.
4. Nizamiev A.G., Turdiev T.I., Kultaeva A.K. Lesnye resursy Kyrgyzstana I problemy ikh sokhraneniya I komplekcnogo ispol’zovaniya // Vestnik Kazakhskogo natsional’nogo universiteta imeni Al’-Farabi. Seriya geograficheskaya, – 2013. – ¹ 1 (36). – S. 17–22.
Marketing approaches to assessing the impact of large international organizations on the export of domestic agricultural products1
Seifullaeva M.E., Ph.Doctor, Department of Marketing, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Panasenko S.V., Ph.Doctor, Head of marketing department of trade policy Plekhanov Russian university of economics, e-mail:
Shirochenskaya I.P., Assoc. Prof., Department of Marketing, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
The article is prepared within the framework of scientific and research work on an internal grant on the subject: «Methodological approaches to assessing the impact of large international organizations on the export of Russian agricultural production: marketing aspect».
The article presents the authors’ approach to developing the methodology for assessing the impact of large international organizations such as WTO and EU on the export of domestic agricultural products, based on marketing principles.
Certain insufficient activity in the application of various marketing techniques, methods and tools used in promoting agricultural products on overseas markets is stated in the article.
The main blocks of the methodology proposed by the authors are designed to encourage more active promotion of domestic products to prospective overseas markets.
Keywords: marketing approach, methodology, large international organizations, agricultural production, marketing activities, external environment, priorities, local producers.
1. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF “O Gosudarstvennoi tselevoi pogprogramme “Razvitiye proizvodstva moloka I molochnoi peoduktsii na 2015-2020 godi”//
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3. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 07.08.2014 N 778 “Î merakh ppo realizatsii ukazov Prezidenta Rossijskoi Federatsii ot 6 avgusta 2014 g. N 560, ot 24 ijunia 2015 g. N 320, ot 29 ijunia 2016 ã. N 305 I ot 30 ijunia 2017 g. N 293" // Sistema GARANT:
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6. Seifullaeva Ì. E., Panasenko S.V., Shirochenskaya I. P., Yevseeva J. R. Marketing v formirovanii integratsionnikh svyazei Rosii s Evraziiskim ekonomicheskim sojuzom // Plejhanovsij nauchnij bulleten’. – 2017. – ¹ 2 (12). – Ñ. 184–189.
7. Ìàòåriali II mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii: «Agropromyshlennost: itogi 2016 goda, perspektivi phranko-rossijskogo sotrudnitchestva». Òåìà: «Investitsionnaya privl’ ekate’nost molochnoi otrasli» [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya: 24.07.2017).
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10. Seifullaeva M.E., Shirochenskaya I.P., Shklyar T.L. Strategiya formirovaniya konkurentnyh preimuschestv produktsii rossiyskoy molochnoy produktsii [Strategy of forming competitive advantages of Russian dairy production] // International Researches, No. 1, 2017.
11. Seifullaeva Ì.E., Shirochenskaya I.P., Shklyar T.L., Mkhytaryan S.V., Panasenko S.V. Strategy of import substitution at Russian food market: implementation problems and prospects. International Journal of Economic Perspective, September 2017, No. 90.
Development problems of Russian tourism market for the consumer segment of older persons
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Honoured Science Worker of RF, e-mail:
Korchagin E.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Commerce and Business Informatics of Tambov State Technical University, e-mail:
The authors analyze the problem of the development of Russian tourism market for older consumers. The authors suggest specific areas of the design of the tourist product to the older target consumer audience with the experience of the world’s countries. In the article, the authors state the fact that this target audience, unlike other age groups, has its own characteristics, which are not taken into account when creating a tourist product by Russian tour operators.
Keywords: conjuncture, marketing, behavior, consumption, design, tourism market, tourist services, tourist product.
1. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Osobennosti sprosa na turisticheskie uslugi v segmente pozhilykh liudei [Features of the demand for tourism services in the segment of the elderly // Marketing services. – 2014. – ¹ 1 (37). – Pp. 48–55.
2. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Rynok turisticheskikh uslug dlia liudei zrelogo vozrasta: problemy i perspektivy razvitiia [The tourist market for the elderly in the Russian economic space] // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2012. – ¹ 6 (92). – Pp. 71–80.
3. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Turisticheskii biznes dlia liudei starshego vozrasta [The tourist business for older people] // ECO. The All-Russian Economic Journal. – 2012. – ¹ 9 (459). – Pp. 33–39.
4. Groshev I.V., Korchagin E.P. Turisticheskii rynok dlia pozhilykh liudei v rossiiskom ekonomicheskom prostranstve [The tourist market for the elderly in the Russian economic space] // European Social Science Journal. – 2013. – ¹ 3 (31). – Ñ. 461–470.
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A method that allows you to design sources of advertising information, prior to the commencement of promotional activities
Oganesyan A.S., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences General Director of scientific-production center of new information technologies, e-mail:
Oganisyan I.A., Deputy Chief Accountant Ltd. «Company JZ», e-mail:
The article shows the possibility of solving one of the most important tasks of the enterprise economy, which previously belonged to the category of tasks “not having a solution.” In it, in particular, it is shown that advertising appeals and their carriers are constituent elements of sources of advertising information. The influence of each of them on the effectiveness of these sources is manifested not separately, but in mutual connection with each other. A criterion is obtained that reflects the result of the interaction between these elements. On the basis of this criterion, a method has been developed that allows not only to determine the effectiveness of the above sources before the launch of advertising events, but also to design sources that can ensure the receipt of the planned profit from advertising.
Keywords: advertising, marketing, advertising effectiveness and advertising costs, the process of forming a profit from advertising, advertising technologies.
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