One-to-One marketing in a digital context
Leonov A.I., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Russian Presidential Academy of Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
A wide variety of digital tools, presented in the paper, offer unique premises for the implementation of One-to-One marketing by sophisticating its analytical methods, gaining a deeper knowledge of consumer’s needs and thus creating both an individual type of relations with the consumer and products tailored on the consumer’s individual needs. Practical evidences show, however, that the most of decisions within One-to-One marketing can be allocated to the areas of (personal) communications and/or product offers that are individual only nominally. Barriers for the implementation of One-to-One marketing are related to a fragmentary knowledge of digital tools by managers as a part of the complexity of managerial decisions, which is based on a series of in-depth interviews with companies’ representatives.
Keywords: digital tools of marketing, one-to-one marketing, personal communications, customization, market analyzes with digital tools.
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Unit economics on the example of marketing solutions
Prokhorova O.N., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Management, Institute of Economics and Law, Petrozavodsk State University (Russia), e-mail:
The article is devoted to the possibilities of using unit economics in the field of marketing for small businesses, where monetization occurs through the sale of single goods (services). The article describes the content of unit economics as a new working management tool for making, in particular, marketing decisions. Examples of real cases are presented, showing on numbers how, based on the analysis of a set of metrics for one client or product, you can multiply your business, especially with the effective
implementation of instant messenger marketing by integrating various instant messengers, social networks, chat bots and CRM systems.
Keywords: auto sales funnel, internet analytics, conversion, lead, messenger marketing, unit economics.
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The assessment of consumer value impact of medical services on target audience loyalty to a certain format of medical center
Romanova I.M., doctor of Economics, professor, head of the Department of marketing, commerce and logistics of the Far Eastern Federal University, e-mail:
Sologub E.V., graduate student of the school of Economics and management of the far Eastern Federal University, e-mail:
This research aims to identify the relationship between the attributes of consumer value of medical services and consumer loyalty to a certain format of commercial medical centers. The following research hypotheses were confirmed: the increase in a medical services consumers' value by developing additional attributes leads to an increase in the true consumers loyalty to a certain format of medical center; for medical services consumers, the most significant attributes are the attributes of consumer value, which are used to judge the quality of medical services and which influence the growth of consumers loyalty; consumers loyalty to commercial medical centers depends on the consumers life quality and on the level of their well-being.
Keywords: consumer value, attributes of consumer value, consumer loyalty, formats of commercial medical centers, medical services consumer value, consumer value assessment, consumer loyalty assessment, medical services, commercial medical centers.
1. Kozlova E.I. Rynok platnykh meditsinskikh uslug v Rossii: dinamika, faktory razvitiia / E.I. Kozlova, M.A. Novak // Innovatsionnaia ekonomika: perspektivy razvitiia i sovershenstvovaniia. – 2018. – ¹ 5 (31). – S. 50–57.
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Pandemia, online trade and online store promotion
Magomedov A.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics, Dagestan State University, 367008, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. Hajiyeva, 43-a., phone: (8722) 68-23-26, e-mail:
The pandemic has made significant adjustments to the structure and content of online commerce. The article proposes the activities for the promotion of an online store and the elements of the process itself, starting with the development of the semantic core of the site and ending with work with commercial factors. The characteristics determining the specifics of the work of online stores and their classification types by price segments, which are used for comparative analysis, have been determined. The tools for effective work of the store in each price segment are offered.
Keywords: pandemic, online trade, online store, website promotion, marketing strategies.
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State marketing in the development of inbound medical tourism in Russia
Bondarenko V.A., doctor of Economics, associate Professor, head of the Department of marketing and advertising, Rostov state University of Economics (RINH), e-mail:
The article examines the role and significance of state marketing in the development of inbound medical tourism in Russia. The models of medical tourism activation implemented in a number of other States are analyzed. Conclusions are made that the use of state marketing in the development of inbound medical tourism in Russia is justified and should be based on identifying the needs of territories – prospective tourist destinations, assessing the potential of localized medical institutions, infrastructure and related industries, assessing the needs of socio-economic development of regions, as well as assessing the needs of the local population. Cooperation with facilitators and major media agencies in Russia and abroad for the development of this area, as well as certification of medical institutions for their subsequent positive rating and attracting consumers, is also in demand.
Keywords: state marketing, destination, inbound medical tourism, cooperation, model of tourism activation, interests of the population, business, intermediaries.
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Social marketing of Russian museums in the era of digital communications
Gerasimenko V.V., PHD, Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory,
Shmarova E.P., undergraduate, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-46 Leninskiye Gory, e-mail:
Social marketing is now increasingly based on the capabilities of digital technologies to promote brands in the Internet space. The use of digital communications in the selection and consumption of cultural content is becoming an actual trend in the development of organizations in the field of culture, including museums. The research presented in this article is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the use of Internet marketing communications of modern museums in the new Museum era.
Keywords: social marketing, museums, marketing communications, digital technologies.
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National theme parks: new object for marketing
Sharko E.R., PhD in Economics, Research Center for Network Economy, Analyst, Lomonosov Moscow State University), e-mail:
The article considers the theoretical and applied aspects of marketing as an effective tool for developing the attractiveness of territories. The object of research is theme parks as a new vector of development of park farms in Russia. The author provides a classification of parks, which is supplemented with modern realities and needs of visitors, as well as a comparative assessment of the features of national parks and thematic ones. The role of marketing tools for the promotion of national parks in Russia based on foreign experience is justified. In this research, the author suggests using theme park technologies to organize
separate zones of national parks according to the chosen legend and theme.
Keywords: tourism services marketing, territory marketing, tourist product, park, theme park, theme park features, legending.
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Features of marketing in Japan
Nassakayeva B.E., candidate of economic Sciences, Karaganda state technical University, senior lecturer, e-mail:
Ibraimkhanova A.N., graduate student, Karaganda state University named E.A. Buketov,
This article describes the stages of formation and features of marketing in Japan. The development and formation of marketing in Japan has passed a long stage, from the moment of non-acceptance of Japanese products to the formation of a mature marketing philosophy. This article will help you understand the features of Japanese marketing based on traditional marketing and national characteristics and history of the country's development. The practical applicability of marketing in Japan has influenced the success and global recognition of many companies, as well as formed the image of the state, based on the sustainable development of the state's economy.
Keywords: marketing, CRM technologies, brand, innovation, marketing in Japan.
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Challenges and prospects for the use of modern internet marketing tools in the HoReCa segment
Ketova N.P., Ph.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Communications in Businessof SFEDU, e-mail:
Butusova D.A., Master’s Degree student of the Faculty of Management of SFEDU, e-mail:
The article updates the importance of digital marketing in the overall marketing activity. The main directions of digital marketing application in accordance with marketing functions are given. We consider the variety of digital tools included in Web 1.0 (websites, e-mail marketing, contextual advertising) and Web 2.0 (social networks, geoservices, feedback resources). Examples of resources, services and applications are given, both universal («Instagram,» «Facebook,» «Yandex.Maps»), and specific to the restaurant industry («SberFood,» «TripAdvisor,» «Delivery Club»). We provide a view on the advantages and disadvantages of these tools, the specifics of their use in the catering market. We formulate problems of using digital technologies in the restaurant sphere, and we attempt to propose ways of minimizing the impact of these problems.
Keywords: Internet marketing, restaurant marketing, HoReCa, marketing functions, digital marketing tools.
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3. Kormishina V.V. Funktsii marketinga v deiatelnosti predpriiatii / V.V. Kormishina, V.K. Romanovich // Innovatsionnaia nauka. – 2019. – ¹ 11. – S. 58–63.
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15. Rudskaia E.N. Marketpleis kak instrument optikanalnosti: formirovanie unikalnoi klientskoi ekosistemy / E.N. Rudskaia, E.I. Shevchenko // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2016. – ¹ 11-1 (76). – S. 515–528.
The effectiveness of SMM for industrial enterprises
Izakova N.B., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department of marketing and international management at Urals State University of Economics, e-mail:
The article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of social media marketing for industrial enterprises in the B2B market, the main advantages of SMM for industrial enterprises, aimed at building relationships with consumers, are highlighted. SMM performance indicators have been systematized, allowing to assess the dynamics of subscribers, user feedback, the effectiveness of communications from the company, traffic and conversions. In order to assess the relationship between the effectiveness of SMM and other Internet marketing tools, it is proposed to use correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA test. The article presents the results of evaluating the effectiveness of marketing in social networks for manufacturers of window profiles and door structures operating in the Russian market.
Keywords: B2B market, industrial enterprise, Social media marketing, SMM performance indicators, ANOVA, correlation analysis.
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9. Afonichkin A.I., Afonichkina E.A., Toporkov A.M. Modelirovanie klasternykh ekonomicheskikh sistem v vide setevoi struktury (biznes-seti) // Vestnik Volzh. un-ta imeni V. N. Tatishcheva. – 2016. – T. 2. – ¹ 1. – S. 5–11.
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Interaction between educational services market and regional labor markets in modern conditions
Seifullaeva M.E., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Professor of Department of Trade Policy Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Pogorilyak B.I., Senior lecturer at the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
The article analyzes the place and the role of the university in the social and economic development of the regions. The questions of transition to innovative economy or «knowledge economy» and the related process of digital transformation of society and forms of interaction in it are considered. The most important determinants of interaction between the market of educational services and the socially significant territorial labor market are identified. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of determinants are revealed.
Based on the studies carried out on the problems of marketing in the sphere of educational activity of higher education institutions, the main factors justifying the need to develop marketing in state higher education institutions are identified.
Keywords: Conjuncture of educational services market, national identity of the educational system, mechanisms of educational management, personnel crisis of the higher education system, regional educational cluster, marketing mechanism of interaction between the labor market and the educational services market.
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