Contents of N4/2018

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Contents of N4/2018


Development of marketing concept on the basis of empirical economy
Nozdreva R.B., Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Рrofessor of the Department of Management, Marketing and External Economic Relations, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia, 119454, Moscow, Pr. Vernadskogo, 76, e-mail:

The article defines the contribution of marketing to the improvement of behavioral and psychological approaches to consumer motivation and methods of influence on purchasing behavior. The importance of the concept of empirical economics, Integration of economics and psychologyare determined by the fiasco model of rational choice. The analysis of the development of fundamental economic science as a result of works of Richard Thaler, Nobel Prize laureate in economics of 2017 are considered in the context of empirical marketing of its individual types: the behavioral marketing, sensory and neuromarketing.
Keywords:  empirical marketing, empirical economics, concept of Richard Thaler, Behavioral marketing, Sensory marketing, Neuromarketing.

1. Empirical Economic Review // Journal of UMT. – 2017. – № 6.
2. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 05.03.2018).
3. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 06.02.2018).
4. Forbs. – 2017. – Okt.
5. Bloomberg. Business Week «Business is Booming in Empirical Economics». – 2017. – Okt.
6. Nozdreva R.B. Marketing. – М.: Aspekt-Press, 2016. – S. 23.
7. Hultén B. Sensory Marketing: Theoretical and Empirical Grounds. – N.Y.: Taylor&francis, 2015.
8. Shmitt B. JEmpiricheskij marketing. Kak zastavit' klienta chuvstvovat', dumat', dejstvovat', a takzhe sootnosit' sebja  s vashej kompaniej.. – М.: FairPress, 2001. – S. 372.
9. Boksem Maarten A.S. Smidts Ale Brain Responses to Movie Trailers Predict Individual Preferences for Movies and the Population-Wide Commercial Success // Journal of Marketing Research. – Vol. 52. – Iss. 4. – Pp. 482–492.
10. Zurawicki L. Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer. – Boston: Springer, 2010. – Pp. 42–55.
11. Nozdreva R.B. Mezhdunarodnyj marketing. – М.: JEkonomist, 2005. – S. 687–688.

The influence of marketing on the formation of ecosystem flexibility
Sekerin V.D., Dr.Sc., pro fessor, head of «Economics and organization» department, Moscow Polytechnic University, e-mail:
Gorlevskaya L.E., Ph.D. in Economics, associated professor of «Economics and organization» department, Moscow Polytechnic University, e-mail:

The authors define the formation of ecosystem flexibility as a key direction in the marketing of ecosystems. The article contains a proposed classification of ecosystems in the economy, an investigation of levels and characteristics of ecosystem flexibility, a developed methodology of calculation and assessing the flexibility of ecosystems.
Keywords: flexibility of ecosystems, marketing of ecosystems, business ecosystems, value co-creation.

1. Sekerin V.D., Gorlevskaja L.E. Marketing ekosistem // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2018. – № 2.
2. James A. Martin. 5 Must-Have Skills for the Modern Marketer – 2015 – American Marketing Association [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obraschenija: 10.04.2017).
3. 15 experts define agile marketing [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: / (data obraschenija: 09.12.2016).
4. Business ecosystems come of age – 2015 – Deloitte University Press [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obraschenija: 17.05.2017).
5. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Ju. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka. 4-e izd., dopolnennoe. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.
6. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka / pod red. D.N. Ushakova. – M.: Gos. in-t "Sov. `entsikl."; OGIZ; Gos. izd-vo inostr. i nats. slov, 1935-1940. (4 t.)
7. Zeszut J., Mitra S. Agile Marketing Measurement// Doklad na konferentsii. MarTech US – 2016.
8. Deichmann [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obraschenija: 15.04.2017).
9. PWC [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obraschenija: 10.04.2017).

Interesting myths and well-founded facts about the initial stages of the marketing concept development
Karimov F.P., Doctor in Applied Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy-Rector Westminster International University in Tashkent, e-mail:

This paper critically reviews the historical theory of Robert Keith on the four concept of the marketing evolution such as “production oriented era”, “sales oriented era”, “marketing oriented era”, and the era of “marketing control”. The provided evidence shows that some popular thoughts on “the evolution of marketing concept” which dominate today have been criticized by many scholars. The analyses business the conditions in Britain, Germany, Canada, and the United States indicate that the “production era” concept obscures the extent and level of development of earlier marketing practice. The review of scientific literature shows that it has long been beyond the scope of this popular doctrine.
Keywords: marketing concept, marketing evolution, marketing orientations.  

1. Online Etymology Dictionary [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
2. Online Dictionary [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
3.  Berghoff H., Scranton P. and Spiekermann U. (Eds.). The rise of marketing and market research. – Springer, 2012.
4. Keith R.J. The marketing revolution / The Journal of Marketing. – 1960. – Рp. 35–38.
5. Keller K.L. and Kotler P. Marketing management. – Pearson, 2016.
6. Brassington F. and Pettitt S. Principles of marketing. FT Prentice Hall, 2005.
7. Hollensen S. Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education, 2015.
8. Dixon D.F. Medieval macromarketing thought. In Macromarketing: Evolution of Thought, Proceedings of the Fourth Macromarketing Seminar. – 1980. – Pp. 59–70.
9.  Nevett T. Historical investigation and the practice of marketing // The Journal of Marketing. – 1991. – Pp. 13–23.
10. Southerton D. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of consumer culture. – Sage Publications, 2011.
11. Hollander S.C., Rassuli K.M., Jones D.B. and Dix L.F. Periodization in marketing history // Journal of Macromarketing. – 2005. – No. 25 (1). – Pp. 32–41.
12. Smith A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. – London: George Routledge and Sons, 1776.
13. Adcock D., Halborg A. and Ross C. Marketing: principles and practice. – Pearson Education, 2001.
14. Butler J.T.F. Marketing: An introduction. – Oxford: Oxford Business Publishing, 1991.
15.  Hill L. and  O’Sullivan T. Foundation marketing (Third edition). – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2004.
16. Lancaster G. and Massingham L. Essentials of marketing: Text and cases (Second edition). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Book Company Europe, 1993.
17. Gamble J., Gilmore A., McCartan-Quinn D. and Durkan P. The Marketing concept in the 21st century: A review of how Marketing has been defined since the 1960s // The marketing review. – 2011. – No. 11 (3). – Pp. 227–248.
18. Fullerton R.A. How modern is modern Marketing? Marketing’s evolution and the myth of the Production Era // The Journal of Marketing. – 1988. – Pp. 108–125.
19. Bagozzi R.P. Principles of marketing management. – Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1986.
20.  Jones D.B. and  Richardson A.J.  The myth of the marketing revolution // Journal of Macromarketing. – 2007. – No. 27 (1). – Pp. 15–24.
21. Beyker M. Teoriya marketinga. – SPb.: Piter, 2002.
22. Howa rd J.A. Marketing management: Analysis and planning. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1957.
23. McCarthy E.J.  Basic marketing: A managerial approach. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1960.
24. Copeland M.T. Marketing problems. – N.Y.: Arch W. Shaw, 1921.
25. Pollay R.W. The subsiding sizzle: A descriptive history of print advertising, 1900–1980 // The Journal of Marketing. – 1985. – Pp. 24–37.
26. Gross B.L. and Sheth J.N. Time-oriented advertising: a content analysis of United States magazine advertising, 1890–1988 // The Journal of Marketing. – 1989. – Pp. 76–83.
27. Solomon M.R., Stuart E.W., Carson A.  and  Smith J.B. Marketing: Real people, real decisions. – Toronto: Pearson, 2005.
28. Pride W.M. and Ferrell O.C. Marketing. – Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
29. Shapiro S.J., Kenneth W., William D.P. and McCarthy E.J. Basic marketing. – Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002.



Marketing technology for quality audit of lond-distance railway passenger transportation
Azoev G.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Marketing Department, Director of the Institute of Marketing State University of Management, e-mail:

The article presents a technology, which allows to evaluate the quality of passengers trips by long-distance trains, based on passengers reviews and their satisfaction with the trip. A model is introduced, which is a basis for designing a technology, quality factors and the methodology for their evaluation, as well as data streams, rating formation procedures and design of tactical and strategic outlines for quality management.
Keywords:  marketing technologies, quality audit, railway passenger transportation, ratings.

1. AzoevG.L., ChelenkovA.P. Konkurentnie preimushestva firmi. – M.: OAO "Tipografiya "Novosti", 2000.
2. Blackwell R., Miniard P., Angel J. Povedenie potrebiteley. – 10-e izdanie. – SPb.: Piter, 2007.
3. Galitsky E.B. Metodi marketingovih issledovaniy/ Institut fonda "Obshestvennoe mnenie". – M., 2014.
4. Dibb S., Simkin L. Practicheskoe rukovodstvo po segmentirovaniu rinka/ Per. s angl. – SPb.: Piter, 2011.
5. McDonald M., Dunbar J. Segmentirovanie rinka. – M: Delo i service, 2002.
6. Malchotra N.K. Marketingovie issledovaniya i effectivniy analis statisticheskih dannih/ Per. s angl. – Kiev: OOO TID DS, 2010.

Digital competitive analysis tools: how to measure brand awareness in online
Gerasimenko V.V., PHD, Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory, e-mail:
Golovanova E.V., PG Student, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory, e-mail:

In the current digital era online tools capture a huge volumes of data that can be used also as a source of information for competitive analysis. In this paper authors identify two main online equivalent of brand awareness metrics that include: number of search queries with brand or product name and number of brand online mentions. Based on the research conducted on the luxury perfumery category on the Russian market it was identified that brand and product lifecycle influence the dynamics of online mentions and search, but with mostly short-term effect. It was also noted that there is a link between brand activations and users posting and search activity and this criteria can be used as a benchmark for campaign effectiveness in terms of brand awareness KPI.
Keywords: competitive analysis, brand awareness, data economy, benchmarking, online tools, search engines, users online mentions.

1. Merchant N. Why Porter’s Model No Longer Works // Harvard Business Review. 2012 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 06.07.2016).
2. Branderburger A.M., Nalebuff B.J. Inside Intel // Harvard Business Review. 1996 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 03.02.2017).
3. Benway J.P., Lane D.M. Banner Blindness: Web Searchers Often Miss «Obvious» Links // Rice University [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 19.06.2017).
4. Lambin J.J., Schuiling I. Market-Driven Management: Strategic and Operational Marketing // Palgrave Macmillan – Business & Economics. – 2012. – P. 624.
5. Besanko D., Dranove D., Shaley M., Schaefer S. Economics of Strategy // California State University, Chico Sons, Inc. Fifth Edition, 2010.
6. 12Manage, The Value Net (PARTS, Co-operation) // The Executive Fast Track [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 07.06.2016).
7. Branderburger A.M., Nalebuff B.J. The Right Game: Use Game Theory To Change Strategy. educational portal. 1995. Available at: (data obrascheniya: 12.09.2016).
8. Pazi M. Bolshoy Informatsionniy Vzryv [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Expert Online. 2017. URL: (data obrascheniya 09.12.2017).
9.  Blackwell D., Miniard P., Engel J.  Consumer behavior // Thomson/South-Western. – 2006. – P. 774.
10. Court D., Elzinga D., Mulder S., Vetvik O. The Consumer Decision Journey // MCKinsey & Company. Marketing & Sales. 2009 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 19.06.2017).
11. Voskresenskiy M. Puteshestvie Potrebiletya // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 15.12.2017).
12. Vserossiyskiy Tsentr Izucheniya Obshetvennogo Mneniya (VTSIOM) Pres vinusk № 3346 // [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 09.12.2017).
13. MediaScope. Auditoriya Polzovateley Interneta v Rossii v 2017 godu sostavila 87 mln. chelovek [Online source] // issledovatel`skoe agentstvo. 2017. URL: (data obrascheniya 04.05.2017).
14. Hoffman M. Here Is Everything You Need To Know About the Millennial Consumer // consultant company. 2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 08.10.2016).
15. YouScan // sistema monitoringa social`ny`x media [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 30.10.2017).
16. Wordstat.Yandex // Podbor slov [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 30.10.2017).

Measuring customer lifetime value in the Russian consumer goods market
Makarova Ya.V., Postgraduate, Doctoral School of Management, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

The customer lifetime value (CLV) concept is one of marketing metrics that directly connects marketing activities with financial performance. It is important that CLV models help marketing managers to make decisions in the current period in order to increase profits in the future. The article examines main approaches to the “customer equity” concept interpretation and assessment. This paper presents a study that examine three customer lifetime models for five categories from consumer packaged goods industry in Russia. According to the research results it was found out that the CLV model by Reinartz & Kumar forecasts the most balanced CLV values across all five categories in comparison with PCV model and CLV model by Gupta, Lehmann and Stuart. Thus, it is applicable for customer lifetime value estimation for the examined company.
Keywords: customer equity, customer lifetime value, attracting and retaining customers, customer relationship management, consumer packaged goods.

1. Gupta S., Lehmann D. «Zolotye pokupateli». Stoyat li klienti tekh deneg, chto vi na nikh tratite? / Per. s angl. / S.Gupta, D.Lehmann – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – 208 s.
2. Makarova Y.V. Metodi otsenki klientskogo kapitala: sravnitelnyi analiz i vozmojnosti ispolzovaniya na primere rossiyskoy roznichnoy kompanii // Economika i Predprinimatelstvo, – 2016. – № 10 – s. 565-569.
3. Oyner O.K. Upravlenie rezultativnostiyu marketinga: uchebnik dlya magistrov / O.K.Oyner – M.: Izdatelstvo Urayte, 2012. – 343 s.
4. Payne A. Rukovodstvo po CRM: Put k sovershenstvovaniyu menedgmenta klientov / A. Payne. – Minsk: Grevtsov Publisher, 2007. – 384 s.
5.  Abdolvand N., Baradaran V., Albadvi A.  Activity – Level as a Link between Customer Retention and Consumer Lifetime Value // Iranian Journal of Management Studies. – 2015. – Vol. 8. – No. 4. – Pp. 567–587.
6. Blattberg R.C., Deighton J. Manage Marketing by the Customer Equity Test // Harvard Business Review. – 1996. – No. 74 (July/August). – Pp. 136–144.
7. Bohari A.M., Rainis R., Marimuthu M. Customer Lifetime Value Model in Perspective of Firm and Customer: Practical Issues and Limitation on Prospecting Profitable Customers of Hypermarket Business // International Journal of Business and Management. – 2011. – Vol. 6. – No. 8. – Pp. 161–169.
8. Brodie R.J., Hollebeck L.D., Juric B., Ilic A. Customer Engagement: Conceptional Domain, Fundamental Propositions and Implications for Research // Journal of Service Research. – 2011. – Vol. 14. – No. 3. – Pp. 252–271.
9. Dr`eze X., Bonfrer A. A renewable-resource approach to database valuation. Working Paper. Wharton-SMU Research Center, 2003.
10. Gupta S., Lehmann D.R., Stuart J.A. Valuing customers. Journal of Marketing Research. – 2004. – Vol. 41. – Pp. 7–18.
11. Kumar V., Aksoy L., Donkers B., Venkatesan R., Wiesel T., Tillmanns S. Undervalued or Overvalued Customers: Capturing Total Customer Engagement Value // Journal of Service Research. – 2010. – Vol. 13. – No. 3. – Pp. 297–310.
12. Kumar V., Rajan B. Special Coupons as a Marketing Strategy: A Multifaceted Perspective // Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. – 2012. – Vol. 40. – No. 1. – Pp. 120–136.
13.  Lemon K.N., Rust R.T., Zeithaml V.A. What Drives Customer Equity? // Marketing Management. – 2001. – Vol. 10. – Pp. 20–25.
14. Mickelsson J. Customer Activity in Service // Journal of Service Management. – 2013. – Vol. 24. – No. 5. – Pp. 534–552.
15. Nenonen S., Storbacka K. Driving Shareholder Value with Customer Asset Management: Moving Beyond Customer Lifetime Value // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2015. – Vol. 52. – Pp. 140–150.
16. Reinartz W., Kumar V. On the Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Noncontractual Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications for Marketing // Journal of Marketing. – 2000. – No. 64. – Pp. 17–35.
17.  Safari F., Safari N., Montazer G.A. Customer Lifetime Value Determination Based on RFM Model // Marketing Intelligence and Planning. – 2016. – Vol. 24. – No. 4. – Pp. 446–461.
18. Sunder S., Kumar V., Zhao Yi. Measuring the Lifetime Value of a Customer in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry // Journal of Marketing Research. – 2016. – Vol. 53. – Pp. 901–921.
19. Villanueva J., Hanssens D.M. Customer Equity: Measurement, Management and Research Opportunities // Foundations and Trends in Marketing. – 2007. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 1–95.
20. Wang H., Kim K.H., Ko E., Liu H. Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Equity in Traditional Markets // Journal of Business Research. – 2016. – Vol. 69. – Pp. 3827–3834.
21. Zhang S.T. Firm Valuation from Customer Equity: When Does It Work and When Does It Fail? // International Journal of Research in Marketing. – 2016. – Vol. 33. – Pp. 966–970.



Modern problems of psychology in marketing and in consumer behavior
Matyushkin V.S., Candidate of psychological sciences, head of strategic planning Agency One Touch, associate professor of Moscow polytechnic university, e-mail:

The article deals with the problem of haphazard approach in psychology of the consumer, both in scientific and practical sphere. Narrow specialists in the business, as well as representatives of separate paradigms of personality psychology or social psychology – apply a number of familiar and related techniques to predict or control consumer behavior.
With the aim of increasing the predictive performance of marketing research and the effectiveness on the basis of their business decisions, the author proposes a systematic approach based on the analysis of the situation of decision making.
Keywords: consumer behavior, consumer psychology, psychology of marketing, marketing research, decision-making on purchase, brand awareness.

1. Barden F. Vzlom Marketinga. – M.: MIF 2017.
2. Blakuell R., Miniard P., Angel D. Povedenie potrebitiley. – Spb.: Piter 2007.
3. Meyers-Levi D., Malavia P. Kak potrebiteli vosprinimayut ubejdayuschie reclamnye soobschenia: oboschennaya teoria ubejdenia. - article “Reclama i jizn”. – М.: Izdatelskiy don Grebennikova. – 2004. – № 5–6.
4. Matyushkin V. Zdravyy Smisl I glubinnaya psicologya: dva podhoda v poznanii potrebitelya I testirovanii reclami. – article "Reclama. Teoria I practica " – М.: Izdatelskiy don Grebennikova. – 2004. – № 1.
5. Nisbet R., Lee Ross Chelovek i situacia. – M.: Aspekt Press, 1999.
6. Hiell L., Zigler D. Teorii Lichnosti. – Spb.: Piter, 2016.
7. Brend goda Effie [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obraschenia: 06.01.2017).
8. Brend goda Effie [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obraschenia: 06.01.2017).
9. Brend goda Effie [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obraschenia: 06.01.2017).
10. Brend goda Effie [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obraschenia: 06.01.2017).
11. Nestlé otkrivaet konditerskiy magazin v Amsterdamskom aeroporte Shiphol [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obraschenia: 06.01.2017).



The essence and role of the territorial brand
Berezovskaya G.P., aspirant Rostovsky Gosudarstvennuy Universitet Manager po reklame OOO «GAS roznica», e-mail:

The article describes the problem of creating the identity of the city's territorial brand – this is a task that is now put on the agenda by a dynamically developing market environment and accelerated urbanization.
Keywords: brand, symbolism, image appearance, urbanization, brand communications, target audience, stakeholders, investors, tourists.

1. Anhol’t S., Hildreth J. Brand America. Mat’ vseh brendov. – M.: OOO Izdatel’stvo «Dobraya kniga», 2010.
2. Dani K. Branding territori. luchshue mirovue praktiky / per. s angl. Very` Sechinoj. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013.
3. Veselov A., Leibin V., Ruzhkova A., Ahmedova U. Reting gorodov Rossii // Russkiy Reporter.  – 2017. – № 7. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
4. Kalutskov V.N. Landshavt v culturnoi geography. – M.: Novui Chronograph, 2008.
5. Stas A. The nowaya heraldryka. Kak stranu, regionu i goroda sozdaut I rezvivaut svoi brandu. – М.: IDT Grouppa, 2009.
6. Florek M., Insch A. and Gnoth J.  City Council websites as a means of place brand identity communication, Place Branding. – 2006. – Vol. 2. – No. 4. – P. 276.
7. Hayaden D. The Power of place Urban Landscape as Public History, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US. – 1997. – P. 32.



Competition for the reputation of the company: features and prospects1
Vazhenin S.G., PhD in Economics, senior research associate, the head of the Center of competitive policy of region of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:
Yushchuk V.E., Applicant of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:

The article was prepared in accordance with the state task of the Federal Agency of Scientific
Organizations of Russia for the Institute of Economy for the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science for 2018 year.

The article substantiates the thesis that in the modern economic space the competition of companies for reputation, which (reputation) becomes one of the company’s main assets, becomes more and more noticeable. The author’s definition of the company’s reputation for reputation is proposed. It is shown that competition for reputation largely becomes a competition for the future. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of a new quality of relations between companies in the market – cooperation that does not cancel competition, but transforms it. The problem of reputational risks in the modern economy, as well as the importance of using competitive early warning technology, is considered. The recommendations on the implementation of effective competition for reputation are formulated.
Keywords:  competition, reputation, reputation risk, cooperation, intangible assets, viability, vulnerability.

1. Vazhenin S.G., Suhih V.V. Specifika doverija kak konkurentnoj celi v jekonomike // Vestnik UrFU. Serija: Jekonomika i upravlenie. – 2015. – Т. 14. – № 2. – S. 4-23.
2. Porter M. Konkurencija. Obnovlennoe i rasshirennoe izdanie. – M.: OOO «I.D. Vil'jams», 2010.
3. Robinson Dzh. Jekonomicheskaja teorija nesovershennoj konkurencii. – M.: Progress, 1986. – 472 s.
4. Vazhenina I.S. Delovaja reputacija kak konkurentnyj resurs kompanii // Zhurnal jekonomicheskoj teorii. – 2006. – № 4. – S. 134-150.
5. Kornai Ja. Chestnost' i doverie v perehodnoj jekonomike // Voprosy jekonomiki. – 2003. – № 9. – S. 4-17.
6.  Balackij E.V. Rynok doverija i nacional'nye modeli korporativnogo sektora jekonomiki // Obshhestvo i jekonomika. – 2009. – № 2. – S. 59-80.
7. Konkurentosposobnost' social'no-jekonomicheskih sistem: vyzovy novogo vremeni / Krivorotov V.V., Ershova I.V., Belik I.S. i dr.; pod nauch. red. A.I. Tatarkina i V.V. Krivorotova. – M.: Jekonomika, 2014. – 466 s.
8. Domnin V. Doverie, privlekatel'nost' i risk – glavnye dvizhushhie sily nematerial'nyh aktivov regiona. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
9. Ol'hovskij V.V. Nematerial'nye aktivy: potencial razvitija i modernizacii promyshlennyh predprijatij. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni doktora jekonomicheskih nauk. – M., 2010.
10. Kaplan Robert S., Norton Dejvid P. Strategicheskie karty. Transformacija nematerial'nyh aktivov v material'nye rezul'taty. / Per. s angl. – M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2007. – 512 s.
11. Andrissen D., Tissen R. Nevesomoe bogatstvo. Opredelite stoimost' vashej kompanii v jekonomike nematerial'nyh aktivov / Per. s angl. – M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2004. – 304 s.
12. Bruking Je. Intellektual'nyj kapital / per. s angl. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 288 s.
13. Kozyrev A.N., Makarov V.L. Ocenka stoimosti nematerial'nyh aktivov i intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. – M.: Interreklama, 2003. – 176 s.
14. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik. V 2-h t. / Pod red. Suhanova E. A. – M.: Jurizdat, 1994, T.1.
15. Burr V. Koncepcija ustojchivogo konkurentnogo preimushhestva // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 107-113.
16. Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. Doverie v konkurentnoj jekonomike // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 56-63.
17. Taler R.  Richard. Novaja povedencheskaja jekonomika: pochemu ljudi narushajut pravila tradicionnoj jekonomiki i kak na jetom zarabotat' / Richard Taler; [per. s angl. A. Prohorovoj]. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jeksmo», 2018. – 368 s.
18. Hamel G., Prahalad K.K. Konkurencija za budushhee. Sozdanie rynkov zavtrashnego dnja / Per. s angl.  – M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2002. – 288 s.
19. Brandenburger A., Nejlbaff B. Co-opetition. Konkurentnoe sotrudnichestvo v biznese. – M.: OOO «Kejs»: OOO «Omega-L», 2012. – 352 s.
20. Porter M. Konkurentnoe preimushhestvo: Kak dostich' vysokogo rezul'tata i obespechit' ego ustojchivost'.  – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005. – 715 s.
21.  Zaman Arif. Reputacionnye riski: upravlenie v celjah sozdanija stoimosti. – M.: ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2008. – 416 s.
22. Vazhenina I.S., Pestrikov S.A., Sharipov T.R. Riski delovoj reputacii: identifikacija i ocenka // Jekonomicheskij analiz: teorija i praktika. – 2011. – № 17. – S. 2-11.
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The analysis of competitive advantages of online taxicab network
Kaluzhskaya Ya.I., graduated HSE faculty of management, now doing Master’s degree at RANEPA, marketing specialist at Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia, e-mail:
Tsaplin E.V., General manager at Telecom-project INC, e-mail:
Glozshteyn E.V., Junior Analyst at Telecom-project INC, student at MSLU, e-mail:

The article focuses on the largest international online transportation companies in Russia. The authors tried to find out: what do consumers value most in the services of the companies? What makes a company attractive for the client? A study of users of mobile applications has shown that the driver's personality, the flexible pricing policy, and the available support service are especially important for the clients.
Keywords:  taxi market, online taxicab network companies, mobile applications, service customization, marketing strategies.

1. Esterberg K.G. Qualitative methods in social research. – McGraw–Hill, 2002.
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4. Zhidkova M.A. Sluzhba zakaza taksi: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Transport. Transportnye sooruzhenija. Jekologija. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 30-42.
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Strategic marketing of agricultural enterprises: the theoretical foundations and the
experience of the «Agro-Belogorye» companies
Tkhorikov B.A., Head of the Department of Management and Marketing of Belgorod State National Research University, PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Dmitrov S.S., executive secretary Contact Center Agro-Belogorye, Head of the Department of Management in Marketing of Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:

The article provides a critical description of the basic elements of strategic marketing and their relationship to each other, adapted to the specifics of agricultural enterprises, proposes a set of marketing strategies for agricultural enterprises with a wide range of practical examples, justifies the prospects of the «Competitive Union» strategy for large agro-industrial complexes, describes the preparation of a strategy development based on the «intel inside» approaches for the largest agricultural enterprise of Russia of the «Agro-Belogorye» companies.
Keywords:  strategic marketing, marketing strategies, competitive advantage, strategy «Intel Inside».      

1. Aaker D.A., Damien McLoughlin. Strategic market management: global perspectives. – John Wiley & Sons, 2010. – 354 р.
2. Day S.G., Reibstein D.J. Wharton on dynamic competitive strategy. – Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1997. – 480 р.
3.  Cadogan J.W.  Editor's Introduction: Marketing Strategy – The Central Pillar of the Marketing Discipline. Marketing Strategy, Sage Publications, 2009. – Pр. 33–54.
4. Jaworski B.J., Kohli A.K. Market orientation: Antecedents and consequences // Journal of Marketing. – 1993. – Vol. 57. – No. 3. – Pp. 53–70.
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Features of internet marketing on the industrial market
Brezgina K.V., candidate of economic sciences, Department of Marketing Perm State National Research University, e-mail:
Antineskul E.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Department of Marketing Perm State National Research University, e-mail:

The Internet has entered everyday life of modern organizations, being an efficient way of doing business. Knowing and applying the tools of Internet marketing can not only increase sales and expand your customer base, but also enhance the company image and the value of its brands, thereby creating the groundwork to ensure long-term relationships with customers and stable growth. The article describes the main events of Internet marketing and tools for use by companies operating in industrial markets. Thus, the main objectives of Internet marketing company operating the B2B market are: attracting new
customers, maintain existing contacts, obtaining feedback; informing customers about traditional and new products/services.
Keywords: internet marketing, sales, B2B market, a potential buyer, looking for clients.

1. Kotler F., Armstrong G. Osnovy marketinga / Kotler F., Armstrong G. i dr.  – M.: OOO «I.D. Vil'jams», 2015.  – 750 s.
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5. Odden L. Prodajushhij kontent. Kak svjazat' kontent-marketing, SEO i social'nye seti v edinuju sistemu. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2014. – 384 s.
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