Contents of N6/2022

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Contents of 6/2022


International marketing in the post-pandemic period, taking into account the realities of sanctions
Bondarenko V.A., doctor of Economics, associate Professor, head of the Department of marketing and advertising, Rostov state University of Economics (RINH), e-mail:
SPIN-code: 4377-1651; Author ID: 187222; Scopus Author ID: 57193857639;
Voronov A.A., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Logistics and Commercial Work, St. Petersburg State University of Railway Engineering, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 2984-8833; Author ID: 643548;
Xu Bian, Candidate of the Department of Management and Marketing of the Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:

The article explores the realities of international marketing emerging in the context of modern transformational changes in economic reality. The understanding of international marketing, the main options for its implementation and objective difficulties in the implementation of this concept, traditional, as well as related to the modern period, are analyzed. We believe that the further spread of digitalization and increased political pressure are changing the conditions for doing business. If the first factor stimulates activity in international marketing, the second one levels it. It seems necessary to further comprehend transformational changes and clarify forecasts regarding the development of the concept of international marketing.
Keywords: international marketing, political pressure, difficulties, digitalization, trends.

1. Golubkov E.P. Teoriia i metodologiia marketinga: nastoiashchee i budushchee. – M.: Delo i Servis, 2008. – 208 s.
2. Kolesova E.A. Mezhdunarodnyi marketing / E.A. Kolesova // StudNet. – 2021. – ¹ 5 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.09.2022).
3. Tolchinskaia M.N., Murtuzaliev A.D. Printsipy i osobennosti mezhdunarodnogo marketinga // UEPS. – 2018. – ¹ 3 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.09.2022).
4. Arefev P.V., Poliakova N.A., Zaichenko A.A. Vliianie transnatsionalnykh korporatsii na ekonomiki prinimaiushchikh stran i stran bazirovaniia // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2020. – ¹ 6 (296) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.09.2022).
5. Abalkin L.I. Rossiia: osmyslenie sudby. – M.: Izd. dom «Ekonomicheskaia gazeta», 2012. – 864 s.
6. Shpak N., Kuzmin O., Dvulit Z., Onysenko T., Sroka W. Digitalization of the Marketing Activities of Enterprises: Case Study // Information. – 2020. – No. 11 (2). – P. 109 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
7. Trofimova P.E., Nizamova D.E. Osnovnye problemy mezhdunarodnogo marketinga // Aktualnye problemy aviatsii i kosmonavtiki: sektsiia: marketing i kommertsializatsiia kosmosa. – 2016. – T. 2. – ¹ 12. – C. 382–384.
8. Transportnaia set na grani tromboza [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.09.2022).
9. Litvinov E.A., Savinov Iu.A., Taranovskaia E.V., Bulygina N.Iu. Vliianie koronavirusa na globalnye tsepochki postavok // Rossiiskii vneshneekonomicheskii vestnik. – 2020. – ¹ 6. – S. 89–104.
10. Polynkov E.S. Transformatsiia marketinga v postpandemicheskii period: ugrozy i perspektivy // Innovatsii i investitsii. – 2020. – ¹ 9. – S. 111–112.
11. Dubrova-Aliksyuk Evgenia. Kak COVID-19 povliial na rezultaty obieiavlenii Google dlia 21 otrasli [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: rezultaty-obieiavlenii-google-dlia-21-otrasli-94baae96113c (data obrashcheniia: 19.09.2022).
12. Vliianie koronavirusa na internet-trafik v 2020 godu [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: URL: obrashcheniia: 08.08.2022).
13. Ginevichius V.V. Kak pandemiia SOVID-19 meniaet brendy i potrebitelei: novye temy i formaty // StudNet. – 2020. – ¹ 10 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.09.2022).
14. Rizhinashvili Dzh. Evropa: energeticheskii tupik [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.09.2022).
15. Zhandarova I. Zarubezhnye brendy neokhotno pokidaiut rossiiskii rynok [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.09.2022).

Exploring the relationship between service design and value creation in marketing
Shchepetova I.V., postgraduate student of the Marketing Department of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; CEO of the «Marketing story» Agency, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 1865-6315; Author ID: 634543; Scopus Author ID: 57188741929; Researcher ID (WoS): B-2325-2015; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8262-7584

The article presents an analysis of the relationship between service design and the category of consumer value. The historical aspects of the emergence of this direction are given, the degree of influence of various factors on it is estimated, the study of the mutual influence of service design with various aspects of the functioning of companies is carried out. The service design toolkit is analyzed taking into account the latest promising developments, a detailed representation of the functionality of the user's path map is given. The analysis of the results of the impact of service design on the business indicators of companies was carried out. The author's view on the sequence of stages of service design design is given.
Keywords:  service design, customer experience, design thinking, consumer value, customer value, customer experience research.

1. Aksoi L. Kak vy izmeriaete to, chto ne mozhete opredelit? Tekushchee sostoianie izmereniia i upravleniia loialnostiu / L. Aksoi. – Tekst: neposredstvennyi // Zhurnal upravleniia uslugami. – 2013. – T. 24. – ¹ 4. – S. 356–381. –
2. Globalnyi upravlencheskii konsalting | McKinsey & Company [sait]. – URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.11.2022). – Tekst: elektronnyi.
3. Druker P. Marketing i ekonomicheskoe razvitie / P. Druker. – Tekst: neposredstvennyi // Zhurnal marketinga. – 1958. – T. 22. – ¹ 3. – S. 252–259.
4. Levitt T. Rost i pribyl za schet zaplanirovannykh marketingovykh innovatsii / T. Levitt // Zhurnal marketinga. – 1960. – T. 24. – ¹ 4. – S. 1–8.
5. Kheskett Dzh.L. Tsepochka polucheniia pribyli ot uslug / Dzh.L. Kheskett, U.E. Sasser, L.A. Shlezinger. – Niu-Iork: Svobodnaia pressa, 1997. – 284 s. – ISBN 0-684-83256-9.
6. Shakh D. Put k klientoorientirovannosti/D. Shakh, R. Rast, A. Parasuraman, R. Steilin, G. Dei // Zhurnal issledovanii sfery uslug. – 2006. – T. 9. – ¹ 2. – S. 113–124.
7. Boulding U. Dorozhnaia karta upravleniia vzaimootnosheniiami s klientami: chto izvestno, potentsialnye podvodnye kamni i kuda idti / U. Boulding, R. Steilin, M. Eret, U.Dzh. Dzhonston // Zhurnal marketinga. – 2003. – T. 69. –  ¹ 4. – S. 155–166. – DOI: 10.1509/jmkg.2005.69.4.155
8. Braun S.V. Za predelami produktov / S.V. Braun, A. Gustafsson, L. Vitell // Uollstrit Dzhornal. – 2009. – T. 253. – ¹ 144. – S. R 7.
9. Khaksever S. Model sozdaniia tsennosti: strategicheskii vzgliad / S. Khaksever, R. Chaganti, R.G. Kuk // Zhurnal delovoi etiki. – 2004. – ¹ 49 (3). – S. 291–305. – DOI: 10.1023/B: BUSI.0000017968.21563.05
10. Sidorchuk R.R. Tsennost v marketinge kak nauchnaia kategoriia / R.R. Sidorchuk // Marketing MBA. Marketingovoe upravlenie predpriiatiem. – 2014. – T. 3. – ¹ 5. – S. 216–235.
11. Zhukova T.N. Upravlenie otnosheniiami s potrebiteliami i steikkholderami organizatsii na osnove kontseptsii marketinga: strategiia i instrumenty / T.N. Zhukova. – SPb.: LETI, 2016. – 144 s. – ISBN 978-5-7629-2023-0.
12. Ilin V.I. Kreativnyi konsiumerizm kak trend sovremennogo obshchestva potrebleniia / V.I. Ilin // Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoi antropologii. – 2011. – ¹ 5. – S. 41–54.
13. Mager B. Tochka soprikosnoveniia / B. Mager // Zhurnal dizaina servisa. – 2009. – T. 1. – ¹ 1. – S. 20–29.
14. Patritsii L.Multilevel service design: from customer value constellation to service experience blueprinting / L. Patritsii, R.P. Fisk, Dzh. Falkao i Kunia, L. Konstantinu // Zhurnal issledovanii sfery uslug. – 2011. – T. 14. – ¹ 2. – S. 180–200. – DOI:10.1177/1094670511401901
15. Zomerdeik L.G. Dizain servisa dlia uslug, orientirovannykh na opyt / L.G. Zomerdeik, K.A. Voss // Zhurnal issledovanii sfery uslug. – 2010. – T. 13. – ¹ 1. – S. 67–82.
16. Vetter-Edman K. Dizain dlia sovmestnogo sozdaniia tsennosti: izuchenie sinergii mezhdu dizainom dlia obsluzhivaniia i logikoi obsluzhivaniia / K. Vetter-Edman, D. Sangiorgi, B. Edvardsson, S. Kholmlid, K. Grenroos, T. Mattelmiaki // Nauka ob obsluzhivanii. – 2014. – T. 6. – ¹ 2. – S. 106–121.
17. Plattner Kh. Dizain-myshlenie: poniat – uluchshit – primenit / Kh. Plattner, K. Meinel, L. Leifer. – London: Nauchnye i delovye SMI Springera, 2011. – 260 s. – ISBN 978-364-2266-38-6.
18. Murman S. Otnosheniia mezhdu postavshchikami i polzovateliami marketingovykh issledovanii: dinamika doveriia vnutri organizatsii i mezhdu nimi / S. Murman, G. Zaltman, R. Deshpande // Zhurnal marketingovykh issledovanii. – 1992. – T. 29. – ¹ 3. – S. 314–329.
19. Raikhkheld F.F. Upravlenie, osnovannoe na loialnosti / F.F. Raikhkheld // Garvardskoe delovoe obozrenie. – 1993. – T. 71. – ¹ 2. – S. 64–73.
20. Keiningem T.L. Obzor mifov o loialnosti / T.L. Keiningem, T.G. Vavra, L. Aksoi, Kh. Uillard. – Khoboken: Dzhon Uaili i synovia, 2005. – 272 s. – ISBN 0-471-74315-1.
21. Fornell S. Natsionalnyi barometr udovletvorennosti potrebitelei: shvedskii opyt / S. Fornell // Zhurnal marketinga. – 1992. – T. 56. – ¹ 1. – S. 6–21. – DOI:org/10.2307/1252129
22. Parasuraman A. Kachestvo obsluzhivaniia: mnogopozitsionnaia shkala dlia izmereniia vospriiatiia potrebiteliami kachestva obsluzhivaniia / A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeitkhaml, L.L. Berri // Zhurnal roznichnoi torgovli. – 1988. – T. 64. – ¹ 1. – S. 12–40.
23. Shostak L.G. Kak sproektirovat servis / L.G. Shostak // Evropeiskii zhurnal marketinga. – 1982. – T. 16. – ¹ 1. – S. 49–63.
24. Miettinen S. Proektirovanie uslug s ispolzovaniem innovatsionnykh metodov / S. Miettinen, M. Koivisto. – Keuruu: Knigoizdatelstvo Otava, 2009. – 267 s. – ISBN 978-952-5018-42-4.
25. Instrumenty | Instrumenty dlia proektirovaniia uslug [sait] [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.11.2022).
26. Dubko A.V. Kakimi byvaiut karty klientskogo opyta / A.V. Dubko. – Tekst: elektronnyi // Upravlenie prodazhami. – 2020. – ¹ 4. – S. 320–330 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.10.2022).
27. Vargo S.L. Evoliutsiia k novoi dominiruiushchei logike marketinga / S.L. Vargo, R.F. Liush // Zhurnal marketinga. – 2004. – T. 68. – ¹ 1. – S. 1–17.
28. Makkoll-Kennedi Dzh. R. Stili praktiki sovmestnogo sozdaniia tsennosti dlia klientov zdravookhraneniia / Dzh. R. Makkoll-Kennedi, S.L. Vargo, T.S. Dagger, Dzh. Si Suini, I. van Kasteren // Zhurnal issledovanii sfery uslug. – 2012. – T. 15. – ¹ 4. – S. 370–389.
29. Kristensson P. Ispolzovanie tvorcheskogo potentsiala polzovatelei / P. Kristensson, A. Gustafsson, T. Archer // Zhurnal upravleniia innovatsiiami v produktakh. – 2004. – T. 21. – ¹ 1. – S. 4–14.
30. Iuldasheva O.U. Pokupatel budushchego, novye modeli potrebleniia i sotvorchestvo tsennosti: kontury marketinga 4.0 / O.U. Iuldasheva, G.V. Khalikov, A.V. Tsoi // Korporativnoe upravlenie i innovatsionnoe razvitie ekonomiki Severa: Vestnik Nauchno-issledovatelskogo tsentra korporativnogo prava, upravleniia i venchurnogo investirovaniia Syktyvkar. gos. un-ta. – 2018. – ¹ 2. – C. 90–106.
31. Doil P. Marketing, orientirovannyi na stoimost: Marketingovye strategii dlia obespecheniia rosta kompanii i uvelicheniia ee aktsionernoi stoimosti / P. Doil; per. s angl. S. Zhiltsova. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 479 s. – (Marketing dlia professionalov). – ISBN 5-318-00226-9.



AI-technology assessment of the demand for new digital products
Azoev G.L., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Marketing Department, State University of Management, e-mail:
ORCID: 0000-0002-5627-3097
Sumarokova E.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, State University of Management, e-mail:
ORCID: 0000-0001-8963-6774

A technology for assessing the demand for new digital products at the stage of their development is proposed. The technology acts as a tool for filtering digital product development projects by the criterion of their demand, which increases the likelihood of commercial success of new digital products being brought to the market. The technology has been tested and brought to the calculation formulas. It has no analogues in foreign and domestic literature and practice.
Keywords: digital products, demand assessment, Big Data, intelligent targeting, consumer behavior recognition technology, demand testing in a sample.

1. Azoev G.L., Sumarokova E.V. Kratkosrochnoe prognozirovanie sprosa na novye tsifrovye produkty: opyt Instituta marketinga GUU // Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniia. – 2021. – ¹ 4. – S. 248–257.
2. Azoev G.L., Khokhlov D.A. Formirovanie modeli prognozirovaniia sprosa na proektiruemye tsifrovye produkty // Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniia. – 2021. – ¹ 1. – S. 18–27.
3. Kotler F. i dr. Marketing 4.0: tekhnologii prodvizheniia v internete. – M.: Bombora, 2020. – 224 s.
4. Smit K. Konversiia: kak prevratit lidy v prodazhi. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2019. – 228 s.
5. Ulanov K.Iu. Moshchnye voronki prodazh dlia lidogeneratsii v internete. – M.: Bombora, 2019. – 380 s.
6. Azoev G.L., Sumarokova E.V. Benchmarking of Market Capacity Assessment Methods and Their Application to Digital Products [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL:

Influence-marketing in a regional university: analysis of external factors and target audiences
Mushketova N.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, Volgograd State University, å-mail:
SPIN-code: 3455-4903; Author ID: 391060; Researcher ID (WoS): J-8283-2017; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1778-0926
Marusinina E.Yu., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Volgograd State University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 6876-9198; Author ID: 498790; Researcher ID (WoS): Å9691-2018; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1864-1231
Tkachev V.V., master’s student of the Institute of Economics and Management (42.04.01 «Advertising and Public Relations») Volgograd State University, å-mail:

The article analyzes the external factors influencing the choice of communication channels and technologies by universities (economic, political, socio-cultural and technological factors), on the basis of which the need to use the potential of university brand ambassadors as a promotion tool is identified and justified. The target audiences of the university's communications were identified, grouped and analyzed, and their loyalty was assessed. In conclusion, the influence of the systemic transformation of the university's media communication system on the need to integrate university brand ambassadors into it to promote educational services and increase the loyalty of applicants is substantiated.
Keywords: marketing communications, promotion, external environment, target audiences, influencer marketing, brand ambassador.

1. Gureeva A.N. Mediakommunikatsii v ysshei shkoly [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
2. Khochesh stat ambassadorom? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.10.2022).
3. Ambassadorom fakulteta mozhesh stat imenno ty! [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
4. Novaia programma «Ambassadory Mininskogo universiteta» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.10.2022).
5. Studenty-ambassadory ukrepiat mezhdunarodnye sviazi rossiiskikh vuzov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.10.2022).
6. V pandemiiu vuzy stali menshe zarabatyvat [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
7. Volgogradskaia oblast za 2 goda ra zrushila svoe sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
8. Minfin gotovit rossiian k otkaz u ot besplatnykh meditsiny i obrazovaniia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).9. Minobrnauki Rossii predstavilo reiting mediinoi aktivnosti vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
10. Obshchii reiting vu zov (M-Rate) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
11. Mediagruppa «Rossiia segodnia» obieiavila itogi monitoringa mediaaktivnosti vuzov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
12. Stoit li NIU VShE sv oikh deneg, ili Chemu ia nauchilas v univere [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
13. RIA Reiting. Demograficheskii reiting regionov – 2022 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
14. Odintsov A.V., Shipitsin A.I., Marchenko A.Iu. Tsentrostremitelnaia migratsiia molodezhi iz rossiiskoi provintsii: prichiny i tendentsii (na primere Volgogradskoi oblasti) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
15. Kak molodezh vybiraet kumirov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
16. Global Digital 2022: vy shel ezhegodnyi otchet ob internete i sotsialnykh setiakh – glavnye tsifry [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.05.2022).
17. Kapustina L.M., Zhadko E.A. Upravlenie brendom na osnove otsenki vospriiatiia pozitsii universiteta potrebiteliami [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.03.2022).
18. Mushketova N.S., Fedorova S.V., Belikeeva A.S. Osobennosti marketingovykh kommunikatsii na rynke obrazovatelnykh uslug vuzov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.03.2022).
19. Mushketova Natalya, Fedorova Svetlana, Polusmakova Natalia. Demand-based problems of sustainable development of regional market of higher education services [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.03.2022).
20. RAEX publikuet predmetnye reitingi vuzov Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.03.2022).

Development of a marketing strategy for the penetration of Russian healthcare provider into the world market
Chernyshev E.V., expert of the state budgetary institution of the city of Moscow «Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Department of Healthcare of the City of Moscow», Moscow, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 4594-6973;

The article discusses the method of building a unique strategy for Russian healthcare providers of various forms of ownership to penetrate into the international market of medical services. The author of the method reveals in detail the algorithm for building a long-term strategy for entering foreign markets, using a combination of such elements of the proposed matrix as markets, services, patients, medical solutions and partnerships. The article reflects practical examples of the application of the method for entering foreign markets by medical organizations from Turkey, South Korea and Russia. The «Medical tourism opportunities Matrix» proposed by the author in medical tourism reflects 40 specific strategies and hundreds of their configurations, creating a unique concept for the development of foreign trade in
medical services.
Keywords: export of medical services, medical tourism, international marketing, destination, international patient, federal project, medical tourism matrix, medical tourism management.

1. Neimark M.A. Russkii mir i geopolitika // Problemy postsovetskogo prostranstva. – 2015. – ¹ 2. – S. 78–100.
2. Chernyshev E.V., Petrova G.D., Bezzubenko O.I. Razvitie eksporta meditsinskikh uslug Rossii v 2021 godu // Ekonomika, predprinimatelstvo i pravo. – 2022. – ¹ 5. – S. 1625–1638.
3. Ob utverzhdenii metodik rascheta pokazatelei federalnogo proekta «Razvitie eksporta meditsinskikh uslug»: prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 01.09.2021 ¹ 898 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2022).
4. Portal po eksportu meditsinskikh uslug Minzdrava Rossii: ofitsialnyi sait. – Moskva. – 2022 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 09.09.2022).
5. Todd M. Medical Tourism Facilitator's Handbook. –1st ed. – Chicago, USA: Productivity press, 1984.
6. Woodman Josef. Patients Beyond Borders: Everybody's Guide to Affordable, World-Class Medical Travel. – Healthy Travel Media. – 2009.
7. Qing Xu, Vidya Purushothaman, Raphael E. Cuomo and  Tim K. Mackey. A bilingual systematic review of South Korean medical tourism: a need to rethink policy and priorities for public health // BMC Public Health. – 2021. – 21:658.
8. Klimin V.G., Maltseva Iu.A., Daikhes A.N., Vdovin K.E., Kniazeva E.G. Marketing v meditsinskom turizme. – M.: ID «Kommentarii», 2020.
9. Gan Lydia L. and Song Hongwei A. SWOT Analysis of Medical Tourism: India and South Korea (June 27, 2012) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (Available at SSRN): (data obrashcheniia: 31.08.2022).
10. Bondarenko V.A. Gosudarstvennyi marketing v razvitii vieezdnogo meditsinskogo turizma v Rossii // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2020. – ¹ 5 (139). – S. 44–51.
11. Nikitina O.A. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskie modeli razvitiia mezhdunarodnogo meditsinskogo turizma: vybor modeli dlia Rossii // Vestnik Evraziiskoi nauki. – 2018. – ¹ 5 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.09.2022).
12. Izgarev M.O., Izgareva D.O. Marketing v meditsinskom turizme // Sinergiia nauk. – 2019. – ¹ 34. – S. 269–276.
13. Borden Neil Hopper. Published in: Marketing management and the Indian economy. – Delhi [u.a.]: Vikas Publishing, 1970. – Ð. 47.
14. Chernyshev E.V., Petrova G.D. Tekhnologii meditsinskogo marketinga v mezhdunarodnom meditsinskom turizme // Gumanitarnye i sotsialno-ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2021. – ¹ 6 (121). – S. 113–116.
15. Pikhanova S.A., Chugunova N.Iu. Voprosy upravleniia priamym marketingom // Gumanitarnye i sotsialno-ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2017. – ¹ 4 (95). – S. 139–144.
16. Chernyshev E.V. Standarty raboty s inostrannymi patsientami // Upravlenie kachestvom v zdravookhranenii. – 2019. – ¹ 1. – S. 46–52.
17. Chandiramani N.M. Meditsinskii turizm: posledstviia dlia Indii // Vestnik Universiteta imeni O.E. Kutafina (MGIuA). – 2022. – ¹ 1 (89). – S. 30–38.
18. Sharova Iu.V. Innovatsionnye bankovskie produkty dlia privlecheniia i uderzhaniia klientov // Innovatsionnoe razvitie ekonomiki. – 2019. – ¹ 6 (54). – S. 99–102.
19. Medicity Daegu explores the Kazakhstan market. Daegu Metropolitan city [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2022).
20. Chernyshev E.V., Petrova G.D., Mamedov T.M.O., Tishchenko T.A. Meditsina i meditsinskii turizm Turtsii v tsifrakh // Mezhdunarodnaia ekonomika. – 2022. – ¹ 8. – S. 595–603.
21. Amsalem Medical [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2022).

Directions for the development of marketing tools in the context of digitalization of markets
Magomedova R.N., secretary of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University named after O.E. Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy), e-mail:
SPIN-code: 9530-0935; Author ID: 1167792; Researcher ID (WoS): GXM-6739-2022; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6979-801X

The article discusses various features associated with the transformation of markets due to digitalization. The concepts of «promotion» and «digitalization» have been studied and supplemented. Various aspects of changing marketing tools in modern realities are considered. The basic rules of digital marketing are given. The fundamental and modern marketing tools are given. Changes in the sales indicator in the domestic market of Internet sales are considered. The importance of quality work with clients is revealed. The directions of the impact of marketing tools in the framework of the digitalization of markets are described.
Keywords: digitalization, marketing tools, transformation, customer service, internet.

1. Analiz marketingovykh i reklamnykh tendentsii vo vremia rezhima izoliatsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: marketing-landscape-in-challenging-times (data obrashcheniia: 21.06.2022).
2. Mediascope: internetom v Rossii polzuiutsia 80% naseleniia starshe 12 let [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
3. Onlain-shopping voshel v top-5 aktivnostei rossiian v internete [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
4. Mediapotreblenie [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
5. Shults D., Kitchen F. Marketing. Integrirovannyi podkhod. – M.: ID «INFRA-M», 2014.
6. 4 shaga uspeshnogo prodvizheniia biznesa v internete 2020 dlia rukovoditelei i predprinimatelei [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–4-shaga-uspesh-nogo-prodvizheniya-biznesa-v-internete-2020-dlya-rukovoditeley-i-predprinimateley (data obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
7. Kotler F., Gari A. Osnovy marketinga. – M.: ID «Viliams», 2016.
8. Dzhefkins F., Iadin D. Pablik rileishnz: ucheb. posobie. – M.: IuNITI-DANA, 2012. – 420 s.
9. Golubkova E.N. Integrirovannye marketingovye kommunikatsii: uchebnik i praktikum dlia akademicheskogo bakalavriata. – M.: Iurait, 2019. – 363 s.
10. Taming the Digital Dragon: The 2014 CIO Agenda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.07.2022).
11. Kudriavtseva T.Iu., Kozhina K.S. Osnovnye poniatiia tsifrovizatsii / T.Iu. Kudriavtseva, K.S. Kozhina // Vestnik Akademii znanii. – 2021. – ¹ 44 (3). – S. 149–151.
12. Tsifrovizatsiia – eto ne tolko IT [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.07.2022).
13. Plotnikov V.A. Tsifrovizatsiia proizvodstva: teoreticheskaia sushchnost i perspektivy razvitiia v rossiiskoi ekonomike / V.A. Plotnikov // Izvestiia S.-Peterb. gos. ekonom. un-ta. – 2018. – S. 16–24.
14. Khomiakova S.S. Transformatsiia i zakreplenie termina «tsifrovizatsiia» na zakonodatelnom urovne / S.S. Khomiakova // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2019. – ¹ 41 (279). – S. 9–12.
15. Digital transformation [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.06.2022).
16. Heeks R. Information and Communication Technology for Development. – Abingdon: Routledge, 2017.
17. Chemu nauchili nas poslednie dva goda i chego ozhidat v 2022 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–10-novykh-pravil-digital-marketinga-/( data obrashcheniia: 21.06.2022).
18. Kakie peredovye tsifrovye tekhnologii naibolee vostrebovany? Tsifrovaia transformatsiia otraslei: startovye usloviia i prioritety [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.06.2022).
19. Bukh R., Heeks R. Defining, Conceptualising and Measuring the Digital Economy / R. Bukh, R. Heeks // Centre for Development Informatics Global Development Institute. – 2017. – No. 68. – 24 p.
20. Rynok internet-torgovli v Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.06.2022).
21. Kuznetsova E.L., Getmanova A.V. Loialnost klientov kak faktor rosta effektivnosti prodazh / E.L. Kuznetsova, A.V. Getmanova // Finansovaia analitika: problemy i resheniia. – 2016. – ¹ 4. – S. 38–52.
22. Marketing: uchebnik. – 3-e izd. / pod red. V.V. Gerasimenko. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – S. 449.
23. Gerasimenko V.V. Tsifrovaia transformatsiia rynkov i marketinga [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.06.2022).
24. Diagnosing your video and digital banner ads to increase ROI [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.06.2022).
25. Brand insights for a new era [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.06.2022).
26. Earning digital trust: Where to invest today and tomorrow [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.06.2022).



Reputational risks and perspictives for Russian brends at foreign markets
Zuenkova Yu.A., doctor of business administration, faculty teacher Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 2046-3170; Author ID: 1060917; Scopus ID: 57223995388; ORCID: 0000-0002-3660-0476
Sekerin V.D., Doctor of Economics, professor, chief researcher V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences

The article presents the results of a brand avoidance study of the of foreign consumers of Russian brands as a result of the geopolitical situation. The survey covered 78 respondents aged 22 to 67 years The further development of Russian exports of consumer goods should be considered from the perspective of brand avoidance, which requires the adaptation of existing export strategies to the specifics of the target audience.
Keywords:  brand avoidance, reputation, export, consumer goods, crisis management, buying behavior.

1. Kašťáková Elena & Drieniková Kristína & Zubalova Lubica (2020). Impact of the geopolitical changes on the EU foreign trade relations with selected territories: Implications for the Slovak economy. 10.21638/11701/9785288059889.
2. Pototskaya Tatyana I., Silnichaya Anna V. Modern geopolitical research in Russia. Baltic Region. – 2019. – ¹ 2 [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL: (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 02.04.2022).
3. Klyukanov Igor & Anholt Simon & Bertelsen Dale & Dinnie Keith & Fullerton Jami & Nemecek Maureen & Graves William & Morris Jeremy & Ociepka Beata & Shteynman Maria & Tucktarova Alia & Tulchinckii Grigorii  (2008). Nation Branding and Russia: Prospects and Pitfalls. Russian Journal of Communication. 1. 192–222. 10.1080/19409419.2008.10756709.
4. Shi Wei & Hoskisson Robert & Zhang Anthea  (2016). A Geopolitical Perspective into the Opposition to Globalizing State-Owned Enterprises in Target States. Global Strategy Journal. 6. 13–30. 10.1002/gsj.1105.
5. Gilal Faheem Gul & Memon Amjad Ali & Gilal Rukhsana & Gilal Naeem (2020). Towards a new framework for mapping service brand avoidance: The moderating effect of gender and generation cohorts. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management. 12. 119. 10.1504/IJISCM.2020.115829.
6. Klein N. No Logo: Taking Aim at Brand Bullies. – L.: Flamingo, 2000
7. Schouten J.W., McAlexander J.H. Subcultures of consumption: an ethnography of the new bikers. J Consum Res 1995; 22:43–61.
8. Lee Michael & Conroy Denise & Motion J.  (2009). Brand avoidance: A negative promises perspective. Advances in Consumer Research. 36. 421–429.
9. Aaker D. Building Strong Brands. – N.Y.: Free press, 1996.
10. Banister E.N., Hogg M.K. Negative symbolic consumption and consumers' drive for self-esteem. Eur J Mark 2004; 38 (7):850–68.
11. Demirbag Kaplan Melike & Yıldırım Cansu & Gulden Selin & Aktan Damla (2015). I love to hate you: Loyalty for disliked brands and the role of nostalgia. The Journal of Brand Management. 22. 10.1057/bm.2015.10.

Algorithm for studying consumer preferences in the market of medical services
Guzenko A.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Fundamental Foundations and Information Technologies in Medicine, Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 6181-9444; Author ID: 305471; ORCID: 0000-0001-5768-0957
Loksha A.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Institute of Fundamental Foundations and Information Technologies in Medicine, Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 7934-5386; Author ID: 643411; ORCID: 0000-0003-2002-2402

The article presents an algorithm for analyzing consumer preferences, which allows us to comprehensively consider the features of laboratory services and criteria for their selection by potential consumers. The subject of the study is the preferences of consumers in the market of laboratory services and its determining factors.
To study the consumer preferences of the laboratory of UNILAB LLC, as a leader in the Primorsky Krai market, the method of content analysis of secondary data, a survey of potential consumers was chosen.
Keywords: marketing, marketing mix, medical services, consumer preferences.

1. Malakhova N.G. Marketing v zdravookhranenii / N.G. Malakhova. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2015. – 222 s.
2. Kotler F. Osnovy marketinga / F. Kotler. – M.: Progress, 2015. – 733 s.
3. Cherchil A. Gilbert. Marketingovye issledovaniia. – SPb.: Piter, 2016.
4. Statt Devid. Psikhologiia potrebitelia / Devid Statt; per. s angl. – M. [i dr.]; SPb.: Piter, 2016. – 445 s.
5. Levkina Å.V., Kim A.G., Yurchenko N.A. Study of factors that determine students ' preferences in choosing an educational institution // International Journal of education and practice // Laplage em Revista. – Vol. 7. – Pp. 161–170. – DOI:10.24115/s2446-622020217extra-a789



Some aspects of the company's reputation management in the digital environment
Fadeev D.A., marketer, Gazprombank Electronic Trading Platform LLC, Moscow, Russia, å-mail:
Orlova M.V., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, «Higher School of Brand Management», IFUR, RANEPA, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: ÐÈÍÖ: 5252-5987; Researcher ID: D-1544-2019; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3971-6570

The article discusses the comprehensive implementation of reputation management tools of a modern company in an online environment. The main types of expert content as the basis of reputation formation are described, the advantages and disadvantages of modern marketing tools for building and strengthening reputation on the Internet (ORM, SERM, HM) are analyzed, the need for their simultaneous use is justified.
Keywords: reputation, digital environment, expert content, hidden marketing, search engine reputation management.

1. Stanger T. Social media online reputation management as practice: first steps towards social CRM? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.06.2022).
2. New Study: Data Reveals 67% of Consumers are Influenced by Online Reviews – Reputation Management | Branding [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.07.2022).
3. The State of Social Media – Benchmark Report 2021 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.07.2022).
4. SERM, ORM ili SMRM. Chto vybrat? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
5. ArrivoMedia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 18.07.2022).
6. Reviews, Reputation, and Revenue: The Case of [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.07.2022).
7. Top 9 ORM Statistics for 2020 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.06.2022).



Cooperation potential of the territories: features of formation and assessment guidelines
Vazhenina I.S., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Associate, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 8924-6805; Author ID: 503920; Scopus Author ID: 57190430954;
WOS Research: S-1159-2017; 0000-0001-9517-9282; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 503920
Vazhenin S.G., Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Senior Research Associate, Head of the Sector of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 7052-6100; Author ID: 503919; Scopus Author ID: 57190430409; WOS Research: S-1146-2017; 0000-0002-1517-9467; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 503919

The article reveals the characteristic features of the potential for cooperation between territories, and also presents the main parameters for assessing the vulnerability of its implementation in a modern competitive economy. It has been established that the potential for cooperation between territories can be assessed using a system of quantitative and qualitative parameters that cannot be reduced to any single indicator. At the same time, it is emphasized that objective information about interregional and intermunicipal interaction can be measured, while subjective information can only be assessed. The authors believe that for a more accurate and objective assessment of the state, effectiveness and main trends in the cooperation of the territories, it is necessary to conduct special sociological studies and expert surveys. Some examples of projects of interregional and intermunicipal cooperation, the potential of which is being successfully realized in Russia, are presented.
Keywords:  cooperation potential of territories, competitive economy, monitoring of interregional and intermunicipal interaction, vulnerability parameters and indicators for assessing the potential of cooperation between territories, cooperation projects, «horizontal»subsidies and «horizontal» budget loans.

1. Bolshoi entsiklopedicheskii slovar. – M.: Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1991. – T. 2. – 863 s.
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3. Belousov R.A. Rost ekonomicheskogo potentsiala. – M.: Ekonomika, 1971. – 55 s.
4. Smirnov V.V. Teoreticheskie podkhody k ispolzovaniiu potentsiala mezhregionalnogo sotrudnichestva // Regionalnaia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika. – 2016. – ¹ 3. – S. 53–72.
5. Rostanets V.G., Topilin A.V. Metodicheskie osnovy formirovaniia kompleksnoi infrastruktury mezhregionalnogo ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva // Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. – 2011. – ¹ 3. – S. 346–360.
6. Uskova T.V., Lukin E.V. Mezhregionalnoe sotrudnichestvo: otsenka i perspektivy razvitiia // Problemy prognozirovaniia. – 2014. – ¹ 5. – S. 119–131.
7. Barabash E.S., Leonov S.N. Mezhmunitsipalnoe vzaimodeistvie: potentsial i mekhanizm realizatsii. – Khabarovsk: RITs KhGAEP, 2013. – 188 s.
8. Klimanov V.V., Kazakova S.M., Iagovkina V.A. Instrumenty mezhregionalnogo vzaimodeistviia v sisteme gosudarstvennogo upravleniia // Regionologiia. – 2021. – T. 29. – ¹ 2. – S. 250–282. – DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.115.029.292102.250-282
9. Kuznetsova O.V. Mezhregionalnoe sotrudnichestvo v Rossii: perspektivy kooperatsii regionalnykh vlastei // Regionalnye issledovaniia. – 2019. – ¹ 1. – S. 16–26. – DOI: 10/5922/1994-5280-2019-1-2
10. Borodin V., Gagarina G. Ekonomicheskaia integratsiia regionov kak mekhanizm vyravnivaniia i rosta ikh potentsialov // Federalizm. – 2020. – ¹  2. – S. 76–91. – DOI:
11. Makarov V.L. K voprosu o proektnoi ekonomike // Ekonomicheskaia nauka sovremennoi Rossii. – 2013. – ¹ 3. – S. 8–14.
12. Loginov M., Murinovich A. Mezhregionalnyi proekt kak metod realizatsii gosudarstvennykh ekonomicheskikh interesov // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniia. – 2015. – ¹ 1. – S. 98–104.
13. Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. Konkurentnoe sosushchestvovanie territorii: neobkhodimost i vozmozhnost // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. – 2012. – T. 8. – ¹ 29 (170). – S. 2–10.
14. Vazhenina I.S., Vazhenin S.G. Imidzhevoe i informatsionnoe soprovozhdenie khoziaistvennogo osvoeniia territorii Rossii // Regionalnaia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika. – 2009. – ¹ 27. – S. 10–16.
15. Lendri Ch. Kreativnyi gorod: per. s angl. – M.: Klassika-XXI, 2011. – 399 c.
16. Vazhenin S.G., Vazhenina I.S. Identifikatsiia i otsenka territorialnoi konkurentsii // Ekonomika regiona. – 2012. – ¹ 1 (29). – S. 29–40.
17. Razvitie Ekaterinburgskoi aglomeratsii obsudili predstaviteli vlasti i biznesa [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:… (data obrashcheniia: 25.11.2021).
18. Omskii gubernator obieiasnil URA.RU, zachem neozhidanno priekhal v Ekaterinburg [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.03.2022).
19. Ekaterinburg i Perm narashchivaiut vzaimovygodnoe sotrudnichestvo [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.03.2022).
20. Regiony UrFO obieediniat s Permskim kraem i Bashkiriei radi turistov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: https: ura. news/news/1052531611 (data obrashcheniia: 07.02.2022).

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the competitiveness of transport enterprises
Gusev E.G., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Logistics, Admiral G. I. Nevelsky Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Verkhneportovaya, 50a, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 58647794; Author ID: 509026; ORCID: 0000-0002-6905-079X
Bogdanova O.B., Senior Lecturer, Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok, Gogol 41, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 5614-5909; Author ID: 872106; ORCID: 0000-0002-5067-6485
Porshkevich N.Yu., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Logistics, Admiral G.I. Nevelsky Maritime State University, Vladivostok, Verkhneportovaya, 50a, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 5657-4864; Author ID: 985366; ORCID: 0000-0003-3371-6454

The scientific article is devoted to clarifying the content of the «competitiveness of a transport enterprise» as an economic category and determining the conceptual ways to increase the competitiveness of a transport enterprise.
The study is based on the theoretical and methodological provisions of the theory of competitiveness, developed by domestic and foreign authors.
Keywords:  competitiveness, transport enterprises, methods, criteria, competitiveness of a transport enterprise.

1. Blieva M.V. Analiz putei povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti tovarov innovatsionnogo predpriiatiia / M.V. Blieva, A.S. Bichieva // Novaia nauka: sovremennoe sostoianie i puti razvitiia. – Ufa: Agentstvo mezhdunarodnykh issledovatelei, 2017. – S. 30–33.
2. Kompleksnyi pokazatel urovnia konkurentosposobnosti [sait] // Korporativnyi menedzhment [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.11.2022).
3. Konkurentosposobnost transportnogo predpriiatiia [sait] // [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.11.2022).
4. Ianelis A.V. Formirovanie sistemy upravleniia kachestvom transportnogo obsluzhivaniia // Transportnoe pravo i bezopasnost. – 2022. – ¹ 1 (41). – S. 135–145.
5. Blagonravova Iu.K. Primenenie SWOT-analiza dlia otsenki razvitiia transportnoi kompanii / Iu.K. Blagonravova, N.S. Bolshakov, A.V. Vinogradov, E.S. Liashkova, I.V. Pykhteeva // Nauchnye issledovaniia vysshei shkoly: sb. st. VII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Penza, 2022. – S. 44–46.
6. Sukhova E.A. Sravnitelnyi analiz podkhodov k opredeleniiu metodov otsenki konkurentosposobnosti predpriiatiia // Vestnik molodykh uchenykh Samar. gos. ekon. un-ta. – Samara: Samar. gos. ekon. un-t. – 2019. – ¹ 2 (38). – S. 137–144.
7. Opredelenie konkurentosposobnosti predpriiatiia [sait] // Izdatelskaia gruppa «Delo i servis» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.11.2022).
8. Fedorov A.V. Vzaimosviaz menedzhmenta razvitiia i konkurentosposobnosti predpriiatiia [sait] / A.V. Fedorov // Nauchnaia elektronnaia biblioteka «KiberLeninka». – 2017. – ¹ 1 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.11.2022).
9. Ganieva G.A. Metody otsenki konkurentosposobnosti transportnoi organizatsii / G.A. Ganieva, S.D. Vdovina // Issledovanie innovatsionnogo potentsiala obshchestva i formirovanie napravlenii ego strategicheskogo razvitiia. – Kursk: Iugo-Zap. gos. un-t. – 2019. – ¹ 1 (3). – S. 212–218.
10. Gatina G.F. Metody analiza i otsenki konkurentosposobnosti predpriiatiia // Novaia nauka v novom mire: filosofskoe, sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe, kulturologicheskoe osmyslenie: sb. st. II Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Petrozavodsk, 2019. – S. 57–60.
11. Levkina E.V., Petrova N.I., Loksha A.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty otsenki finansovogo sostoianiia transportnykh kompanii Primorskogo kraia // Azimut nauchnykh issledovanii: ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2021. – T. 10. – ¹ 2 (35). – S. 219–221.



Belarus industrial enterprises in the EAEU market: position and development trends of their entrepreneurial activities
Sverlov A.S., PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing of the Belarus State Economic University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 5552-3294
Golik V.S., PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing of the Belarus State Economic University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 4289-8099
Tsygankov A.A., PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral student Department of Logistics and Pricing Policy of the Belarus State Economic University, e-mail:
SPIN-code: 1090-8328

The article shows that the EAEU is an integration of economies that were previously part of a single economic system. It is substantiated that in the case of the formation of a common economic space and the formation of stable economic ties between the enterprises of these countries, the opinion is a more difficult step than the unification of national legislation and the creation of a common legal framework for their functioning in a single internal market. The article points out that among other significant problems that this integration entity may face are the disproportion of individual economic systems to each other and the lack of understanding of the optimal shares of the presence of each member state in the internal market of the EAEU and in the markets of third countries.
Keywords: export, market, industry, advantages, conjuncture.

1. Kozhekin G.Ia. Marketing predpriiatiia. – Minsk: Knizhnyi dom; Misanta, 2004. – 239 s.
2. Avdokushin E.F. Mezhdunarodnye ekonomicheskie otnosheniia. – M.: Iuristie, 1999. – 368 s.
3. Bobkov V.A. Problemy vneshneekonomicheskoi deiatelnosti predpriiatii g. Minska. – Minsk: MNIISEPP, 2001. – 87 s.
4. Bludova S.N. K voprosu o metodike otsenki regionalnoi vneshneekonomicheskoi deiatelnosti / S.N. Bludova // Voprosy statistiki. – 2002. – ¹ 11. – S. 65–66.
5. Dannye o vneshnei torgovle stran EAES [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.01.2021).

Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».