Ethical aspects of introducing the concepts of corporate social responsibility and
socio-ethical marketing into the activities of companies
Shalnova O.A., Candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor, Marketing and Advertisement Department, Institute of Industry Management, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russian Federation 119571, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 7757-7951; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9077-2837
Gavrilina O.P., Candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor, Department of Management in the Sports and Tourism Industry, Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russian Federation 119571 , e-mail:
SPIN-code: 6517-6592
The article examines the specifics of the development of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a global strategy that covers multinational and increasingly national companies from the point of view of ethical and moral principles that arise when it is implemented in the «company-society-consumer» system. Analyzing the changing approaches to understanding the concept of CSR in the scientific community, the authors highlight the key implicit ethical aspects of this strategy, which can create quite serious problems in the development of national societies.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, social responsibility of business, sustainable development, social and ethical marketing, «psychological» benefits.
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Cooperation marketing: involvement of clients in the work of the organization
Morozov V. A., doctor of Economics, professor, Department of philosophy and methodology of Economics, faculty of Economics, Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 6037-1609; Author ID: 691223; Scopus Author ID: 0000-0001-8089-1015;
Researcher ID (WoS): ABH-1233-2020; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8089-1015
The article discusses the methods and process of involving clients in the activities of organizations. The analysis of the role of the client in organizational teams as an actor in organizations is carried out. Options for cooperation with clients and certain types of interaction have been studied. The review-analysis of the role of the client within the organizational action is made, where its ambiguous influence on the efficiency of the organization is revealed. The tools for the clients themselves are considered, developing not only the competence of the clients, but also the organization itself. The strategic environment of organizations for controlling the influence of customers and combating competition from
certain customers has been studied. The importance of avoiding the erosion of the organizational structure of the organization when customers are participants in its management is noted. In the context of the analysis of the topic, further directions of research are proposed.
Keywords: cooperation marketing, client-character of the organization, management, methods, functions, role of the client, strategy.
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Evaluation of approaches to the classification of online stores
Bezpalko L.V., master's degree in economics, Graduate of the department of commercial activity and real estate market, Belarusian State Economic University, e-mail:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1184-2022
The article presents the results of a study of online stores depending on various criteria. The author made an attempt to evaluate the approaches presented in the scientific literature to the classification and selection of types of online stores for the correctness and consistency of the essence of the commission of trade and technological processes in them. Taking into account the identified shortcomings, the possibility of adjusting and further developing the classification of online stores is substantiated.
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Price formation control within a production association by optimization of its
functioning processes, with Tulamashzavod considered as an example
Dronov E.A., Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Science (Economics), Professor, Director General of Tulamashzavod JSC, Chief of Armaments Technology Chair at Tula State University, å-mail:
Samochkin V.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Executive Officer of Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., Professor at Finance & Management Chair at Tula State University, å-mail:
Author ID: 429043
Barakhov V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Key Specialist of Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., å-mail:
Price formation optimization is considered herein as part of pricing policy at the production association established on the basis of defense enterprise, the solution is deduced by way of modeling of commodity-money flows in the holding under consideration. The model takes into account both external and internal markets. Realization of the algorithm developed is given with Tulamashzavod PA holding taken as an example.
Keywords: price formation, production association, optimization, criteria, modelling, commodity-money flows.
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5. Dronov E.A., Samochkin V.N., Barakhov V.I., Kuznetsov V.P. Priniatie upravlencheskikh reshenii na predpriiatii na osnove modelirovaniia tovarno-denezhnykh potokov. – Tula: Izd-vo TulGU, 2004. – S. 191–198.
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The multi–criteria analysis of the alternative supplier pool in the engineering sector
Golubeva M.A., PhD in Economies, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education Kostroma State University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 9328-2563; Àuthor ID: 967373
The paper presents the key results of the multi-criteria analysis of the alternative supplier pool in an engineering company, namely, the manufacturer of filters and filtering components for fuel, oil and air in trucks and agricultural machines. The author gives a complex assessment of the economic potential of the alternative supplier pool by using the methods of uniform optimization, folding criteria, total deviation from the neighbouring point and semi-matrices. The paper defines the directions of cooperation with the most profitable suppliers to ensure the stable logistics of the company.
Keywords: multi-criteria analysis, engineering sector, supplier, pool of alternative suppliers, economic potential of an alternative supplier.
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Omnichannel approach in the implementation of patient support programs
Grineva M.D., Marketing Guild Union member, marketing manager IP Grineva M.D.,å-mail:
ORCID: 0000-0001-7373-2817
Zuenkova Yu.A., doctor of business administration, faculty teacher at Medical Institute, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Address: 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6, å-mail:
SPIN-code: 2046-3170; Author ID: 1060917; Scopus ID: 57223995388;
The value-based approach as a trend of modern healthcare is changing the healthcare marketing. The decrease in the effectiveness of marketing activities of medical device vendors induces the need for new communication formats where patient support programs play an important role. The article describes an omnichannel approach to the development of patient support programs, presents a step-by-step algorithm for launching programs based on modification of the AIDA model (AIDAR model). The role of the
customer journey mapping is demonstrated and marketing goals were developed for a sales funnel.
Keywords: omnichannel marketing, customer journey map, buyer behavior, marketing communications, AIDAR model, value-based healthcare.
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Personnel readiness marketing research of service enterprises to the digitalization of workplaces
Limareva Yu.À., PhD pedagogic, associated professor in management and innovation department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 4531-5237; Author ID: 367999; Scopus Author ID: 57205098559; ORCID: 0000-0001-7941-1459
The service economy is undergoing changes associated with structural shifts. The digitalization of the economy covers all areas, including the sphere of culture and art. New approaches to interaction with the target audience are based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies and require the formation of a certain level of staff readiness for innovations. The article shows methods for determining the readiness of personnel for changes in the organization, reflects the results of the survey, and draws conclusions about the need for stimulating effects on personnel.
Keywords: marketing research, survey, information and communication opportunities, digital transformations, service sector, staff readiness, HR resources.
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Advertising brief – formality or advertising product quality guarantee?
Shishkina E.V., marketing packaging for business projects specialist, founder of SHISHKA-MARKETING project, lecturer at the Department of advertising and public relations of the State University of Management, Moscow, e-mail:
The article discusses features of the process of formulating and setting tasks by advertisers. The article includes overview of the process of advertising brief designing and preparation, communication process between client and executor details in relation to the aspect of produced advertising product quality and efficiency. Analysis of communication between participants of the brief designing and preparation process is carried out, and the overview of the effective advertising brief content is presented.
Keywords: marketing, advertising, brief, marketing communications.
1. Beleziak L.K., Karelova R.A. Brif kak osnova tekhnicheskogo zadaniia na razrabotku programmnogo obespecheniia // V sb.: Molodezh i nauka: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Uralskii federalnyi universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. Eltsina. – 2021. – S. 9–12.
2. Bernadskaia Iu.S. Osnovy reklamy: uchebnik dlia studentov vuzov / Iu.S. Bernadskaia [i dr.]; pod red. L.M. Dmitrievoi. – M.: IuNITI-DANA, 2017. – 351 s. – C. 173–174.
3. Remeskova M.A. Brif kak dokument reklamnoi kampanii // V sb.: Prakticheskii marketing: mater. III studen. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Moskovskii ekonomicheskii institut. – 2018. – S. 259–262.
4. Troitskaia D.A. Marketingovye kommunikatsii: klienty VS-agentstva // Marketingovye kommunikatsii. – 2014. – ¹ 3. – S. 174–179.
5. Chernykh L.M. Khoroshii brif: printsipy sostavleniia i struktura // Direktor po marketingu i sbytu . – 2015. – ¹ 8. – S. 21–24.
Features of educational services promotion in the digital environment
Pokul V.O., PhD in economics, associate professor of chair of international economy and management in Kuban State University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 7502-4410; Author ID: 734283; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2593-4470
Karaeva Yu.A., Master's 2nd year student of Management, program «Marketing» of the Kuban State University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 6881-7386
The article presents the results of an empirical marketing study of consumers of
educational services in the digital environment; 4 groups were identified and marketing
recommendations were developed taking into account the transformation of media
consumption in modern realities.
Keywords: marketing of educational services, promotion in the digital environment, digital
marketing, consumer behavior, marketing research.
1. Global Consumer Media Usage Forecast 2021–2025 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–2025/( data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
2. Ìèíîáðíàóêè [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
3. 21 Exciting Elearning Statistics [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
4. Brandon Hall Group Research [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
5. The Ultimate List of eLearning Statistics for 2022 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
6. Top Learning Management System (LMS) Statistics For 2020 You Need To Know [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
7. Global E-Learning Industry [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.01.2022).
Building reputation of a KIBS-firm
Orlova M.V., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, «Higher School of Brand Management», IFUR, RANEPA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: ÐÈÍÖ 5252-5987; Researcher ID: D-1544-2019; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3971-6570
Bychkova S.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor, State University of management, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 4497-9555; Author ID: 640392; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7931-750Õ;
Researcher ID: Web of Science D-2301-201
Fadeev D.A., marketer, Gazprombank Electronic Trading Platform LLC, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
The market of knowledge-business services includes companies with a high level of knowledge and orientation of their services to other organizations in the private and public sector, and which are mostly non-standard.. The article discusses reputational risks and ways to eliminate them, identifies the main promising areas for the development of tools for creating a company's reputation in the intellectual service, and suggests a systematic approach to creating reputational capital.
Keywords: knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), competitiveness, trust, reputational risks, business reputation.
1. Tendit K.N. Osnovy reputatsionnogo menedzhmenta: ucheb. posobie. – Komsomolsk-na-Amure: FGBOU VPO «KnAGTU», 2013. – 85 s. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia:
2. Hinlley D. New Study: Data Reveals 67% of Consumers are Influenced by Online Reviews [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.01.2022).
3. Reputatsiia v tsifrakh [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
4. Glukler J., Ambruster T. Bringing uncertainty in management consulting- mechanisms of trust and net-work reputation [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
5. Kucharska W. Personal Branding – A New Competency in the Era of the Network Economy. Corporate Brand Performance Implications / Corporate Social Responsibility in the Manufacturing and Services Sectors (pp.19–34) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: Chapter: 2Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
6. Turker D. Howcorporate social responsibility influences organizational commitment // Journal of Business Ethics. – 2009. – Vol. 89 (2). – Pp. 189–204.
7. Khaledabadi H.J. Thomas Magnusson Ò. Corporate Social Responsibility and Knowledge Management Implications in Sustainable Vehicle Innovation and Development [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
8. Kak poluchit pozitivnye otzyvy v 2021 godu: osnovy upravleniia reputatsiei [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
9. Grem D. Reputatsiia firmy: sozdanie, upravlenie i otsenka effektivnosti. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: firmy.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 21.01.2022).
Features of positioning of medical and health-improving products used by enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex
Oborin M.S., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics of the Perm Institute (Branch) of the FSUE HE «Plekhanov Russian University of Economics», e-mail:
SPIN-code: 8200-9024; Author ID: 747778; Scopus Author ID: 55694391500; Researcher ID: H-6729-2017; ORCHID: 0000-0002-4281-8615
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of marketing positioning of products that have therapeutic and health-improving properties and have a positive effect on human health in the conditions of the sanatorium-resort complex and related activities related to resort medicine, medical tourism.
Keywords: the market of spa services, restorative medicine, positioning, marketing of services, management concept, advertising, promotion, product.
1. Kalugina S.A., Lebedeva T.P. Sovremennye podkhody k opredeleniiu kachestva obsluzhivaniia pokupatelei // Vestnik Akademii. – 2016. – ¹ 4. – S. 95–100.
2. Dzhandzhugazova B.A. Primenenie marketingovykh strategii na predpriiatiiakh sanatorno-kurortnogo kompleksa / B.A. Dzhandzhugazova // Prakticheskii marketing. – 2017. – ¹ 3. – S. 44–46.
3. Mazmanova B.G. Prognozirovanie sbyta / B.G. Mazmanova // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – ¹ 2. – S. 13–16.
4. Kreindlin B.L. Aktivnye prodazhi: strategiia zakhvata i uderzhaniia klientov / B.L. Kreindlin // Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniia. – 2017. – ¹ 4. – S. 76–80.
5. Reznik G.A. Strategiia pozitsionirovaniia kompanii na osnove sotsialno-marketingovoi programmy / G.A. Reznik // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – ¹ 5. – S. 10–15.
6. Siolkina I.S. Metody prodvizheniia produktsii v usloviiakh rynka / I.S. Siolkina, V.N. Avdonin // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 33–37.
7. Asriev S.V. Marketingovaia kontseptsiia upravleniia razvitiem sanatorno-kurortnoi sfery ekonomiki kurortnoi territorii / S.V. Asriev // Vestnik ekspertnogo soveta. – 2018. – ¹ 3. – S. 4–9.
8. Shkardun V. Formirovanie i optimizatsiia sbytovoi seti – osnova sbytovoi politiki predpriiatiia / V. Shkardun, S. Sterkhova // Upravlenie prodazhami. – 2018. – ¹ 1. – S. 10–12.
9. Kurnosenkova I.A. Metody otsenki sformirovannoi logisticheskoi strategii predpriiatiia // Pravo, ekonomika i upravlenie: aktualnye voprosy. – SPb.: ID «Sreda», 2019. – S. 114–116.
10. Zhuravlev V.V. Formirovanie sistemy upravleniia kachestvom sanatorno-kurortnogo produkta / V.V. Zhuravlev // Marketing. – 2018. – ¹ 8. – S. 26–28.
11. Dmitrieva Iu.V. Povyshenie effektivnosti sbyta / Iu.V. Dmitrieva // Sovremennye aspekty ekonomiki. – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 83–85.
12. Fomenko V.V. Aktualnye problemy finansirovaniia natsionalnogo zdravookhraneniia / V.V. Fomenko // Fundamentalnye issledovaniia. – 2016. – ¹ 10-4. – S. 841–845.
13. Przhedetskii Iu.I. Marketing organizatsii zdravookhraneniia v usloviiakh realizatsii natsionalnykh proektov / Iu.I. Przhedetskii, N.V. Przhedetskaia, V.V. Sheveleva // Gosudarstvennoe i munitsipalnoe upravlenie. Uchenye zapiski SKAGS. – 2020. – ¹ 1. – S. 92–96.
14. Kupriianova T. Kak sistematizirovat sbytovuiu deiatelnost firmy / T. Kupriianova // Konsultant direktora. – 2018. – ¹ 1. – S. 19–29.
15. Deputatova E.Iu., Perelman M.A. Puti formirovaniia potrebitelskoi loialnosti v roznichnoi torgovle // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2019. – ¹ 3 (104). – S. 737–741.
New vision of SMM's strategy
Slobodinskiy Yu.À., Marketing director BMW Russian Group, e-mail:
Vereteno A.À., Marketing strategy director of auto concern «Bars», e-mail:
The article reveals the possibilities of new platforms. Moreover, possible opportunities for marketing strategies in available social media are defined. Authors identified actual chances for reasonable promotion in local platforms. Furthermore, the comparing analysis between different types of social media was conducted. The analysis highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of various social networks. These factors help in structuring marketing strategies or in changing the focus. After the research, new recommendations were implemented in real life and result was described.
Keywords: SMM, targeting, promotion, new social media, shoppable ads.
1. Similarweb [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 27.05.2022).
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3. Novaia realnost sotsialnykh setei [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 27.05.2022).
4. Brand Analytics [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 27.05.2022).
5. Press-sluzhba «VKontakte» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).
6. «Odnoklassniki» otmetili prirost aktivnoi auditorii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).
7. Agentstvo «Interium» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).
8. BMW Bars [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).
9. BMW Bars [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).
10. BMW Bars [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.05.2022).