Contents of N1/2019

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Contents of N1/2019


Ones more about marketing-mix notion
Golubkov E.P., Honored Science Worker of Russia, doctor of economics, professor, chief of chair “Entrepreneurship & Management”, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, e-mail:

In the article from theoretical-methodological positions considers different marketing models connected with marketing mix (4P, 5P, 7P, 9P, 4C, 4R). Only one model – 4P follows requirements of marketing mix notion and scientific principals of classification. Offers scheme of including considered marketing models in process of marketing plans development.
Keyword: marketing, marketing mix, marketing models: 4P, 5P, 7P, 9P, 4С and 4R, principals of classification, marketing planning.

1. Bekvit G. Chety`re klyucha k marketingu uslug / G. Bekvit. – M.: Al`pina Pablisher, 2016. – 252 c.
2. Vilkas E`.J., Majminas E.Z. Resheniya: teoriya, informaciya, modelirovanie. – M.: Radio i svyaz`, 1981.
3. Golubkov E.P.  Marketing dlya professionalov: prakticheskij kurs. Uchebnik i praktikum. –  M.: Yurajt, 2014.
4. Golubkov E.P. Teoriya i metodologiya  marketinga: nastoyashhee i budushhee  – M.: Delo i Servis, 2008.
5. Kapustina L.M., Izakova N.B. Razvitie i primenenie koncepcii marketinga vzaimootnoshenij na promy`shlennom ry`nke // Zhurnal e`konomicheskoj teorii. – 2018. – T. 15. – № 2. – S. 240–253.
6. Kompleksnaya model` – marketing [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:  4S›stati/4s-system-v-marketinge (data obrashheniya: 25.10.2018).
7. Koncepcii marketinga  [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:  preview/5016129/page:8/   (data obrashheniya: 25.10.2018).
8. Kotler F. Osnovy` marketinga. – M.: Progress, 1990.
9. Mironova N.V. Marketing razlichny`x tipov uslug // Marketing  v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 2.
10. Principy` i praktika marketinga: [Per. s angl.] / De`vid Dzhobber [i dr.]. - 2. izd. – M.: Vil`yams, 2000.
11. Rasshireniya marketing-miks: 5R ,7R ,9R, 4S  [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:›1x2e7e.html (data obrashheniya: 10.11.2018).
12. Sinyaeva I.M. Marketing uslug: Uchebnik / I.M. Sinyaeva, O.N. Romanenkova. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 252 c.
13. Tul`taev T.A. Marketing uslug: Uchebnik / T.A. Tul`taev. – M.: NICz INFRA-M, 2013. – 208 c.   
14. Celi, zadachi i znachenie klassifikacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:›350048…tseli…klassifikatsii…printsipy…. (data obrashheniya: 10.11.2018).
15. Shul`cz D.E. Novaya paradigma marketinga. Integrirovanny`e marketingovy`e kommunikacii /D.E. Shul`cz, S.I. Tannebaum, Z.F. Lauterborn. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 232 s.
16. 5R, 7R, 4S: osnovny`e koncepcii marketingovogo kompleksa  [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:›koncepciya-marketing-usluga-tovar (data obrashheniya: 10.11.2018).
17. Ettenberg E. «4R» – The Next Economy. – Beijing Enterprise Management Publishing House, 2003.
18. Kotler Ph. Marketing Management: analysis, planning, implementation and control. 7-th Edition. – PRETICE HALL, 1991. – P. 68.
19. Schultz D.E., Kitchen P.J. Communicating Globally. – Beijing China Financial & Economic Publishing House, 2004.



Using sales forecasting methods in assortment’s formation
Bushueva L.I., Doctor in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for Science and Innovation of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University”, e-mail:
Afanasyev V.B., the Head of Planning and Purchasing Department JSC «Syktyvkar Tissue Group», e-mail:

The article summarizes the results of research in the field of development of the assortment management program that provides a qualitative process in view of achieving the goals of industrial enterprises. Based on the analysis and production experience, the system of forecasting methods and planning tools assortment’s is presented.
Keywords: assortment, forecasting, supply chain.

1. Ansoff I. Strategicheskoe upravlenie. – M.: Ekonomika, 1989.
2. Belyaevskij I.K. Marketingovoe issledovanie: informaciya, analiz, prognoz. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2001.
3. Bushueva L.I. Instrumenty i metody informacionno-analiticheskogo obespecheniya upravlencheskih reshenij v oblasti assortimentnoj politiki // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 6. – S. 19-32.
4. Bushueva L.I. Metody prognozirovaniya ob"emov prodazh // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2002. – № 1 (27). – S.15-30.
5. Golubkov E.P. Marketingovye issledovaniya: teoriya, metodologiya i praktika. – M.: Izdatel'stvo "Finpress", 1998.
6. Efremov V.S. Strategiya biznesa. Koncepcii i metody planirovaniya. Seriya «Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom». – M.:Finpress, 1998.
7. Il'ina T.A. Analiz ABC-XYZ kak odin iz instrumentov berezhlivogo proizvodstva na promyshlennyh predpriyatiya // Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stvo. – 2013. – № 20. – S. 50-52.
8. Kotler F., Keller K.L. Marketing-menedzhment. – Spb.: Piter, 2015. – S.363.
9. Statisticheskij slovar' / Pod red. Koroleva M. A. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 1989.
10. Tompson A.A., Striklend A.Dzh. Strategicheskij menedzhment. Iskusstvo razrabotki i realizacii strategii / Per. s angl. pod. red. Zajceva L.G. – M.: Banki i birzhi, YUNITI, 1998. – 576 s.
11. Hendersen Bryus D. Produktovyj portfel' // Bostonskaya konsaltingovaya gruppa BCG Review : Dajdzhest. – M: Bostonskaya konsaltingovaya gruppa, 2008. – Vyp. 2. – S. 7-8.
12. Alicke K., Rexhausen D., Seyfert A. Supply Chain 4.0 in consumer goods [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya 28.02.2018).
13. Calculate OEE [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 30.01.2018).

Marketing in the economy of joint consumption
Neretina E.A., Doctor of Economics, professor, the head of the marketing chair of Mordovian State University named by N.P. Ogarev (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail:
Lashina M.V., Candidate of Economics, Marketing chair professor assistant of Mordovian State University named by N.P. Ogarev (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail:

The scale and high dynamism of the joint consumption economy development caused the objective necessity of scientific understanding of this new business model of the economy. In this regard, the article discusses the basic principles, key components, business models of the economy of shared consumption, economic, social effects and problem areas of its functioning. The place and role of marketing in the economy of modern consumption, the impact of marketing tools on its development in the context of digitalization of the economy are substantiated.
Keywords: sharing economy, marketing, service components, confidence, business model, online platform.        

1. Bodriyar Zh. Obshchestvo potrebleniya. Ego mif i struktury. – M.: Respublika, 2006. – 269 s.
2. Gassman O., Frankenberger K., Shik M. Biznes-modeli. 55 luchshih shablonov. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2016. – 432 s.
3. Goloveckij N.Ya., Grebenik V.V. Fundamentalnye osnovy ehkonomiki sovmestnogo potrebleniya // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta im S.YU. Vitte. – Ser. 1.: Ekonomika i upravlenie. – № 4 (23). – 2017. – S. 23-25.
4. Dementev I.A. Doverie kak indikator socialnogo kapitala // Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federalnogo universiteta. – Ser.: Gumanitarnye i socialnye nauki. – № 1. 2011.
5. Elkov I. Veshcham prikazam dolgo zhit // Rossijskaya gazeta. – № 209. – 17 sentyabrya. – 2015. – s. 5.
6. Klark Dunkan. Alibaba. Istoriya mirovogo voskhozhdeniya. – M.: Izd-vo «EH», 2018. – 240 s.
7. Kotler F. Marketing 3:0: ot produktov k potrebitelyam i dalee – k chelovecheskoj dushe. – M.: EHksmo, 2011. – 240 s.
8. Ilin V.I. Obshchestvo potrebleniya, teoreticheskaya model i rossijskie realnost // Mir Rossii. – № 2. – 2005.
9. Ilin V.I. Potreblenie kak diskus. – SPb.: Intersocis, 2008. – 446 s.
10. Mann I., Turusin D. Tochki kontakta. Prostye idei dlya uluchsheniya Vashego marketinga. – 3-e izd. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber. – 2014. – 156 s.
11. Neretina E.A. Marketing kak iskusstvo prodazh v obshchestve potrebleniya // Marketing v Rossii i zarubezhom. – 2016. – № 6. – s. 15-26.
12. Botsman Rachel, Rogers Roo. What’s Mine is Yours: The Rise of Colloborative Consumption, 2010.
13. Chaffey Dave (03 jan, 2018). 10 Marketing Trends to act in 2018. Smart Insights [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
14. Shalaeva A.A., Rebyazina V.A. gl. «Ekonomika sovmestnogo potrebleniya kak novaya biznes-model» v knige «Innovacii marketingovyh modelej rossijskih kompanij v epohu didzhital transformacii» pod nauchnoj red. O.U. YUldashеvoj. – SPb: Izd-vo SPb GEHU, 2018. – s. 66-82.
15. Shvab, Klaus. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyuciya. – M.: Izd-vo «EHksmo», 2018. – 288 s.

Application of the matrix methods of the economic analysis in the justification of the commodity assortment and improvement of the competitiveness of trade networks
Kazakova N.А., Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Center for financial studies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
Shituev S.S., Postgraduate student of financial management department, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

The efficiency of the business of retail chains largely depends on the quality of management of the range of products, which turns into a rather complicated process in the conditions of market instability and high external economic risks. The article discusses the use of matrix methods of economic analysis for the development of the product range in particular, the BCG matrix, which, together with traditional methods of economic analysis based on assessing the dynamics of cost indicators, turnover, profitability of product groups, also allows you to assess the balance of the product portfolio, optimize it, to substantiate the most promising directions for the development of the assortment policy of retail chains, which will ensure the future growth of revenue from sales.
Keywords:  economic analysis, assortment, goods, matrix, efficiency, market capacity, demand.

1. Shituev S.S., Kazakova N.A. Analiz faktorov formirovaniya i mekhanizm razrabotki optimal'nogo tovarnogo portfelya torgovykh setey // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2018. – № 2 (124). – S.50-57.
2. Sait Federalnoy Gosydarstvennoy Statistiki (Rosstat) [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 18.09.2018).
3. Vsemirnyy bank. Rossiyskaya ekonomika: umerennoe prodvizhenie vpered. 39-y vypusk Doklada ob ekonomike Rossii [Electronniy resurs]. URL:  (data obrashcheniya: 18.09.2018).
4. Muravieva N.U., Kazakova N.A. Metodika exspress-analiza i otsenki konkyrentosposobnosti organizazii torgovli // Marketing v Rossii b za rubezhom.  – 2017. – № 4 (120). – s. 68-75.
5. Muravieva N.U., Kazakova N.A., Gendon A.L. Analis i ozenka konkyrentosposobnosti torgovyx organizacii Pridnestrovia. // Statistika i Economika. – 2016. – № 2. – s. 38-44.
6. Bahotskij V. V., Vojku I. P. Analiz marketingovoj deyatel'nosti. Chast' II : uchebnoe posobie. – Pskov : Pskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2015. – 92 s.
7. Galyautdinov R.R. Matrica BKG: chto takoe, kak postroit' i proanalizirovat' // Sajt prepodavatelya ehkonomiki. [2014] [Electronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrashcheniya: 09.04.2018).
8. Kazakova N.A. Sovremenniy strategicheskiy analiz. Moskva, URAIT, 2016.
9. Kazakova N.A. Marketingovyy analiz. – М.: INFRA-M, 2012.
10. Kazakova N.A. Upravlencheskiy analis: compleksnyi analis i diagnostica predprinimatelskoy deyatelnosti. Uchebnik. 2-e isd. – М.: INFRA-M, 2013.
11. Kazakova N.A. Bisnes-analitika kak mirovoy trend na rynke truda v ysloviyx globalizacii economicheskix riskov. // Mezdynarodnaya economika. – 2015. – № 7. – s. 72-77.
12. Strategicheskoe planirovanie. Matricy strategicheskogo planirovaniya// (data obrashcheniya: 09.08.2018).
13. Chernysheva L. M., YAkubova T. Upravlenie produktom. – М.: YUrajt, 2015 [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 24.04.2018).
14. Shituev S.S., Kazakova N.A. Analis assortimentnoy politiki. // V sbornike: Nauchnue idei, prikladnye issledovaniya i proekti strategii effektivnogo razvitiya rossiiskoy economiki. Sbornik statei-presentazii naychno-issledovatelskix rabot. – М.: Obrazovatelno-naychnyi centr “Financi”, 2016. – S. 456-463.

Promotion in social networks
Enin Y.I., Doct. Sc. (Ec.), professor, Department of Marketing, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:
Golik V.S., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, Department of Marketing, Belarus State Economic University (Minsk), e-mail:

Promotion of goods and services through social networks helps to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises. This article discusses the responsibilities of specialists in the field of marketing in social networks and the advertising opportunities of social networks.
Keywords: Internet, online marketing, Internet marketing, Internet promotion, Internet advertising, online advertising, SMM, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.

1. Wikipedia [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // – Date of access: 08/22/2018.
2. LinkedIn [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // – Date of access: 04/09/2018.
3. Facebook [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // – Date of access: 02/09/2018.
4. Twitter [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // – Date of access: 02/09/2018.
5. Instagram [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // – Date of access: 02/09/2018.
6. Golik, V.S. The concept of using e-business and Internet marketing / Li Zhonghua, V.S. Golik // Science and Innovation. – 2014. – No. 12 (142). – P. 47-50.
7. Golik, V.S. The use of social networks in the marketing of relationships / V.S. Golik, V.Y. Bylina // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – No. 2 (No. 106). – P. 113 – 119.
8. Alexa [Electronic resource] // – Access mode: // topsites/countries – Date of access: 19/11/2018.



Foreign tourists on Baikal: changing the portrait of consumers of tourist services under the influence of the geopolitical factor
Rubtsova N.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of management, marketing and service, Baikal State University, Irkutsk, Russia, e-mail:

The geopolitical crisis in Russia, originating from 2014, has had a significant impact on many sectors of the economy, including the sphere of tourist and recreational services. A study of the trends in the incoming tourist flow in the Irkutsk Region shows that after 2014 the main share of foreign tourists on the lake. Baikal belongs to guests from China. The article presents the results of a marketing research, the purpose of which was to create a portrait of a Chinese tourist, to identify specific features of consumer behavior of this category of consumers of tourist services. The study allowed to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of Chinese tourists, the parameters of the most attractive from their point of view, the tourist product on the lake Baikal. The practical significance of the study is to highlight the problems and prospects for the implementation of the existing tourist product on the lake Baikal for Chinese tourists.
Keywords:  marketing research, tourism, Chinese tourists, tourist product, shopping behavior.

1. TurStat (analiticheskoe agentstvo) [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: // // (data obrashheniya 01.11.2018).
2. Rubtsova N.V. Vliyanie sovremennykh ehkonomicheskikh krizisov na ehffektivnost' funktsionirovaniya sfery turistsko-rekreatsionnykh uslug Pribajkal'ya // Regional'naya ehkonomika: teoriya i praktika. – 2018. – T. 16. – № 7 (454). – S. 1376-1390. 
3. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashheniya 01.11.2018).
4. Megatrends Shaping the Future of Travel. Euromonitor International, 2018. – Р. 56 [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: // (data obrashheniya 10.11.2018).
5. Rzhepka Eh.А., Eremeeva T.А. Issledovanie vliyaniya kitajskoj kul'tury na razvitie Bajkal'skoj prirodnoj territorii // Evroaziatskoe sotrudnichestvo: mat. mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf. – Irkutsk: BGU, 2017. – S. 209-2014.
6. Rzhepka Eh.А., Novichkova T.R., Аksanova E.S. Sovremennoe sostoyanie sfery turizma na Bajkale // Evroaziatskoe sotrudnichestvo: mat. mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf.– Irkutsk: BGU, 2017. – S. 215-229.
7. Fedotov А.N., Pogopel'tsova I.А. KHarakteristika prodazhi turisticheskogo produkta pri v"ezdnom turizme // Logistika v usloviyakh ehkonomicheskoj turbulentnosti: mat. mezhd. nauchno-prakt. konf. / pod red. V.S. Kolodina. – Irkutsk: BGU, 2017. – S. 174-178.
8. Dobrovol'skaya T.P., Solodkov M.V., Ehpova N.R., Borisova А.O. Sovremennye tendentsii mirovogo rynka gostinichnykh uslug // Sovremennye tendentsii v sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskikh i gumanitarnykh naukakh: teoriya i praktika: sb. nauchn. tr. – Irkutsk: BGU, 2017. – S. 130-137
9. Odinets S.А. YAponskij vzglyad na turistskuyu privlekatel'nost' g. Irkutsk i oz. Bajkal // Vos'mye vostokovednye chteniya BGU: sb. nauch. tr. – Irkutsk: BGU, 2017. – S. 91-96.
10. Samarukha V.I. Kontseptsiya razvitiya turizma v Bajkal'skom regione // Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti SPbGPU. – 2012. – № 3. – S.184-189.
11.Solodkov M.V., Borisova А.O. Konkurentosposobnost' Irkutskoj oblasti na mirovom rynke turistskikh uslug // Vestnik Baltijskogo federal'nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i obshhestvennye nauki. – 2016. – № 3. – S.95-103.



Top-25 of Russian and European trade show markets: nuances of content-thematic dominants
Simonov K.V., Ph.D. in Economics, МВА, associate professor of Department of Marketing of Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail:

The purpose of the work, which is to find and to study the specifics of Russia exhibition market industry division against the background of European indicators, was implemented on the basis of processing and analysis of actual data. It is established that, despite a number of features, the theme and content of the exhibition markets in Russia and Europe largely coincide, which suggests that Russian exhibition sector as a whole is focused on the European. At the same time, if the exhibition market in Europe is thematically stable, in Russia in recent years a redistribution of exhibition topics takes place, as a result of which Russian expo market is moving towards a content-thematic discrepancy with the European one.
Keywords:  trade fair, trade show, exhibition marketing.

1. Global Exhibition Industry Statistics. – Report. UFI, март 2014, 65 с. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
2. Luchshie vystavki RSVYA. – Katalog. 2018, 96 s. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
3. GOST 32608-2014. Deyatel'nost' vystavochno-yarmarochnaya. Terminy i opredeleniya. – M.: Standartinform. - 20 s.
4. Zertifizierte Messedaten 2017. FKM, 2017, 89 p. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
5. Euro Fair Statistics.  – Report. UFI, 2013, 86 s. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
6. Euro Fair Statistics. – Report. UFI, 2014, 92 s. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
7. Euro Fair Statistics. – Report. UFI, 2015, 84 s. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
8. Euro Fair Statistics. – Report. UFI, 2016, 93 s. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
9. Vystavki, proshedshie audit. – Statisticheskij obzor. RSVYA, 2017, s. 28. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
10. Vystavki, proshedshie audit. – Statisticheskij obzor. RSVYA, 2016, s. 23. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
11. Vystavki, proshedshie audit. – Statisticheskij obzor. RSVYA, 2015, s. 26 URL: [EHlektronnyj resurs]. (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
12. Vystavki, proshedshie audit. – Statisticheskij obzor. RSVYA, 2014, s. 24 URL: [EHlektronnyj resurs]. (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
13. Vystavki, proshedshie audit. – Statisticheskij obzor. RSVYA, 2013, s. 24. URL: [EHlektronnyj resurs]. (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).
14. Vystavki Moskvy. – Cpravochnik. InformEHKSPO, 2017, 95 s.
15. Vystavki. YArmarki. – EHlektronnyj katalog. RSVYA, 2017. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 25.08.2018).



Competitive positions of tourist destinations in the sphere of educational tourism
Kozlova V.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Docent at the Department of Food technology and organization of restaurant business Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, e-mail:
Kuleshova M.N., bachelor of tourism Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, e-mail:

The most popular today tourist destinations in the sphere of educational tourism are considered in this article. Assessment of their competitiveness is made. The criteria which are most characterizing this direction of tourism are selected for this purpose. Method of expert evaluations is used. The complex index of competitiveness which allowed to define the leading country in educational tourism is calculated.
Keywords:  educational tourism, tourist destinations, competitive positions, language course, expert assessment, quality and economic indicators, a complex index of competitiveness.

1.  Abdurazakova Ya.M. Obrazovatel`ny`j turizm kak e`lement ustojchivogo razvitiya territorii (social`no-e`konomicheskij aspekt) / Kurortno-rekreacionny`j kompleks v sisteme regional`nogo razvitiya: innovacionny`e podxody`. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 72-76.
2.  Ageeva O.A. Upravlenie razvitiem obrazovatel`nogo turizma v Rossii/Innovacii i investicii. – 2011. – № 3. – S. 201-205.
3.  Artemova E.N. Molodezhny`j segment turistskogo ry`nka kak ob``ekt marketingovy`x issledovanij / E.N. Artemova, V.A. Kozlova / Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 37-49.
4.  Kozlova V.A. Predpochteniya molodezhnogo segmenta turisticheskogo ry`nka v vy`bore obrazovatel`ny`x turov / Prakticheskij marketing. – 2016. – 2 (228). – S.38-44.
5.  Lyovochkina N.A. Vliyanie obrazovatel`nogo turizma na e`konomiku Omskogo regiona / N.A. Lyovochkina // Kul`tura v evrazijskom prostranstve: tradicii i novacii: Sbornik materialov II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v   2-x chastyax. – Barnaul:  Federal`noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel`noe uchrezhdenie vy`sshego obrazovaniya «Altajskij gosudarstvenny`j institut kul`tury`», 2016. – S. 91–93.
6.  Lunin E.A. Sovershenstvovanie upravleniya obrazovatel`ny`m turizmom v RF: avtoref. dis. … kand. e`kon. nauk: 08. 00. 05 / E`. A. Lunin. – SPb, 2009. – 23 s.
7.  Pospelova S.V. Obrazovatel`ny`j turizm kak perspektivnoe napravlenie molodezhnogo turizma: Social`no-gumanitarny`e i e`konomicheskie nauki. XXI vek: Materialy` Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii k 10-letiyu RGGU v Magadane. Rossijskij gosudarstvenny`j gumanitarny`j universitet. – 2012. – S. 103–105.
8.  Shirobokov S. N. Razvitie kul`turno-obrazovatel`nogo turizma v kontekste mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva / S. N. Shirobokov, O. A. Fedorova/Integraciya obrazovaniya. – 2014. – № 4 (77). – S. 31–36.



Artificial intelligence: digital globalization and marketing
Alyoshina I.V., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

The trends of internationalization and artificial intellectualization of marketing in the XXI century are viewed as interrelated and objectively determined by the processes of digital globalization. The advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) in solving the problems of operational and technological marketing are noted. It is proposed to expand the horizons of market orientation for business entities due to the growing importance of strategic and creative marketing tasks that are difficult to algorithmize, and the solution of which is yet inaccessible to AI systems.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, neural networks, digital globalization, digital economy, Internet platforms, marketing.           

1. Yuldasheva O.U., Pisareva E.V. Evolyuciya marketingovyh modelej v Rossii: konceptual'nye osnovy. / V sb.materialov mezhd.nauch-prakt.konf.«Marketing vzaimodejstviya i tekhnologii prostranstvenno-sistemnoj ekonomiki» v SPbGEU,10 – 12 sentyabrya 2015 g. – Spb., 2015. – s. 23-31.
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7.  Cifrovaya ekonomika – eto ne stol'ko ekonomika, skol'ko preobrazovanie vsekh sfer   Interv'yu s M.Akimovym. 24 maya 2018 g. [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya 9.10.2018).
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Studying features of leasing services market and used marketing instruments for Uzbekistan
Muradova N.U., Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, e-mail:

The article is devoted to the specifics of the leasing services market, as well as approaches to using marketing tools to improve market competitiveness.
Keywords: market of leasing services, marketing tools, sales channels, corporate sales.

1. Strategiya dejstvij po pyati prioritetnym napravleniyam razvitiya Respubliki Uzbekistan v 2017-2021 godah. Prilozhenie № 1 k Ukazu Prezidenta Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 7 fevralya 2017 goda № UP-4947. Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Respubliki Uzbekistan. – 2017. – № 6. – st. 70; № 20. – st. 354.
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5. Vahidov S.S., Hoshimov A.T. Buhgalterskij uchet lizingovoj deyatel'nosti: stanovlenie, razvitie i sovershenstvovanie // nauchnyj elektronnyj zhurnal “Ekonomika i innovacionnye tekhnologii” № 1, sentyabr', 2011 god. URL:
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8. Gusejnova A.K. Bankovskij marketing lizingovyh uslug // Voprosy strukturizacii ekonomiki. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 67-71.
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Social marketing in the system of socio-ecological and economic security of Kyrgyzstan
Turdiev T.I.,  candidate of economic sciences, docent of the department of economic and management, a branch of the Russian State Social University in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, e-mail:

The article shows some aspects of social marketing in Kyrgyzstan taking into account the specifics of ensuring socio-ecological and economic security. Here have been considered the main characteristics of Kyrgyz Republic in the context of the development of social marketing. The modern specificity of the country’s social and economic situation has been revealed, which affects the processes of forming the main components of social marketing. The specifics of the development of the entrepreneurship environment of the country are specified and the importance of social marketing is substantiated from the point of view of socio-ecological and economic stabilization of the region.
Keywords:  social marketing, social and economic situation, social environment, entrepreneurship, market economy, poverty, socio-ecological and economic security.

1. Kotler F. Osnovy marketinga: per. s angl. – M.: Bisnes-kniga, 2013. – 697 s.
2. Andreasen A.R. Social marketing its definition and domain // Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. – 1994. – Vol. 13. – No. 1. – Pp. 108–114.
3. Balatskii E, Ekimova N. Kachestvennaya sostavlyayushchaya prodovol’stvennoi bezopasnosti Rossii // Obshchestvo I ekonomika, 2011. – № 11-12. – S. 224-245.
4. Savin V.E. Teoriya I praktika korporativnoi sotsial’noi otvetstvennosti // Vestnik KRSU, 2012. – № 4, Tom 12. – S. 80-84.
5.  Maloe i srednee predprinimatel’stvo v Kyrgyzskoi Respublike: 2012-2016 / Statisticheskii sbornik – B.: Natsstatkom Kyrg. Resp., 2017.



Reviews analysis on Google Play as a competitive advantage
Baranovsky S.L., Master’s degree at RANEPA, Faculty of Economics and Management, e-mail:

The article made reviews analysis on Google Play from a mobile app from the category “Business”. The restrictions of the analysis of the tonality of texts are revealed. A model is proposed for comparing reviews with mobile app update dates. The importance of analyzing reviews with suggestions for improvement is shown.
Keywords: Google Play, marketing analysis, mobile apps, reviews.

1. 5 glavnih prichin, pochemu startapi mobilnih prilozheniy terpyat krah [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 01.11.2018).
2. Konkurentnaya razvedka v Internete. Metodi, sredstva i sposobi [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 28.10.2018).
3. Kak i pochemu analiz prilozheniy konkurentov mozhet pomoch prodvinut vashe sobstvennoe prilozhenie [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 04.11.2018).
4. Rabota s negativnimi otzivami v seti Internet kak forma prodvizheniya kompanii [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 25.10.2018).
5. AppFollow: Monitoring prilozheniy v App Store i Google Play [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 20.10.2018).
6. Intellektualnoe izvlechenie emocionalnogo otklika potrebiteley lekarstvennih sredstv iz otzivov na estestvennom yazike [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 24.10.2018).
7. Metod postroeniya i analiza korpusa korotkih tekstov dlya zadachi klassifikacii otzivov [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 29.10.2018).
8. Kak analizirovat tonalnost tvitov s pomoshyu mashinnogo obucheniya na PHP [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 05.11.2018).
9. Analiz tonalnosti tekstov s pomoshyu svertochnih neyronnih setey [Elektronniy resurs]. URL: // (data obrasheniya: 05.11.2018).

List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Abroad» in 2018

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