Contents of N5/2018

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Contents of N5/2018


Demarketing of goods and services for rationalization of demand
Procenco O.D., doctor of Economics, professor, Deputy Director of the Department of “Institute of management and marketing” of the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Morozov V.A., doctor of Economics, professor, Department of philosophy and methodology of Economics, faculty of Economics, Moscow state University. M.V. Lomonosov, e-mail:

In the article, the modern role of demarketing is considered in forming of reasonable  demand, as bases for socialization of modern man through a consumer culture, practice of temporal gladnesses and pleasures. The coming to head problems of demarketing are expounded in a country and abroad. Vital tasks are educed and set forth in the economy of country, state structures and large business for activation of demarketing in branch, inter-branch aspects, especially in the third sector of economy of the state. Studied and  set to the way of decision of the use of demarketing for rationalization of demand in economic politics, industries of national economy, and sectors of economy and separate  spheres of vital functions of society.
Keywords: demarketing, compatibility, cooperation, demand, development, values, necessities.

1. Anderhil Pako. Pochemu my pokupaem, ili kak zastavit' pokupat'. – М.: Izd. Popurri, 2014. – 384 s.
2. Arieli Dehn. Povedencheskaya ehkonomika. Pochemu lyudi vedut sebya irracional'no i kak zarabotat' na ehtom. – М.: Izd. Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013. – 296 s.
3. Berger Dzh. Iskusstvo videt'. – Izd. Klaudberri, 2012. – 184 s.
4. Il'in V. Povedenie potrebitelej / V.Il'in – Spb.: Piter, 2013. – 224 s.
5. Kotler F. Osnovy marketinga. Kratkij kurs. – М.: Vil'yams, 2015. – 496 s.
6. Skol'ko lyudej za chertoj bednosti v Rossii? ehl. resurs. /clck/ jsredir? from
7. Furs V., Ardzhun Appadurai. «Sovremennost'» na prostore: kul'turnye izmereniya globalizacii // Sociologicheskoe obozrenie. – 2003. – t. 3.  – № 4. – s. 57–66.
8. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
9. Feig Barry. Winning Marketing Strategies. Hundreds of Proven-Effec tive Marketing and Sales Strategies for Every Business Situation. – 380 p.
10. Grant John. The new marketing manifesto. The 12 rules for building successful brands in the 21st century. – 250 p.



Research methods applied to studying the level of quality of personal sales of private banking services
Timokhina G.S., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate professor of marketing and international management, Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:

This article presents methodology for research of the level of quality of the process of personal sales of private banking services. The author describes stages of planning and execution of covert observation by a “mistery shopper” of processes, objects and subjects during an initial encounter and consultation between a relationship manager and a potential consumer of private banking services. To assess the quality of the personal sales process, the author suggests a set of parameters grouped according to three criteria: convenience and comfort of service, professionalism and level of competencies of a relationship manager  regarding providing banking and non-banking services, and the bank’s product offering.
The author defines the scope of each parameter, according to which a group of parameters is evaluated on a ten-point scale. The method of covert observation was supplemented by a deep interview of actual consumers of private banking services. This technique can be used to study the quality of the process of premium services sales.
Keywords: sales process, relationship manager, wealthy consumers, private banking services.

1. Azanov A. Private Banking-segment bankovskogo obsluzhivaniya v Rossii: vpechatleniya kliyentov.// Bankovskoye obozreniye– 2011. – № 12. – S. 49-51.
2. Goncharenko N.V. Obsluzhivaniye sostoyatelnykh kliyentov (Private Banking): zarubezhnyy opyt i rossiyskiye perspektivy // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. – 2012. – Vyp. 2. – Ser. 5. – S. 81-90.
3. Private Banking v Rossi // Issledovatelskiy otchet Frank Research Group, 2016-2017.
4. Prokopova L. Mileyeva E. Rossiyskiy private banking idet semimilnymi shagami //Bankovskoye obozreniye [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
5. Prokopova L., Tyurikova E. Bolshoye budushcheye private banking // Bankovskoye obozreniye. [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
6. Prokopova L., Bakhovski P. Uspekh private-banka: nayti svoyu nishu i investirovat v novyye tekhnologii // Bankovskoye obozreniye [Elektronnyy resurs]., 2016
7.Rodzyanko A. Private banking - shveytsarskaya klassika // Bankovskoye obozreniye. – 2012. – № 2. – S. 31-46.
8. Timohina G.S., Alikperov I.M., Syisoeva T.L. Tendentsii i perspektivyi razvitiya rossiyskogo ryinka private banking // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 4. – S. 89–100.
9.  Timohina G.S., Sysoeva T.L., Hudyakova T.S. Issledovanie rossijskogo rynka private banking: sistema predpochtenij i portret potrebitelej // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 6. – S.43-51.
10.  Timohina G.S., Sysoeva T.L., Lyubina E.V.  Innovacionnye podhody k upravleniyu cepochkoj sozdaniya potrebitel'skoj cennosti // Kreativnaya ehkonomika.  – 2017. – № 12. – S.1357-1364.

To the question of the efficiency formation of the product structure for retail trade organization
Yerchak A.I.,Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Associate professor of the Department of Trade and Services Economics, Belarus State Economic University, e-mail:

Assessment of efficiency of formation of the assortment structure of retail turnover is required to identified the presence of synergies between the individual product groups, presented in the assortment. The proposed method of determining the magnitude and characteristics of the existing synergies between the individual product groups is allowed, in turn, to identify the directions of improving the assortment policy of trade organization.
Keywords:  trade, assortment, product groups, synergistic effect.

1. Lukinskij V.S. Modeli i metody teorii logistiki. 2-e izd. – Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2008, 448 s.

Macro-psychology of markets
Panushkin V.G., business consultant, MBA, e-mail:

The article describes the influence of psychological climate of different markets on the success of their work. In the article, written on the basis of materials of long-term researches with the use of the author’s method of assessment of emotional and semantic background of the markets, the algorithm of the criterion capable to give an idea of the level of administrative influence on the situation in the chosen market is offered.
Keywords: marketing, macro-psychology, psychological climate of the market.

1. Panushkin V.G. Monitoring informacionnogo polya brenda i ego okruzheniya // Press-sluzhba. – 2015. – № 11.
2. Panushkin V.G. Vozmozhnost' prognoza kursov valyut sredstvami analiza sociomy valyutnogo rynka // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom.  – 2014. – № 2.
3. Panushkin V.G. Analiz tezaurosov social'nyh grupp // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – № 6.
4. Panushkin V.G. Social (social matrix). Monograph. – М.: Publishing house "Pero", 2018.



Foreign experience of studying the recognized quality of transport service (on the example of rail transport)
Skorobogatykh I.I., Doctor of science, Ph.D., professor, Head of marketing department Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Seifullaeva M.E., Doctor of science, Ph.D., professor, Professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Sidorchuk R.R., Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Shirotchenskaya I.P., Ph.D. Associate professor marketing department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:

Taking into account the positive momentum, after the launch of the Moscow Central Ring, interest in the development of this type of transport in Moscow only increases. At the same time, practical marketing research in the public transport sector is still quite small, due to a lack of theoretical and methodological works in this field in Russia. This article reviews some studies of the perceived quality of the transport service on rail transport. The authors tried to consider the most interesting approaches to research in this area and make some generalizations.
Keywords:  public transport, rail transport, perceived quality, passenger satisfaction, marketing research.

1. Choocharukul K., Sriroongvikral K. Multivariate Analysis of Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Bangkok's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Passengers // Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. – 2013. – Vol. 10. – Pp. 1261–1265.
2. Marinov M., Bigotte M., Proietti D., Gerenska I. Customer Satisfaction Factors for Light Rail: What Can We Learn From A Successful Case? // Transport Problems (Problemy Transportu). – 2014. – Vol. 9. Special Edition. – Pp. 44–54.
3. National Rail Passenger Survey Spring 2017. Main Report. Transport Focus 2017. – P. 54.
4. Рarasuraman A., Berry L.L., Zeithaml V.A.  Conceptual Model of Service Quality in its Implications for Future Research // Journal of Marketing. – 2000. – Vol. 49. – Pp. 41–50.
5. Poliakova A. CSI Index of Customer's Satisfaction Applied in the Area of Public Transport // Research Papers. – 2015. – Vol. 23. – No. 36. – Pp. 141–148.
6. Strategie 2018–2021. Grundsätze über die Entwicklung von Angebot und Tarif im öffentlichen Personenverkehr. Erläuternder Bericht. – Zürich, Juli 2015. – S. 48.
7.  Sidorchuk R.R., Efimova D.M., Skorobogatykh I.I., Meshkov A.A., Danchenok L.A. Conceptual aspects of studying value reference points and consumer preferences of young consumers // I J A B E R. – 2016. – Vol. 14. – No. 10. – Pp. 7341–7360.
8. Sidorchuk R., Musatova Z., Mkhitarian S., Nevostruev P., Komleva N. SMART-technologies in public transport and their perception by the youth audience // Indian Journal of Science and Technology. – 2016. – Vol. 9. – No. 42.
9. Sidorchuk R., Efimova D., Lopatinskaya I., Kaderova V.  Parametric approach to the assessment of service quality attributes of municipal passenger transport in Moscow // Modern Applied Science. – 2015. – Vol. 9. – No. 4. – Pp. 303–311.
10. Sidorchuk R., Skorobogatykh I . Marketing evaluation of public transport quality attributes: review of two waves of research // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 6. – No. 3 S3. – Pp. 275–282.
11. Thevathasan А., Balachandran В. Customers' Perceptions of Metropolitan Train Services in Melbourne. – 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum. – Pp. 1–14.



Formation of marketing strategy in the grocery cluster of the region
Pronyaeva L.I., Doctor of Economics, professor, the manager of «Economy and an economic safety», The Central Russian institute of management – RANEPA branch, the Oryol branch, Oryol, the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Fedotenkova O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor «Economy and an economic safety», The Central Russian institute of management – RANEPA branch, the Oryol branch, the Oryol branch, Oryol, the Russian Federation, e-mail:

In article the current trends of development of a food sector of economy of the region are considered, the possibility of formation of grocery clusters in the region which development is oriented on increase in social and economic production efficiency and increase in competitiveness of the final product of a cluster is justified. Authors offered scientific development in the field of creation and functioning of the administrative marketing structure in a regional grocery cluster promoting not only to implementation of competent marketing strategy in the regional market, but also to gain of interaction of  participants of this integrated structure. In particular, the principle of project and network control of marketing structure of a grocery cluster is set, its mission, the purpose, tasks and the directions of development is formulated. The function model of formation and implementation of marketing strategy in a grocery cluster allowing to consider the business interests of all participants of a cluster, to provide synergy effect when using their resource potential is designed.
Keywords: marketing strategy, grocery cluster, Oryol region.

1.  Avarskij N.D., Fedotenkova O.A., Pronyaeva L.I., Romanenko R.G. Razvitie vertikal`no-integrirovanny`x marketingovy`x sistem v strukture zernoproduktovogo klastera // E`konomika, trud, upravlenie v sel`skom xozyajstve. – 2017. – № 3 (32). – S. 61–74.
2.  Gamulinskaya N.V., Nikonova N.V. Formirovanie marketingovy`x strategij // Uspexi sovremennoj nauki. – 2016. – Т. 3. – № 12. – S. 94–96.
3.  Isaev A.A. Formirovanie marketingovy`x strategij predpriyatiya: teoreticheskij i metodologicheskij aspekty` // Territoriya novy`x vozmozhnostej. Vestnik Vladivostokskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta e`konomiki i servisa. – 2017. – Т. 9. – № 4 (39). – S. 115–121.
4.  Karta klasterov Rossii. Rossijskaya klasternaya observatoriya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: (data obrashheniya: 13.04.2018).
5.  Oficial`ny`j sajt Federal`noj sluzhby` gosudarstvennoj statistiki [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: (data obrashheniya: 17.04.2018).
6.  Prikaz Ministerstva zdravooxraneniya RF ot 19 avgusta 2016 g. № 614 «Ob utverzhdenii Rekomendacij po racional`ny`m normam potrebleniya pishhevy`x produktov, otvechayushhix sovremenny`m trebovaniyam zdorovogo pitaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.  Pronyaeva L.I., Fedotenkova O.A., Pavlova A.V. Formirovanie strategii razvitiya produktovogo klastera v regione // Srednerusskij vestnik obshhestvenny`x nauk. – 2017. – Т. 12. – № 3. – S. 70–83.
8.  Remeta A.A. E`mpiricheskie osobennosti sovremennoj transformacii marketinga i marketingovy`x strategij razvitiya na ry`nke myasnoj produkcii // Modern Economy Success. – 2017. – № 6. – S. 215–220.
9.  Romanov A.E., Arashukov V.P. Agropromy`shlenny`e klastery`: teoriya i praktika: monografiya. - Tula: Izdatel`stvo: Grif i K, 2009. – 140 s.
10. Savchenko T.V., Kravchenko N.N. Upravlenie agropromy`shlenny`m proizvodstvom na osnove klasternogo podxoda // V sbornike: Razvitie agroprodovol`stvennogo kompleksa: e`konomika, modelirovanie i informacionnoe obespechenie: Sbornik nauchny`x trudov. – Voronezh, 2016. – S. 43–48.
11. Xmelev I.B. Promy`shlennaya politika kak faktor modernizacii e`konomiki Rossii // V mire nauchny`x otkry`tij. – 2010. – № 4-16. – S. 150–151.



Concerning the typology and classification of Russian trade fairs
Simonov K.V., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of Department of Marketing of Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

For Russian enterprises the choice of “right” trade fairs to visit or to participate is especially important today. However trade fairs classification system operating in Russia now does not fully reflect their real typology and therefore demands revision and improvement. In that connection proceeding from practical experience and theoretical knowledge for the determination of Russian trade fairs actual typology the set of alternative criteria indicators is offered. Application of the developed approach allows to concretize, simplify and accelerate the process of trade fair choice.
Keywords:  trade fair, trade show, virtual fair, exhibition, conventional event.

1. Koncepciya razvitiya vystavochno-yarmarochnoj i kongressnoj deyatel'nosti v RF i Plan eyo realizacii (utverzhdeny rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva RF 10 iyulya 2014 g. № 1273-r.).
2. Vystavki Moskvy. Spravochnik. – М.: InformEHKSPO, 2017. – 106 s.
3. Vystavki. Yarmarki. CD-katalog. – Nizhnij Novgorod: RSVYA, 2016.
4. Glavnoe pravil'no poschitat' // Biznes i vystavki. – 2007. – № 10 (29). – s. 56, 57.
5. Peregruppirovka sil // Biznes i vystavki. – 2008. – № 1 (30). – s. 50, 51.
6. GOST 32608-2014. Deyatel'nost' vystavochno-yarmarochnaya. Terminy i opredeleniya. – M.: Standartinform, 2016. – 20 s.
7. Kästner E., Springer C., Kirchgeorg M. Goal relations at trade shows – a B-to-B versus B-to-C comparison // Marketing Review St. Gallen. – 2011. – No. 28 (2). – Pp. 22–27.
8. Shoham A. Selecting and evaluating trade shows // Industrial Marketing Management. – 1992. – No. 21 (4). – Pp. 335–341.
9. Rinallo D., Bathelt H., Golfetto F. Economic geography and industrial marketing views on trade shows: Collective marketing and knowledge circulation // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2017. – No. 61. – Pp. 93–103.
10. Wang M. On the Application of Multimedia Arts in the Exhibition Industry in the Computer Era // Procedia Engineering. – 2011. – No. 15. – Pp. 3164–3168.
11. Portal v mnogofunkcional'nuyu ehksporeal'nost' // Mir vystavok. – 2016. – № 71.
12. Poceluev D.A. Virtual'nye vystavki kak dopolnitel'nyj sposob marketingovyh kommunikacij // Internet-marketing. – 2012. – № 3. – s. 184–190.
13. Gottlieb U., Bianchi C. Virtual trade shows: Exhibitors’ perspectives on virtual marketing capability requirements // Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. – 2017. – No. 21. – Pp. 17–26.
14. GOST R 53524-2009. Kongressnaya deyatel'nost'. Terminy i opredeleniya. – M.: Standartinform, 2010. – 21 s.
15. Veyanie vremeni na kongressno-vystavochnuyu industriyu // CongressTime. Vremya kongressov. – 2015. – № 2. – s. 62–64.
16. Belyanovskij A.S. Obshchnost' interesov // Biznes i vystavki. – 2013. – № 61 (1). – s. 52–54.
17. Kongressno-vystavochnaya industriya v novoj ehkonomicheskoj real'nosti: vzglyad v budushchee // CongressTime. Vremya kongressov. – 2016. – № 3. – s. 48–50.
18. Filonenko I.K. Ushli komissary, prishli – menedzhery...Osoboe mnenie // Ehkspo Vedomosti. – 2016. – № 2. – s. 22–24.



Competitiveness as the main criteria for selecting an object
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:

A universal methodology for assessing the level of quality and competitiveness of the compared objects for the purpose of selection was developed. Requirements to the methodology for assessing the quality of objects are formulated. In the proposed methodology, the integral quality factor is calculated in two stages: at the first stage, without taking into account the weights of the indicators, the group quality factor is determined, and on II they are integrated into the quality factor, taking into account the group weight coefficients calculated by the hierarchy analysis method. Three methods for calculating the level of competitiveness of the compared objects have been developed. The proposed new provisions make it possible to make a reasonable choice of the best object from alternatives. Approbation of the proposed new provisions was carried out on the example of 14 models of winter stud tires.
Кeywords: object, quality, competitiveness, evaluation, quality index, coefficient of weight, price, «red price», tire.

1. Fedyukin V. K., Durnev V. D., Lebedev V. G. Metody ocenki i upravleniya kachestvom promyshlennoj produkcii. – M.: Informacionno-izdatel'skij dom «Filin"», Rilant, 2001. – 328 s.
2. Lific I. M. Formirovanie i ocenka konkurentosposobnosti tovarov i uslug. – M.: YUrajt-Izdat, 2004. – 335 s.
3. Faskhiev H. A. Analiz metodov ocenki kachestva   i konkurentosposobnosti gruzovyh avtomobilej  //  Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2001. –  № 3. – S. 24–28; № 4. S. 21–26.
4. Faskhiev H. A. Upravlenie kachestvom i konkurentosposobnost'yu izdelij // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2017. – № 3. – S. 18 – 24; – № 4. – S. 38–43.
5.   Faskhiev H. A. Skol'ko pokazatelej neobhodimo dlya dostovernoj ocenki kachestva tovarov // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2008. – № 1. – S. 72–91.
6. Faskhiev H. A. Kak ocenit' i upravlyat' kachestvom i konkurentosposobnost'yu tovarov i uslug // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 67–81. № 4. – S. 72–84.
7. Faskhiev H. A. Povyshenie ob"ektivnosti pri ocenke kachestva tovarov // Menedzhment kachestva. – 2017. – № 3. – S. 214–221.
8. Faskhiev H. A. Opredelenie vesomosti pokazatelej kachestva avtomobilej i ih komponentov // Gruzovik. – 2008. – № 5. – S.23–27.
9. Caati T. Prinyatie reshenij. Metod analiza ierarhij. – M.: Radio i svyaz', 1989. – 316 s.
10. Rasstegaev O. Brak ne po raschetu // Avtorevyu. – 2017. – № 17. – S. 46–58.



Retail banking in the ara of transition to a digital economy
Neretina E.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, the head of the marketing chair of Mordovian State University named by N.P. Ogarev (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail:
Lashina M.V., Candidate of Economics, Marketing Chair Assistant Professor of Mordovian State University named by N.P. Ogarev (Saransk, Russian Federation) e-mail:

The article concerns some new opportunities and challenges for the banking system caused by the Fourth industrial revolution associated with digital technology usage and consumers’ behavioral change. The authors justify the necessity of values and goals revision by banks in the age of digital transformation and the need for change in banks’ marketing service structure and functionality.
Keywords:  banks, clients, new technologies, digital economics, consumer behavior; behaviour, companies alternative to banks, functionality of marketing.

1. Gordon Y. Odin kliyent – unikalnyy segment. // Ekspert. – 2018. – № 5 (1061). – s.22–24.
2. King. Brett. Bank 3.0. Pochemu segodnya bank – eto ne to. kuda vy khodite. a to. chto vy delayete. M.: Izd-vo. «Olimp-Biznes». 2016. – 520 s.
3. Lavrushin O.I. Novyye modeli bankovskoy deyatelnosti v sovremennoy ekonomike. M.: KnoRus. 2015.
4. Mamediarov Z. Lukavstvo globalistov. // Ekspert. – 2018. – № 5 (1061). – s.13–15.
5. Khuseynova D.K. Tekhnologii vnedreniya mobilnogo i internet-bankinga. kak novoye napravleniye kliyentooriyentirovannogo servisa // Problemy ekonomiki i yuridicheskoy praktiki. – 2015. – № 2. – s. 222–224.
6. TsB predstavil strategiyu razvitiya finansovykh tekhnologiy. // Ekonomika i biznes. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 07.02.2018).
7. Tsifrovoy sled: kak banki analiziruyut sotsseti kliyentov pri vydache kredita // Dengi. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: ww (data obrashcheniya: 27.03.2018).
8. Shvab. Klaus. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya. M.: Izd-vo «Eksmo». 2018. – 288 s.
9.  Yudina T.N. Osmysleniye tsifrovoy ekonomiki // Teoreticheskaya ekonomika. – 2016. – № 3. – s. 12–16.

Application of marketing complex for increasing competitiveness of master high school programs (on the example of the faculty of economics of PGNSU)
Novikova K.V., professor, doctor of economic sciences. Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University, e-mail:
Tokmyaninova E.V., the student of a magistracy of economic faculty, directions 38.04.02 Management, a profile Innovative marketing technologies, “Perm State National Research University”, e-mail:

In this article, the authors consider the features of the application of the marketing complex in the educational activities of the university. “Perm State National Research University” was taken as an object of research. At the moment, the university has faced the problem of reducing the enrollment of students to master’s programs from other  universities in the city and other cities. Also, for the analysis of references and motivation of undergraduate students, the authors conducted a survey in which 63 people who are students of master’s programs at the Faculty of Economics of PGNU took part. As a result of the research, the importance of applying the marketing mix concept to increase the competitiveness of the master’s programs of the university is indicated. Promising tools that promote and improve the quality of educational services are proposed.
Keywords: marketing mix, educational service, product policy, pricing policy, distribution channels, promotion methods.

1. Oficial'nyj sajt Permskogo gosudarstvennogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 01.05.2017).
2. Pankruhin A. P. Marketing obrazovatel'nyh uslug/ uchebnoye posobiye – M.: Interpraks, 1995. – 240 s. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 29.04.2017).
3. Konspekt vystuplenija rektora MJeSI V.P.Tihomirova. Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo. Gil'dija marketologov [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 29.04.2017).
4. Oficial'nyj sajt Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 01.05.2017).
5. Neretina E. A., Makarec A. B. Ispol'zovanie integrirovannyh marketingovyh kommunikacij v prodvizhenii obrazovatel'nyh uslug vuza // Integracija obrazovanija. 2013. – № 1 (70). [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 01.05.2017).
6. Bakun T.V., Lejnveber O.Ju. Integrirovannye marketingovye kommunikacii vuza v ramkah koncepcii marketinga vzaimootnoshenij // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija «Jekonomika». – 2012. – № 4. – S. 143–146.
7. Sudarkina H. V. Marketing obrazovatel'nyh uslug vuza: osobennosti, vozmozhnosti, perspektivy // Izvestija JuFU. Tehnicheskie nauki. - 2012. №8 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 01.05.2017).
8. Belyj E.M., Romanova I.B. Marketing-miks obrazovatel'nyh uslug vuza // Problemy jekonomiki i menedzhmenta. - 2015. - №2 (42). [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 02.05.2017).
9. Tuaev V.O. Osobennosti marketinga obrazovatel'nyh uslug // Nauchnoe soobshhestvo studentov XXI stoletija. Jekonomicheskie nauki: sb. st. po mat. XXX mezhdunar. stud. nauch.-prakt. konf. № 3(30) [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 02.05.2017).
10. Gladkih Ja. N. Prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija sovremennogo vuza // Vestnik VJeGU -  Ufa: Vostochnaja jekonomiko-juridicheskaja gumanitarnaja akademija. – 2017. – № 5 (91). – S.139-144.
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Using Google products in activities of digital marketer
Olshevsky D.S., postgraduate student of the Marketing Department of the Belarusian State Economic University, Master of Economics and Management, e-mail:
Golik V.S., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the marketing department of the Belarusian State Economic University, e-mail:

Using Google tools in digital marketing allows company to understand better and explore its customers and their needs, to adjust the internet advertising activities of the company, to help customer get the maximum information about the company and to make visiting of the company’s Internet resource as comfortable as possible increasing the level of customer loyalty.
Keywords: web analytics, Google Analytics, internet advertising, contextual advertising, Google AdWords, Google Alerts, Google Trends, Google My Business.

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