Contents of N5/2019

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Contents of N5/2019


Positioning strategy of the company based on social-marketing program
Reznik G.A., doctor of Economics, Professor, honored worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, head. Department of Marketing and economic theory FGBOU VO “Penza state University of architecture and construction” (440028 Penza, ul. Germana Titova, d. 28), e-mail:
Khazova Y.S., 2nd year master’s student, Penza state University of architecture and construction, e-mail:

The article is devoted to the problem of improving the strategy of social positioning of the enterprise as a tool for the formation and management of long-term relations with the target audience. Theoretical aspects of positioning strategy and social marketing in it are considered. The main provisions of corporate social responsibility of the enterprise are reflected. On the example of a construction company, the results of the study of the strategy of social positioning of the enterprise are summarized. According to the results of the survey of current and potential customers of the company, the advantages of the company were identified and the assessment of the current position in comparison with competitors, as well as the presence of a social component in it. Presents the results of the perceptions of the target audience. The drivers of the market – the most important activities of the socially oriented company-are defined, the point of differentiation for successful positioning is defined. Practical recommendations for the development of the strategy of social positioning and raising the status of the company to “socially responsible” using the social marketing program.
Keywords:  company, positioning strategy, social marketing, marketing research, social marketing program, corporate social responsibility.

1. Traut Dzh., Rais El. Pozitsionirovanie: bitvy za umy. – SPb.: Piter, 2018. – 320 s.
2. Kmet E.B. Upravlenie marketingom: uchebnik / E.B. Kmet, A.G. Kim. – Saratov: Izd-vo «Vuzovskoe obrazovanie», 2016. – (Vysshee obrazovanie). – 285 s. – Dok. opubl. ne byl. – Dostup s saita EBS IPRbooks.
3. Kotler F. Marketing ot A do Ia: 80 kontseptsii, kotorye dolzhen znat kazhdyi menedzher [Tekst] / Filip Kotler; per. s angl. – 7-e izd. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2016. – 211 s.
4. Zagrebelnyi G.V. Perfomance-marketing: zastavte Internet rabotat na vas / G.V. Zagrebelnyi, M.Iu. Borovik, T.V. Merkulovich [i dr.]. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2017. – 270 s.
5. Bowen H.R. (1953). Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. NewYork: Harper & Row.
6. Natsionalnyi standart Rossiiskoi Federatsii. GOST R ISO 26000:2010. Rukovodstvo po sotsialnoi otvetstvennosti [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
7. Marketing dlia gosudarstvennykh i obshchestvennykh organizatsii / Filip Kotler, Nensi Li; per. s angl. V. Kuzina. – M. [i dr.]: Piter, 2008. – 376 s.
8. Reznik G.A. Sotsialnaia otvetstvennost sovremennogo predpriiatiia i effektivnye instrumenty ego sotsialnogo pozitsionirovaniia // Vestnik Evraziiskoi nauki. – 2018. – № 3. – S. 35.
9. Iadov V.A. Sotsiologicheskoe issledovanie: metodologiia, programma, metody [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
10. Vitaleva E.M. Sotsialno orientirovannyi marketing i sotsialnaia otvetstvennost organizatsii: skhodstvo i razlichiia [Tekst] / E.M. Vitaleva, Iu.A. Kurbatova, S.S. Iatsechko // Izvestiia vuzov. Ser. «Ekonomika, finansy i upravlenie proizvodstvom». – 2016. – № 1 (27). – S. 97–102.
11. Traindl A. Neiromarketing: Vizualizatsiia emotsii [Tekst] / Arndt Traindl; per. s nem. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2017. – 114 s.
12.  Tulchinskii G.L.  Sotsialnoe pozitsionirovanie biznesa v Rossii: problema i tekhnologii [Tekst] / glava redkol. V.V. Rizun, glav. red. V.F. Ivanov // Informatsionnoe izdatelstvo: nauchnyi zhurnal; Institut zhurnalistiki KNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenko. – 2013. – № 18 – S. 57–62.
13. Lan R. Andreasen Social Marketing in the 21st Century. – 2005. – 280 с.



Assessment of brand awareness of companies-developers of the territory: development and implementation of marketing research design
Kapustina L.M., Ph.D., Professor and head of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
Timokhina G.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department of marketing at The Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Sysoeva T.L., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
Izakova N.B., senior teacher of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
Popova O.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:

In order to build brand management processes effectively for the differentiation the product and detuning from competitors in a highly competitive residential real estate market of a specific territory, it becomes very important to assess brand recognition indicators. In this article, the authors present a step-by-step development of the design of brand awareness marketing research of the companies-developers of the city of Yekaterinburg and the results of the research.
This research allows to assess the key indicators of brand awareness: top-of-mind, spontaneous recognition, induced recognition. The authors have developed recommendations on the use of research results in the marketing activities of development companies of a territory.          
Keywords:  assessment, indicators of brand awareness, marketing research, design, developers of the territory.

1. Petrusha P.G. Otsenka izvestnosti brendov rossiiskikh universitetov na mezhdunarodnom rynke obrazovaniia s ispolzovaniem metrik sotsialnykh setei // Prakticheskii marketing. – 2018. – № 6 (256). – S. 3–11.
2. Groshev I.V. Sistemnyi brend-menedzhment / I.V. Groshev, A.A. Krasnoslobodtsev. – M.: IuNITI-DANA, 2016. – 655 s.
3. Shchekoldin V.Iu., Tsoi M.E. Vyiavlenie i analiz faktorov, vliiaiushchikh na vospriiatie brendov potrebiteliami // Ekonomika i biznes. Vzgliad molodykh. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 367.
4. Cherchill G.A. Marketingovye issledovaniia / G.A. Cherchill. – SPb.: Piter, 2015. – 752 s.
5. Lamben Zh.-Zh. Menedzhment, orientirovannyi na rynok / Zhan-Zhak Lamben, Ruben Chumpitas, Izabel Shuling / per. s angl.; pod red. V.B. Kolchanova. – 2-e izd. – SPb. [i dr.]: Piter, 2014. – 718 s.
6. Katalog novostroek Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 15.06.2019).
7. Naselenie: Sverdlovskstat [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 11.06.2019).
8. Issledovanie rynka nedvizhimosti v Ekaterinburge [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.06.2019).
9. Top-10 nadezhnykh zastroishchikov Ekaterinburga [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.05.2019).

Analytics of the Russian dissertation research in marketing for the period from 2015 to 2017
Groshev I.V., doctor of Economics, doctor of psychology, honored worker of science, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of education and science, e-mail:
Krasnoslobodtsev A.A., Candidate of Economics, experienced specialist in brand management, marketing and advertising, e-mail:

The article discusses the results of the analysis of Russian theses research on marketing in the period from 2015 to 2017 On the basis of the obtained results of the generated maps in force and existing dissertation councils on marketing. The quantitative frequency of mentioning key topics in dissertation research with their comparison with the key topics of articles in marketing journals is presented. The analysis of the received information demonstrates the dynamics of reduction of the number of dissertation councils and the number of defended dissertations with the vignetting of the marketing theme.
Keywords:  dynamics, thesis, dissertation research, marketing, positioning, problems, rating, specialty, and frequency.

1. Krasnoslobodtsev A.A., Groshev I.V. Analitika rossiiskikh profilnykh zhurnalov po marketingu za 2015 god // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – Iiul–avgust. – № 4. – S. 31–39.

Factors influencing consumer behavior on the fashion market
Mel’nik A.Yu., Master of Penza State University, department “Marketing, Commerce and service sector», Russia, Penza, Krasnaya Street, 40, e-mail:

This article presents the results of a marketing study of consumer behavior in the market of fashion-industry in Russia. The study was conducted through an Internet survey. In the course of it, data were obtained that allowed the author to identify the preferences of the modern consumer, as well as to analyze and systematize the most important factors affecting the process of making a purchase. In conclusion, the recommendations on the directions and priorities of the future positioning of the company are proposed.
Keywords: positioning, brand, fashion-market, consumer behavior, company, marketing.

1. Aaker D. Sozdanie silnykh brendov. – M.: Izd. dom «Grebennikov», 2017. – 440 s.
2. Keller S. Bolshe, chem effektivnost. Kak samye uspeshnye kompanii sokhraniaiut liderstvo na rynke. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2018. – 450 c.
3. Kotler F. Marketing ot A do Ia. 80 kontseptsii, kotorye dolzhen znat kazhdyi menedzher. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2014. – 211 c.
4. Androsov N., Voroshilova I., Dolgov D.V. Internet-marketing na 100%. – M.: Piter, 2016. – 240 c.
5. Khains T., Brius M. Marketing v industrii mody. – M.: Grevtsov Pablisher, 2009. – 416 s.
6. Poliakova T., Poliakov E. Svoi biznes «VKontakte». Kak privlekat po 100 klientov v den. – M.: Piter, 2016. – 240 c.
7. Andreeva A.N. Dizainerskie brendy v feshn-biznese. – SPb.: Vysshaia shkola menedzhmenta, 2008. – 256 s.
8.  Kriukova E., Savelev D.  100+ khakov dlia internet-marketologov. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2018. – 350 s.
9. Sekerin V. Innovatsii v prodvizhenii brenda // Marketing. – 2016. – № 2 (99). – 92 s.



How to estimate and choose a reliable supplier
Faskhiev Kh.A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Ufa branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Ufa state aviation technical university, e-mail:

The proposed method for selecting suppliers provides for a quantitative assessment of the aggregate-decomposition method for measuring hierarchically structured objects of the competitiveness of products from alternative suppliers, their level of competitive potential and competitiveness. Measuring the level of quality and competitiveness of purchased goods is based on the method of «profiles». The estimated indicator of supplier competitiveness is determined by integrating the indicator of competitive potential and the competitiveness of its products. The vendor selection methodology is focused on long-term cooperation with the customer, allows you to objectively rank alternative suppliers and make informed decisions related to the choice of partners. Approbation of the technique is shown on the example of selecting the supplier of the power cable.
Keywords: supplier, product, choice, quality, quality indicator, cable, weight coefficient, competitive potential, competitiveness.

1. Faskhiev Kh.A. Kak otsenit i upravliat kachestvom i konkurentosposobnostiu tovarov i uslug // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 67–81; № 4. – S. 72–84.
2. Faskhiev Kh.A., Popova E.V. Kak izmerit konkurentosposobnost predpriiatiia? // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2003. – № 4. – S. 53–68.
3. Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D., Olderoge N.G.  Upravlenie proektami / pod obshch. red. I.I. Mazura. – 2-e izd. – M.: Omega-L, 2004. – 664 s.
4.  Blokhin M.V., Egorov V.S., Shestakov A.L.  O kachestve raboty s postavshchikami // Avtostandart. – 2003. – № 4. – S. 49–52.



Development of media planner competencies in web-environment
Azoev G.L., Director of the Institute of Marketing State University of Management, Chair of Marketing department, Professor, Doctor of Economics, е-mail:
Hohlov D.A., postgraduate student State University of Management, е-mail:

The main problem of media planning in digital marketing is the lack of full-fledged models and tools that adequately take into account the specifics of the Internet. This fact complicates the work of the media planner and requires new competencies, primarily related to the development of their own methods of planning advertising campaigns. In this article are presented directions of development of such methods, that exploit the benefits of web-environment: features of the transition to new metrics, use online methods
of purchasing advertising space, the specificity of calculation of parameters of media plan, the use of special models media planning digital advertising communications.
Keywords: media plan, media planner sales, advertising metrics, online advertising space purchase, online model for media planning.

1. Marketing: osvoenie professii: uchebnik dlia vuzov / pod red. G.L. Azoeva. – SPb.: Piter, 2018. – 544 s.
2. Mann I.B. Internet-marketing na 100%. – SPb.: Piter, 2014. – 240 s.
3. Tsarevskii F.L. Iandeks.Direkt: Kak poluchat pribyl, a ne igrat v lotereiu. – SPb.: Piter, 2016. – 224 s.
4. Chaffey Dave. Digital Marketing Excellence and Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 2012: Pearson Education; 5 edition.
5. Smith PR, Ze Zook. SOSTAC(r) Guide To Your Perfect Digital Marketing Plan 2018: Vol. 4. PR Smith, 2018.

Features of marketing communications in the Russian dental services market
Mushketova N.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Marketing, Volgograd State University, е-mail:
Braun V.А., master’s student of the Institute of Management and Regional Economics (42.04.01 “Advertising and Public Relations”) Volgograd State University, е-mail:

The owners of private dentistry need more attention to the modern marketing tools and diversify the list of these tools. In this regard, particular interest is on the analysis of that specific tools are used by metropolitan and regional clinics in their promoting. It allowed to reveal the dental services marketing level in Moscow and in the regions, and also to conclude that trends in marketing communications will be set by the capital's dental business.
Keywords: marketing communications, marketing tools, dental services, crowd marketing, trends in the promotion of medical services.

1.  Nagapetiants R.N.  Razvitie marketinga v sfere uslug // Vestnik IuUrGU. Ser.: Ekonomika i menedzhment. – 2014. – № 1. – S. 122–125.
2. BusinesStat. Gotovye obzory rynkov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2018).
3.  Ivanova A.A. Prodvizhenie stomatologicheskoi kliniki // Tvorchestvo molodykh: dizain, reklama, informatsionnye tekhnologii: sb. tr. XVI Nats. nauch.-prakt. konf. studentov i aspirantov. – 2017. – S. 68–71.

Experimental study of outdoor advertising perception in urban space
Tkhorikov B.A., PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Marketing of Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:
Lomovceva O.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Department of Management and Marketing, Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:

The paper provides the results of the experiment by Belgorod residents’ estimate of outdoor advertising perception. In experiment 12 people was involved, 36 measurements made using eyeglasses and software company Pupil (Germany). It is established that the outdoor advertising visibility is 13% with an average duration of view fixing of 2 seconds. The heat maps of advertising banners are compiled and analyzed. The structure of information placement on the advertising banner has been prepared. General recommendations for improving the efficiency and prospects of outdoor advertising are given.
Keywords: outdoor advertising, eytreker, oculographic research.

1. Rynku naruzhnoi reklamy prochat sderzhannyi rost v blizhaishie gody [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
2. Naruzhnaia reklama v 2019 godu [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
3. Rossiiskii rynok Out-Of-Home: obzor za pervoe polugodie 2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
4. Agentstva postavili pod somnenie dannye izmeritelia naruzhnoi reklamy Admetrix [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
5. Posypanova O.S. Ekonomicheskaia psikhologiia: psikhologicheskie aspekty povedeniia potrebitelei. – Kaluga: Izd-vo KGU im. K.E. Tsiolkovskogo, 2012. – 296 s.
6. Emery N.J. The eyes have it: the neuroethology, function and evolution of social gaze // Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. – 2000. – № 24. – Pp. 581–604.

Marketing system of client lead generation in the banking area
Golubeva M.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing  Kostroma State University, e-mail:
Goroshinkina A.M., Master Student, Department of Management and Marketing Kostroma State University, e-mail:

The article highlights the key results of the development and implementation of a client-led marketing system in the banking sector. The carrying out a complex multipurpose marketing research of consumer demand through the use of the SERVQUAL methodology has been substantiated. A classification of leads in the banking sector is presented and the main toolkit for marketing the products of a banking credit institution is identified, taking into account the ways to expand the target audience.
Keywords:  lead generation, lead, marketing system, marketing research, promotion, SERVQUAL, bank credit organization.

1. Prognoz dolgosrochnogo sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2030 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.06.2019).
2. Sviatskaia A.B. Lidogeneratsiia kak instrument privlecheniia klientov na kreditovanie [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.06.2019).
3. Golubeva M.A. Formirovanie potrebitelskoi tsennosti bankovskogo produkta na osnove metodiki SERVQUAL [Tekst] // M.A. Golubeva, I.A. Kozhin // Molodezh i KhKhI vek – 2015: materialy V Mezhdunar. molodezhnoi nauch. konf. (26–27 fevralia 2015 g.): v 3-kh t., T. 1. – Kursk: Iugo-Zap. gos. un-t; ZAO «Universitetskaia kniga», 2015. – S. 61–68.
4. Finansovyi spravochnik po bankovskim kreditnym organizatsiiam v Kostrome [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.07.2019).
5. Ofitsialnyi sait PAO «Sberbank Rossii» Kostromskoe otdelenie № 8640 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.07.2019).

Forming effective interaction with a customer on the online foreign languages school market
Orlova M.V., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
Silina S.A., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
Gray V.S., graduate student of High School of Marketing of the State University of management, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:

The article explores modern online marketing communications tools that allow to form a process of effective interaction with a client, taking into account the specifics of promoting online foreign language schools.
Keywords: foreign language schools, marketing communications tools, online-environment.

1. Proekt «Issledovanie rossiiskogo rynka onlain-obrazovaniia i obrazovatelnykh tekhnologii» [Elektronnyi resurs]. (data obrashcheniia: 13.07.2019).
2. Biznes-obrazovanie: kak pereiti v onlain-format [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: digest_5 (data obrashcheniia: 12.07.2019).
3. Ulianovskii A.V. Marketingovye kommunikatsii: 28 instrumentov milleniuma. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – 453 s.
4. Bokarev T. Entsiklopediia internet-reklamy. – M.: Izd. dom «Promo-ru», 2000. – 416 s.
5. Federalnyi zakon ot 13.03.2006 № 38-FZ «O reklame». – St. 5.
6. Fedorenko A.N. Klientskoe soobshchestvo kak novyi sposob prodvizheniia kompanii // Internet-zhurnal «NAUKOVEDENIE». – 2017. – T. 9. – № 5.
7. Poiskovoe prodvizhenie na zapadnykh rynkakh: sovety dlia biznesa // Internet-marketing. – 2018. – № 2 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia 17.07.2019).
8. 10 topovykh metodov prodvizheniia na Zapad // Servis zhurnalistskikh zaprosov Pressfeed, 2015–2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 17.07.2019).
9. Prodvizhenie za rubezhom: gaid po SEO na zapadnom rynke // Blog proekta, 2012–2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
prodvizhenie-za-rubezhom-gajd-po-seo-na-zapadnom-rynke/(data obrashcheniia: 15.07.2019).
10. Instrumenty marketinga: ot klassiki do noveishikh // Blog OOO «Generator Prodazh», 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 17.07.2019).



Promotion features for medical services
Korchagova L.A., сandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Advertising, RSUH (Miusskaya sq 6, Moscow), e-mail:
This article considers the specific features of the medical organizations promotion and their market services. The author highlights the main features of the medical services market that determine the choice of the most effective promotion tools in the future. The medical services market actively is used traditional advertising means and PR-tools. Currently, along with offline-tools, online tools are actively used today for medical organizations promoting and their services. However, the means and tool used of promotion should be adapted to this specific area.
Keywords: medical organizations, medical services, promotion, advertising and PR-tools, offline tools, online tools.

1. Menedzhment v zdravookhranenii: ucheb. posobie / G.V. Doroshenko, N.I. Litvinova, N.A. Pronina. – M.: Forum; INFRA-M., 2017. – S. 118.
2. Zamuraeva L.E., Kaznina D.E. Osobennosti PR v sisteme marketingovykh kommunikatsii meditsinskogo uchrezhdeniia: materialy XVIII Vseros. stud. nauch.-prakt. konf. Nizhnevart. gos. un-ta. – Nizhnevartovsk, 2016. – S. 211.
3. Tsvetkova A.B., Evstafev V.A. Brending v praktike meditsinskikh uchrezhdenii // Brend-menedzhment. – 2014. – № 4. – S. 39, 41.
4. Kemalov R.F. Marketingovaia strategiia v upravlenii zdravookhraneniia // Ekonomika zdravookhraneniia. – 2015. – № 10. – S. 23–27.
5.  Laskovets E.V. Sviazi s obshchestvennostiu i reklama: ucheb.-metod. posobie. – M.: Vysshaia shkola, 2015. – C. 114.
6. Tulchinskii G.L. PR firmy: tekhnologiia i effektivnost: monografiia. – SPb.: 2017. – S. 245.
7. Prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 23.08.2002 № 277-FZ «O komitete Minzdrava Rossii po vystavochnoi deiatelnosti» (red. ot 10.02.2003) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.19).
8. Internet-istochnik Sotsialnye seti v Rossii, leto 2018: tsifry i trendy // BrandAnalytics. Analitika informatsionnogo polia brenda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 14.02.2019).
9. Berkutova E.A. Marketingovoe vzaimodeistvie s potrebitelem v sotsialnoi seti Facebook // Prakticheskii marketing. – 2017. – № 11. – S. 17.


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