Necessity and possibilities of monitoring the organization’s business reputation and reputational risks
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, leading researcher of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:
Yushchuk V.E., Junior Researcher of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:
Vazhenin S.G., PhD in Economics, senior research associate, the head of the Center of competitive policy of region of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:
The authors propose a definition of monitoring the organization’s business reputation and reputational risks. The goals of reputational monitoring are formulated. According to the results of a sociological survey, the factors most influencing the company's reputation were identified and ranked. It also analyzed the sources of information relating to the reputation of the organization and the relevant risks, and methods for obtaining information in terms of their legitimacy.
Keywords: business reputation of the organization, reputational risks, monitoring of business reputation and reputational risks.
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6. Bezdenezhnykh V.M., Rodionov A.S. Proaktivnyi risk-orientirovannyi podkhod v stsenarnom planirovanii deiatelnosti khoziaistvuiushchikh subieektov // Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo. – 2017. – T. 10. – № 6. – S. 76–83.
7. Sheffi I. Zhiznestoikoe predpriiatie: kak povysit nadezhnost tsepochki postavok i sokhranit konkurentnoe preimushchestvo / I. Sheffi; per. s angl. – M.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2006. – S. 229.
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The evolution and future perspectives of marketing research
Karimov F.P., Associate Professor, (PhD) Deputy-Rector Westminster International University in Tashkent, e-mail:
Market research is an essential component of any business plan that assures to sustain competitive advantage. It elicits a corporate strategy, advises resource allocation, and facilitates brands to connect with their customers. As with any discipline, studying the roots of thought in market research is vital to understand its contemporary status. This article traces the evolution of marketing research and the historic progress of its practical applications. This paper reviews theoretical foundations of current marketing research and provides a comprehensive overview of how early practices have gradually evolved over several decades to reach current state.
Keywords: marketing research, marketing evolution.
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Practical aspects of cost-based pricing in industrial markets
Vaisman E.D., Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Department of Financial technology, South Ural State University, e-mail:
Podshivalova M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Financial technology, South Ural State University, e-mail:
The paper is devoted to the modern problems of industrial products pricing, which relevance is significantly enforced by Hyper-competition development. The latest is experienced in reduction of competitive advantage life cycle and increasing pressure on prices. It is shown that such problems have both empirical and theoretical nature. Three methodological problems are investigated by authors, which the most common in cost-based pricing of Russian industry and the solutions are proposed. The first problem is related to the profitability rate definition in pricing. The second – to price setting in the presence of costs, depending on revenue, and hence on the price itself. Solution of the third problem allows reducing the shortcomings of cost-based pricing – this is the problem of demand elasticity evaluating
Keywords: pricing; hypercompetition, cost pricing, industrial enterprise, price determination, elasticity of demand.
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Modern trends in retail
Kanina N.P., the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Siberian Transport University (STU), e-mail:
The article discusses the use of modern technology in sales in the struggle for a new segment of consumers – Millennials; discusses current trends in retail; analyzes existing retail sales channels by consumers.
Keywords: modern technology, trends in retail, market consolidation.
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Content marketing in eCommerce companies
Grinko O.I., postgraduate student of the Marketing Department of the Belarusian State Economic University, e-mail:
Due to the high marketing competition, eCommerce companies forced to use as much communication channels as possible in order to involve new clients. One of the most effective between them is content marketing, which attracts free organic traffic to the web site. However, content, made for eCommerce has its own specifics, which we will talk about in this article.
Keywords: electronic commerce, eCommerce, online-shop, content, content marketing, email marketing, product page, informational content, advertising content.
1. Orendorf A. Global'naya statistika i trendy eCommerce dlya zapucka mezhdunarodnogo biznesa [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.02.2019).
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Improvement of mechanisms of the state advertising regulation in Russia
Katernyuk А.V., School of Economic and Management Far East Government University, postgraduate,Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
This article attempts to consider the legal mechanisms and the system of state regulation of advertising in Russia (by the beginning of 2019). The initial data for the study were annual reports on violations in the field of advertising and competition from the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS RF). The author sets such tasks as: to generalize the most frequent violations in the field of advertising, given by the legislation of the Russian Federation; to consider the results of practical activities of the FAS in the field of suppression of such violations in advertising and competition; to study the dynamics of the main violations in the field of advertising and to build equations reflecting the course of their development; to draw conclusions about the problems identified in the course of the study and the mechanism of their prevention.
Keywords: Regulation, Advertising, Competition, Competitiveness, Modeling, Forecasting.
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Marketing of equity placements
Tarasov A.A., Ph. D. in Economics, Executive MBA, international capital markets expert, e-mail:
This paper presents an overview of the marketing process for equity placements on the capital market. The process for appointing banks for the key roles in the deal is described (coordinator, underwriter, road-show agent). The transaction timeline of the marketing events is outlined, including meeting with investors during the road-show and communications with the press. The key marketing materials of the transaction are reviewed (investment presentation, prospectus, press-releases).
Keywords: marketing of equity placements, marketing of investment services, bank marketing.
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Educational organization in market conditions: possibilities of nameing and branding
Alikperov I.M., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of Department of Socio-Cultural Development of the Territory, Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, Russia, e-mail: aigor55@
Market competition requires organizations to create new creative approaches to the positioning of educational organizations and services, which include naming and branding. The principles and options of naming given in the article, the branding algorithm of an educational organization, accompanied by marketing communications, will allow management to strengthen the position of its institutions in the educational environment.
Keywords: educational organization, marketing, educational service, trademark, naming, branding, positioning, marketing communications.
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Theoretical aspects of marketing development (on the example of the sport industry)
Kargin N.N., Ph.D., Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Russia, Moscow, e-mail:
Izaak S.I., Ph.D., Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Russia, Moscow, e-mail:
In article is noted basic social and economic regularities of development of society on the basis of which has to are presented the marketing policy providing effective development of both the separate enterprises of a sports profile, and the sports industry in general is formed.
Keywords: marketing, marketing activities, concept of marketing, sport industry.
1. Kotler F., Keller K.L. Marketing menedzhment. – SPb.: Piter, 2018.
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3. Devis D. Effekt Olimpijskih igr. Kak sportivnyj marketing sozdaet sil'nye brendy. – M.: Rid Media, 2013.
4. Izaak S.I. Strategiya razvitiya sportivnoj otrasli: monografiya. – M.: Sport, 2018.
5. Izaak S.I., Kargin N.N. Sistemnaya paradigma i upravlenie marketingom v industrii sporta // Fizicheskoe vospitanie i sportivnaya trenirovka. – 2018. – № 4 (26). – S. 109–118.
Territorial marketing and its role in the development of municipal districts on the example of Kungur district of Perm krai
Antropova A.O., Student, Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia, e-mail:
Khatskelevich A.N., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia, e-mail:
Lekomtseva А.А., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of the role of territorial marketing at the municipal level on the example of the Kungursky district of the Perm Territory. The potential of the municipal district and the Perm Territory as a whole in the field of tourism and economic development are considered. The problems that impede the development of the territories of the Perm region are identified. One of the important ones is poor public awareness, for the solution of which the creation of an Internet platform has been proposed.
Keywords: territorial marketing, digital marketing, tourism potential, tourism, Kungursky district, Kungur, poor awareness, internet-platform.
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10. Veselova A.O., Hackelevich A.N., Ezhova L.S. Perspektivy sozdaniya «umnyh gorodov» v Rossii: sistematizaciya problem i napravlenij ih resheniya // Vestnik Permskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Razd. № 3 «Regional'naya i municipal'naya ekonomika». Ser. «Ekonomika». – T. 13. – № 1. – S. 75–89.
11. Myachina M.A., Kichenko L.P. Internet-marketing kak sovremennyj instrument prodvizheniya kul'turno-dosugovyh uslug (na primere KDC «Motoviliha»), g. Perm' // Ekonomika i upravlenie: Aktual'nye problemy i poiski putej resheniya. Sek. 2. Sovremennye marketingovye tekhnologii v global'noj ekonomike. – S. 64–66.
Estimation of internet marketing efficiency on the market of motor transport services companies of Volgograd region
Rayushkina A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Volgograd state technical university, e-mail:
Morozova I.A., Doctor of Economics, professor of the Volgograd state technical university, e-mail:
The article analyzes the degree of use of Internet marketing tools (search engine optimization, contextual search and banner advertising, social media marketing, viral marketing, Internet PR) in relation to the freight trucking companies of the Volgograd region.
Keywords: motor transportation enterprise, efficiency assessment, internet marketing, online marketing, motor transportation service, marketing activities, website, search optimization, search engine, banner advertising, contextual advertising, virus marketing, marketing in social media.
1. Baranov A.E. Prognoz vozvrata investicij v internet-marketing. – M.: RIOR, 2012. – 85 s.
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3. D'yakov S.A., Surnina Yu.V. Perspektivy funkcionirovaniya internet-marketinga na rossijskom rynke // Simvol nauki. – 2016. – № 5–1.
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Social networks as the promotion tool of Francophonie in Russia
Bartashevich D.A., Student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:
Rebrikova N.V., Ph.D, associate professor of Department of Management Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:
The article deals with social networks as a marketing tool for the implementation of the strategy of promotion of Francophonie, French language and culture. The main aspects of social networks and the most effective tools for interaction with the target audience are highlighted. The article proposes a plan and some recommendations for the promotion and popularization the organization in Russia.
Keywords: social networks, Francophonie, propaganda, instrument of influence, involvement, target segment, popularization.
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