Emotional marketing: theory and practice
Strizhakova E.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, e-mail:
Strizhakov D.V., Ph.D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, e-mail:
The article presents and proves the author’s approach to the concept of «emotional marketing», it is confirmed that this is a natural stage in the development of marketing and not a new paradigm. A simple model, the «matrix of involvement», is presented. The mechanism of choosing goods or services of consumers and the place of emotions in this process are demonstrated. A new direction – neuromarketing – and the possibilities of using its methods to identify preferences of victims are presented are presented.
Keywords: emotions, marketing, neuromarketing, involvement.
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Rethinking co-branding in the postmodern era: methodological analysis
Khmelkova N.V., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Informatization ANO VO Humanitarian University, Yekaterinburg, e-mail:
The need for a transition from the use of the methodology of marketing relationships in research on co-branding (brand alliances) to a new approach called by the author «marketing of game» are substantiated. The logic, content and prerequisites of the described methodological transition due to the influence of the postmodern era are revealed. In order to develop in the future a flexible methodology for the formation of brand alliances, the author’s concept of congruent and incongruent co-branding are proposed. The presented theoretical and methodological provisions are illustrated by real cases from the practice of companies forming brand alliances.
Keywords: co-branding, branding, brand, marketing alliance, relationship marketing, postmodernism, postmodernism.
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Influence of neurotechnologies on the transformation of fundamental marketing concepts
Eremenko Ju.A., PhD, Professor of Marketing, Trade and Customs Affairs Department, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia, å-mail:
Ulanovskaya O.N., PhD, lecturer at the Department of Marketing, Trade and Customs Affairs, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia, å-mail:
The article discusses the influence of the development of brain science, as well as the use of neurophysiological methods in economics and marketing on the rethinking of traditional models for making purchasing decisions and the acquisition of new knowledge in understanding and managing the marketing mix.
Keyworlds: neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, neurophysiological methods, marketing mix, purchasing decision-making model.
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The theories of consumers behavior: conceptual approach
Mitina E.A., assistant of Marketing, Trade and Customs affairs department of the Institute of Economics and Management. V.I Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, e-mail:
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Federal Property Fund for the project “Organic Agricultural Product Market: Formation of Product Distribution and Market Prediction in the Region” No. 17-32-00009-OGN.
Modern views on the development of marketing imply an understanding of it as a holistic system of managing market processes, within which consumer research is aimed at identifying the strength of the influence of economic processes on their behavior. In this regard, there is a need to adjust the classical theoretical approaches to the formation of consumer behavior in accordance with current trends in the development of marketing. The aim of the work is to study the concepts of consumer behavior, as well as a modification of the model of the theory of planned behavior in relation to organic consumption.
Keywords: consumer behavior, planned behavior, consumer behavior theories, organic consumption, organic products.
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Identification and research of marketing trends in the digital transformation of the economy
Babkin A.V., DEconSc, Professor, Head of the research laboratory “Digital economy of industry», Professor Graduate of the School of Engineering and Economics Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), e-mail:
Alekseeva N.S., Senior Lecturer of the Graduate School of Management and Business, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), e-mail:
The aim of the work is to identify and study trends in marketing development in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy on the basis of monitoring scientometric databases. For analysis was used the database of the Russian science citation index and Scopus. The analysis of the data revealed that such areas as digital marketing, Internet marketing (web marketing), online marketing, content marketing, social media marketing are developing very quickly, their growth trends are exponential. Therefore, it can be assumed that the results of research in these areas in the near future will have an impact on society. Scientists ' attention to media platforms is increasing. It is concluded that in Russia there is a potential for the development of the use of websites, blogs, search engine marketing tools and search engine optimization. The authors show that the use of big data technologies in marketing is actively developing, so you can also expect the emergence of new business tools and new products.
Keywords: digital transformation, digital technologies, digital marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, web marketing, internet marketing, mobile marketing, scientometric databases.
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3. Arenkov I.A., Krylova Iu.V., Tsenzharik M.K. Klientoorientirovannyi podkhod k upravleniiu biznes-protsessami v tsifrovoi ekonomike // Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2017. – T. 10. – ¹ 6. – S. 18–30.
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DOI: 10.1108/BIJ-05-2017-0092.
10. Divina T.V. Osnovnye instrumenty tsifrovogo marketinga // Aktualnye voprosy sovremennoi ekonomiki. – 2019. – ¹ 1. – S. 260–282.
11. Babkin A.V., Alekseeva N.S. Tendentsii razvitiia tsifrovoi ekonomiki na osnove issledovaniia naukometricheskikh baz dannykh // Ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2019. – ¹ 6 (164). – S. 16–25. DOI: 10.35854/1998-1627-2019-6-16-25.
12. Alekseeva N.S. Kontent-analiz naukometricheskikh pokazatelei intellektualnogo kapitala // V sb.: Aktualnye problemy razvitiia khoziaistvuiushchikh subieektov, territorii i sistem regionalnogo i munitsipalnogo upravleniia: materialy KhIV Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – 2019. – S. 14–16.
Development trends of marketing tools under conditions of markets digitalization
Gerasimenko V.V., PHD, Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory, e-mail:
The article deals with marketing tools in the digitization of markets. The results of managers survey are analyzed, the advantages and problems associated with the digitalization of marketing in Russian companies are shown. The leading role of omnichannel as a new system of marketing tools integration is proved. Modern trends of personalization of marketing tools using digital technologies are shown.
Keywords: digitalization, marketing tools, data economy, electronic markets, omnichannel, marketing personalization.
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Ìanagement of creating consumer value chain by organic products manufacturers: methodological aspect
Timokhina G.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department of marketing at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
In this article the author demonstrates that in the face of changing consumer preferences and increasing competition, one of the ways to increase competitiveness of producers, including organic products, is to create value for target consumers. The author presents an original methodology for managing the value chain creation, including methods for analyzing the value management system, developing management solutions aimed at creating added value, and evaluating their effectiveness.
Keywords: value chain, consumers, management, business processes, organic products, methodology.
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Model of complex omnichannel marketing for retail
Sukhostav E.V., assistant of the Department of Management and Marketing, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, e-mail:
Kozlova O.A., doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics, Accounting and Financial Control, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, e-mail:
The article raises the issue of the relevance of omnichannel marketing in retail organizations. In order to systematically, comprehensively use the omnichannel marketing in this sector of the economy, the authors of the article developed a model of the omnichannel marketing complex “PBIT” (Purchaser. Brand. Integration. Technology). In the course of work, each of the proposed model elements is considered, the management of which will allow building a full-fledged omnichannel marketing. The proposed omnichannel marketing complex model allows you to combine the important components of omnichannel marketing in one model; consider omnichannel as a single consumer-oriented marketing system; to trace the integration of not only communication and marketing channels, but also the integration of product, pricing, marketing logistics; evaluate the internal factors of the company’s readiness to use omnichannel marketing.
Keywords: marketing, omnichannel marketing, omnichannel, marketing communications, sales channels, retail, marketing mix, omnichannel consumer.
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Prospects and risks of goods and services aggregators development in the Russian market
Migachev I.B., Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance and Credit Altai State University, e-mail:
The article discusses the definition of the role and place of aggregators of goods and services in the distribution system of goods and services. The definition of the term – the aggregator of goods and services is clarified, the classification of aggregators based on five fundamental criteria is given. The development trends of on-line retailers are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the impact of the aggregator on the participants of already formed markets. As well as the impact of aggregators of goods and services on small and medium-sized businesses. The paper considers the specifics of the interaction of aggregators of goods and services with households in the framework of the new sharing economy. The
effect of aggregator actions on transaction costs and the pricing process. The question of the appropriateness of public and state control over the activities of aggregators in certain markets is also raised.
Keywords: aggregator, digital economy, aggregator classification, transaction costs, trade platforms.
1. Agafonova A.N. Razvitie modeli agregatsii informatsionnykh i logisticheskikh servisov v elektronnoi kommertsii // Fundamentalnye issledovaniia. – 2014. – ¹ 9. – S. 616–620.
2. Klechikov A.V. Torgovye agregatory i razvitie tsifrovoi ekonomiki v Rossii: normativnye i institutsionalnye problemy // International journal of open information technologies. – 2018. – Vol. 6. – No. 5. – Pp. 33–38.
3. Shastitko A.E., Markova O.A. Agregatory vokrug nas: novaia realnost i podkhody k issledovaniiu // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost. – 2017. – ¹ 4. – S. 5–15.
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Marketing strategies for new goods of the enterprise
Zimina T.V., PhD, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department “personnel Management” of the Humanitarian University (Ekaterinburg), e-mail:
The article deals with the marketing of new products of the enterprise, which are an important component in the life support of any organization. In a highly competitive environment, inaction on the supply side is akin to failure. In order to maintain the image and market position of the organization, it is necessary to improve and improve its own proposals. On the example of a particular enterprise, a strategy for the modernization of goods is proposed that best meets the existing conditions and goals of the organization.
Keywords: innovative product, innovative marketing activities, innovative food products, personalization strategy, differentiation, retail network, I. Ansoff matrix.
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Prospects for competition of territories
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, leading researcher of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:
Vazhenin S.G., PhD in Economics, senior research associate, the head of the Center of competitive policy of region of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, e-mail:
In the modern economic space, territorial competition is an objective reality. The article presents the results of a series of expert surveys conducted by the authors, which allow to assess the scope, nature and intensity of competition between regions and municipalities. The complex of the most significant goals of the competition of territories has been clarified. Particular attention is paid to the formation by regions and municipalities of their intangible competitive advantages, which in the context of modern inter-territorial competition are becoming increasingly important. The features of the formation of inter-regional and inter-municipal cooperation are considered, which, not denying, but complementing the rivalry of the territories, will in the future contribute to the development and increase the resilience of the territories.
Keywords: territorial competition, competitive cooperation of territories, business climate, economic crisis, intangible assets and intangible competitive advantages of territories.
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Requirements to Manuscript